Puzzle de Harvest Moon


Well shoot... This totally slipped under my radar, and it doesn't seem anybody else has mentioned it yet either. I'm still on the fence about getting it, but it does look fun/interesting. They put up a playable flash tutorial/demo.

There are a few things going against it though...
1. As far as I can tell, there's no wi-fi. What a shame. At this stage in the DS's life, there is no excuse for this.
2. It's $30. If it were $20, I'd pick it up, no questions asked.
3. It's done by Natsume, who isn't known for their quality control... I was a little put off after reading the glitches in Harvest Moon DS. For $30, I'd expect things to be glitch free.

Anybody pick this one up? I may be convinced to get it if it's good.
Played the demo and it was pretty cool. No Wifi kils it though for me, since I don't have local DS owning friends. Maybe next time Natsume!
Shoot, the no wi-fi *really* kills it. I was thinking about it some more, and Harvest Moon is already kind of a "niche" game, as is the puzzle genre...
Those two facts combined make it quite unlikely that anybody that buys the game will have a local friend that also fits Harvest Moon and puzzle playing demographic... Wi-fi would have made it a winner. :(
bread's done