Psyclone VGA Cable for Xbox 360

Like I said in the last thread, I got the Psyclones and they work great. None of the Gamestops I visited had the MS one used and they told me that they are rarely traded in. If you are lucky to snag one at the $9.99 price then go for it. If you can't find it and have no patience to wait for Ebay shipments like me then I would definitely recommend the Psyclones. Hey, if you end up not liking it, you can always package them back up and return them to Target. Good luck!
I bought a third-party VGA cable for my 360 a while ago (about $12 shipped) and it's been just fine on my 720p TV. I don't know why the Microsoft one is being so highly rated.

Just go with the one that will cost you less and do what you need it to do.
I actually purchased this at Target. When it comes to games, the 360 looks great on my monitor. The dashboard looks like ass though. The text has lots of weird effects. I don't know if its the cable or not. My PS3 looks crystal clear when using dvi-hdmi cable so I don't think its the monitor.
Goodluck opening the package...I think it easier to get water through the airport security check
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