Purchasing a Videogame store: What would make you want to come to my place?

[quote name='Gothic Walrus']It looks like you corrected a lot of your factual errors in your subsequent post, but one thing you can't accuse them of is not advertising. They announced the tournament weeks ago, and since then it's been the main focus on their website's home page, and advertised in stores with fliers, register ads, and stand-up displays.[/QUOTE]

Sorry, I just saw it on Kotaku, so I apologize. One good thing is that this shows where the industry is moving toward.
[quote name='MagnusPym']Why do you have to reapply for your loan?[/QUOTE]

Because it has been so long since we first applied for it, its sort of odd. Basically the loan was only good for like 60 days or something like that. As you can tell from the forum thread, I have had a difficult time finding a good location and has been quite a process.

Problem with this and the franchise is two conflicting results. It almost seems like the bank wants you to have the lease in hand for the loan... but you can't really get there unless you have the franchise support ala buying into the franchise.

The one thing I would highly recommend is finding a broker early on so that you are a few steps ahead. Know what the franchise wants and is looking for. I went through 2 brokers, so not all of them are great. Another thing is travel around, do not limit yourself by distance because if you want to be successful, and there is a spot you see that is 45 mins away... go for it. Sure it may be a hassel to drive that far, but what if that is the perfect spot for you?

Early on I always limited myself in Delaware, but I go outside the border a little and find a new location.

Another thing I would recommend now looking at it, is really try to get everything together as much as you can. We have been spending $300 a month on the franchise fee over I believe almost 8 months. That is $2400 that goes towards them helping you out, but honestly do some homework on your location before you buy into the franchise because that is a very long process.

When I signed the franchise agreement, I was really rushing because I wanted to get this thing rolling, so after we got our first approval, it was a rush to cut a check. In actuality, nothing really happened from that point. Sure they have stuff to help you, but the location process is the longest part I feel. Once you have a handful of locations that you feel may fit those guidelines, which I can PM to you if your interested, then sign the franchise agreement and submit them. That would prob save you at least 2 months.

Also shit happens, it has happened a number of times to me, you just got to keep moving and try to be positive.
Just wanted to show some of these additional items that I thought were pretty cool. You can find some of these at Gamestop or Hot Topic, but it is nice to be able to offer them. Just wanted some feedback on what you think is worth having in the store?









They also offer a ton of different Videogame related t-shirts and even action figures. Figures, even though I love them, are iffy because they may not really sell, depending on the demographic. I might consider trying one set to see if they sell.
Awesome that its near Namaans Creek, you're pretty much a jump away from the DE border which is cool.

I'd buy anyone of those things. I have no idea how much they cost, but offering one of those things, like the GH necklace or sticker pack to people who buy GH used could be good. I'd buy a used game like that if I got something to go along with it every once in a while. Don't know if franchise rules would let you do that though.
I'd nix the non-videogame items. My local GS is forever dropping the prices on Halo 3 keychains and wallets because as far as I can tell, no one bought ANY of them. It was the same story last year with all this WoW stuff they had in stock for a couple months. Then again, it probably does depend heavily on what your location is. For what it's worth, I'm pretty sure the "chain wallet" fad is over, I'd avoid those like the plague.
[quote name='bingbangboom']Just wanted to show some of these additional items that I thought were pretty cool. You can find some of these at Gamestop or Hot Topic, but it is nice to be able to offer them. Just wanted some feedback on what you think is worth having in the store?

They also offer a ton of different Videogame related t-shirts and even action figures. Figures, even though I love them, are iffy because they may not really sell, depending on the demographic. I might consider trying one set to see if they sell.[/QUOTE]

Depending on the novelty item, it would probably sell well, Diamond Comic Distributors offers a lot of these items in there catalogs to store like Suncoast, Borders, and I believe Gamestop. I know Halo items (mainly the figures/statues/kubricks) have been a big seller for Diamond and lately our purchase orders for Devil May Cry and Gears of War figures from NECA have been pretty high too. So if you stick with the popular game series and not over order you should be alright with some figures and novelties in your store.
As for the tournament at gamestop, A LOT of people were mad that they weren't allowing anyone under 13 to play. One thing you need to do when you have a tournament is different age divisions and a prize for each. It gets different when its an M rated game however SSB is just Teen. I don't even know why its teen either, there are TONS of kids that play this game and would like to compete in a tournament. If you were really worried about that you could get parental consent. They also were forcing people to use the Wiimote from what I understand, and thats just stupid. They will sell the game to kids under 13 but they will not allow those kids who buy the game to participate in the tournament... very shady imo.
[quote name='Flyersfan']Awesome that its near Namaans Creek, you're pretty much a jump away from the DE border which is cool.

Sweet, thats literally 2 mins from my apartment, I'll deffo be checking out the store once it's up and running.

Nothing beats living right on the DE border and popping over for all my tax-free shopping needs :).
Unfortunately, it is on the PA side of the border, so no free sales tax :(

Sorry to hear about the under teen gamers that didn't get a chance to play.

As far as that is concerned, if a game is rated M... you can get parental consent, it will detail why the game is rated that way. Teen rated game, depending on the age, should be ok, Teen rating is so iffy. You do want all parents involved because it gets them to the store and excited for something new.

Depending on the game, you can do age brackets or smaller tournaments, but while a 12 year old might be awesome at Guitar Hero and a 30 year old might suck. What you want to do is a side tournament for a smaller prize for novice gamers. So like in a Guitar Hero tournament, you do an expert... but you can also have a medium tournament for a t-shirt or some sort of package. Also you can't enter both tournaments because that would be unfair.

These smaller items are actually priced very low, so typically they are high IMU... meaning say if something is like $2 and you charge $10. That was the problem with these items at Gamestop because they wouldn't be worth $10. These are also good as bundles with games or tournaments. Like offering a Halo pin for all contestants of the tournament. You want to also price this stuff moderatly because people don't go to a gamestore to buy a wallet, its similar on how when you go to a supermarket, the candy bars are at the checkout.

This also adds to the diversity in the store product and may catch someones eye because we might still offer it when others don't. But I wouldn't go crazy and order everything here but might come in handy when you plan on having a Halo or Guitar Hero tournament.

I have also been messing with the uber page for the store but unfortunately, I just found out that it won't let me add javascript to the custom HTML or flash, other than into a blog. They said there are security issues with it, but that menu was supposed to have a rollover image. Again, something tiny, but bugs me but im working on it.


I also did a test location for the all important price drops. I might just make it into a blog instead though because would be easier to add pictures.

Thanks for the comments, currently going through the bank process. Once that happens and if we get an approval, then we can move forward with full force. My plan is to get a car wrapped car with a HDTV inside to do small tournaments around the area.
I would say skip most of the little junk. Unless it's something that just screams cool, I think most people ignore that kind of stuff in store. Plus, the less of it there is the more likely a few key items will stand out (perhaps on the checkout case?).
[quote name='elwood731']I would say skip most of the little junk. Unless it's something that just screams cool, I think most people ignore that kind of stuff in store. Plus, the less of it there is the more likely a few key items will stand out (perhaps on the checkout case?).[/QUOTE]

Well also one difference is that we do sell retro games like NES and etc, so these items can be marketed toward that crowd, especially the classic Nintendo and PacMan stuff. The way the fixtures are set up, there is dead space on the front of them, that can be used for this product or advertising. My store is larger than most PNTs, so having the larger space, I need more product to make up for it. It will be something I will wait and see about because there is no real area to put this stuff near the checkout without it looking cluttered so I need some sort of fixture set up to handle it.
[quote name='bingbangboom']Well also one difference is that we do sell retro games like NES and etc, so these items can be marketed toward that crowd, especially the classic Nintendo and PacMan stuff. The way the fixtures are set up, there is dead space on the front of them, that can be used for this product or advertising. My store is larger than most PNTs, so having the larger space, I need more product to make up for it. It will be something I will wait and see about because there is no real area to put this stuff near the checkout without it looking cluttered so I need some sort of fixture set up to handle it.[/QUOTE]

Perhaps ask around with other stores and see? I just can't imagine that kinds of stuff sells all that well except to the littlest of kids. I could be wrong, however. Even with little kids, I'd imagine they'd spend their money more on a used game than a sticker or something. The things I can see selling are the figures for collectors. I've seen lots of people buy stuff like that. And, of course, things like Pokemon cards, which still sell.

If you're just looking for extra merchandise, you might look into picking up some used DVDs of video game movies. I know most of them are terrible, but it could be great cross-promotion to have the game and movie sitting side by side.
Hi bingbangboom,

I've been going through most of these posts (wow 33 pages :cool: )

I hope all is going well for you and your store.
I'm in California, and looking to start a new business for myself. PNT caught my eye and I sat through their webinar last week. It all sounded great untill I ran across the connection of PNT and Yak it Up. (same founder and many of the same key players) Yak it Up has had very bad storys about it and I was wondering if you had any information to rest my new founds fears.

[quote name='elwood731']I would say skip most of the little junk. Unless it's something that just screams cool, I think most people ignore that kind of stuff in store. Plus, the less of it there is the more likely a few key items will stand out (perhaps on the checkout case?).[/QUOTE]

It would be fine to have these items in the store, but don't overwhelm the store with them. Also keep prices below gamestop's and hot topic's. Hot topic charges like 6$ for a sticker and for those prices, its just a waste of space (especially if you can buy a used game for that 6$ instead of a sticker). Also don't do like gamestop and block the register line with a display full of these items.

The Nintendo wallets are of good quality, I bought one on sale in gamestop many years ago and its lasted years and doesn't even have a mark on it.

When you use them for tournament prizes, make the items different than what you carry in the store, for example if you order pac man pins to sell in the store, don't give them out as tournament prizes, have exclusive items for tournament participation.
[quote name='ColClink']Hi bingbangboom,

I've been going through most of these posts (wow 33 pages :cool: )

I hope all is going well for you and your store.
I'm in California, and looking to start a new business for myself. PNT caught my eye and I sat through their webinar last week. It all sounded great untill I ran across the connection of PNT and Yak it Up. (same founder and many of the same key players) Yak it Up has had very bad storys about it and I was wondering if you had any information to rest my new founds fears.


Yakkaty Yak, I think thats what they are called, actually is an entirely different business model. I haven't looked into that too much because it is totally different. When I talked to someone who was on that division and switched over to PNT, he said that they basically make their money on activations and accessories. So if you don't keep promoting and getting people into the store then you have a problem.

PNT also has more of an upside because it is a different product. You can't go around and get people excited about cell phones like getting people excited about playing videogames.

Back to the DVD discussion, from what I have heard, DVD sales, used wise, are very very low and you basically can make money on them if you give a very low cost trade in value. Most people do not go into the store to buy a used movie, although I have hard Blu Ray movies, new, sell pretty well. Offering that as a used product would be ok, I have seen some stores do that and just put them with the PS3 software because early on there wasn't alot of games traded in for that system.

I agree with the side products for prizes. The truth is, I didn't want to list those prices because wasn't sure if I could... but they are fairly fairly low. I am talking about a buck to three bucks cost wise... so, a wallet that you might have gotten for $20... might have cost $3. These are also good to use for bundle deals for people buying new consoles. But I understand, its not a focus, trust me, but I think adds if promoted correctly, to the theme of the store.

I liked the pin idea for people participating in the Halo 3 tournament. Almost a badge of honor. On my end though, things are looking sort of positive, we will hopefully get an approval next week and can proceed with signing the lease.

I will plan on having a pre-CAG event, if people are interested, mainly I will need a ton of trade in software and I may have a small tournament. Depends on what happens, but would be interesting. Would local CAG members be interested in that?

Also I fixed the menu thing on the website that has taken me over 10 hours, but I like it and feel so releaved something so small got fixed.

Oh, also apparently the franchise has a fix for Xbox 360's Red Ring of Death problem. The repair cost around $50 - $90 and that is mainly due to the amount of time it takes to repair it. This is very positive, especially for people that may not want to wait a very long time to get a replacement or if they have many signatures of developers and artwork on their Xbox and might be afraid of it getting cleaned.
I don't remember how much the wallets cost, but gamestop was marking down all that stuff 50% (and sometimes more) a few years ago, I think I paid about 6$ for the wallet. They have new stuff now though, halo and WOW and stuff, it doesn't sell though and it does nothing but block the register lines.

Having a fix for the RROD is a good thing, provided the fix actually works (NOT the towel trick), especially since for most people sending it in to microsoft only results in another refurbished unit coming back which will eventually RROD again, thus creating an endless cycle of repairs and less gaming time for the gamer. Also it creates a loss of downloaded data since microsoft has a retarded DRM laden system where they sometimes refuse to give you your downloads back with a repaired system (or it takes months to get them back), might want to push this on the customer who has a lot of downloaded content. This repair service might void the console's warranty with microsoft however..
[quote name='SaraAB']I don't remember how much the wallets cost, but gamestop was marking down all that stuff 50% (and sometimes more) a few years ago, I think I paid about 6$ for the wallet. They have new stuff now though, halo and WOW and stuff, it doesn't sell though and it does nothing but block the register lines.

Having a fix for the RROD is a good thing, provided the fix actually works (NOT the towel trick), especially since for most people sending it in to microsoft only results in another refurbished unit coming back which will eventually RROD again, thus creating an endless cycle of repairs and less gaming time for the gamer. Also it creates a loss of downloaded data since microsoft has a retarded DRM laden system where they sometimes refuse to give you your downloads back with a repaired system (or it takes months to get them back), might want to push this on the customer who has a lot of downloaded content. This repair service might void the console's warranty with microsoft however..[/QUOTE]

Yeah, again I might focus these tournaments and casual pick up, not really marketed where the register is, but more where the t-shirts are. They also won't be just thrown around and blocking the register wrap.

The 360 fix, they still recommend that if it is still under the warranty to send it in to Microsoft. This is mainly for anyone beyond that warranty or wishes not to send it to Microsoft. Also Microsoft does nothing with your saved and downloaded games. You are not supposed to ship your harddrive with your 360.

But this is a quicker turn around time then most, or what some people do is buy another 360 till their's is repaired.
[quote name='mike.m']Bing, I'm too lazy to go back through the thread, but do you plan on running a site and doing online sales?[/QUOTE]

I do plan on having a site, I will be using uber.com mainly because of it's community tools.


but no online sales, its against the franchise right now and doesn't connect with the tatcile experience we hope to offer instore.
porno- lots of import porno games and imports games/systems- as well as older systems/games and great prices. and did i mention porn?
[quote name='Shadows916']porno- lots of import porno games and imports games/systems- as well as older systems/games and great prices. and did i mention porn?[/QUOTE]

Yes... yes you did.
I just got my blueprint/layout plan for the store layout. Pretty cool and it is again larger than most stores. Hopefully we will hear something this week from the bank but it is looking positive. It has been a long process but I believe we are almost at the end.

Good luck with the rest of the bank issues, the layout looks really good.

And to answer your question in the title of the post, any gaming store that had a Killer Instinct or a Street Fighter 2: CE machine would get my business. There isn't a place in town that I can play classic fighters, and I am sure I would walk out of any store that has them with a few things off the shelves, too.

Just a dream.
[quote name='hufferstl']Good luck with the rest of the bank issues, the layout looks really good.

And to answer your question in the title of the post, any gaming store that had a Killer Instinct or a Street Fighter 2: CE machine would get my business. There isn't a place in town that I can play classic fighters, and I am sure I would walk out of any store that has them with a few things off the shelves, too.

Just a dream.[/QUOTE]

Yeah too bad the Arcades are now dead, but doesn't mean you can't play some good fighters. If someone trades in Killer Instinct for the N64 you can play it (i know it isn't exact). But I wouldn't mind doing a Street Fighter IV tournament when the game finally comes out, that or the HD Remix. That is defiantly possible.
Haha, that video reminds of the training videos we had to watch when I started working for Royal Caribbean. Incredibly cheesy and lame...had to watch a 20 minute video that said nothing more than "if you sleep with one of the guests, you will get fired." Personally, I don't think videos like that do a whole lot, people who are good workers will be good workers, people who are slackers will be slackers. The best way to promote the culture you want is negative reinforcement for not doing the right thing, and just as importantly positive reinforcement for doing the right thing.
The video is pretty much on par with what I expect from a training video. Is that what you are supposed to show your new hires? Do you have any other PNT videos for us to watch?
[quote name='pinebarrens']The video is pretty much on par with what I expect from a training video. Is that what you are supposed to show your new hires? Do you have any other PNT videos for us to watch?[/QUOTE]

Yeah, well its not a full complete training video, but more to show the PNT difference vs. other stores. Basically how to treat and handle the customer the right way. But also pushes a few things like added value, explaining different parts of the store like repairs and tournaments. The main thing is value like telling him he will get the games for free for getting stuff for his console that he already needs. Other stores can't really do this, but being the owner and personally invested, you can do what you want.

No more videos, well not like that exactly. They do make some reviews called "PNTv" and did make a little one episode show a long time ago. A couple of the trainers do go on a podcast from time to time, but it is more of a tech podcast/radio show that Is not really related to gamers. I would like to do a podcast maybe some day, but depends who is involved, I wouldn't want to do it alone. I tend to be very much about the industry and pros/cons for all consoles and publishers. So doing a whole show about how your stupid about your views might not be that fun. But would like to get pretty good people that can talk and explain their thoughts on videogames together. Maybe down the line for the website, especially if I start adding to the blog on there heavily with other writers. More than likely couldn't use the PNT name.

If you do a You Tube search for Play N Trade, you can find some videos on there of various tournaments and commercials.
get employees that aren't lazy and want to work but are happy to inform you without being a dick, hire a good looking gurl for show with some game knowledge, low prices, good trade in, and a bathroom (that would make a lot of ppl visit your store)
[quote name='greyzieoriental']get employees that aren't lazy and want to work but are happy to inform you without being a dick, hire a good looking gurl for show with some game knowledge, low prices, good trade in, and a bathroom (that would make a lot of ppl visit your store)[/QUOTE]

You are the first to mention a bathroom, thats pretty odd. Typically though because of the store layout, can't really have customers use the private bathroom.

We also got the "get a hot chick" thing a number of times. You can't just go out and look for a hot chick and place her in the store to sell videogames, it doesn't work that way. Plus I feel most the people that say that might be too afraid to talk to her.

I wouldn't be apposed to hiring females if they are qualified, it adds a different perspective to the store, especially for the female clientel that might be at ease talking to a girl about videogames vs. a guy.

Also, we have an approval for the loan and I will be signing the lease tomorrow morning. It has been a very long process but I feel the rewards will be worth it. Hopefully everything goes through with that and we will be opened in about two months time.
I can't wait to hear the updates once you open, its been a long and interesting ride already and you haven't even signed the lease.

Oh yeah, and as for the arcades being dead(see above comment), is there any chance you would consider putting a machine or two in your store?
[quote name='hufferstl']I can't wait to hear the updates once you open, its been a long and interesting ride already and you haven't even signed the lease.

Oh yeah, and as for the arcades being dead(see above comment), is there any chance you would consider putting a machine or two in your store?[/QUOTE]

Unfortunately no due to the cost and space issues. Plus it would not be very profitable due to the fact you can play all the games in the store for free. One geeky note, the PNT Franchise HQ actually has an old NeoGeo arcade cabinet, odd to see it now especially with all the different tapes.
Today we signed the lease although it is pending the approval of the landlord and terms with the bank. So close to at least getting to that next step. Won't be another week or so because the landlord will be on vacation and just sorting various things out, but everything is looking positive.
[quote name='bingbangboom']I will be getting my own self-owned videogame store later this year. It competes against Gamestop, EB Games and various other stores. They do have a certain ideas to attract gamers like monthly tournaments and allowing you to try a game before you buy policy.

What are some of your other ideas and things you hate about the other guys? Would take all ideas and input. I have my own ideas like possibly free silly tournaments like "Worst Game Ever" or "NES Classic" like a duck hunt tournament. Maybe a Virtual Console tournament.

SO, whatcha think?[/quote]
Never mind, I saw that you started this almost a year ago so my comments are no longer valid. I hope everything works well for you Bing. Good luck my man.
[quote name='CrimsonPaw']Never mind, I saw that you started this almost a year ago so my comments are no longer valid. I hope everything works well for you Bing. Good luck my man.[/QUOTE]

Thanks but what comments did you have?
I'm in the same boat, this thread is almost a year old so no point in starting up the discussion again.

If you must know
Be everything EB/GS isn't. Have friendly, knowledgeable employees, don't hassle the consumer, have stuff in stock when it comes out, and most importantly, have deals. This is CAG after all. Member ship programs/cards are nice too, so if you must buy a game on day one at least you don't feel THAT bad about doing it because you earned something on the card. I'm sure you are planning to anyway, but keep the store clean too. I hate walking into a dirty EB with nasty ass game cases.

I'm sure it's all decided by now anyway.

Good luck. Keep us posted.

[Edit:] Re read some of the old pages. Looks promising.
[quote name='xl_prankster_lx']I'm in the same boat, this thread is almost a year old so no point in starting up the discussion again.

If you must know
Be everything EB/GS isn't. Have friendly, knowledgeable employees, don't hassle the consumer, have stuff in stock when it comes out, and most importantly, have deals. This is CAG after all. Member ship programs/cards are nice too, so if you must buy a game on day one at least you don't feel THAT bad about doing it because you earned something on the card. I'm sure you are planning to anyway, but keep the store clean too. I hate walking into a dirty EB with nasty ass game cases.

I'm sure it's all decided by now anyway.

Good luck. Keep us posted.

[Edit:] Re read some of the old pages. Looks promising.[/QUOTE]

I can always use feedback, my store is not opened yet and you never know what interesting ideas may come out if it. Even if my store was opened, getting ideas and a better understanding of the customers.


This is what the store will look like, so having a clean look is very important. I have been to a few few Gamestops recently and they have been putting mass bulk stacks of Rock Band in their stores. Bulkstacks work for larger big box stores such as Best Buy or Circuit City, where you have room to move around.


If you look in the picture I took on my iphone, yes it is blurry because I didn't really want to be noticed taking pictures inside Gamestop. But there is a stack of Rock Band and right to the right of it... you can see a man standing, you can see his head and a tower of the mighty Rock Band.

This is also a smaller store and a real safety issue because you shouldn't really stack these items too high. I have been to a few Gamestops so this is a new standard and program they are rolling out. To me it just does not have a nice overall look and causes a lack of visibility for both customers and employees.
your store looks awesome. i like how you can enter the store without having to talk to the people working there. i dont know about the N64 controller or the wireless 360 controller but it has high ceilings and good lighting. The shirts probably wont move very fast but id go there over a Gamestop if it had a good location. now you just need some music in the background so it doesn't feel so cold.
[quote name='tivo']your store looks awesome. i like how you can enter the store without having to talk to the people working there. i dont know about the N64 controller or the wireless 360 controller but it has high ceilings and good lighting. The shirts probably wont move very fast but id go there over a Gamestop if it had a good location. now you just need some music in the background so it doesn't feel so cold.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the comments.

The difference is though that you will talk to the employees because they will not be behind the register wrap. The main reason for this is so it doesn't feel like a standard store because it isn't. When you come in you should be greeted like your the most important person there, especially if you want to try out a game. If there is a special going on now, you should know about it because it might save you some money or get you more value.

The controllers are all wireless typically because the consoles are behind the register area.

Music playing is an iffy issue. Mainly there are licensing issues with music so I was thinking about having videogame music playing, but there tends to be quite a bit of noise from the various videogames. You wouldn't want to be playing Guitar Hero and having some other song playing very loud in the background.
I think I might rethink the store design after seeing a few pictures. Now this is a different store but the things I like are the floor and ceiling. Instead of using carpet or the granite look, they went with wood floors that give it a really classy look. Something that catches the eye when entering a videogame store at least. The ceiling is actually not a tile ceiling but more like a big box store just painted black for all the equipment. We use track lighting so there is no real need for a tiled ceiling and that will make the location seem smaller. By having it completly opened, you get a better overall space and feels larger.

Here are the pictures, tell me what you think...

Here is one store layout that I really did like, the floors look cool.


Here is a store wood floors that also seems to be larger.






Its well lit, but I honestly hate any store that is black. It makes me think of a porn store. I know a lot of people felt that way too because there was a Diehard Gamefan that tried to compete with us years ago, black and red were the colors and nobody liked it.
I have to agree. Actually, I don't agree about the porn store look, but I do agree too much black is off putting. It actually kind of gives the store a claustrophobic feel. I would go with something lighter, even though I know black and blue are the PNT colors.

I do like the wood floors better. Even though it's fake, it still gives the place a more classy feeling. I imagine kids will come in there regardless, so anything to class the place up and feel more welcoming to non-gamers is a plus.
[quote name='elwood731']I have to agree. Actually, I don't agree about the porn store look, but I do agree too much black is off putting. It actually kind of gives the store a claustrophobic feel. I would go with something lighter, even though I know black and blue are the PNT colors.

I do like the wood floors better. Even though it's fake, it still gives the place a more classy feeling. I imagine kids will come in there regardless, so anything to class the place up and feel more welcoming to non-gamers is a plus.[/QUOTE]

Unfortunatly I cannot change the wall colors, it is a PNT standard but one of the reasons the walls are black is to cut down on glare on the TVs so when you play it won't be hard to see. Another reason is so that the product tends to stand out more, your eyes don't really look at the paint but instead they look at the actual product. It is alot better than their original stores that had the purple/orange/yellow color scheme.

The stores are also marketed not just to kids but parents and older gamers, they did alot of focus testing and stuff with the layout. But, no porn in here lol
Doesn't look too bad, but maybe once you can you might want to add some color in the future which can make it all the more welcoming.

Of course hire people that are cool and friendly. Don't settle for your run of the mil nerd that'll give you tude for not knowing random gamer facts that don't matter.

Attractive people over 18 that know their stuff without being too intimidating would be most preferable, and someone that's nice without being too intrusive. I like friendliness, but let me browse in peace like I do at most other stores please.

Game nerds hate when someone doesn't know what they know at a gamestore, and casual people hate when you're trying to belittle them like a nerd.
Too ofter people are misleading or simply just ignorant to the consumers wants and needs, or simply have no idea what they are selling. The biggest turn off for me is to have console fanboy behind the counter who might say "Are you sure you want that for console A, I think its better for console B." Simply because that thier console of choice.

Good employees bread good customers.
I really like some of those pics. I definitely like the idea of a game store kind of modeled after a higher-end clothing store, but I agree that they're a little too black.

As many others in this thread have said, the employees basically make or break the store. I've personally boycotted one of my local EB's for shoddy customer service/employees.
bread's done