PSP, Lumines, and Untold Legends = $160.


3 (100%)
I'm feeling pretty good about this deal and want to brag a little. Today I was standing in line at EB to preorder Civ 4 and the guy in front of me busted out this huge bag of trade-ins he wanted cash for. The fist thing he pulled out was a PSP. Suddenly my cheap ass senses started tingling.

The guy at the register said he couldn't take the PSP becasue it didn't have the white headphones that come with it. So I asked the guy if I could look at it. The screen was a little scuffed up, but not bad. No dead pixels. I offered $100 cash. In the end we agreed on $160 for the PSP, Lumines, and Untold Legends.

I pretty much skipped out of the store.

When I got home I noticed something I had missed at the store. The screen had a screen protector on it. It was the protector that was scuffed. The screen and everything else is pristine!

Honestly, I would take my DS over a PSP any day. But at that price, who could say no?

Now for some "homebrew."
damn. I saw this on the front page and thought it was an actual deal not a bragging thread. Great find though, I'm really jealous.
wow, thats amazing, and the guys really wouldn't take the system because it didn't have those horrible headphones?? Great pick up then, would have done the same just to have another at that price haha.
bread's done