PSP only $149

[quote name='bluenatas09']well I tried looking if this was already posted but I couldn't find anything.

EBgames employees got sent a Email today releasing that the PSP will indeed be only $149 dollars....

(edit: And by "employees got sent a Email) I meant it was sent to us at the computers at work...)[/quote]

I'm going to wait till Sony offically announces the price. Before I get exsited about this. It wouldn't be the first time that I've heard of a GameStop/EB employee saying they got an email at work saying something that isn't true. I just can't trust news that comes from a retailer any more.

But if this is true Nintendo will most likely drop the DS down to $120 or $99 and the GBA SP down to $60 or $50.

I still fear that PSP games are going to run at the price of $50 or higher. Which I think is really stupid. Handheld games shouldn't cost more then $30.

Even if the PSP launches at $150 I still won't be getting one untill 2007. Sony has yet to show a single game that I want. Their library really Blows. And the games is where the real battle is not the hardware (exsept for battery life thats a major factor.) We've seen the fight many times before with the GameBoy vs GameGear, Nomad, Atari Lynx, Wonderswan, Neo-Geo Pocket, Turbo Express, The major thing they all lacked was a good game library. And the good game library is also what alowed the PSOne and PS2 to kick so much butt. If the PSP doesn't get a game library they its pretty much doomed.
PSP games will likely be about 35-45 dollars (the weaker games for the lower price and the big names for the higher) assuming the system really does drop for 150 (non value pack). For a price like this the system will sell pretty well. And it'll have to with more than 3 times as many units sold of the DS so far. The PSP will need games though, Ridgeracers (racing) is cool and I'll definatly get Puyo Pop (puzzle), as is Metal Gear Acid (strategy) but I really want at least one adventure game.

The dead pixel issue was already touched on but The comment about not taking back systems with issues was made by the 3rd party import places. THEY can't handle a problem like that if it occurs becase they'll already have sold their entire stock and wont have anything to replace yours. Sony themselves has not said anything about Dead Pixel issues.

The supposed ejecting disk and button placement looks more like a random issue than an "epidemic" for the PSP. I played withone this weekend and it was too sturdy to try twisting the way they did in that video without breaking something. and I experienced no "square button issue" it felt no different to me than any of the others.
Hell yeah. I'm definitely getting one now, I was going to consider not getting either but if this is true, I'll at least be getting a PSP. DS just doesn't have many spectacular games to offer, and won't till later this year. Maybe when it hits 100, I might pick one up. But PSP... 150... rock.
[quote name='MorPhiend'][quote name='scott123456']Japan got the package deal which was sweat.[/quote]

Yeah, the PSP is pretty sweaty...

Seriously, someone said that the PSP's launch games "owns" (I hate that word usage) the DS. This was just being discussed the past couple of days on another thread about it being the other way around. Most of Sony's launch line-up is sports titles. And the rest of the year only has mostly sports/racing titles. The main exception is "Metal Gear", which is a card game. And the only date on that is TBA 2005. Does that mean they'll release it sometime this year, or they'll anounce the release date this year???

Before you start making things up in reply, here:

Don't get me wrong, I want the PSP to succeed. And I may even buy one once the PSPone comes out and it actually works. But don't be spewing random fanboy garble and then running without backing it up.

*mumbling* ("owns"... I hate that word...)[/quote]


That said, I see a few issues here...

-Game diversity IS an issue; see above
-Sony has yet to officially announce the price
-E-Mail has been home to more than a few hoaxes over the years
-We still don't know how much the games will cost
-We have no idea how long the systems will last; look at how quickly some PS2s develop DREs for no apparent reason
-We don't know if Sony has taken care of the problems that plagued the Japanese launch units (things like dead pixels or missing/damaaged analog sticks)
-We don't know how durable the system will be, the analog stick in particular. Anyone else broken an N64 or PS controller before?
-Battery life is still an issue. In this article, the battery life for Ridge Racer was only three and a half hours. That's not very long.

Call me pessimistic, but I really don't think that it would be worth the $150. If Sony can handle the PSP successfully for the first year or so of launch, then it might be worth getting one. I think that waiting is the smarter idea here, though...

For what it's worth, I'm waiting on a DS as well, if only because the library isn't diverse enough for my liking just yet.
You make the DRE issue sound like it's still an epidemic today and that's not really the case. Did My PS2 develope DREs? yeah but Mine is a launch system that didnt develop the problem for more than 3 years and there are people out there that STILL havent seen a DRE screen.

I've still yeat to hear wide reaching reports of dead pixels that are any more problematic than any other LCD screen.

Batterylife and games, those are it's biggest issues to over come... assuming the price really is 150 at launch.
As far as I know only EA DS games are priced at $39.99. Prices for unreleased DS games don't count, as both EB and GameStop had Mario DS for $49.99 for the longest time. I would assume that you'll have most games come out at $29.99 with a few developers trying to play the $39.99 game for a while. I know 100% for sure that Nintendo 1st party DS games are going to run for $29.99. I'm not sure how any 3rd party can price higher than that an expect it not to hurt sales.

Regardless of how "advanced" PSP games are... the GameBoy monopoly has established that portable games should be price around $29.99 thus far... regardless of technology and cost of production. Sony would be unwise to price their games any higher than that.
[quote name='mousin']the guys at my local game crazy said that it would come out 149.99. they were told that by a sony rep.[/quote]

A guy from my GameStop said that a Nintendo rep said that Microsoft was securing the rights to all of Nintendo's major frachies because Nintendo was leaveing the console market after the GameCube.
[quote name='pumbaa']
Regardless of how "advanced" PSP games are... the GameBoy monopoly has established that portable games should be price around $29.99 thus far... regardless of technology and cost of production.[/quote]

Right, so my $500 home theater should cost as much as my $25 boombox? If you want big, better production values, you're gonna have to pay for them. If you don't like, then don't buy it. You play the DS Ridge Racer next to the PSP one, and then tell me production value means nothing. I'd much rather pay an extra ten bucks for the PSP version.
[quote name='CapAmerica'][quote name='mousin']the guys at my local game crazy said that it would come out 149.99. they were told that by a sony rep.[/quote]

A guy from my GameStop said that a Nintendo rep said that Microsoft was securing the rights to all of Nintendo's major frachies because Nintendo was leaveing the console market after the GameCube.[/quote]

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

[quote name='Chris in Cali'][quote name='pumbaa']
Regardless of how "advanced" PSP games are... the GameBoy monopoly has established that portable games should be price around $29.99 thus far... regardless of technology and cost of production.[/quote]

Right, so my $500 home theater should cost as much as my $25 boombox? If you want big, better production values, you're gonna have to pay for them. If you don't like, then don't buy it. You play the DS Ridge Racer next to the PSP one, and then tell me production value means nothing. I'd much rather pay an extra ten bucks for the PSP version.[/quote]

Apples and Oranges. You're talking about features, your metaphor would work for the PSP hardware being more expensive. Content is not priced based on how much it cost to "make". After all, console games are not priced in relation to how much money they cost (imagine a market like this... bigger studios and games charging $80 bucks for Halo 2). Movies aren't price according to how much they cost to make either. Price of content is based on how expensive the medium is (and I believe the UMDs and the DS carts probably cost similarly) and what the market dictates. The market is used to $29.99 portables games, and $49.99 consoles games. Plain and simple.
I rather pay more for the PSP hardware, rather than paying a lot for the future software.
I will get a PSP for sure, but if its games are going to cost $49.99 I don't think I will enjoy buying as many as the GBA or DS. I buy a lot of games for my GBA and willing to try a lot of different type of games on it, compare to a lot more safety approach when I buy console games... because they are cheap.
Even if it is I'm going to have to wait a while. Got to wait and see problems with it. But I'll probably get the newer versions. :)
wow that is a very good price for an excellent portable system. I am hoping they will work out some of the flaws first. I might have to get this also because the graphics are mindblowing and its such a sleek looking system, the MP3 player doesn't appeal to me though, since i have an ipod which i love.
[quote name='Chris in Cali'][quote name='pumbaa']
Regardless of how "advanced" PSP games are... the GameBoy monopoly has established that portable games should be price around $29.99 thus far... regardless of technology and cost of production.[/quote]

Right, so my $500 home theater should cost as much as my $25 boombox? If you want big, better production values, you're gonna have to pay for them. If you don't like, then don't buy it. You play the DS Ridge Racer next to the PSP one, and then tell me production value means nothing. I'd much rather pay an extra ten bucks for the PSP version.[/quote]

You're comparing hardware cost, not software cost. Increased in vestment in a production is supposed to return greater sales through volume rather than unit price. Would you expect to pay orders of magnitude more for an FX laden epic because you can buy a DVD of 'Clerks' for $10? Or do you expect DVDs to mostly come out in the same mass market price range and drop over time? Games like Halo 2 have a huge investment involved but they also pay off in immediate huge sales for the same $50 price as games of much lower development and marketing costs. Microsoft probably enjoyed a greater margin for the deluxe version since that box and additional DVD come nowhere near adding $5 to the manufacturing cost but those customer feel they got something worthwhile for their $5. Good marketing lead to greater profits. Price gouging just limits your customer base.
[quote name='epobirs']It's kind of like the comparison between buying an Xbox and a PS2. Don't forget the cost of the memory card. A protective case for the PSP is also a must have. I don't have that concern with the DS much since it lives in a shoulder bag and protects itself fairly well when closed but even just sitting around the house the PSP screen is always exposed. I'll buy a good case just due to dust.

Even so, the difference in cost of entry between the two product is fairly minor for older buyers. Sony must be counting on a very high attach rate for software to get them past the big hit they're taking on each unit.[/quote]

If I remember correctly, the PSP comes with a cloth case to store it in. Kinda like those ever-so-useful Crown Royal bags.
[quote name='Grave_Addiction'][quote name='epobirs']It's kind of like the comparison between buying an Xbox and a PS2. Don't forget the cost of the memory card. A protective case for the PSP is also a must have. I don't have that concern with the DS much since it lives in a shoulder bag and protects itself fairly well when closed but even just sitting around the house the PSP screen is always exposed. I'll buy a good case just due to dust.

Even so, the difference in cost of entry between the two product is fairly minor for older buyers. Sony must be counting on a very high attach rate for software to get them past the big hit they're taking on each unit.[/quote]

If I remember correctly, the PSP comes with a cloth case to store it in. Kinda like those ever-so-useful Crown Royal bags.[/quote]

Or maybe... Sony will be giving out Crown Royal Bags with the purchase of a PSP? Mmmm.... Crown Royal.....

But seriously, if this is true, then it's really good news. I would probably shell out $150 for a PSP, although i'd rather pay around $50, but I guess I gotta be realistic. Here's to hoping the OP's e-mail is accurate and true!
Aye, I also hope this is true. Do we not have any other Gamestop employees on the site that can verify this?

Hell, maybe someone could even call Gamestop and ask one of their employees if it's true. Most of them are dweebs and just love to be able to hold things like this over your head like they are just some kind of industry insider.
I may actually get one if this is true. (Nah, who am I kidding I'm still too much of a cheap ass to spend even $150 on this.)
i've seen this in egm..i think itll most likely be true , except itll be just bare bones ya kno..
o well..TAKE THAT! ppl who paid like $500 :p jk
[quote name='Grave_Addiction']I talked to the folks at Gamestop when I was there yesterday, and they have seen no such e-mail.[/quote]

The topic creator said it was EB, not Gamestop.
of course they are pricing it so low... they know they cant compete with nintendo if they dont, and sony can afford to lose assloads of money if it means that they will be on top eventually. i think its shitty of them to purposefully lose money on a system just to push out the competition just because they have so many resources outside of their games divisions to siphon money from. i think the price will be lower here in the US at launch than in Japan because all of us have had the luxury of seeing all the launch system defects and they need to attract more people to offset the loss of interest among us. i dont mean to flame on sony so much but jesus, a furniture company could sell a handheld if they priced it right and were willing to lose asloads of money on it, i just think it makes them less of a credible gaming company and more of a schoolyard bully whos just in it to rob as many kids of their lunch money as possible before school is over.
bread's done