PSP Go! preorders online at amazon


i preordered mine this morning for $249.99 with free shipping. they had both colors (black and white) and were available for shipping october 1st. i have been looking for preorders all over the internet and this is the only place i can find them.
PSP Go - Black
PSP Go - White
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[quote name='momshotdad']more of an update...sorry man...and free shipping on the psp go...[/QUOTE]

Update of what?
[quote name='rdogg1026']Update of what?[/QUOTE]

Are you employed by CAG or something? This is the second thread today I've seen you post and complain about where people put their threads. Put the forum police badge down and just let people read things, man. Threads about preorders going live have been fairly common, and I know a number of people were wondering when Amazon was going to set them.
[quote name='lunker']Are you employed by CAG or something? This is the second thread today I've seen you post and complain about where people put their threads. Put the forum police badge down and just let people read things, man. Threads about preorders going live have been fairly common, and I know a number of people were wondering when Amazon was going to set them.[/QUOTE]

That is no way to speak to an officer.
[quote name='lunker']Are you employed by CAG or something? This is the second thread today I've seen you post and complain about where people put their threads. Put the forum police badge down and just let people read things, man. Threads about preorders going live have been fairly common, and I know a number of people were wondering when Amazon was going to set them.[/QUOTE]

I concur. Rdogg1026, I don't know why suddenly you feel the need to become a backseat mod, but you aren't one and stop trying to act like it. You have been called out about it multiple times from people over the last week to tone it down.
[quote name='lunker']Are you employed by CAG or something? This is the second thread today I've seen you post and complain about where people put their threads. Put the forum police badge down and just let people read things, man. Threads about preorders going live have been fairly common, and I know a number of people were wondering when Amazon was going to set them.[/QUOTE]
Was about to post the same thing...:applause:
[quote name='bvharris']I still think this is way overpriced, not really tempted for a moment.

It's a bit pricey, yes, but this is normal for just about anything that is "new". I wouldn't mind getting one at some point.
I'll stick with the 3000 thanks..bigger screen and physical media. There won't be any used Buy 2 get 1 sales of digital media at Gamestop will there?
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It has been embedded in the Amazon games trade-in thread... basically, trade-in $75 worth of games and you'll $75 bonus toward console purchases. I did the "deal" and pre-ordered the white PSP Go for $100 ($150 off).
Any video game system where you can't resell or trade in the video games you've bought is a no go for me. I'll stick with my 2000 series.
Haha DaBoss got taken to school.

Thanks for the update. Next time include a link so the lazy people (myself) can just click.

Paying more for a PSP than an XBox 360 costs is kind of crazy though. I may just wait to see if they pull an Apple and drop $100 off it in a few months after release.
Yeah, the $249 price, I get it.
Now what is the price for the UMD-less model?
That has got to be alot cheaper, right?
I never understood the concept of preordering something that is going to be widely available everywhere. Like preordering "X" game that you can walk into the store the day it comes out and there is a million copies of it....
[quote name='PuertoRock33']I never understood the concept of preordering something that is going to be widely available everywhere. Like preordering "X" game that you can walk into the store the day it comes out and there is a million copies of it....[/QUOTE]

Some stores sell out of a game, or if no intrest is show for the game the store doesn't even bother stocking it.(GS) I once went in and asked for PW: Apollo Justice and they only had 1 store copy since nobody pre-ordered but 1 guy that worked there.

Systems usually do sell out first day. I don't know about redesigns, never bothered with them on release day.

Or everybody has that 1 game they were eagerly waiting for, but it was sold out everywhere because they didn't pre-order. So they had to pay extra for shipping at Amazon. :cry:
Paying 100 dollars more for a product that does less than its predecessor its obviously a deal.

Current PSP owners realize you will have the same functionality to download software as PSP go owners, right? And you get to keep your UMD games.
[quote name='PuertoRock33']I never understood the concept of preordering something that is going to be widely available everywhere. Like preordering "X" game that you can walk into the store the day it comes out and there is a million copies of it....[/QUOTE]

Games, yes, they're usually a waste to pre-order unless they're some small niche title. Systems however, CAN have limited quantities, although given the economy and such I doubt a $250 refresh of the PSP will exactly be flying off store shelves.

Yet another case of digital distribution saving the customer money!! -- oh, wait...
Meh, I do like the design of the PSP Go!, but I won't put any money down unless Sony addresses those that already own many games on UMD that can somehow transfer them over to the system. Until that is addressed and a drop in price to something that's actually reasonable, I'll maybe consider.

But I suspect PSP2 will be announced by then!
Of sony does this right and prices games corectly (ie steam) then I may consider a purchase or even a large memory stick for my 3000.
[quote name='hhhdx4']Paying 100 dollars more for a product that does less than its predecessor its obviously a deal.

Current PSP owners realize you will have the same functionality to download software as PSP go owners, right? And you get to keep your UMD games.[/QUOTE]

Bingo. This is a marginal deal at $150, at the list price of $250, Sony can blow me and swallow the evidence.
I was originally going to buy the PSP Go! But after each new article discussing it's features, I broke down and bought a PSP last week from (thanks to CAG) for $121.xx shipped.

I bought 32GB (16GBx2) and a PhotoFast CR-5400 so I can put it in my PSP and never have to worry about memory again.

The Go has a smaller screen, same battery life, and forced digital downloads, in a packaged design that I could care less about. I said "Screw it!" and bought a PSP now. Kinda happy I did -- for cheaper and with the ability to still use UMDs, bigger screen, and the ability to pop in a Sony PSP Stamina battery for twice as much life.

Funnily enough I did just that.

PSP (Piano Black), 32GB (2x 16GB MicroSDHC), PSP Stamina 2200mAh (vs. the standard 1200mAh).

Awesome. Though i'm not knocking on the people who still want a PSP Go! That's cool but i'd rather have a PSP now haha
[quote name='silks']Yeah, but it's SO SMALL.


Which means cramped hands, unless you're a dwarf or something.
what kinda name is psp go! anyway? not that psp-2000, or 3000 is any better...but go! ? stupid...wheres it gonna go? is it telling ME to go? Cuz ill be right up in its face if its takin that tone with me after i just spent 250 bones on it.

i do not like the digital downloads either...not that i pay for my psp games any way ;)
There's not ever going to be a PSP-go only game is there? Everything you can download you can still download on the older models right?
The screen is smaller and there is less hardware inside since it doesn't have to spin a disk. So why does Sony make this more expensive than the current PSP? And it's not as if their is updated specs inside, the current PSP and this run the same games. Sony continues to overprice their hardware.

Anyhow a true cag resells their games or trades them in, this machine will encourage no such thing since their will be no physical media. You buy a crappy game, and your stuck with it, forever. No thanks.
[quote name='Despacio']
Anyhow a true cag resells their games or trades them in, this machine will encourage no such thing since their will be no physical media. You buy a crappy game, and your stuck with it, forever. No thanks.[/QUOTE]

Hey now, there are plenty of CAGs who never trade in a game, including myself. I haven't gotten rid of a single game in 10 years, the "cheap ass" in my gamer comes from trying to find low prices to get my shelf-filling fix.

Ironically, this type of CAG should also agree with you about the PSPGo, considering it won't let us collect pretty game cases. And we already have all these shelves!!
[quote name='Despacio']The screen is smaller and there is less hardware inside since it doesn't have to spin a disk. So why does Sony make this more expensive than the current PSP? And it's not as if their is updated specs inside, the current PSP and this run the same games. Sony continues to overprice their hardware.[/QUOTE]

Because it's new. Even if the specs are similar, the concept is different -a new innovation. We can argue semantics on how "innovative" it is but the price has already been set.

[quote name='Despacio']Anyhow a true cag resells their games or trades them in, this machine will encourage no such thing since their will be no physical media. You buy a crappy game, and your stuck with it, forever. No thanks.[/QUOTE]

There are pros and cons to both media. If the physical copy breaks, you're stuck with an oddly-shaped paperweight, forever. With a digital medium, you have unlimited backups, but you'll require internet access to actually download them. And if the game is rather size-heavy, that may take an awfully long amount of time (if you're impatient anyways), not to mention the memory sticks needed to store more games (regarding PSPs in general).

Also, while trading in games may benefit consumers and used-games dealers, the practice hurts publishers, developers, and the developer of the console itself (and all other middle-men). As such, I don't see why they (Sony) would wish to particularly induce ("encourage") consumers to trade in games.

On topic. Anyone else holding out for a second generation of the Go! before biting? I still feel screwed over (maybe not so much) once the 2000s rolled out and saw how much better they were. But I really do like the portability of this one...
[quote name='sokari']
There are pros and cons to both media. If the physical copy breaks, you're stuck with an oddly-shaped paperweight, forever. With a digital medium, you have unlimited backups, but you'll require internet access to actually download them. And if the game is rather size-heavy, that may take an awfully long amount of time (if you're impatient anyways), not to mention the memory sticks needed to store more games (regarding PSPs in general).

Also, while trading in games may benefit consumers and used-games dealers, the practice hurts publishers, developers, and the developer of the console itself (and all other middle-men). As such, I don't see why they (Sony) would wish to particularly induce ("encourage") consumers to trade in games.

On topic. Anyone else holding out for a second generation of the Go! before biting? I still feel screwed over (maybe not so much) once the 2000s rolled out and saw how much better they were. But I really do like the portability of this one...[/QUOTE]

I know I'll sound like a curmudgeon here, but I'm holding out on buying ANY hardware which requires digital distribution until there is no other option. I'm well aware its the "future", but I like having disc-based games, so as long as that remains a viable option I'm going to take it.
[quote name='bvharris']Hey now, there are plenty of CAGs who never trade in a game, including myself. I haven't gotten rid of a single game in 10 years, the "cheap ass" in my gamer comes from trying to find low prices to get my shelf-filling fix.

Ironically, this type of CAG should also agree with you about the PSPGo, considering it won't let us collect pretty game cases. And we already have all these shelves!![/QUOTE]

Hah.... exactly the same as my own ideology. Well, sans the shelves -I use a cabinet and a closet for lesser played games and my rather large desktop-table for those I play more often.

And yeah... I'd much rather have a casing with my games.

[quote name='bvharris']I know I'll sound like a curmudgeon here, but I'm holding out on buying ANY hardware which requires digital distribution until there is no other option. I'm well aware its the "future", but I like having disc-based games, so as long as that remains a viable option I'm going to take it.[/QUOTE]

Guess I took too long to post the above... but the response still works!
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[quote name='sokari']There are pros and cons to both media. If the physical copy breaks, you're stuck with an oddly-shaped paperweight, forever. With a digital medium, you have unlimited backups, but you'll require internet access to actually download them. And if the game is rather size-heavy, that may take an awfully long amount of time (if you're impatient anyways), not to mention the memory sticks needed to store more games (regarding PSPs in general).[/quote]

In the good old days, companies insured the discs. After all, the disc costs them a few cents, it's the data on it that you paid for. Case in point: media for Microsoft products is much cheaper than licenses for the same.

Here's the bigger problem: in ten years, will Sony care anymore about these old "PSP 1" ancient crusty releases? I bet not. I've seen so many things like this fade away, even from big companies... unless I can store them in some way (PSP you can, at least for now), it means they have an expiration date. I don't buy $50 cheese, I dunno about you.

Coincidentally, DRM has the same problem. I like old things, I go back and play NES games like Crystalis and Dragon Warrior that I still have the carts for. I'm glad they didn't have "BEST IF SOLD BY:" dates on them.

Also, while trading in games may benefit consumers and used-games dealers, the practice hurts publishers, developers, and the developer of the console itself (and all other middle-men). As such, I don't see why they (Sony) would wish to particularly induce ("encourage") consumers to trade in games.

Middle men are how my industry works (I am a developer.) If it weren't for middle men, your movies, music, games, and software would probably all cost 50% what they do now. The bad part is you'd probably never know they existed.

Some people are interested in used games only. These sales do not directly benefit the publishers, but they do put money into the pockets of people who buy new games, which in turn benefits the developers (assuming they make good games and not shovelware.) Worse, without used games, piracy may increase (instead of retail sales.)

Thus, the only people afraid of used game sales are people who make "regret ware", not people who make good games.

Trading is, however, completely useless and annoying to developers... unfortunately. Except for those who develop series based games, potentially.

On topic. Anyone else holding out for a second generation of the Go! before biting? I still feel screwed over (maybe not so much) once the 2000s rolled out and saw how much better they were. But I really do like the portability of this one...

I plan to wait a year. If the price has not lowered by then, I'm sure something else will be announced. One will definitely happen.

I think they're playing the game of "people who have to have the newest thing" with this price. You see it all the time with computer hardware - there, it can be half the price in 3-6 months.

bread's done