Question about a bad trade


How long should you wait before reporting someone for a bad trade? It's been approximately 1 3/4 week since he said that he received my part of the trade and since then, stating that he got the game, and then since then, I haven't received any replies to any emails nor received his part of the deal in the mail?
How would I go about reporting him and putting him on the list of bad traders? I just want everyone to know not to deal with him.
first id say post here of what happened, you know what was traded/supposed to be traded, (although i dont think you would have to do this, just explain to the mod if you'd rather not make it public). then pm a mod. to get a mod go into the forums tab, and scroll to the bottom it will say who all is online. mod's names are in bold white as where normal members are in orange
[quote name='SadExchange82']How would I go about reporting him and putting him on the list of bad traders? I just want everyone to know not to deal with him.[/QUOTE]

PM one of the mods with the details and they will take care of it. You could also update the title with his username as possible scam that way if he has trades with other members they can report as well.

Sorry about the bad trade.
I wanted to report a bad trade that I recently experienced. I was trying to trade my copy of Demon's Souls (PS3) Chinese Version away. xokxtrunks contacted me and said that he would be willing to trade Call of Duty 4 (Xbox 360) plus $10 for DS. Since it showed that he had a previous good trade here on the site, he said that because of my lack of trading here, I would have to ship first. So, I shipped my end of the deal out on July 30th from Minnesota to Indiana. After a couple of emails of wondering if it got there, he said that he received it on August 6th and he would ship my part of the deal out the 7th.

Since then, I haven't received the game, and he hasn't replied to any of my emails asking where the game or money was. I recently checked with someone else who recently traded with him, Romis, and he said that he also has not received his part of the deal and that xokxtrunks has not responded to any of his emails. Sorry for the elaborate post, but I would advise anyone from deal with xokxtrunks on this site and if you do see him, let me know to send his end of the deal since I still have not received anything or any emails.

This is kind of upsetting since it was one of my first trades on this site and this guy seemed pretty legit with having a good trade already. I understand the same thing can happen with ebay and all, just kind of disappointing, but hey, karma always comes back. So, if anyone has a copy of Call of Duty 4 they don't want, send it my way;) or tell xokxtrunks to.
Dude. Sorry to hear. I have my own screening process to making trades.. no matter how reputable their iTrader is.

For example, if a potential trader has really bad grammar and/or spelling, I do not make a trade with them.

Another example, if they are obviously trying to rip me off my offering lower value items for higher value goods, I do not make a trade with them.

Another example, if they reply to my requests of elaborating on a condition of a used good with simply a word or two, I do not make any trades.

Etc, etc.

I only recently started trading on CAG (less than a month) and have yet t have any negative experiences. I was either lucky or something along those lines. If the dude decides to never ship you your end of the deal, there are a lot of cool things to do.

1. Post on craigslist near where they're from and offer free things that require random people to go their door.

2. Send them free samples and subscriptions. I recommend gay porn and condoms.

3. If you have their contact information, try to contact the local police.

I have to go shower now.. but I'll be back to elaborate some more.
I purchased an interest in his PSN Share account, after some discussion over exactly what he was selling and basically was creating a group to share what was purchased to date, I made an offer after speaking with him on what I was getting, lifetime interest, access to this account should I need to redownload or since space was a concern download some now then later. I agreed to pay half of what we agreed on then he send username/psswrd, I downloaded about 4 things, and while speaking to him on PM said once more I will always use this username/psswd, he said sure it won't be changing I'm giving it to the people who buy a share, I was the 3rd then he sold another interest, so after I finished my download I logged off and sent final payment...

then the next day the account was being used for pretty much the day , so I didn't try to log on, then about 2 days later I tried and the username/psswrd was not working,, thats when things strarted to get iffy? unfortunately I jumped the gun and gave a rating before I got any more dnlds from the first.. Ugh..

I have spoke with him a couple times in the almost 30 days, now (7/25) was when I had access, he first said someone changed it, then said if it wasn't me then it had to be a SONY issue and sony had to reset stuff, and he said he was put on hold, and kept the excuses, (I stated why would I change then be pissed?? he assured me again he understood and was working on, even said after 2wks if Sony didn't fix it he'd look at refunding some of my money spent, charge for what I did get..) this is gotten to be an annoyance, I've given this guy a good bit of rope to work this out, as sometimes things happen, but he doesn't respect deal enough to keep in contact & now I know another guy having issues, It's just not a good way to do a deal,
Here are a few more tips from screen traders. Check their grammar and spelling, check their post count, join date, and where they post (deals, requests, etc)
Just trade with people who have well organized trade lists and who have at least, like, 30 iTrader. Once you build up your rep you can protect yourself by still trading with people who have an awesome iTrader and then if you do trade with someone new they'll have to send first, period.
[quote name='Romis']I purchased an interest in his PSN Share account, after some discussion over exactly what he was selling and basically was creating a group to share what was purchased to date, I made an offer after speaking with him on what I was getting, lifetime interest, access to this account should I need to redownload or since space was a concern download some now then later. I agreed to pay half of what we agreed on then he send username/psswrd, I downloaded about 4 things, and while speaking to him on PM said once more I will always use this username/psswd, he said sure it won't be changing I'm giving it to the people who buy a share, I was the 3rd then he sold another interest, so after I finished my download I logged off and sent final payment...

then the next day the account was being used for pretty much the day , so I didn't try to log on, then about 2 days later I tried and the username/psswrd was not working,, thats when things strarted to get iffy? unfortunately I jumped the gun and gave a rating before I got any more dnlds from the first.. Ugh..

I have spoke with him a couple times in the almost 30 days, now (7/25) was when I had access, he first said someone changed it, then said if it wasn't me then it had to be a SONY issue and sony had to reset stuff, and he said he was put on hold, and kept the excuses, (I stated why would I change then be pissed?? he assured me again he understood and was working on, even said after 2wks if Sony didn't fix it he'd look at refunding some of my money spent, charge for what I did get..) this is gotten to be an annoyance, I've given this guy a good bit of rope to work this out, as sometimes things happen, but he doesn't respect deal enough to keep in contact & now I know another guy having issues, It's just not a good way to do a deal,[/QUOTE]

I remember this guy now. I thought he was sketchy from the beginning...sorry to hear about your bad experience.

Do you have Rockband? I have an extra song code you can have for free...think of it as a token of good faith from the good traders here on CAG. Just PM me if you would like it.
[quote name='MikeBastard']Just trade with people who have well organized trade lists and who have at least, like, 30 iTrader. Once you build up your rep you can protect yourself by still trading with people who have an awesome iTrader and then if you do trade with someone new they'll have to send first, period.[/QUOTE]

See that's really not fair considering I'm new to the site and without being able to trade/buy/sell my iTrader would never go up. How are you supposed to build a good rep if no one wants to trade because of your lowered rep? I mean it sucks that people ripped them off and some scammers are on here but it shouldn't ruin it for the rest of us. I've only been on here for almost 3 weeks and its hard for me to trade and build rep because of this. I have made a trade or two but its hard cause of that kind of mindset.
[quote name='Nightfox31']See that's really not fair considering I'm new to the site and without being able to trade/buy/sell my iTrader would never go up. How are you supposed to build a good rep if no one wants to trade because of your lowered rep? I mean it sucks that people ripped them off and some scammers are on here but it shouldn't ruin it for the rest of us. I've only been on here for almost 3 weeks and its hard for me to trade and build rep because of this. I have made a trade or two but its hard cause of that kind of mindset.[/QUOTE]

I agree here, but I will say that maybe there should be a minimum 50 thoughtful posts on CAG before you can iTrade. At least it shows your into the community.

Anyway, I'm sorry you got ripped off. I have yet to experience this here but it has happened to me before (ebay).
Also, here's the info I have for the guy if he tries to create another account and do this again to people.

Also, can someone contact a mod to sticky this, I'm not sure how to go about finding a mod here. Thank you for the tips, I appreciate it. Just kind of pissed about the whole ordeal and how people can actually do stuff like this.
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[quote name='Nightfox31']See that's really not fair considering I'm new to the site and without being able to trade/buy/sell my iTrader would never go up. How are you supposed to build a good rep if no one wants to trade because of your lowered rep? I mean it sucks that people ripped them off and some scammers are on here but it shouldn't ruin it for the rest of us. I've only been on here for almost 3 weeks and its hard for me to trade and build rep because of this. I have made a trade or two but its hard cause of that kind of mindset.[/QUOTE]

Everybody had to start at the bottom, scammers are in no way shape or form new to the site and people still manage to raise their itrader. It only seems hard now because you haven't gotten into the swing of things much.
[quote name='coolsteel']Everybody had to start at the bottom, scammers are in no way shape or form new to the site and people still manage to raise their itrader. It only seems hard now because you haven't gotten into the swing of things much.[/QUOTE]

I was saying that because of what MikeBastard said about only trading with 30+ iTrader scores. I know everyone starts at the bottom and the swing of things, I am everyday trying to make trades. I love this type of community where its gamer meet gamer, it just suckers that scammers ruin stuff like this.
[quote name='mis0']I have a low iTrader.. I think I'm pretty awesome.[/QUOTE]

@mis, Wow aren't we a bit modest aren't we ;)

But, It's not just itrader score tho that can be used, length of membership, activity reputation on say ebay or goosex can all help get a reputation. Some of us self included just don't do many trades but I'm active in group sharing and have a good reputation doin that. Just goes to show even people who try to be thorough can run in trouble

unlikely that it is.. there could be a fact we have no clue of like this person is in jail, the hospital, dead or even abducted by aliens..:?:
[quote name='Nightfox31']I was saying that because of what MikeBastard said about only trading with 30+ iTrader scores. I know everyone starts at the bottom and the swing of things, I am everyday trying to make trades. I love this type of community where its gamer meet gamer, it just suckers that scammers ruin stuff like this.[/QUOTE]

You can increase your rating by buying stuff from people. Think lowball sales, etc.
[quote name='SadExchange82']Also, here's the info I have for the guy if he tries to create another account and do this again to people.

Also, can someone contact a mod to sticky this, I'm not sure how to go about finding a mod here. Thank you for the tips, I appreciate it. Just kind of pissed about the whole ordeal and how people can actually do stuff like this.[/QUOTE]
woah woah, not cool, edit that post and get that addy down asap. Thats a great way tl get the mods pissed. Best of luck and i cant help but notice that your username is sadexchange82....
SadExchange, post this guys name. I sure as hell don't want to get scammed and I would hope it's nobody that I am currently dealing with.
8/31 - UPDATE: have made contact and spoke with parent, seems to not be a case of malicious intent after all, will follow up :whistle2:k as situtation changes
[quote name='mis0']1. Post on craigslist near where they're from and offer free things that require random people to go their door.

2. Send them free samples and subscriptions. I recommend gay porn and condoms..[/QUOTE]

Don't listen to a damn thing this guy says. Act like an adult and bring it to a mod's attention before you do something that might get you charged with a crime.
[quote name='Romis']8/31 - UPDATE: have made contact and spoke with parent, seems to not be a case of malicious intent after all, will follow up :whistle2:k as situtation changes[/QUOTE]

Sounds like kid got in over his head. Glad it's not malicious and hope everything works out.
It's a good thing you didn't have random Craigslist skeeves coming up to the door. I'm pretty sure you would've been charged with harassment or something worse.
[quote name='Romis']8/31 - UPDATE: have made contact and spoke with parent, seems to not be a case of malicious intent after all, will follow up :whistle2:k as situtation changes[/QUOTE]

As I mentioned previously, I made contact & spoke with the adult, whom was not aware of an issues.
She extremely helpful & explained what may have contributed to the problem. Plus she is familiar with any of the technical features of the PS3. Once I learned what had being going on I understood how things could have cause the downturn in the transaction. The issue was exacerbated since I had to track down the contact information on my own, it made matters that much more involved (irritating too) However, I have since received a FULL refund that including the extra I had given to compensate for the fees of using paypal. She felt it do to the circumstances it warranted to just return all of my money. :cool:
Overall I hold no prejudices over this situation, as I know the contributing issues and due to the way the parent handled the situation.
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I can agree with Romis' statement. Sorry I haven't been on to agree earlier, work has really picked up and I've been quite busy. My deal with the individual worked out after I got ahold of the parent on my own and it doesn't appear to be anything that was done deliberately.
bread's done