PSP or DS Lite


Hey caggers, hatim813 here again with yet again, another new thread. I wasn't sure where to put this b/c all of the headings didnt seem suitable, but anyways, here it is.

I have a question which i think you guys would be better at answering.

Which handheld system is "better": psp or ds lite?

Anyone that is interested in letting me know, please also say a thing or two explaining your answer. I'm about to go buy one and dont wanna come home and think i bought the wrong one. so, speak your minds, thanks

Pros and cons would be helpful too, thanks
As a pure gaming machine, the DS currently has the advantage solely on it having the better gaming library.

The PSP has its fair share of good to great games and is the far more powerful machine with tons of multimedia options.

You really should just ask yourself what you want from a portable. A big library of good games or a smaller library of equally good games that has the multimedia options.

I currently have a PSP and sold off my DS a few months back because I already played all the games I wanted. However, I plan on picking up the DSL.
The best advice anyone can give you is to look at what is currently out for each system and look at what games are coming out soon. You know what you like better than we do, so only you can really make the decision.

Personally, the DS has better games, so I'd go with that.
While I really think having both is the answer, if I could only have one it would be the PSP. The PSP has a better library of games out for it, and the games coming soon for the PSP are also better if you as me. The DS is very cool though and I plan on buying a Lite on the 11th, but the PSP to me is the better system.
What kind of games do you want to play?

The DS has handheld style games, and the PSP has console style games.

There are a bunch of exceptions, but that is the gist of it.
it is like asking what is better, apples or oranges?
it depends (unless you're a Nintendo or Sony fanboy).
figure out what games you really want and buy that system.
how hard can it be?

seems like Grave_Addiction has already given you the complete summary, there is nothing more to know. if you can't decide, either buy both systems or neither one of them.
[quote name='Quackzilla']What kind of games do you want to play?

The DS has handheld style games, and the PSP has console style games.

There are a bunch of exceptions, but that is the gist of it.[/quote]

im into rpgs, some adventures, things of that nature. I'd like to get deeper into the games.
[quote name='hatim813']im into rpgs, some adventures, things of that nature. I'd like to get deeper into the games.[/QUOTE]

you need to go into more detail than that, every single system out there have rpg and adventure games.
[quote name='hatim813']alright like castlevania and final fantasy.[/QUOTE]

you should definitely get a DS Lite.
psp doesn't have a single game from those 2 series (as of right now).
In terms of RPG, the DS Lite has (or will have) FF I - 6 and many traditional RPG games such as Breath of Fire. The biggest RPG for the PSP is probably going to be Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth. In the future, the PSP will also emulate PSX games. As for Castlevania, there is Dawn of Sorrow (plus the GBA Castlevania games) for the DS. Even though there are a good number of adventure games on the PSP, I can't think of anything similar to Castlevania for the PSP. There just isn't that many new (not remake) 2D adventure games on the PSP.
[quote name='Quackzilla']What kind of games do you want to play?

The DS has handheld style games, and the PSP has console style games.

There are a bunch of exceptions, but that is the gist of it.[/quote]

Huh? That could quite possibly be the worst description I've ever heard in my entire life.

How does the PSP, which is a handheld, have console-style games when the DS, which is a handheld, have handheld-style games?

And do you mind clarifying what is the difference between the two?
If I had my choice

- I'd take the PSP over the DS


-I'd take the WI over the PS3.

Its funny how things work that way sometimes...
[quote name='Xevious']If I had my choice

- I'd take the PSP over the DS


-I'd take the WI over the PS3.

Its funny how things work that way sometimes...[/quote]

I agree on all points.
[quote name='Grave_Addiction']Huh? That could quite possibly be the worst description I've ever heard in my entire life.

How does the PSP, which is a handheld, have console-style games when the DS, which is a handheld, have handheld-style games?

And do you mind clarifying what is the difference between the two?[/QUOTE]
In my mind:

Handheld games = pick-up-and-play, shorter, less involved titles
Console games = require larger time committment, more involved; considering there are a lot of PS2 ports, that seems like a fitting description

But of course, there are exceptions on both systems as was stated.
I was weighing the pros and cons of both a couple months ago when I decided it was time to get a handheld again. With the exception of Loco Roco, I can't think of a single game for the PSP that the DS doesn't have an equal or superior answer for (at least among the games I want to play). I'm thinking about getting a PSP when they get cheaper though for Loco Roco and MediEvil. I LOVED that game on PS1.

My big problem with the PSP is that, save a couple games, most of it's stuff is just portable versions of console games. 99% of the time that's a stupid idea, at least to me. DS games on the other hand seem to be more quick and different. Stuff that's really easy to jump into and out of really quickly. Plus quirky which is okay with me.
If you like deeper games, than the PSP is probably for you. While I'd take the DS over the PSP anyday, most of the games are fairly short and lack a lot of depth.
[quote name='botticus']In my mind:

Handheld games = pick-up-and-play, shorter, less involved titles
Console games = require larger time committment, more involved; considering there are a lot of PS2 ports, that seems like a fitting description

But of course, there are exceptions on both systems as was stated.[/quote]

I understand the common meaning of both types, but I just fail to see how his description is valid.

The PSP has its ports, but the DS has its fair share, as well. Both systems have games from just about every genre available (RPG, Fighting, Platforming, Puzzle, Sports, etc.). Just because the DS may have more puzzle games or other types of "handheld games" doesn't have anything to do with the PSP or how it should be viewed as a handheld system.
DS Lite. No contest. I own both. The PSP's worst factor for me is the load times. You really have to be careful what you buy for the system in my opinion. Chances are if you have a PS2 you've played what the PSP has to offer. I like that the DS has conventional and non conventional games.
Here is my opinion of both systems. I've owned a PSP since launch day, own 2 DSs (one since launch day), and just bought a import DS Lite 3 weeks ago. I brokedown each system by category, since each system has it's fair share of ups & downs.

PSP: Costs $200 (only because the $250 bundle is not worth it if you you want to use it to it’s full potential), then you have to buy a memory stick (512 MB runs $40-$50, IGB runs $50-$70) and a protective case (I suggest the Playgear pocket at $20). The games generally run about $40-$50 and the UMDs are $20-$30.
DS lite: Will cost $130, you do not have to buy a memory stick or a protective case (since the system folds down to protect the screens)...but for argument sake most DS lite cases would be about $10-$15. The games run about $30-$35 and it does not playback movies....but it does have the huge library of the GBA (which most of those titles are under $20).

Winner: DS Lite

PSP: This is a no-brainer. You basically have a PS2 in your hand. Although some games look like crap, most of them look really great!
DS Lite: Graphics are not that bad. This is still a gorgeous system...but they are still N64 -Dreamcast style graphics.

Winner: PSP

Handheld features:
PSP: Let’s face it. Handhelds are different than console systems and should be judged as such. For example: Loading times, which is what the PSP seriously suffers from. Do you really wanna be on the john & spend most of your time looking at a loading screen....or how about taking a short car ride to the local store and have to stare at that loading screen for most of the trip? You have to realize that there is alot of loading when you own a PSP. Some positive handheld features (that the DS can’t touch) is the built in MP3 player, photo album, and movie right off the memory stick...hence no load times. Those few features have come in handy pretty often for me. Yet another handheld feature is it’s portability. PSP is one of the bulkiest handheld ever made (behind the Sega Nomad and Atari Lynx) and it’s battery life is alot shorter than the DS Lite.
DS Lite: DS has it’s fair share of load times, but not near as long as the PSP. DS Lite (like I said earlier) does not have MP3 playback, photo album, or any of those other feature that the PSP has. The portability of the DS Lite blows the PSP out of the water. It is a very portable system (that easily fits into your pocket) and has a lengthy battery life.

Winner: DS Lite

Controls & Gameplay:
PSP: Yes, they they on an analog nub that the DS does not have...but I find it to be cumbersome in most games. There a few games that use the analog nub in a way that is feels smooth. The D-Pad also feels a little more stiff than the DS Lite. The buttons themself feel just as responsive as the DS Lite. The L & R buttons (or triggers) actually feel better than the DS by a margin.
DS Lite: The D-Pad has to be the most responsive D-Pad on any handheld. It makes racing games, fighting games, etc. smoother than playing them on a standard DS and the PSP. The stylus is used intelligently in most of it’s games. It brings a fresh-new feeling to games that come out for the DS.

Winner: DS Lite

Game Library:
PSP: Has a decent about of games, for being out for little more than a year. The game are the same games you’ve played on your PS2, Xbox, DC, GC. Which is not necessary a bad thing. A large amount of people want to play the same game on their handheld as they have on their PS2. There is a market out there for these games, it’s just not for me. If you are into FPS, sports titles, racing, etc. games... then the PSP is perfect for you.
DS: Has about a dozen more games than the PSP.... but it also has the 1000+ game library of the GBA. I feel the novelty of the DS games brings something new to the handheld market. I find those games more interesting. So if you like novelty games (Nintendogs, Animal Crossing, Brain Age, Trauma Center, Phoenix Wright, Meteos) then this is the handheld for you.

Winner: Draw

Bottom Line: DS Lite is the best investment, has the best handheld features, and has just as good as games as the PSP (better IMO). It just doesn’t have as good graphics...does that really matter if the games rock? I’d say go with the DS Lite until the PSP price drops & you can get a 2 GB stick for about $50.
bread's done