PSP GO price drop to $149.99

[quote name='MPoWeRM3']Wow nothing got censored? fuck![/QUOTE]

It only censors two different ways of typing f-bombs.
[quote name='blindinglights']Damn, I didn't even notice :shock:. The hyperdimensional rift in my pocket caused the gravitational field in the immediate area to shift and the liquid went upwards.

Actually it was the

Or maybe, it was just the shadow created by my arm.

Anti-gravity piss is probably the best guess.

Either way, I don't see how anyone likes the Go because with digital distribution the prices are less likely to drop. There's no space taken up by a product, so it's not like it'll ever drop to a super low price to "get them off shelves". Until you can get game download cards for 50 to 75 percent off at Target or Toys R Us or any one of the other retailers that I regularly find clearance games at, I'll stick with physical media.[/QUOTE]

Yea.... I can only see this being used as a digital media player and a web browser vs a gaming system... Sony had a trade in program at first but then they backed out of it at the last minute. All I know is that Gamestop isn't going to be happy with the PSP2 as there will be nothing but shitty accessories for them to sell...unless they pressure sony into selling gaming cards for the games.
[quote name='blindinglights']Either way, I don't see how anyone likes the Go because with digital distribution the prices are less likely to drop. There's no space taken up by a product, so it's not like it'll ever drop to a super low price to "get them off shelves".[/QUOTE]
That is not the problem. The thing is DD is the future, the NGP has already established that. If you want to keep a PSP around to to switch to play UMDs 5-6 years from now and then switch back to play NGP games, and NGP2 games, then go for it. But the PSPgo is the best form of the PSP to take right now if one is ready to embrace the future. If you want to be stuck in the past forever, then stick with your UMD machines. When the NGP comes out, all I have to do is trade-in my PSPgo and I'm ready to rock a new NGP with my old library as well as new games.

The PSPgo also has a lot of advantages over the PSP-3000.
[quote name='Ilikecoldbeverages']I really can't agree that a regular PSP fits well in your pockets. It might not stick out the top of your pocket, but it definitely makes a rather large (and potentially much needed) bulge in your pants. Maybe if you're wearing JNCOs or something then sure, but regular joe jeans? Nah. By the way this might be the stupidest argument ever, and thats even on internet terms![/QUOTE]

I didn't think anyone was arguing. I just think people make too much out of the PSP 1000/2000/3000's being large. Saying that it can't fit in a pants pocket makes it sound like you're carrying around a brick or something. Hardly the case. Honestly, the only time I put the PSP in my pocket is when I move from room to room in the house, but it still fits.

If anything, I wish the PSP was a little larger so it would be more comfortable to hold for extended periods, but I know that that would suck for its portability factor. I just think that it sucks they design all of these handhelds for ten year olds or people who have the hands of a child. Adults can't want a portable gaming device?

[quote name='Ilikecoldbeverages']Look, I can fit both my Go and my 1000 in my pocket, with room to spare! Maybe these psps CAN coexist afterall...[/QUOTE]

artego says - "There's honestly no reason to choose a PSP-3000 over the PSPgo"

Admittedly I spend more time on the PS blog than here, but there seem to be some legitmate reasons to buy a PSP instead of the PSPgo.
First and foremost seems to be the lack of games, especially Squarenix games.
Buying UMDs always seems to be cheaper than downloads. Followed by clearance sales. Followed by trading them in when you're done. Or giving them away. Or trading them with friends.
The PSP is cheaper than the go.

Maybe not too many, but more than "no reason".
Lack of games- the only ones seem to be Crisis Core and KH:Birth By Sleep. I can live without them, as I've already played Crisis Core and have no interest in KH. But if one did, you can always buy a copy of the game and do this:

Buying UMDs are cheaper when they go on clearance, sure, but how much cheaper? $10... $15? And how much does all that savings amount to when you're locked into that single hardware for the rest of its life? With downloads I will likely be able to play my entire library on any Sony handheld (and maybe even console someday!) for years and years to come.

And the PSP-3000 is not cheaper than the PSPgo. I got mine for $100 at Target.
It's getting there. Only have to drop about another $150 before I'd buy it, lol.

Different story if it could play UMD games. What *can* you do with a PSPGo besides play downloaded/DRM games? Any special PS3 connectivity? Sounds like it's basically a web-browser / mp3 player.
[quote name='Gamelore']It's getting there. Only have to drop about another $150 before I'd buy it, lol.

Different story if it could play UMD games. What *can* you do with a PSPGo besides play downloaded/DRM games? Any special PS3 connectivity?[/QUOTE]

I wanna say you can use a DS3 with the Go
I still just don't get why the Go is more expensive than the 3000... It has a smaller screen and no disc reading parts. All the go has is the memory, and all the PSP memory is grossly overpriced anyway, just like MS does with all their stuff.
[quote name='JKSonic']I still just don't get why the Go is more expensive than the 3000... It has a smaller screen and no disc reading parts. All the go has is the memory, and all the PSP memory is grossly overpriced anyway, just like MS does with all their stuff.[/QUOTE]
Main reason for the higher-price, is because of the retailers; so they have a higher margin for profits because aside PSN/Downloadable cards (which there's barely to no-profit), the only thing they can sell with it are accessories. So Sony decided for a higher price so retailers have "an incentive" to promote and sell them. While for the regular PSP models they also have some profits from the UMDs (aside the hardware itself and the accessories).

There's also the 16GB internal memory, better (though smaller) screen and Bluetooth; which the PSP3000 models don't have.
[quote name='artego']And the PSP-3000 is not cheaper than the PSPgo. I got mine for $100 at Target.[/QUOTE]

Uh, how exactly?
[quote name='phatcorns']Uh, how exactly?[/QUOTE]
I'm guessing the same way I did. price match radio shack or gamestop at 150 then use the green hornet sony psp coupon from carles jr or hardy's, makes it to $100. This was back in December.
Is there any (legal) way to play the non digital download games (UMD only) on a PSP? I'd really love to get a PSPgo over a PSP3001 but it doesn't look like I have a choice. :cry:
[quote name='SCDallas']Is there any (legal) way to play the non digital download games (UMD only) on a PSP? I'd really love to get a PSPgo over a PSP3001 but it doesn't look like I have a choice. :cry:[/QUOTE]

This is just my opinion naturally, but as long as you own the game, I say screw whatever the legality of it is. If you bought the UMD and currently own, there is nothing wrong with downloading an iso or ripping one yourself to play on your PSP Go.
Lot of crazy in this thread.

I got a Go used from GS a while back ($99), and I really dig it. I still have the Carl's JR coupon sitting here on my desk, I'm tempted to get another one new for $100.

Throw 6.35 Pro-B on there and enjoy some gaming. The Go is a really slick piece of hardware. Not perfect tho, the form factor is a tad uncomfortable over long periods of use. But its so small and easy to take around. Plus it has a suspend function for games that is really convenient.

Something that's kind of crazy? KH:BBS runs faster on Go then off a UMD.

Why does no one mention the fact you can connect a ps3 controller via bluetooth to the PSP go? That feature is awesome, and i'm sure a lot of people have wanted to do that (as I have). This + video out = pocketable ps1/psp console which can hook up to your tv. Really considering picking this up for around 80~90 if I can find one used somewhere. Load up FF7/8/9 + Xenogears and Vagrant Story and I'm golden. (Bought all these on PS3 anyway)
I have a PS3 and a PSP 3000 now, just figured out the remote play feature. I might get PSPgo and wait for a pricedrop/redesign of the NGP.

When the PSP 3000 is no longer available. I hope Sony releases an external UMD drive that is compatible to the NGP and the PSP go.
[quote name='gunstar808']Lot of crazy in this thread.

I got a Go used from GS a while back ($99), and I really dig it. I still have the Carl's JR coupon sitting here on my desk, I'm tempted to get another one new for $100.

Throw 6.35 Pro-B on there and enjoy some gaming. The Go is a really slick piece of hardware. Not perfect tho, the form factor is a tad uncomfortable over long periods of use. But its so small and easy to take around. Plus it has a suspend function for games that is really convenient.

Something that's kind of crazy? KH:BBS runs faster on Go then off a UMD.


I wish I got that coupon. I could not find any Carl's Jr/Hardee's within a 20-mile radius from where I was staying in January. :\
Do Hardee's still have the coupon? I'd even be willing to pick up a few extra for other CAG's if I knew they still had the damn things. I am going to stop this morning and check. When is the coupon good until????
Of course it's just my opinion (and I'll bet many others' here), but I think the claims that a digital download-ONLY future is real are bogus, naive and baseless... I haven't heard that assertion (and argument) since X-box fanboys on N4G trashed the BD format 3 years ago after its victory over HD-DVD. Or once or twice here in regards to STEAM it came up, I guess. Digital-only is an anti-piracy pipe dream for the time being. Btw, I'm pro-digital as an option (241 STEAM games), but as a replacement? Nope. It won't work.

Digital Download will be a burgeoning option on consoles, but it won't replace hard copies, at least with current download speeds and storage capacities. It's a technological barrier. Ask Guerrilla Games, Kojima or Naughty Dog how much room was left on a dual layer BD and then think about holding 2 dozen or more of those games on any of today's HDD's. Ask John Carmack what he thinks of disc space allotment as of now. Then you want a bunch of downloaded 1080p movies to go with your collection? How many, 10? 50? A season of TV, too? All in digital flavor? Are you talking lossless data at all? Do you frequently break the 10Mbps barrier from your ISP? We're just a few TB's away from that ability (sarcasm).

This works decently on the PC as of now (my 4 TB's agree), but that's a nice, gaping platform with OEM pricing wars and open-ended choices. The bulk of consumers game on consoles--consoles are another story. If the next generation has multi-TB drives, things could change. But how likely is that, and how much would that cost?

It's not just the pace/price of disk space or bandwidth that has to catch up, the pace has to *outpace* the growth of space used for gaming/movies. Technology's capacity trend has to outrun our entertainment's contents to get there (and stay there), and since they're both climbing, it'll be a while, so hold your horses. Maybe on an individual basis like the PSP or for casual use, it fits/works, but when claiming "digital-only" remember you're using the word "only", aka: absolute.

Again, my opinion, but from a numerical standpoint, the assertion is asinine. I don't have the numbers, but I'd like to see them, regarding how many downloads/streams Comcast or iTunes gets for movie rentals, and how many Redbox and Netflix get for physical rentals. I'd venture a nice contrast is present that favors the above few paragraphs (though I could be wrong). Carry on.
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[quote name='feroca']Main reason for the higher-price, is because of the retailers; so they have a higher margin for profits because aside PSN/Downloadable cards (which there's barely to no-profit), the only thing they can sell with it are accessories. So Sony decided for a higher price so retailers have "an incentive" to promote and sell them. While for the regular PSP models they also have some profits from the UMDs (aside the hardware itself and the accessories).

There's also the 16GB internal memory, better (though smaller) screen and Bluetooth; which the PSP3000 models don't have.[/QUOTE]

Well bluetooth is cheap now, and like I said the memory is cheap now too...I've read a lot about the screen before and it seems subjective weather or not it's "better". So basically the higher price is BS, which is what I thought.

The biggest problem I still see with the GO is that they have millions of UMDs out there and millions of 3000 or earlier units. They HAVE TO think of a way for those people to transfer their UMDs to memory legally if they ever want the GO to sell. At this point it's pretty pointless since the PSP2 has been announced, but since all digital purchases also transfer to the PSP2 they're still shafted UMD supporters. This happens all too often in electronics (and stuff like cell phone contracts, etc), where early adopted get screwed over in the end.

I don't get why Sony doesn't just have a recycle program, send in your UMDs to them and in turn they send back a code for the download. Do that, and make every UMD available for purchase on PSN.
[quote name='JKSonic']This happens all too often in electronics (and stuff like cell phone contracts, etc), where early adopted get screwed over in the end.[/QUOTE]Does it really come as a surprise to the early adopters realize that something better and cheaper will eventually be released? Those same early adopters get to enjoy whatever they're buying months or even years before those who are willing to wait. They're not exactly getting screwed. They're simply will to trade more/better choices down the line in exchange for immediate gratification.

A new portable, proprietary optical format like the UMD format was a mistake from the get-go. It's no surprise that Sony jumped ship on it as quickly as they did.
[quote name='blindinglights']

I think you're just tiny. They're normal jeans, just for tall people (36" in-seem).

There's probably 2-3 inches between the top end of the PSP and where it would start coming out of the pocket.

My Droid X will fit in the same pocket with the PSP, but that does make it too bulky.[/QUOTE]

Yeah I'm only 5' 8". I stand corrected. I actually tried this, this morning and was surprised. However I usually use my pockets so placing a 3000 in the front pockets seems problematic for me. I have a feeling my Skeletool and 3000 wouldn't get along. Placing it in a back pocket just seems like you're asking for trouble. In either case, I feel like you might get a lot of unnecessary wear-and-tear on a 3000 if you carried it around like that for very long.
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[quote name='blindinglights']

I think you're just tiny. They're normal jeans, just for tall people (36" in-seem).

There's probably 2-3 inches between the top end of the PSP and where it would start coming out of the pocket.

My Droid X will fit in the same pocket with the PSP, but that does make it too bulky.[/QUOTE]

Yeah I'm only 5' 8". I stand corrected. I actually tried this, this morning and was surprised. However I usually use my pockets so placing a 3000 in the front pockets seems problematic for me. I have a feeling my Skeletool and 3000 wouldn't get along. Placing it a back pocket just seems like you're asking for trouble. In either case, I feel like you might get a lot of unnecessary wear-and-tear on a 3000 if you carried it around like that for very long.
fuck. 4 fucking pages of why not to buy a Go... Why does every thread on a PSPGo end up like this? You can't even get follow up answers to questions because there are so many fucking responses that have nothing to do with the fucking deal. We get it. You don't like the fucking Go. Good. Then leave. Don't fucking buy it. I'll buy one if I fucking well want one, thank you very much.

Does anyone that has one of these coupons know when it expires? That's an important piece of question about this deal that can't get answered because everyone has a fucking opinion on the go and digital distribution.
WE DON'T CARE IF YOU DON'T WANT A GO!!!! So take it to deal discussion. Christ. Every thread on a PSPGo ends up like this. It's stupid.

Does anyone know when the Hardee's coupon ends??? That is an important part of the deal matching equation (along with - when is Sony going to send the new MSRP to retailers - a question that none of us can answer, unfortunately).
[quote name='crazedracerguy']Does anyone know when the Hardee's coupon ends??? That is an important part of the deal matching equation (along with - when is Sony going to send the new MSRP to retailers - a question that none of us can answer, unfortunately).[/QUOTE]
Looks like the coupon expired on the 28th of Feb. :cry:
Damn. That negates this deal, then... I would have DEFINITELY been in for it at $100... But not so much at $149. Maybe if Sony ever pushes the $149 price point to retail, there will be a deal somewhere along the line before the free games offer expires.

Thanks, Vader.
[quote name='kart007k']Big decisions. should I buy this or Ipad 2??????[/QUOTE]

iPad 2 if you have the money? But why is this even an option? Thats a $350 difference in price.
[quote name='kart007k']Big decisions. should I buy this or Ipad 2??????[/QUOTE]

The Ipad 2 is not a gaming system . . . no buttons, analog sticks, triggers . . . just the touchscreen interface. OK for some games, but not great for most. For gaming, its a waste of money considering how many other REAL game systems (portable or not) you can get for that money.
[quote name='chimpmeister']The Ipad 2 is not a gaming system . . . no buttons, analog sticks, triggers . . . just the touchscreen interface. OK for some games, but not great for most. For gaming, its a waste of money considering how many other REAL game systems (portable or not) you can get for that money.[/QUOTE]

Agreed that Ipads are a stupid waste of money, but I have done a 180 on iPhones as a gaming platform. It produces graphics better than any nintendo handheld and its no longer loaded with shovelware, there are games on it that are great.

I am still of the belief that paying 250 to play a port of old nintendo games on a 3DS is a lot of money...especially since i will be the only adult on the subway with what will always be branded a children's toy
[quote name='kart007k']Big decisions. should I buy this or Ipad 2??????[/QUOTE]

ipad2. It's new and it's hot right now. Jobs said 2011 willl be the year of the ipad2.
[quote name='chimpmeister']The Ipad 2 is not a gaming system . . . no buttons, analog sticks, triggers . . . just the touchscreen interface. OK for some games, but not great for most. For gaming, its a waste of money considering how many other REAL game systems (portable or not) you can get for that money.[/QUOTE]

Pretty stupid logic you're using there. Just because it doesn't have buttons somehow means it's not a "gaming system". Contrary to what your brain can't seem to get around, the iPad/iPhone/iPod touch are gaming systems, and in many ways surpass the PSP/DS.
[quote name='ssjmichael'] the iPad/iPhone/iPod touch are gaming systems, and in many ways surpass the PSP/DS.[/QUOTE]

Bullshit alert! Bullshit alert!
Went the the Sonystyle store, they would price match but only had white instock. It sounded like they could special order one in black, but it would take a couple days. GameStop wouldn't price match, Best Buy said they were probably no longer going to carry them(if you believe a store associate) but had 46 units instock 68 miles from where I was... so I didn't get one last night.

Looks like no stores have updated their pricing, so I started to do some research into what's available and what's not. It's disappointing that a couple games I want aren't available for download :cry:

- Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII
- Dungeon Siege: Throne of Agony
- Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of The Lions
- NBA Street Showdown
- NFL Street 2: Unleashed
- NFL Street 3
- Phantasy Star Portable
- Tony Hawk's Underground 2 Remix

so until the $149 price is really out there, I'll have to continue to weigh the options. I like the footprint of the system and the connectivity features to the PS3, but it doesn't look like the Go is going to get certain games, can't swap batteries and it's slightly more expensive to purchase games through the Playstation store(most are still about the same price).
[quote name='kart007k']wait who says that ipad isn't a gaming device. Have you seen infinite blade?[/QUOTE]

I have an iPad, PSP 2000, and a PS3. If you purchase an iPad strictly for gaming you are an firing on all cylinders. That is not to say there are not some good games for it....but strictly for gaming purposes - waste of money.

Anyway, this is a PSP Go discussion....lets get back to that....once it hits $100 I may have to think about it.....
[quote name='Skaughtto']Went the the Sonystyle store, they would price match but only had white instock. It sounded like they could special order one in black, but it would take a couple days. GameStop wouldn't price match, Best Buy said they were probably no longer going to carry them(if you believe a store associate) but had 46 units instock 68 miles from where I was... so I didn't get one last night.

Looks like no stores have updated their pricing, so I started to do some research into what's available and what's not. It's disappointing that a couple games I want aren't available for download :cry:

- Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII
- Dungeon Siege: Throne of Agony
- Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of The Lions
- NBA Street Showdown
- NFL Street 2: Unleashed
- NFL Street 3
- Phantasy Star Portable
- Tony Hawk's Underground 2 Remix

so until the $149 price is really out there, I'll have to continue to weigh the options. I like the footprint of the system and the connectivity features to the PS3, but it doesn't look like the Go is going to get certain games, can't swap batteries and it's slightly more expensive to purchase games through the Playstation store(most are still about the same price).[/QUOTE]
They must pull previous versions of games after a certain period.
I believe that Phantasy Star Portable was available a little while back but now that PStarP2 is out, perhaps it's been pulled?
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 1 is also not available on PSN but MUA 2 is.
Makes me think the missing games are due to publisher concerns and not Sony/PSN.
jumped in at GS for $99.... want the white so lets Go $99

(oh and iPad hate is crazy talk, now that the new one can mirror 1080p with an adaptor to my TV there goes my complaint about controls on the screen getting in the way)
[quote name='Vader582']They must pull previous versions of games after a certain period.
I believe that Phantasy Star Portable was available a little while back but now that PStarP2 is out, perhaps it's been pulled?
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 1 is also not available on PSN but MUA 2 is.
Makes me think the missing games are due to publisher concerns and not Sony/PSN.[/QUOTE]Re-licensing for sports teams and popular music is expensive, I bet that's what's keeping most of those games from being in the Playstation Store. I've read that Square Enix wasn't too impressed with the sales of their games in the store and that's why they pulled most of them.

As a new PSP buyer I don't know if it's worth buying a bunch of UMDs that aren't transferable to a new system.
Pspgo becomes useless imo once you get a NGP. Better save your money or get a psp3000 bundle instead to play those exclusive umd games.
[quote name='infini2001']Oop, sony updated its website, and its price went up to $199.99[/QUOTE]

Lol. I doubt they'll sell any at $200.00 when they obviously let it slide (too early) apparently that it's heading to $150 in the near future. Someone got an itchy trigger finger somewhere.
[quote name='twstd4lfe'](oh and iPad hate is crazy talk, now that the new one can mirror 1080p with an adaptor to my TV there goes my complaint about controls on the screen getting in the way)[/QUOTE]

Won't you still have to look at the iPad to see exactly where on the screen you're making contact? I mean it's not like a controller where you can feel where each button is, is it? Or can you hook up a USB computer gamepad to it?
bread's done