PSP Revolution Coming Soon!

For those who simply want the details:

- new exciting functions, such as the Macromedia Flash Player
- expanding the current RSS channel function to support streaming and saving internet radio and videos

- New official accessories will also be released this autumn, such as the PSP camera "PSP-300" and the GPS receiver "PSP-290". The users will be able to experience the motion tracing function of the EyeToy, which was originally available on the PS2 by using the PSP camera. With the help of the GPS receiver, you will be able to make use of navigation software to guide your way all over the world.

- Sony will be starting a new e-Distribution system for the and download games into your memory stick,

- OFFICIAL PlayStation Emulator by Sony itself

- Sony will be distributing modified PlayStation/PlayStation 2 games through this system.
[quote name='s3v3n777']
- OFFICIAL PlayStation Emulator by Sony itself

- Sony will be distributing modified PlayStation/PlayStation 2 games through this system.[/quote]

I can't imagine them emulating that many games since the PSP is missing 2 buttons from the original set-up, and 2 more from the Dual Shock controller (and obviously a second analog). Although, I'd pay money for all three Crash games to take on the go. And maybe the Spyro games.

We'll see how this will turn out.
Its not a new Playstation from what I gather...I think this is going to be through firmware upgrades.
So it is just an upgrade that will come with a game or something, or something I will have to have a WIFI connection to get?
They'll have a lower price point package ($199) by the end of march, and the eye-toy add on will be through the usb port, not built into a new machine (based on info given).

I was excited for a moment about the emulation, until I realized I cant play nearly half the titles I like due to the lack of buttons/analog sticks.
This is some cool shit, IMO Sony is bringing more innovation to the hand held market. Though the DS is a good machine, it's, IMO, suffereing the same fate as the Nintendo consoles: there's a lack of really high quality games.

Right now my DS gets used to play GBA games, that's about it. Every now and again I'll play Mario Kart, but for the most part it's all GBA games (and there are more GBA games I want to get).

When they start bringing out the PS1 games for download, I'll be all over it. Let's just hope they get around to releasing Warhawk (or G-Police, or Colony Wars, or Toshinden, or that Robot Bunny one ... those were good games). I'm psyched for the PSP this year. Now if the damn memory will come down in price.
[quote name='CrimsonPaw']This is some cool shit, IMO Sony is bringing more innovation to the hand held market. Though the DS is a good machine, it's, IMO, suffereing the same fate as the Nintendo consoles: there's a lack of really high quality games.[/quote]

...does not compute.
[quote name='CrimsonPaw']Though the DS is a good machine, it's, IMO, suffereing the same fate as the Nintendo consoles: there's a lack of really high quality games.

??? Are you serious?
Actually I am. Again it's my opinion but there really aren't that many great games out for the DS. I don't want to turn this into a DS flaming thread, but the DS doesn't seem as innovative as it should be. Hell, if the Big N were smart they would allow these same downloads, firmware updates, and utilize the capabilities of the machine itself. You have a toudh screen, USE IT. The PSP seems geared towards an older audience, the DS the younger crowd. This has been the setback of Nintendo since the N64.
Sony needs to bite the bullet and admit they effed up the PSP's design. They should rerelease it with an internal hard drive and a second analog stick. I know there are rumors floating around about a redesign and I think they would be stupid not to do this.

Actually, I'd love it if there was an internal partitioned hard drive that you could load a full UMD to (only while the disc was in there) so you wouldn't have any load times and you would save battery life.
[quote name='CrimsonPaw']Actually I am. Again it's my opinion but there really aren't that many great games out for the DS. I don't want to turn this into a DS flaming thread, but the DS doesn't seem as innovative as it should be. Hell, if the Big N were smart they would allow these same downloads, firmware updates, and utilize the capabilities of the machine itself. You have a toudh screen, USE IT. The PSP seems geared towards an older audience, the DS the younger crowd. This has been the setback of Nintendo since the N64.[/quote]

You actually LIKE the updates? It gave me the same feeling as downloading a patch for a PC game: WTF didnt they do it right when they originally released it?

There's more in that post i'd rail into...but ive got a fucking headache already
This is some cool shit, IMO Sony is bringing more innovation to the hand held market. Though the DS is a good machine, it's, IMO, suffereing the same fate as the Nintendo consoles: there's a lack of really high quality games.

I think i just blew a fuse.....
[quote name='SpottedNigel']You actually LIKE the updates? It gave me the same feeling as downloading a patch for a PC game: WTF didnt they do it right when they originally released it?

There's more in that post i'd rail into...but ive got a fucking headache already[/quote]

Could the same be said about BIOS updates or flashing the computer on a car? Things change, people find better ways to run the hardware or implement enhancements. Yeah some of the updates were shit, but considering that the device CAN be updated is amazing in itself. What other system allows that? Need to read larger cards, update the firmware. Need to integrate newer technology, update the firmware. The fact that they don't need to release a newer piece of hardware to implement a change is what makes me happy.

[quote name='CrimsonPaw']This is some cool shit, IMO Sony is bringing more innovation to the hand held market. Though the DS is a good machine, it's, IMO, suffereing the same fate as the Nintendo consoles: there's a lack of really high quality games.[/quote]

To me, the idea that we'll be able to download games, over the web, to a handheld device is innovative. Some would argue that he DS was innovation brought to the handheld market, but since very few games take any practical advantage of the touch screen, or have a mass appeal, they are cutting themselves out of the market. Now don't get me wrong, Mario Kart is sweet and the upcoming Mario Brothers and Metroid Prime: Hunters look damn good, but for me those are the only ones to scream "buy me"; oh yeah, I forgot Super Princess Peach :puke: . My point is that, again FOR ME, the PSP seems to be a more innovative machine that the DS at this point and going forward. Again, just my opinion (then again, opinions are like assholes, eveyone has one).
i like more games on the psp than the DS as well...i mean, i'm probably gonna get a DS Lite eventually, but for now the PSP is doing fine for me :D
My opinion is there's really nothing worth having on the PSP. GTA? coming to PS2. What else is left? MGS acid? Doesn't sound that great.

For me the PSP would be worth while for the emulation. Not the PS or PS2 emulations, but the homebrew NES, SNES, Genesis, etc. Taking all those old games with me is the only thing I see useful about the PSP.

I don't have one yet, even used at $200 is still too much for that. But I keep reading hoping something will come along that will make me want to buy it.
[quote name='SpottedNigel']...does not compute.[/QUOTE]

Advance Wars DS > The very best the PSP has come up with so far.

[quote name='javeryh']Sony needs to bite the bullet and admit they effed up the PSP's design. They should rerelease it with an internal hard drive and a second analog stick. I know there are rumors floating around about a redesign and I think they would be stupid not to do this.[/quote]
Oh hell no. The last thing they need to do is go and make such a huge hardware change. It'll cause a big split of games that need both analog sticks, and those that don't. Can't be done easily.

That PS1 shit sounds wacky. It'll have to be all squished and weird, sort of like how the NES Classics on GBA were sort of squished. Bleh.

Also, it doesn't sound like this is a real PSX emulator. I'm thinking that they are actually ports...I just don't think the PSP is powerful enough to run a software PSX emulator. Also, it's obvious that these PS2 games will have to be ports...there is definitely no way the PSP is powerful enough to run a PS2 emulator, as the thing is weaker than the PS2 itself...
The Playstation games better be cheap and they better release a good portion of the rarer harder to find titles. Otherwise, what's the point? Except for it being portable. I wouldn't mind some RPGs since it is easier to get in the needed time to complete them on a portable.

This is really cool, but I have a feeling Sony is going to screw this up some how and make it more of a pain then cool feature.
[quote name='CrimsonPaw']Could the same be said about BIOS updates or flashing the computer on a car? Things change, people find better ways to run the hardware or implement enhancements. Yeah some of the updates were shit, but considering that the device CAN be updated is amazing in itself. What other system allows that? Need to read larger cards, update the firmware. Need to integrate newer technology, update the firmware. The fact that they don't need to release a newer piece of hardware to implement a change is what makes me happy.

To me, the idea that we'll be able to download games, over the web, to a handheld device is innovative. Some would argue that he DS was innovation brought to the handheld market, but since very few games take any practical advantage of the touch screen, or have a mass appeal, they are cutting themselves out of the market. Now don't get me wrong, Mario Kart is sweet and the upcoming Mario Brothers and Metroid Prime: Hunters look damn good, but for me those are the only ones to scream "buy me"; oh yeah, I forgot Super Princess Peach :puke: . My point is that, again FOR ME, the PSP seems to be a more innovative machine that the DS at this point and going forward. Again, just my opinion (then again, opinions are like assholes, eveyone has one).[/QUOTE]

I didn't really think you were bashing the DS...I just think there are a lot of great games out and coming out for the system. Like you said though its your opinion so its all good.

I like the idea of the downloadable games but Nintendo already said they were going to do downloadable demos and I wouldn't be suprised if they tied it into the revoltuion downloadable content as well....meaning full games.

The emulation idea for the PSP seems cool though...some things I'm thinking about as of right now include:

1. Price? - How much per game
2. Controls? - Wouldn't work for certain games
3. Load times would probably be a lot shorter which would be cool.
4. I'll have to buy a big memory stick = more $$$

Should be interesting to see what they bring to the table.
[quote name='omegaweapon7']ha, sony stole nintendo's thunder by offering ps1 AND ps2 emulations, The Revolution got beat by a handheld...[/QUOTE]

"Ha, mocro$oft stole sony's thunder by offering downloads of games that weren't even on their systems AND Xbox1 games! OMGWTFBBQLOL!!1!!!!!1!!!"

Most of this sounds like typical questionable Sony hype ("The PSP will have a GPS and a cellphone right out of the box maybe, possibly ... and the PS3 won't even be a console: it'll be an experience!") but seriously, it's about time Sony dropped the price. It's not like it was really competing with the DS at the $250.
[quote name='CrimsonPaw'] My point is that, again FOR ME, the PSP seems to be a more innovative machine that the DS at this point and going forward. Again, just my opinion (then again, opinions are like assholes, eveyone has one).[/QUOTE]

Yeah ... I'm gonna have to disagree on this one too, but that's cool. I can see where you're coming from.
I have to agree with Crimson in most of the things that he has said. I feel the DS is lacking good games since late December. Until Hunters comes out, I wont touch my fact, I'm tired of playing it. At least for the PSP I can download the firmware updates...and yes, I like having these updates because it gives us something fresh. Additionally, as to why they didnt put it in to begin with, I'm sure it had to do with the 99% of us that didn't want to wait and would rather download an update to have more features. I think that was a smart move. Also, the PS2 isn't going off th market. The controllers are the only thing which they may stop selling, but the actual PS2 isn't going to stop selling.

I for one feel the design of the PSP was NOT messed up. In terms of portability it is a good design (much better than the DS...except for no screen protection). The extra analog stick might have been squeezed in under the square button but after opening up my PSP I can tell you it's pretty cramped on the side of the buttons.

I don't want to start a flame war about which system is better. Both systems are fun to play with. Let's leave it at that...however, I for one look forward to seeing what Sony is doing with the PSP.
[quote name='uhavalotof#sinyername']The controllers are the only thing which they may stop selling, but the actual PS2 isn't going to stop selling.[/quote]

They'd better not stop selling the controllers. Damn cheap things break all the time...there needs to be a steady supply.

Mine is still broken. That's what I get for using it extremely carefully for a year and a half, I guess?
[quote name='s3v3n777']

I for one feel the design of the PSP was NOT messed up. In terms of portability it is a good design (much better than the DS...except for no screen protection). The extra analog stick might have been squeezed in under the square button but after opening up my PSP I can tell you it's pretty cramped on the side of the buttons.


With the PSP the thing that bothers me above all else is I feel like the system is WAY too fragile. The analog nub gets loose over time. The D-Pad is really sub-par. I agree the DS isn't as pretty but it feels really solid in my hands. I also think the clamshell design is the way to go for a portable. I don't think the PSP design is horrible but it definitely could be improved.
[quote name='s3v3n777'] *snip*

I for one feel the design of the PSP was NOT messed up. In terms of portability it is a good design (much better than the DS...except for no screen protection). The extra analog stick might have been squeezed in under the square button but after opening up my PSP I can tell you it's pretty cramped on the side of the buttons.

I don't want to start a flame war about which system is better. Both systems are fun to play with. Let's leave it at that...however, I for one look forward to seeing what Sony is doing with the PSP.[/QUOTE]

I definitely agree with the last paragraph...both systems have their plusses and minuses.

That said, I think the lack of screen protection on a portable system is a HUGE design flaw. Yeah, I know about getting cases and so on, but still! I think I was just majorly disappointed because I thought it DID have a cover when I first saw it. For months I thought the *back* of the PSP was actually the front, and that it had a hard cover that slid off it, and then back on underneath it (like a lot of calculators used to do a few years back).

Oh well!!

I'm definitely keeping my eye on the PSP and might get it come Christmas, although chances are for me the Revolution will win my Christmas dollars (I'm cheap, ok??)
[quote name='s3v3n777'] Also, the PS2 isn't going off th market. The controllers are the only thing which they may stop selling, but the actual PS2 isn't going to stop selling.[/QUOTE]

Well, it's gonna be pretty hard for them to sell PS2s without the controller, no? There's one of those bad boys in the box.
I'm not sure if I read the article right, but did it mention a base pack for the white PSP was going to be available worldwide, or just in Japan?
So far wording specifically mentions Japan and does not indicate any worldwide release

[quote name='asianxcore']I'm not sure if I read the article right, but did it mention a base pack for the white PSP was going to be available worldwide, or just in Japan?[/QUOTE]
[quote name='BrerDan']I definitely agree with the last paragraph...both systems have their plusses and minuses.

That said, I think the lack of screen protection on a portable system is a HUGE design flaw. Yeah, I know about getting cases and so on, but still! I think I was just majorly disappointed because I thought it DID have a cover when I first saw it. For months I thought the *back* of the PSP was actually the front, and that it had a hard cover that slid off it, and then back on underneath it (like a lot of calculators used to do a few years back).

Oh well!!

I'm definitely keeping my eye on the PSP and might get it come Christmas, although chances are for me the Revolution will win my Christmas dollars (I'm cheap, ok??)[/quote]

And with a screen protector (inevitably meaning that the screen would be on the lid) the buttons and d-pad and analog stick could have been improved and spaced out better. And they wouldn't be stealing from nintendo eitehr; they could say that they got their inspiration from the PSone's lcd and system set up ;).

My [ ] button is starting to stick and I don't like that.
bread's done