
For a mere $ do however get 3 games and 1 accessory.

More importantly though, this is what it says:

Dates and prices have not been confirmed and are subject to change. Actual price for this bundle may be higher or lower. If the price is higher, you will be charged the higher price. If the price is lower, you will be charged the lower price.

You will receive an e-mail confirming dates, prices and the process for choosing your three games once this information is available.

Orders will be shipped on a first-come first-serve basis.

You may cancel your order at any time up until 10 days before the PSP launch date. Your credit card will be charged 10 days before the PSP launch date.

Time to order...

PSP Bundle

UH OH! felt left out and have bundles now.
Sony PSP Action Pack! $379.95 GTA, Untold Legends, Metal Gear Solid Acid, Pelican Starter Kit incl.
Sony PSP Sports Pack! $379.95 NFSU, Tiger Woods, NFL Street, Pelican Starter Kit incl.
Sony PSP Fun Pack! $379.95 Tony Hawk UG2, Mercury, Spiderman 2, Pelican Starter Kit incl.
Sony PSP Variety Pack! $479.93 NFSU, Tony Hawk UG2, Mercury, Untold Legends, Metal Gear Solid Acid, Pelican Starter Kit incl.
[quote name='Arkay Firestar'][quote name='-Never4ever-'][quote name='Arkay Firestar']
At least my iPod doesn't eject my music when I twist it between my hands. lol...give me a break. And expect a ton of dead pixels...reports all over the net confirm that you'll most likely have at least one dead pixel.

I agree with sticking with the GBASP. I don't like to embarasss myself by playing much in public anyways, but I'm sorry, the PSP is viable for absolutely nothing, and its hardly "for adults." As if that means anything anymore with little kids running around talking about how many hookers they ran over in GTA: San Andreas the night before.

Oh, and that Nomad-esque battery life only supports my point. Watch a movie, and then charge it up, baby. For 400 dollars you can buy: An iPod, a GBASP with a couple games, and possibly, a life.[/quote]

First off, the PSP only ejectys games when twisted a certain way, and only when enough pressure is applied.

Second, the nomad batt life was LESS than 1hr, where as the PSPs is well over 2 when playing movies, well over 3hrs when playing games and well over 6hrs when playing music.

Lastly, I'm sick and shaq-fuin tired of all this "get a life" shit. Someone please define what this "life" is. Is it parting in clubs, acting like a shaq-fuing retard? Is it smoking weed then tripping out over all the inane reality shows on MTV? How about acting like your straight gedo, B? To put it bluntly: all life is meaningless, doesn't matter what I "choose", it all amounts to nothing. So please don't act like your so goddman special, you (along with every last living organism) amount to absolutely nothing. Besides, you obviously have knowledge of both Gamefaqs and CAG, you're in the same boat as the rest of us :p[/quote]

Get a life means stop defending a worthless piece of electronic equipment at the cost of hurting the feelings of other people, perhaps by accusing them that they just badmouth it because they are too poor to buy it. Get a life means stop defending a worthless piece of electronic equipment as if you just finished a long f**k session with it and are madly in love with it and engaged to be married.

Like what you like, enjoy what you enjoy, but don't do it if it means ripping through other people. Its just a piece of plastic.[/quote]

:lol: Feel better? Do you think you proved something? Because you did, You proved that you're a simple hypocrite. You ask us to stop "insulting" you, all the while you had to go and open your big ole mouth (figuratively speaking of course) and insult the lot of "us" first. Face it, you're just pissed that they're releasing it at such a high price point, and that people are going to flock to it anyhow. BTW it may just be a piece of plastic, but that doesn't change the fact that you're just a bag of bones :p
[quote name='-Never4ever-'][quote name='Arkay Firestar'][quote name='-Never4ever-'][quote name='Arkay Firestar']
At least my iPod doesn't eject my music when I twist it between my hands. lol...give me a break. And expect a ton of dead pixels...reports all over the net confirm that you'll most likely have at least one dead pixel.

I agree with sticking with the GBASP. I don't like to embarasss myself by playing much in public anyways, but I'm sorry, the PSP is viable for absolutely nothing, and its hardly "for adults." As if that means anything anymore with little kids running around talking about how many hookers they ran over in GTA: San Andreas the night before.

Oh, and that Nomad-esque battery life only supports my point. Watch a movie, and then charge it up, baby. For 400 dollars you can buy: An iPod, a GBASP with a couple games, and possibly, a life.[/quote]

First off, the PSP only ejectys games when twisted a certain way, and only when enough pressure is applied.

Second, the nomad batt life was LESS than 1hr, where as the PSPs is well over 2 when playing movies, well over 3hrs when playing games and well over 6hrs when playing music.

Lastly, I'm sick and shaq-fuin tired of all this "get a life" shit. Someone please define what this "life" is. Is it parting in clubs, acting like a shaq-fuing retard? Is it smoking weed then tripping out over all the inane reality shows on MTV? How about acting like your straight gedo, B? To put it bluntly: all life is meaningless, doesn't matter what I "choose", it all amounts to nothing. So please don't act like your so goddman special, you (along with every last living organism) amount to absolutely nothing. Besides, you obviously have knowledge of both Gamefaqs and CAG, you're in the same boat as the rest of us :p[/quote]

Get a life means stop defending a worthless piece of electronic equipment at the cost of hurting the feelings of other people, perhaps by accusing them that they just badmouth it because they are too poor to buy it. Get a life means stop defending a worthless piece of electronic equipment as if you just finished a long f**k session with it and are madly in love with it and engaged to be married.

Like what you like, enjoy what you enjoy, but don't do it if it means ripping through other people. Its just a piece of plastic.[/quote]

:lol: Feel better? Do you think you proved something? Because you did, You proved that you're a simple hypocrite. You ask us to stop "insulting" you, all the while you had to go and open your big ole mouth (figuratively speaking of course) and insult the lot of "us" first. Face it, you're just pissed that they're releasing it at such a high price point, and that people are going to flock to it anyhow. BTW it may just be a piece of plastic, but that doesn't change the fact that you're just a bag of bones :p[/quote]

I always expected 250. Hell, I expected more. I just didn't expect the hardware to be defective.

One person in this thread said a lot of stuff about how he talks down to idiots, implying that I'm an idiot. That's cool. I'm going to apologize for every stupid thing I've said in this thread. I stand by my opinion that the PSP is of poor construction and to not be able to buy the system separately is moronic, but I never wanted to hurt anyone's feeling, I was just trying to stand my ground I overreacted because I felt myself and others were being condescended to, and I responded in kind. My bad.
Well, Arkay actually thinks that iPod is a better purchase than the PSP, so all his arguments are totally meaningless to me. Hope you enjoy your sucky mp3 player that you purchased so you can be cool and "have a life" :lol: :lol:
Isint Sony the best hardware maker?
thats their speciality, they don't make games right?
hi im new btw
[quote name='Arkay Firestar']
I always expected 250. Hell, I expected more. I just didn't expect the hardware to be defective.

One person in this thread said a lot of stuff about how he talks down to idiots, implying that I'm an idiot. That's cool. I'm going to apologize for every stupid thing I've said in this thread. I stand by my opinion that the PSP is of poor construction and to not be able to buy the system separately is moronic, but I never wanted to hurt anyone's feeling, I was just trying to stand my ground I overreacted because I felt myself and others were being condescended to, and I responded in kind. My bad.[/quote]

Sorry, I didn't see the post where someone claimed to talk down to "idiots". Personally I was just sick of all this stupid "get a life" talk, but I understand how you felt. I don't disagree with you, it is rather cheap of sony not to release the PSP by it's lone self. Rather they want to stick us with some hockey accesories and a crappy mem stick. Also I understand that the first million PSPs will be faulty, why do you think sony's giving away Spider-Man 2 :lol: That's what an extended warrenty's for :D Also I stand by my opinion that the PSP is easily worth the $250, less than that when you factor in the cheap ass trade-ins (another CAG staple)
[quote name='peteyrose']Well, Arkay actually thinks that iPod is a better purchase than the PSP, so all his arguments are totally meaningless to me. Hope you enjoy your sucky mp3 player that you purchased so you can be cool and "have a life" :lol: :lol:[/quote]

Dude I was just pointing out that for the price of the bundle you could get more than one thing. Lay off.
not reading through 6 pages to find this, so sorry if it's been posted already. The U.S is only getting bundles, no option asia got on just the system, or the value pack. IGN has posted that sony is looking at 249.99 on march 21st. the first million people to buy one (ironic since sony states they will only have made 1 million for north amarica at the end of it's fiscal year, march 24th) you get a "free" umd demo disc with trailers and non playable demos, and a full movie of spiderman 2 on, a non playing demo and a crappy movie? i did a pre order for one months ago for 10 each for 2 at ebgames, they raised the min to 20 now, andwere estimating it to be 190. games are looking to be 50 a pop (gonna wait till it comes out, then snag darkstalkers 3 for japan for cheap-x=punch,squere=kick, all i need to know).again sony finds a way to screw it's costomers
Based on recent responses by Sony on the button issue and the lack of a solid price mark, I'm just going to wait... and wait.. till the price hits that 149 base or 189 package price before I jump on board. I'm still holding off the DS also due to lack of games.
i got a deal on a DS, only reason i have one. I'll give it credit for the sound being better then my sp and advanced, and the sceen/light is cleaner and brighter. Other then that it sucks. Using that thumbstrap stylis pad thing as an analog on the touch screen blows. also the lack of supporting old gb games(i love my black and white castlvania and the original FF's) and it does nt support multi player gba games. I wanted to buy aDS game for it, but looking at them all made me sick from lack of anything good. I thought about spiderman2, but looking at the back of it made me puke and leave it on the shelf--i feel gipped :cry:
[quote name='Chris in Cali']So basically, PSP is an over-priced rip-off, and the DS just sucks.[/quote]

basically, yes. i was dying for the psp to come out, and even with the esitmated 190 price, i could live with buying one for me and one for my girl. the new 249.99 tag thogh, was about as amusing as a kick to the nuts on a cold morning
Went into EB yesterday and the guy was trying to get me to preorder a PSP like he was getting a bonus for selling them. Goes into the whole stick about it being $250 and yada yada yada. I played dumb, bought my games, and left the scene.

I think I'm going to wait on getting one. The thing looks cool as hell, but I just can not see paying $250 for a portable system. :^o Probably change my mind after I try one. :)
I was really on the fence about getting one until someone showed it to me; then I knew right then and there that I had to get it. I'm just going to get a game or two and wait it out for price drops. The real question is, which game?
these games look pretty good to me:

ridge racer psp
grand theft auto psp
metal gear acid psp
rengoku psp

the first three are all rehashes, and rengoku looks like ninja gaiden/prince of persia type of game.

my questions for the PSP are:

+will it be possible to upgrade the battery
+will stores like frys make some crazy ass bundles($250 for the value packs and include some free accessories)
[quote name='Chris in Cali']So basically, PSP is an over-priced rip-off, and the DS just sucks.[/quote]

No, actually you've got it all horribly wrong, I know you were trying to look cool and all, but damn are you ever so wrong.
[quote name='dracula']these games look pretty good to me:

ridge racer psp
grand theft auto psp
metal gear acid psp
rengoku psp

the first three are all rehashes, and rengoku looks like ninja gaiden/prince of persia type of game.

my questions for the PSP are:

+will it be possible to upgrade the battery
+will stores like frys make some crazy ass bundles($250 for the value packs and include some free accessories)[/quote]

Ridge Racers is a sequal, it's not a port/rehash, ditto for GTA and MGA. Please do some research before posting about things you obviously have little to no knowledge on.
[quote name='-Never4ever-'][quote name='Chris in Cali']So basically, PSP is an over-priced rip-off, and the DS just sucks.[/quote]

No, actually you've got it all horribly wrong, I know you were trying to look cool and all, but damn are you ever so wrong.[/quote]

It was a joke, I was being sarcastic, take a breather. I own a DS, and I'm getting a PSP at launch.
Games will be ($50 min) for launch and for several months after~~...Ive heard from some reps.

But the value pack only is somewhat of a retarded decision. I really dont care for fancy accessories to complement unless i REALLY need them.

I guess they just realized that due to good sales in Japan, they could dump the $250 price tag on the US market, make more money, and the consumers bite down and dish out for their psp. That sucks.. Honestly-they should have provided some damn choices here. And by that, not choices which jack the price up to startospheric levels.

Here are the contents of the value pack:
Package Contents

PSP (PlayStation Portable) , AC Power Adapter (100 - 240V) , PSP Headphones With Remote Control, PSP Soft Case & Hand Strap, 32M Memory Stick Duo PSP Battery Pack

As for accessories, ive only heard of the PSP screen protector, which frankly, isnt worth $30, and not even $15.
[quote name='-Never4ever-'][quote name='dracula']these games look pretty good to me:

ridge racer psp
grand theft auto psp
metal gear acid psp
rengoku psp

the first three are all rehashes, and rengoku looks like ninja gaiden/prince of persia type of game.

my questions for the PSP are:

+will it be possible to upgrade the battery
+will stores like frys make some crazy ass bundles($250 for the value packs and include some free accessories)[/quote]

Ridge Racers is a sequal, it's not a port/rehash, ditto for GTA and MGA. Please do some research before posting about things you obviously have little to no knowledge on.[/quote]

I think rehash meant "sequel." Calm down dude, damn.
[quote name='EndlessChris'][quote name='-Never4ever-'][quote name='dracula']these games look pretty good to me:

ridge racer psp
grand theft auto psp
metal gear acid psp
rengoku psp

the first three are all rehashes, and rengoku looks like ninja gaiden/prince of persia type of game.

my questions for the PSP are:

+will it be possible to upgrade the battery
+will stores like frys make some crazy ass bundles($250 for the value packs and include some free accessories)[/quote]

Ridge Racers is a sequal, it's not a port/rehash, ditto for GTA and MGA. Please do some research before posting about things you obviously have little to no knowledge on.[/quote]

I think rehash meant "sequel." Calm down dude, damn.[/quote]

yeah, the point is that gta, metal gear and ridge racer are all existing franchises, rengoku isnt. You really want to dispute that?
[quote name='dracula'][quote name='EndlessChris'][quote name='-Never4ever-'][quote name='dracula']these games look pretty good to me:

ridge racer psp
grand theft auto psp
metal gear acid psp
rengoku psp

the first three are all rehashes, and rengoku looks like ninja gaiden/prince of persia type of game.

my questions for the PSP are:

+will it be possible to upgrade the battery
+will stores like frys make some crazy ass bundles($250 for the value packs and include some free accessories)[/quote]

Ridge Racers is a sequal, it's not a port/rehash, ditto for GTA and MGA. Please do some research before posting about things you obviously have little to no knowledge on.[/quote]

I think rehash meant "sequel." Calm down dude, damn.[/quote]

yeah, the point is that gta, metal gear and ridge racer are all existing franchises, rengoku isnt. You really want to dispute that?[/quote]

Is that a threat? :lol:

I just get a little bent when people try to discuss things they obviously don't know about. I think I was acting a bit rash however. Regardless, they're not rehashes, hell MGA has little -to-nothing to do with the rest of the Metal Gear franchise.
[quote name='peloquin17'][quote name='Bivensra'][quote name='peloquin17']seem to me that most people just cant afford the system, so they attack the people who can afford it.

i work a full time job that pays me very well, and so does my wife.

im dropping $500 MINIMUM on the system and games when it comes out because i have the money to spend and i can use it however i like.

because of that do i need to "get a life" ?

pass the hatorade brah, you had too much.[/quote]

sup? i'm in dirty jerz as well and can also afford the system. i just am concerned about buying it and there being a quick price drop or they make a drastic change to the system to address some of its issues and i have the old version. i feel the same way about the ds. i am going to be pissed if the big news is a price drop. yeah, i have $ to spend, i just do not want to waste it. must stay away from psp in store demo to avoid impulse purchse (that is what happened w/ the ds)[/quote]

jersey in da house!!! you up north or down south?

I dont want to waste money either. The only price drop I forsee is if they take out the value pack and just sell the system bare. I could understand not wanting the value pack added in, because it drives the price up. personally, i was prolly gonna by the value pack anyway.

as far as the DS goes...wait for a price drop. i got the DS at launch and i am terribly disappointed. i might actually get rid of it, and get one when the price drops. i dont think its worth the money.

on the other hand, i feel the psp is worth the money. i think the memory is overpriced tho, but to be able to rip dvds and put them on a memory card is pretty cool. i watched my friend do it with shaun of the dead and the start wars 3 trailer. looked pretty easy.

granted, it might have some problems, but all systems do.[/quote]

bought the ds at launch as well. pre-ordered the psp a couple of weeks ago and i just moved to jersey city from Calif.
bread's done