Quake 4 PC (regular and LE DVD) - $29.99 at Best Buy

Very YMMV, but I saw the regular edition being clearanced out at the local Target by my work at $19.xx. Worth checking out if you have a Target closeby.
It is also $29.99 at Amazon.com (including FREE Shipping and NO TAX) ... not quite as good a deal as Best Buy, IF you have the coupon.
[quote name='JasonTerminator']Looks like the LE online may be dead already.

I'm seriously picking this up though, if only to see how my computer runs it on extreme settings.[/QUOTE]


Was up last night, could even search local stores for it too as it was still "limited availability"
Personally, I'm still holding out for the Quake IV at GoGamer that comes with the free Cyber Snipa keypad. They're still asking 39.90, which isn't bad for the pair, but I'd love to see it come down just a hair.

That and I'm still reveling in my recent purchases of AOEIII and CIV4 from the same shop.

Great find, OP.
[quote name='nikkai']Dang it to my motion sickness with FPS =P[/quote]

I thought I was the only one. I occasionally do play at a friends but end up with a big headache after about 10 minutes. I wish they had some type of meds for this. I'd be all over it. Oh well back to my 2-D fighters..
bread's done