PSP dead?

Link caused a error and IE crash the first time. Now works, weird. Looks like a java problem. I got to read the article and In a way I kinda agree. Sony put the emphasis on movies higher then they did with games. You can walk in to most gamestops in my area and see many times more movies then games. While I hope the PS2 emulation turns out to be true, unless we see bigger titles I don't expect PSP to last much longer.
with around 12 solid titles coming out this year alone, solid support from Namco,Capcom and Midway not to mention SquareEnix bringing out a few titles to the system I really don't see it going anywhere. Secondly most people on this board will tell you even those of us like myself who own a DS lite that given a choice between buying a title for their PSP or their DS they will buy it for their PSP. Honestly the fact the guy is comparing it to the Wii and the 360 tell me something is off in his logic.

Its main competition is the GBA which is mostly a dead system though every nintendo fanboy insists its not and the DS Lite which currently is having a very very weak year for games. I think it has like 3 maybe 4 titles for the DS that are solid the rest are GBA games. The fact that more people play GBA games on thier DS than DS games tells me something is inheritly wrong with the DS's library as well. At least at this point it looks like Sony is doing more to fix that than nintendo which is dissappointing because I love nintendo I've owned every console they've made , the orginal gameboy and now the DS :/.
i really think they could have had a winner, had they not wasted so much energy on firmware updates and support for movies that no one will buy. The price tag for the system and the games make it harder for kids to support their gaming habbits. No parent is gonna want to drop 50 bucks on a game every other week.

I really wouldnt care if the thing "dies". That just means the library stops growing and the games drop in price
[quote name='PhoenixT']
Its main competition is the GBA which is mostly a dead system though every nintendo fanboy insists its not and the DS Lite which currently is having a very very weak year for games. I think it has like 3 maybe 4 titles for the DS that are solid the rest are GBA games. The fact that more people play GBA games on their DS than DS games tells me something is inherently wrong with the DS's library as well. At least at this point it looks like Sony is doing more to fix that than nintendo which is disappointing because I love nintendo I've owned every console they've made , the original gameboy and now the DS :/.[/QUOTE]

WTF? The DS is currently having a very very weak year for games? The New Super Mario Bros. and the two brain training games have sold around 8 million total already. What PSP games have numbers like that this year?

I agree the PSP is going to have some good games coming out but the DS lineup is going to also have some good games coming:

Final Fantasy III
Castlevania Portrait of Ruin
Yoshi 2
Mario vs. DK 2
Mario Hoops
Dragon Quest
Zelda Phantom Hourglass

That's off the top of my head.

I'm not sure the PSP is dead just yet. I'm awaiting:

Metal Gear Portable Ops
Earthworm Jim

There are also some other good games coming:

Loco Roco
Metal Slug Anthology

I think both systems are great.

As for the article...I do agree with some of it. The movies were done wrong but then again I wouldn't buy them anyway...its not what I bought the system for. The PSP has some things going for it that could help...the greatest hits line as well as a price drop on the system. The PS1 downloads could help as well but controls could get in the way of some games. I think the main problem with the PSP is you REALLY need to be careful what you buy. While not every game has long load times there are some that are unacceptable. Once I learned to hold off on games until reviews I've been a lot happier with the system. Syphon Filter Dark Mirror was AMAZING. I'm hoping Metal Gear holds up.

The only other thing is that we do get PS2 caliber games but we never know how the final PSP product will be. The controls become an issue. It seems to me the games made specifically for the PSP are the ones that will do the best...along with 1st party titles as they seem to do well with the system. Capcom has done a great job with it but these are mainly older games brought back to life. I'd like to see a new Resident Evil or some really great exclusive that makes me go WOW.

I think the DS is way in the lead even though I own and love both. I do think the next year will really determine if the PSP system is here to stay or go though.
you definitely mentioned some good points, and i would question that person's source, but it's obviously fabricated.

If you compare my library of games for the DS, compared to the PSP, it's not even close. Games for the PSP, for the most part, just seem like knock-off PS2 games. Most titles don't even seem to be made with portability in mind.
[quote name='PhoenixT']

Its main competition is the GBA which is mostly a dead system though every nintendo fanboy insists its not and the DS Lite which currently is having a very very weak year for games. I think it has like 3 maybe 4 titles for the DS that are solid the rest are GBA games. The fact that more people play GBA games on thier DS than DS games tells me something is inheritly wrong with the DS's library as well. At least at this point it looks like Sony is doing more to fix that than nintendo which is dissappointing because I love nintendo I've owned every console they've made , the orginal gameboy and now the DS :/.[/QUOTE]

I'd say people have been playing more of thier GBA games on it because the library of GBA is so much larger than the library of DS games. It speaks more to the strength of the GBA library than the weakness of the DS library. If you walked into someone's house and found them playing Valkyrie Profile on their PS2 you don't automatically assume they dislike the PS2 over the Playstation...

I've never been a fan of the PSP because they pushed the movies and music and doppler radar or whatever else they stuck in that machine so hard. "Here's a game system that does a whole bunch of crap that has nothing to do with games, and we're making YOU pay for all that crap. Congratulations!!!"

I seriously doubt the system will fail though. While many people bought it because they did their research and determined that it was something they wanted, there was also an army of sheeple who went out and bought it because it's the cool thing to have - because it plays movies - because it looks cool to pull it out on an airplane and have people ask you what you're playing.
[quote name='jkam']WTF? The DS is currently having a very very weak year for games? The New Super Mario Bros. and the two brain training games have sold around 8 million total already. What PSP games have numbers like that this year?

I agree the PSP is going to have some good games coming out but the DS lineup is going to also have some good games coming:

Final Fantasy III
Castlevania Portrait of Ruin
Yoshi 2
Mario vs. DK 2
Mario Hoops
Dragon Quest
Zelda Phantom Hourglass

That's off the top of my head.

I'm not sure the PSP is dead just yet. I'm awaiting:

Metal Gear Portable Ops
Earthworm Jim

There are also some other good games coming:

Loco Roco
Metal Slug Anthology

I think both systems are great.

As for the article...I do agree with some of it. The movies were done wrong but then again I wouldn't buy them anyway...its not what I bought the system for. The PSP has some things going for it that could help...the greatest hits line as well as a price drop on the system. The PS1 downloads could help as well but controls could get in the way of some games. I think the main problem with the PSP is you REALLY need to be careful what you buy. While not every game has long load times there are some that are unacceptable. Once I learned to hold off on games until reviews I've been a lot happier with the system. Syphon Filter Dark Mirror was AMAZING. I'm hoping Metal Gear holds up.

The only other thing is that we do get PS2 caliber games but we never know how the final PSP product will be. The controls become an issue. It seems to me the games made specifically for the PSP are the ones that will do the best...along with 1st party titles as they seem to do well with the system. Capcom has done a great job with it but these are mainly older games brought back to life. I'd like to see a new Resident Evil or some really great exclusive that makes me go WOW.

I think the DS is way in the lead even though I own and love both. I do think the next year will really determine if the PSP system is here to stay or go though.[/quote]

jkam you get all bent out of shape when I remotely mention the DS and doing anything but kissing emotes. Out of the games you listed on the top of your head 3 of those are of any interest to me at all *shrug*. You also missed the secret of mana game that I think is coming to DS this year so you can add that one. The new super mario bros is interesting but hardly ground breaking and hardly that "new" from what I've played of it. Don't get me wrong I do love my DS I'm glad I bought one. I just think there are more games coming out for the PsP that fit my interest than the DS has going for it. Its got enough titles and names to ensure the systems going to continue for a while. Its not going to last forever no system does but it certainly brings its fair share to the table. I'm more of a fighting game fan and the PsP has a lot of those coming out and was till I checked recently getting a final fantasy of its own. Also Call of Duty 3 and SOCOM 2 are upcoming PsP titles, not mentioning Rayman,Ratchet and Clank next year oh and Lumines 2 (which even given the soundtrack sounds good).
All I know is that I just got my PSP today, I've already bought 8 games for it, and there are many more PSP titles that interest me. As a DS owner I will probably go back and forth buying games for one system and then the other. The only issue for me is money. If Sony can find a way to drop the price on their stuff then I will be able to buy more and I will follow the system's progress even more closely than I am now.
[quote name='PhoenixT']jkam you get all bent out of shape when I remotely mention the DS and doing anything but kissing emotes. Out of the games you listed on the top of your head 3 of those are of any interest to me at all *shrug*. You also missed the secret of mana game that I think is coming to DS this year so you can add that one. The new super mario bros is interesting but hardly ground breaking and hardly that "new" from what I've played of it. Don't get me wrong I do love my DS I'm glad I bought one. I just think there are more games coming out for the PsP that fit my interest than the DS has going for it. Its got enough titles and names to ensure the systems going to continue for a while. Its not going to last forever no system does but it certainly brings its fair share to the table. I'm more of a fighting game fan and the PsP has a lot of those coming out and was till I checked recently getting a final fantasy of its own. Also Call of Duty 3 and SOCOM 2 are upcoming PsP titles, not mentioning Rayman,Ratchet and Clank next year oh and Lumines 2 (which even given the soundtrack sounds good).[/QUOTE]

I think it would have helped if your first post had said "I'm not that excited about many of the games coming out for the DS this year" as opposed to generalizing that they have a "weak lineup". I don't like the GTA series, but I'm not going to pretend it's a weak title just because I'm not interested - especially in a conversation about a system's overall merits across the gaming community.

After your response to jkam your first post makes more sense...
obviously titles that interest one person won't appeal to everyone. That being said, from a multiplayer perspective, the DS really owns in that department. There are so many DS download titles that only require one game to play.

As far as online goes, I do prefer how the PSP has it's servers set up. They skip the FCs, and have a meet and greet style format, instead of random generators choosing your opponents.

The controls on the DS for me are superior. FPS games are much easier to play, and the thumb stick is a bit more forgiving.

Im currently trying to find a few mods to make fighting games, and FPS games easier to play on PSP
[quote name='PhoenixT']jkam you get all bent out of shape when I remotely mention the DS and doing anything but kissing emotes. Out of the games you listed on the top of your head 3 of those are of any interest to me at all *shrug*. You also missed the secret of mana game that I think is coming to DS this year so you can add that one. The new super mario bros is interesting but hardly ground breaking and hardly that "new" from what I've played of it. Don't get me wrong I do love my DS I'm glad I bought one. I just think there are more games coming out for the PsP that fit my interest than the DS has going for it. Its got enough titles and names to ensure the systems going to continue for a while. Its not going to last forever no system does but it certainly brings its fair share to the table. I'm more of a fighting game fan and the PsP has a lot of those coming out and was till I checked recently getting a final fantasy of its own. Also Call of Duty 3 and SOCOM 2 are upcoming PsP titles, not mentioning Rayman,Ratchet and Clank next year oh and Lumines 2 (which even given the soundtrack sounds good).[/QUOTE]

In your post you said the DS is having a very very weak year for games which isn't true. Numbers don't lie. I didn't buy either Brain game but they both sold extremely well. You should have ended the statement with something like in my opinion or the new DS games don't interest me. Even though I see some potentially good games coming out for the PSP not all of them interest me just like all of the DS games coming out don't interest me. It doesn't mean they aren't good or won't sell well.

In the bottom portion of my post I talk about the different things the PSP DOES have going for it and I said there are some great games headed our way. It would be silly for me to hope for the PSP's failure as an owner myself.

I also forgot about the new Silent Hill game coming for the PSP. :)
[quote name='chosen1s']I think it would have helped if your first post had said "I'm not that excited about many of the games coming out for the DS this year" as opposed to generalizing that they have a "weak lineup". I don't like the GTA series, but I'm not going to pretend it's a weak title just because I'm not interested - especially in a conversation about a system's overall merits across the gaming community.

After your response to jkam your first post makes more sense...[/quote]

No ...actually I don't think it would have. Anything stated here is an opinion when someone says it has a weak lineup you have to assume its in "their opinion" that it has a weak lineup. Because you guys get all worked up and excited over stuff like Nintendogs,Animal crossing and Brain Age dosent mean that I have to as well. Animal crossing and Nintenddogs to me look flat out....boring. Brain age is passingly fun but if I want to sharpen my mind I'll study for a certification or something more productive than quickly counting blocks or checking my short term memory for numbers.

The two less "mainstream" games that get my interest in the DS are the tarma center and the phoenix wright game. The rest wow look its ....starfox....thats what the 7th starfox game, oh look metroid ...again (granted its fun as hell). Oh....Zelda...what a surprise Zelda...on a nintendo system. Oh and Mario ..."everything". The ideas aren't that new, thier not that edgy as DS owners like to think. Are they fun yes are they profound and "fresh" heck no. I'm not knocking the fun of the system I'm just saying its not the begin all and end all that people like to make it out to be.

I got the PsP first because it had the most games for it that I wanted and my friends have it to which makes wi fi more fun. I got my DS second because I liked the Lite and thought the system was finally getting a lineup I could get behind thats the end of it. I like both, I play both, they both have advantages.

P.S. why do DS owners constantly come here bashing the PSP I hardly ever see PSP owners doing that on the DS boards(not attacking anyone in this thead since you guys don't do that just wondering).
[quote name='jkam']In your post you said the DS is having a very very weak year for games which isn't true. Numbers don't lie. I didn't buy either Brain game but they both sold extremely well. You should have ended the statement with something like in my opinion or the new DS games don't interest me. Even though I see some potentially good games coming out for the PSP not all of them interest me just like all of the DS games coming out don't interest me. It doesn't mean they aren't good or won't sell well.

In the bottom portion of my post I talk about the different things the PSP DOES have going for it and I said there are some great games headed our way. It would be silly for me to hope for the PSP's failure as an owner myself.

I also forgot about the new Silent Hill game coming for the PSP. :)[/quote]

Point taken and apologies for any offense given in any of my posts. I'm in the same boat wtih you I "love" both handhelds and want to see them continue running I just get irked at a lot of of the "Nintendo is more innovative on the DS" when its not really that accurate in my mind its not much more innovative than the PsP. I do have to admit the styles is fun even if it feels a bit much to juggle it and the contorls like in games like Castlevania dawn of sorrow hate holding onto my styles while I'm holding the system feels awkward :/.
Yes, the PSP is dying. I own a PSP. I don't own a DS, but I wish I had instead.

The bad:

- The hardware design is poor. Everyone talks about the nub and lack of a second analog, which limits the types of games it can effectively support from the onset. But no one talks about the underclocked CPU, which was done at the last minute to stretch battery life. Underclocking the CPU is at fault for the console not reaching its targeted technical potential. Another way to extend battery life is to reduce access to the UMD. That's why you have three minute load times, instead of constant streaming of data off the disc.

- Because of all these hardware limitations, developers are just now grasping the types of games they can make for the PSP. That's why now you are seeing fixed camera angles, or limited 2D controls in a 3D space. Basically, 3D updates of GBA titles.

- Its saving grace would be if it was a decent media player with a supported digital distribution infrastructure, but that's not the case. Sony wanted the UMD Video format to succeed, so they limited video resolution playback from memory cards to less than the native resolution. And they made it near impossible to copy videos to the PSP regardless of resolution. For example, I download the 1UP Show every week in AAC video format. This format is supported by the PSP but in order to copy it over I have to recovert it upon transfer, for no good reason other than to create a thumbnail. Now I see Sony is selling movies on memory card, but these are gimped at the low 320x240 resolution, not at the native UMD resolution format.

The good? Not much. I'm so disappointed with it I'm thinking of selling mine. It's about as worthless as a brick to me. The only positive is that when they finally get the mod chips working, I'll be able to run homebrew apps and emus.

[quote name='boyward']All I know is that I just got my PSP today, I've already bought 8 games for it, and there are many more PSP titles that interest me. As a DS owner I will probably go back and forth buying games for one system and then the other. The only issue for me is money. If Sony can find a way to drop the price on their stuff then I will be able to buy more and I will follow the system's progress even more closely than I am now.[/quote]

I just bought a psp like a few days ago. Its the perfect answer to a handheld debate. Just buy both.
I don't think the PSP is going anywhere as of yet. I live in NYC and take the subway Mon-Fri and notice more people with PSP's everyday. I'm on my second PSP now, I got the first one on launch day. The reason I traded it in was because there was any good games out at the time. I’m waiting for the release of Gran Turismo: Mobile, but it’s been push back more then anything.
the main problem I see with the PSP soo far is that the vast majority of games for it are ports of PS2 games. Those games are not properly optimised to work well on the PSP. Battery life, load times, save points all become issues with these types of games.

What the PSP needs, and what it now seems its finally going to be getting, are games developed from the ground up to be PSP games. When developed with the PSP in mind from day one, games can work around the limitations of the PSP instead of exposing them. Load times, UMD access, Battery life, control issues, save point, etc can all be properly managed when you start out the development process with those issues in mind.

I really love the look of the psp, but I dont own one yet, Im holding out for a redesign which hopefully would include a hardrive. All their loading problems would be solved with a hardrive. And to address piracy concerns, they could make it so you have to have the actual umd game disc in the PSP, but the game itself writes to the hardrive when you first use it, and only accesses the UMD to verify authenticity when you start a play session.
This article is a complete joke. The PSP has over 120 games and the games are still coming by various publishers. IMO, the PSP has released much better games than the DS this year. The PSP is here to stay, whether anyone likes it or not.
I don't know how I feel about my PSP anymore... when I first got it I absolutely loved it and I still think it was worth it for portable HSG alone. However, I haven't bought a game for it since Burnout Legends and I still won't update my 1.5 because I mainly use it to play NES and GBC games. The mod scene moves a little too fast for me and I'm afraid to update it and try to use the GTA workaround or whatever they are doing these days for homebrew. If I lose the ability to play NES games I might as well sell off the system.
[quote name='javeryh']I don't know how I feel about my PSP anymore... when I first got it I absolutely loved it and I still think it was worth it for portable HSG alone. However, I haven't bought a game for it since Burnout Legends and I still won't update my 1.5 because I mainly use it to play NES and GBC games. The mod scene moves a little too fast for me and I'm afraid to update it and try to use the GTA workaround or whatever they are doing these days for homebrew. If I lose the ability to play NES games I might as well sell off the system.[/QUOTE]Update it now.

Seriously, the ones who seem to be the most disappointed in the PSP are the ones who haven't updated. Many of the games released this year, are the best games PSP has had. When I bought my PSP from someone, it came with all those roms and stuff. Many of them were poorly implemented, so I just upgraded to 2.6 and never cared to go back. If I never updated, I would have missed out on Mega Man Powered Up, Mega Man Maverick Hunter X, Daxter, Syphon Filter Dark Mirror, Metal Gear Acid 2, and many more.
[quote name='The Mana Knight']Update it now.

Seriously, the ones who seem to be the most disappointed in the PSP are the ones who haven't updated. Many of the games released this year, are the best games PSP has had. When I bought my PSP from someone, it came with all those roms and stuff. Many of them were poorly implemented, so I just upgraded to 2.6 and never cared to go back. If I never updated, I would have missed out on Mega Man Powered Up, Mega Man Maverick Hunter X, Daxter, Syphon Filter Dark Mirror, Metal Gear Acid 2, and many more.[/quote]

Those games sound like fun and all but nothing beats a game of Tecmo Bowl or Baseball Stars on the train in the morning... I don't know. I am so torn. Why can't Sony just allow emulators to be run on the system? It's not like they are the ones providing the emulation tools and roms so what's the big deal?
[quote name='The Mana Knight']This article is a complete joke. The PSP has over 120 games and the games are still coming by various publishers. IMO, the PSP has released much better games than the DS this year. The PSP is here to stay, whether anyone likes it or not.[/QUOTE]

I'd have to agree. The DS has had New Super Mario Bros. this year and that's really it... the PSP is still getting a lot of ports and remakes, but they've gottan a hell of a lot more than the DS this year. I know that there's a shitload of stuff in the pipeline for this fall, but the PSP has had a much better showing these last 6 months.
[quote name='Chacrana']I'd have to agree. The DS has had New Super Mario Bros. this year and that's really it... the PSP is still getting a lot of ports and remakes, but they've gottan a hell of a lot more than the DS this year. I know that there's a shitload of stuff in the pipeline for this fall, but the PSP has had a much better showing these last 6 months.[/QUOTE]As long as the remakes are better than the original version, and the ports are games I have trouble finding (or can only get a used copy, that could be messed up), I could careless.

Mega Man Powered Up for an example, is a remake of the original Mega Man. There's just so much content added, many the game last for a while. The updated graphics and sound are nice oh course. But I feel the overall gameplay feels much better. I'll admit, the first Mega Man games was definitely not one of my favorite original Mega Man games, but MMPU puts is above every traditional Mega Man game I played IMO.

For Maverick Hunter X, the improved sound, graphics, voice-acting, awesome intro, and the ability to play as Vile, made the game much better than the original. Ever since I played it, it might be my 2nd favorite MMX game ever (originally, it was either my 3rd -5th).

Although there might be a lot of ports and remakes, there's still around 50+ (I believe, although I could be less) original games (that are not a port, remake, although they can be a sequel) on PSP. I currently own 21 PSP games (most are not ports/remakes) and that's only half of what I want.

As for the 2nd half of the year, I have been following both the DS and PSP release schedules carefully. There are no PSP games I want anywhere near as much as FFIII (Alough PS2 has a few games that top that even) and maybe Magical Starsign (to an extent), but overall, there's still 1.5X-2X more PSP games I want coming. But overall, I don't want to argue which is better, because I love both and they're currently getting most of my gaming.
I think Sony has done a better job supporting the PSP then Nintendo did supporting the Gamecube. Look the DS is great for the Japanese and teens, but my friends that are between the ages of 25-35 have no interest in it.
as long as the great homebrew and modchips developers are around the psp will continue to strive and sell as long as the word of its true capabilities are made accordingly across every psp site.
I love my PSP, it's not my fault nobody makes any good games for it. Honestly, looking at my current games library there are some fucking AWESOME games, if only more developers would take example instead of releasing very bad ports (damn you SD vs. RAW).

Megaman X
Megaman Powered Up
Burnout Legends
Hot Shots Golf
GTA LCS (I don't care, I loved it when it came out and it really showed what PSP could do)
THUG 2 Remix
Twisted Metal
Ultimate Block Party
Virtua Tennis

And all the games I have yet to pick up, like Daxter, Syphon Filter, Loco Roco, and Katamari. Even if many games are ports, a lot are still very good games. I thought THUG 2 Remix was excellent, atleast it added something the console version didn't have, and Burnout fucking ruled. Many people fail to even look at PSP's games, simply dismissing them all as ports. Not to start a fight, but DS has a lot of overlooked ports, and some, unlike their PSP counterparts totally blow (Burnout comes to mind, along with King Kong and Spiderman 2 though they weren't that great on PSP either).
Ive been thinkingabout getting a psp again I got one around launch and sold it due to the outragous price of memory cards.

I can realy see the downside to the system tho even tho its superior to the ds graphicly and cause it can do so much more mp3s and movies.

The problem is the game library is mostly just ports of ps2 games we already have.

Sony NEEDS to come up with some great original games or spin offs for the psp.

HOW ABOUT SOME EXSCLUSIVES! it would realy help the system if they had some games that stayed exsclusive not just for half a year then ending up on ps2.
[quote name='javeryh']I don't know how I feel about my PSP anymore... when I first got it I absolutely loved it and I still think it was worth it for portable HSG alone. However, I haven't bought a game for it since Burnout Legends and I still won't update my 1.5 because I mainly use it to play NES and GBC games. The mod scene moves a little too fast for me and I'm afraid to update it and try to use the GTA workaround or whatever they are doing these days for homebrew. If I lose the ability to play NES games I might as well sell off the system.[/QUOTE]

There are now a lot easier ways to play 2.0+ games than the GTA way so don't update your 1.5 PSP. Updating was the stupidest thing I did and I'm glad the downgrader finally came out recently. If you ever want any help with it let me know.
[quote name='chosen1s']I think it would have helped if your first post had said "I'm not that excited about many of the games coming out for the DS this year" as opposed to generalizing that they have a "weak lineup". I don't like the GTA series, but I'm not going to pretend it's a weak title just because I'm not interested - especially in a conversation about a system's overall merits across the gaming community.

After your response to jkam your first post makes more sense...[/QUOTE]

Yeah, no kidding. Besides Valkyrie Profile Lenneth (which hopefully my EB will get soon as I preordered it!) I don't see anything that interests me on the PSP any time soon (except possibly Loco Roco). It seems like it is all fighting games, and those don't interest me in the slightest ;). So, to me, the PSP has a very weak lineup.

I have a PSP and a DS - both since early last year (DS in Feb or so, PSP at launch). I have probably put more time EACH in 2 DS games by themselves than the PSP all together - those being Advance Wars DS and Animal Crossing. I did just play through Daxter on the PSP though - first PSP game I've finished (edit - correction, I 'finished' Katamari too I suppose!). I will play through Valkyrie Profile as soon as I can get it.

I haven't read the article yet, but as for movies - I stuck the included Spiderman 2 UMD in there once to see what it looked like and haven't played a UMD movie since :lol:. And I have some TV shows/music/pictures on my memory stick but I rarely look at them. Part of the problem is that the PSP seems too fragile and expensive to be truly portable so I never take it travelling. Even if I did, I always have a laptop with me anyway, and of course pictures/movies are much better on that. My DS, on the other hand, gets lots of play time on airplanes and hotel rooms. The PSP gets 'ported' around to different rooms of my house though :D.

I hope the PSP does well, but I also hope they don't redesign it any time soon - for purely selfish reasons. Since I don't play it that often, I can't justify upgrading and I don't want to be left behind (like I currently am with the DS Lite) by the "PSP Plus". I will get a DS lite - just waiting for a better color selection.

Edit - OK, read the article. There's really not much there. The lack of million game sellers is not a huge problem if lots of software is sold across the system (he doesn't mention totals). And it doesn't really matter if the DS is kicking the PSP's ass anyway - it can still be successful. Just look at the Gamecube vs the PS2. While it is way behind, it is still a successful system in terms of good games for us and profit for Nintendo. That memory stick movie distribution thing sounds horrible though - I'll have to read something with more info than he gives about it.
[quote name='io']I have a PSP and a DS - both since early last year (DS in Feb or so, PSP at launch). I have probably put more time EACH in 2 DS games by themselves than the PSP all together - those being Advance Wars DS and Animal Crossing. I did just play through Daxter on the PSP though - first PSP game I've finished (edit - correction, I 'finished' Katamari too I suppose!). I will play through Valkyrie Profile as soon as I can get it.[/quote]The difference for me is that I bought a PSP a few months after my DS, and I find myself playing my PSP much more. Daxter is pretty much the game on my PSP that has done better than most all my DS games combined, and yes I do own AW: DS (I think it's good, but Field Commander is better).
And it doesn't really matter if the DS is kicking the PSP's ass anyway - it can still be successful.
Only in Japan. In the U.S., the sales have been extremely comparable, where PSP has actually outsold DS, but GBA outsells both PSP and DS. Although last month, the DS saw a spike, but that was because of DS Lite (Over 50% of the buyers were upgrading their DS).
[quote name='Skelah']Sony NEEDS to come up with some great original games or spin offs for the psp.[/QUOTE]Let's see.

Sony Online Entertainment
Untold Legends
Untold Legens Warrior's Code
Field Commander

Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror
Socom: Fire Team Bravo
Wipeout Pure
Kingdom of Paradise
Hot Shots Golf Open Tee

Those are just a few, off the top of my head.
[quote name='io']I have a PSP and a DS - both since early last year (DS in Feb or so, PSP at launch). I have probably put more time EACH in 2 DS games by themselves than the PSP all together - those being Advance Wars DS and Animal Crossing. I did just play through Daxter on the PSP though - first PSP game I've finished (edit - correction, I 'finished' Katamari too I suppose!). I will play through Valkyrie Profile as soon as I can get it.[/quote]The difference for me is that I bought a PSP a few months after my DS, and I find myself playing my PSP much more. Daxter is pretty much the game on my PSP that has done better than most all my DS games combined, and yes I do own AW: DS (I think it's good, but Field Commander is better).
And it doesn't really matter if the DS is kicking the PSP's ass anyway - it can still be successful.
Only in Japan. In the U.S., the sales have been extremely comparable, where PSP has actually outsold DS, but GBA outsells both PSP and DS. Although last month, the DS saw a spike, but that was because of DS Lite (Over 50% of the buyers were upgrading their DS).
[quote name='Skelah']Sony NEEDS to come up with some great original games or spin offs for the psp.[/QUOTE]Let's see.

Sony Online Entertainment
Untold Legends
Untold Legens Warrior's Code
Field Commander

Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror
Socom: Fire Team Bravo
Wipeout Pure
Kingdom of Paradise
Hot Shots Golf Open Tee

Those are just a few, off the top of my head.
Not YOU double posting Mana Knight! shakes head.

Oh I can think of some easy original stuff to a portable or even thee console market:

DJ Max Portable
Princess Crown(this is a port but it's a rare game in general)
Devil Summoner is a port but remade.

Mana speaking of short lived portables, what do you think about MS doing one? Personally I think it's going to be a big POS. Besides the bankability of Halo 2 what exclusive rare properties do they have anyone would give a fuck about for it? I don't see much, after all the first Box was a port Box.
[quote name='Sarang01']Not YOU double posting Mana Knight! shakes head.

Oh I can think of some easy original stuff to a portable or even thee console market:

DJ Max Portable
Princess Crown(this is a port but it's a rare game in general)
Devil Summoner is a port but remade.

Mana speaking of short lived portables, what do you think about MS doing one? Personally I think it's going to be a big POS. Besides the bankability of Halo 2 what exclusive rare properties do they have anyone would give a fuck about for it? I don't see much, after all the first Box was a port Box.[/QUOTE]Actually, I was having computer problems, where it didn't see it post, so I clicked back and submitted it again. I removed one of the posts though. Thanks for catching it.

Those are great import games, but I know even more of them, that some seem to forget about. I'm not going to spend much time doing convincing, because the PSP already gets a lot of hate here (There was a discussion about it in another thread).

I really don't know. I have interest in a MS portable, but I want to see what it will be like. I do think it will bomb Japan though. If MS were to make a similar portable, like PSP (although I doubt they would), I'd guarntee it would see a lot of PC ports (Old and new ones), since I'm figuring they'd make PC porting easy. Handhelds see ports all the time, and that's just kind of my thinking. I don't really know enough information to judge it though.
[quote name='The Mana Knight']Actually, I was having computer problems, where it didn't see it post, so I clicked back and submitted it again. I removed one of the posts though. Thanks for catching it.

Those are great import games, but I know even more of them, that some seem to forget about. I'm not going to spend much time doing convincing, because the PSP already gets a lot of hate here (There was a discussion about it in another thread).

I really don't know. I have interest in a MS portable, but I want to see what it will be like. I do think it will bomb Japan though. If MS were to make a similar portable, like PSP (although I doubt they would), I'd guarntee it would see a lot of PC ports (Old and new ones), since I'm figuring they'd make PC porting easy. Handhelds see ports all the time, and that's just kind of my thinking. I don't really know enough information to judge it though.[/QUOTE]

See my issue is most of the PC ports would be garbage. If MS would sell cheap shit like KQV and remakes of the other KQ's looking like KQV or a bit better I'd easily be on board. Besides, seeing that stupid clock problem fixed would be nice. Seriously old Adventure games like that on an MS portable but other than that fuck no. I consider most of the stuff in the American PC market right now complete garbage. I DON'T like Starcraft or the average American turn based stuff and neither do I like the stuff like Everquest. Only thing I think the Japanese could learn from in the American PC market are the Adventure games I mention above. Seriously who wouldn't want those games remade to the extent I suggest. Also most of the Lucasarts Adventure games would be nice as well. Get those and I'm on board just to play them.
If MS was smart they'd court Nihon Falcom to do it. LE's I'd buy. Seriously there's a market for Nihon Falcom and especially MS can bag RPG people this way.
[quote name='javeryh']Those games sound like fun and all but nothing beats a game of Tecmo Bowl or Baseball Stars on the train in the morning... I don't know. I am so torn. Why can't Sony just allow emulators to be run on the system? It's not like they are the ones providing the emulation tools and roms so what's the big deal?[/QUOTE]

Well, you see, there is this funny desire on the part of the console makers to make money on the software sold for the unit. This is why it sells for a prie that either has no profit margin or even incurs debt for the company.

Sony allows emulators to run on the PSP. When they come on an authorized and profit generating UMD sold at retail. The Capcom Classics Collection (with another on the way), the Namco Museum, Midway Arcade Treasures, and others in the works. Plus revivals like MegaMan Powered Up and Metal Slug Anthology. The intent to offer PS1 games under emulation has already been announced. It seems likely they would use the infrastructure for that to offer other games for purchase and use under emulation.

What you're really saying, is why doesn't Sony go insane and allow me to completely bypass their business model because I feel specially deserving of having all of these games without paying.

Want Tecmo Bowl? They recently did a nostalgia collection for console including that title. Write to tell them you want it on PSP. Baseball Stars? Tell SNK a Neo-Geo Nostalgia package is long overdue. All of these IP owners want to sell product. THey just need to be given reason to believe the venue in question offers enough paying customers to make it worth their while.
This is the silliest thread ever. However, I'm clearly dumb enough to toss in my two cents, so here goes.

The PSP isn't going anywhere. That is totally ludicrous. With sales better than ever before, why would they pull the plug now? Hell, Sony is finally beginning to see the PSP profits on the incline; they aren't going to shut it down now. Furthermore, there are numerous games in development for the PSP, really killer-apps.

Now, everyone says "the DS games are better" or "PSP games are better". Personally, I agree with the latter; I enjoy my PSP games far more than I do my DS games. But that is just my personal opinion. Objectively, the PSP games have really kicked ass this year. New and original titles have shown up, as well as remakes and ports that, despite everyone's bitching, really aren't that bad.

I work at the airport here, and I see a lot more PSPs than I do DSs. The PSPs are owned by a myriad of people; from children to soldiers to businessmen, the PSP has universal appeal. Mostly, the only people I see with a DS are kids. Now, I am an adult, and own both, but in my experience, the only portable gaming platform I see adults carrying around is the PSP.

The PSP is here to stay. It isn't going anywhere. These dumbass arguments about PSP vs. DS are just retarded. The DS isn't even designed to compete with the PSP, as Nintendo stated before it was released. They are both viable systems, and people are bound to have different opinions on them. But can't we just "live and let live"?
[quote name='fire17']Here is a article stating that the PSP is on its way out.

Personally I think that article is a piece of garbage.[/QUOTE]

Everything said in the article is true, it's not like those retarded rants on youtube.

Even so PSP has at least another year before Sony even considers pulling the plug and that would only come as a result of PS3.
[quote name='the ender']This is the silliest thread ever. However, I'm clearly dumb enough to toss in my two cents, so here goes.

The PSP isn't going anywhere. That is totally ludicrous. With sales better than ever before, why would they pull the plug now? Hell, Sony is finally beginning to see the PSP profits on the incline; they aren't going to shut it down now. Furthermore, there are numerous games in development for the PSP, really killer-apps.

Now, everyone says "the DS games are better" or "PSP games are better". Personally, I agree with the latter; I enjoy my PSP games far more than I do my DS games. But that is just my personal opinion. Objectively, the PSP games have really kicked ass this year. New and original titles have shown up, as well as remakes and ports that, despite everyone's bitching, really aren't that bad.

I work at the airport here, and I see a lot more PSPs than I do DSs. The PSPs are owned by a myriad of people; from children to soldiers to businessmen, the PSP has universal appeal. Mostly, the only people I see with a DS are kids. Now, I am an adult, and own both, but in my experience, the only portable gaming platform I see adults carrying around is the PSP.

The PSP is here to stay. It isn't going anywhere. These dumbass arguments about PSP vs. DS are just retarded. The DS isn't even designed to compete with the PSP, as Nintendo stated before it was released. They are both viable systems, and people are bound to have different opinions on them. But can't we just "live and let live"?[/QUOTE]
Well said and I completely agree.

To some extent, I get angry when people say that the PSP needs to be priced the same as the DS, to compete with it. IMO, the PSP and DS are different platforms where they aren't aiming for the same market. Their only similarity is playing games.
[quote name='The Mana Knight']Well said and I completely agree.

To some extent, I get angry when people say that the PSP needs to be priced the same as the DS, to compete with it. IMO, the PSP and DS are different platforms where they aren't aiming for the same market. Their only similarity is playing games.[/quote]

Same here buddy.

If Sony and Nintendo's intentions has been to compete with each other, then the pricing points would be much closer. A $100 price difference in gaming technology clearly indicates differing markets.

Sony, as always, aims for the complete media experience: gaming, music, movies and videos, and internet capability. Nintendo, as always, has a tighter focus, shooting for the pure gaming crowd. I happen to fall into both categories, and therefore own both systems. I like them both, but the PSP more than the DS. That's really beside the point though.

This market strategy is spilling over into the next-gen as well. Sony is hoping that the PS3 will become the geocentric media powerhouse for the home, while Nintendo is aiming for gaming only, albeit revolutionized gaming at that. Hence the $250 vs. $600 price tags.
[quote name='jrutz']Yes, the PSP is dying. I own a PSP. I don't own a DS, but I wish I had instead.

The bad:

- The hardware design is poor. Everyone talks about the nub and lack of a second analog, which limits the types of games it can effectively support from the onset. But no one talks about the underclocked CPU, which was done at the last minute to stretch battery life. Underclocking the CPU is at fault for the console not reaching its targeted technical potential. Another way to extend battery life is to reduce access to the UMD. That's why you have three minute load times, instead of constant streaming of data off the disc.

- Because of all these hardware limitations, developers are just now grasping the types of games they can make for the PSP. That's why now you are seeing fixed camera angles, or limited 2D controls in a 3D space. Basically, 3D updates of GBA titles.

- Its saving grace would be if it was a decent media player with a supported digital distribution infrastructure, but that's not the case. Sony wanted the UMD Video format to succeed, so they limited video resolution playback from memory cards to less than the native resolution. And they made it near impossible to copy videos to the PSP regardless of resolution. For example, I download the 1UP Show every week in AAC video format. This format is supported by the PSP but in order to copy it over I have to recovert it upon transfer, for no good reason other than to create a thumbnail. Now I see Sony is selling movies on memory card, but these are gimped at the low 320x240 resolution, not at the native UMD resolution format.

The good? Not much. I'm so disappointed with it I'm thinking of selling mine. It's about as worthless as a brick to me. The only positive is that when they finally get the mod chips working, I'll be able to run homebrew apps and emus.


I feel the same way, and also only own a psp and no ds. About 95% of my time spent on the psp is doing things sony doesn't want. The DS sales topple the psp. I don't want the system to die, as it has lots of gaming potential, yet Sony doesn't make it easy and the article brought up a lot of valid points.
[quote name='apokalipze2']Meh, I still think it'll eventually die. UMD is dead and the psp is next[/quote]

All systems eventually die.

The PSP isn't going anywhere. Look at Sony's PSP sales numbers. They are finally getting near where they want to be. And you say now they'll pull the plug? Assinine.
[quote name='the ender']All systems eventually die.

The PSP isn't going anywhere. Look at Sony's PSP sales numbers. They are finally getting near where they want to be. And you say now they'll pull the plug? Assinine.[/QUOTE]

Japanese console hardware sales for the week of July 10 - 16:

DS Lite - 140,858 [2,930,521] units
PSP - 35,283 [988,181] units
PlayStation 2 - 23,927 [807,505] units
NDS - 11,821 [941,870] units
GBA SP - 2,619 [171,632] units
GB Micro - 1,581 [106,340] units
Xbox 360 - 1,105 [59,676] units
GameCube - 928 [57,398] units
GBA - 28 [2,893] units
Xbox - 10 [1,599] units
bread's done