Question about buying a Japanese Xbox 360 (Maybe Cheapy Can Answer This)


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I was wondering if I can buy a Japanese Xbox 360 and use it in the United States. I may need to buy an AV Adapter, but wondering if it will work. I am interested in playing the many Japanese games they have out and not being sold in the United States. I appreciate any help! Thanks.
yes there are japanese games like Spectral Force 3: Innocent Rage and zoid.

Just remember that you wont be playing most US games.
[quote name='62t']yes there are japanese games like Spectral Force 3: Innocent Rage and zoid.

Just remember that you wont be playing most US games.[/QUOTE]

They need to cut the shit and drop the region coding. It's genuinely pissing me off I can't play Tengai and I dropped all that money on a 360. I mean MS will just be idiots in game publishing as usual and ignore it and in doing so tell J-RPGers like me to furthermore go fuck themselves so I'd like to at least be able to play the import.
Yeah, yeah, argue Halo all you want but they ignored Phantom Dust and Psychonauts as WELL as Magatama. If that last one wasn't idiotic for their reasoning I don't know what was. "Oh the storyline is too Japanese for Americans.", yeah all American gamers really HATE Japanese based storylines, that's why Onimusha and it's sequels did so poorly. See eye rolling motion. Soz don't know how to do the emoticon.
[quote name='daphatty']LOL! Japanese 360 games! That's an oxymoron![/QUOTE]

You realize Magatama and N.U.D.E. were two big name MS 1st Party games in Japan right? Too bad N.U.D.E. ultimately failed in acchieving it's goals from what I've been told. Bagged it beforehand and got the promo pre-order too. I want a real fucking sim. like N.U.D.E. achieved and not felt half-assed or dead on execution. Can the best be Seaman which fell short of expectations for me in teaching it?
Magatama might have been derivative h'n's or suffer from camera problems, I can't remember the gripe, regardless it had someone from FF behind the helm which means MS could've pimped that word heavy in the U.S. and at least sold SOME of the the title.
Bistro Cupid is a Japanese RPG/Dating Sim. where MS had nothing for XBox. Shikigami No Shiro was another they blocked, even when I heard it was going to be sold for $15 at release as well as being an exclusively Japanese started genre the XBox had dire need of to fill one genre gap, if only by one title. What else? Tenerezza would've filled the RPG pool further with a REAL turn based RPG for the Box. Instead of trying to sell titles that have PROVEN to be failures from the first one(Blinx) I don't understand why MS wouldn't release these titles to the U.S.
[quote name='Sarang01']You realize Magatama and N.U.D.E. were two big name MS 1st Party games in Japan right? Too bad N.U.D.E. ultimately failed in acchieving it's goals from what I've been told. Bagged it beforehand and got the promo pre-order too. I want a real fucking sim. like N.U.D.E. achieved and not felt half-assed or dead on execution. Can the best be Seaman which fell short of expectations for me in teaching it?
Magatama might have been derivative h'n's or suffer from camera problems, I can't remember the gripe, regardless it had someone from FF behind the helm which means MS could've pimped that word heavy in the U.S. and at least sold SOME of the the title.
Bistro Cupid is a Japanese RPG/Dating Sim. where MS had nothing for XBox. Shikigami No Shiro was another they blocked, even when I heard it was going to be sold for $15 at release as well as being an exclusively Japanese started genre the XBox had dire need of to fill one genre gap, if only by one title. What else? Tenerezza would've filled the RPG pool further with a REAL turn based RPG for the Box. Instead of trying to sell titles that have PROVEN to be failures from the first one(Blinx) I don't understand why MS wouldn't release these titles to the U.S.[/QUOTE]

Sorry, but I am too drunk to make sense of your post.

I'm off to see some boobs at the local titi bar...
[quote name='62t']yes there are japanese games like Spectral Force 3: Innocent Rage and zoid.

Just remember that you wont be playing most US games.[/QUOTE]

It all good.. i have a US Console now and considerring another console such as the japanese one just to play the japanese games. I also noticed that some of the US games are not region locked, while Japanese games are all region locked. Is Spectral Force 3 coming out in the U.S.? I was considerring that and a few others. I would love to have Tetris The Grand Master Ace.

Also, I was wondering if I get the Japanese console, will I be able to recover my American gamertag on there to use for that console? Thanks for all your answers.
[quote name='Sarang01']They need to cut the shit and drop the region coding. It's genuinely pissing me off I can't play Tengai and I dropped all that money on a 360. I mean MS will just be idiots in game publishing as usual and ignore it and in doing so tell J-RPGers like me to furthermore go fuck themselves so I'd like to at least be able to play the import.
Yeah, yeah, argue Halo all you want but they ignored Phantom Dust and Psychonauts as WELL as Magatama. If that last one wasn't idiotic for their reasoning I don't know what was. "Oh the storyline is too Japanese for Americans.", yeah all American gamers really HATE Japanese based storylines, that's why Onimusha and it's sequels did so poorly. See eye rolling motion. Soz don't know how to do the emoticon.[/quote]

So you bought an American Xbox 360 with expectations to play JRPGs, imports, and Japanese dating sims? Are you braindead, or do you just genuinely not research products before you buy them?
[quote name='Genocidal']So you bought an American Xbox 360 with expectations to play JRPGs, imports, and Japanese dating sims? Are you braindead, or do you just genuinely not research products before you buy them?[/QUOTE]

I myself think it'd be nice to see some JRPGs finally come to an MS system in the US, but yeah, the 360 is there for killing and explosions. I can't imagine somebody buying it for dating sims.... wouldn't a PC suffice for that?
To answer your questions...

1) Yes, a Japanese 360 will work in the USA (and a USA 360 will work in Japan).
EDIT: You will need to buy an AV adapter as the Japanese 360 will come with a connection that doesn't fit with USA TVs.

2) Not sure how your Live profile swap would work. To transfer your profile, I'd imagine you could just swap out the hard drive or use a memory card.

Are there really many Japanese 360 games our now that aren't being released in the USA? I can think of a few, but they are games like Tetris, Everyparty, an some convenience store sim.
[quote name='Sarang01']
Yeah, yeah, argue Halo all you want but they ignored Phantom Dust[/QUOTE]

One of the greatest games ever.
[quote name='CheapyD']
Are there really many Japanese 360 games our now that aren't being released in the USA? I can think of a few, but they are games like Tetris, Everyparty, an some convenience store sim.[/quote]
Probably nothing worth owning, but it's the chic thing for Gamerscore whores to do. Why beat a game once for 1000 points when you can do it twice (JPN version once, USA version once) and get 2000 points. Check the top 10 gamerscores and probably half of them are playing Japanese games.
[quote name='Stuka']Probably nothing worth owning, but it's the chic thing for Gamerscore whores to do. Why beat a game once for 1000 points when you can do it twice (JPN version once, USA version once) and get 2000 points. Check the top 10 gamerscores and probably half of them are playing Japanese games.[/QUOTE]

I'll never understand this phenomenom...
[quote name='Chacrana']I myself think it'd be nice to see some JRPGs finally come to an MS system in the US, but yeah, the 360 is there for killing and explosions. I can't imagine somebody buying it for dating sims.... wouldn't a PC suffice for that?[/QUOTE]

I was referring to Bistro Cupid for the first XBox there and it had RPG shit included like battles to my knowledge.
Oh and like I've indicated MS has made attempts to get some names but a few times they've dropped the ball in midcourt which I can't fathom. Seriously EA knows more about Japanese gaming easily then MS does and wouldn't make these mistakes, case in point, even 3DO had some definite Japanese games and a Japanese market and Trip Hawkins had a hand in it. I really don't understand it. I mean I WILL grant you the rights were sold but Hawkins had the name and there had to be some power I feel.
Haha Stuka+1.
And Cheapy I would consider Tengai in that category even if it IS a remake since RRXX is as well.
Thanks for all your answers. I have one more question regarding the warranty. Would Microsoft accept the warranty of a Jap console if it was broke since I am in the U.S?
[quote name='deathadder']Thanks for all your answers. I have one more question regarding the warranty. Would Microsoft accept the warranty of a Jap console if it was broke since I am in the U.S?[/QUOTE]

Probably not if not a definite no. Sorry man. I really don't understand how releasing a few of the Japan only games over here would kill MS, especially the shooters on it already. X-(
[quote name='Sarang01']Probably not if not a definite no. Sorry man. I really don't understand how releasing a few of the Japan only games over here would kill MS, especially the shooters on it already. X-([/QUOTE]

it has shumups?? dammit. I want some. that's one genre that's truly dead in the u.s.
[quote name='Sarang01']They need to cut the shit and drop the region coding. It's genuinely pissing me off I can't play Tengai and I dropped all that money on a 360. I mean MS will just be idiots in game publishing as usual and ignore it and in doing so tell J-RPGers like me to furthermore go fuck themselves so I'd like to at least be able to play the import.
Yeah, yeah, argue Halo all you want but they ignored Phantom Dust and Psychonauts as WELL as Magatama. If that last one wasn't idiotic for their reasoning I don't know what was. "Oh the storyline is too Japanese for Americans.", yeah all American gamers really HATE Japanese based storylines, that's why Onimusha and it's sequels did so poorly. See eye rolling motion. Soz don't know how to do the emoticon.[/QUOTE]

They didn't ignore Psychonauts. They paid for over half of its very long development cycle and gave up on the developer ever getting their act together in time for the game to be worth the investment. Dropping it meant they could take a tax writeoff.

Look at what happened to Majesco after they pumped money into titles that had already sucked a bunch of cash from previous publishers. Sure, eventually Psychonauts was released to critical favor but financially it was a train wreck. Any publisher approached by Tim Shafer is going to set some serious schedule restrictions on the project.

A lot of Microsoft's problems with Xbox development game development was not having enough inhouse resources and being dependent on developers who promised the moon and the stars but after well over a year would have nothing that promised to be a sellable product in a reasonable time frame. This is why Microsoft has been acquiring game developers. Their mistake after the Rare acquisition was not immediately lining up more purchases instead of biding their time to see how Rare would produce. Each dev has its own character and track record and cannot be judged by the results of a completely unrelated developer. Microsof tneeded a lot more development talent dedicated to their platform. Too many of these companies flake out and end up producing nothing but debt. Yet they get to pursue new contracts and nobody gets fired.

After the True Fantasy Online debacle some heads should have rolled but the developer just swept it under the rug and went on their merry way. Microsoft is at fault as well for getting sucked into these over ambitious projects. Something like TFO, that would have involved a lot of online updates, should have started small and grown rather than trying to deliver far too much in the first release.
[quote name='epobirs']They didn't ignore Psychonauts. They paid for over half of its very long development cycle and gave up on the developer ever getting their act together in time for the game to be worth the investment. Dropping it meant they could take a tax writeoff.

Look at what happened to Majesco after they pumped money into titles that had already sucked a bunch of cash from previous publishers. Sure, eventually Psychonauts was released to critical favor but financially it was a train wreck. Any publisher approached by Tim Shafer is going to set some serious schedule restrictions on the project.

A lot of Microsoft's problems with Xbox development game development was not having enough inhouse resources and being dependent on developers who promised the moon and the stars but after well over a year would have nothing that promised to be a sellable product in a reasonable time frame. This is why Microsoft has been acquiring game developers. Their mistake after the Rare acquisition was not immediately lining up more purchases instead of biding their time to see how Rare would produce. Each dev has its own character and track record and cannot be judged by the results of a completely unrelated developer. Microsof tneeded a lot more development talent dedicated to their platform. Too many of these companies flake out and end up producing nothing but debt. Yet they get to pursue new contracts and nobody gets fired.

After the True Fantasy Online debacle some heads should have rolled but the developer just swept it under the rug and went on their merry way. Microsoft is at fault as well for getting sucked into these over ambitious projects. Something like TFO, that would have involved a lot of online updates, should have started small and grown rather than trying to deliver far too much in the first release.[/QUOTE]

Yeah I meant to correct about Psychonauts since it wasn't a Japanese title. About some of these titles like Magatama, their flaws may have been more major codingwise but could've been corrected. I'm reminded of the Undercover game by Sega that's atrocious because of the way it handled from what I heard but IF it would've been fixed for American release it probably would've worked pretty well.
What I'm basically saying is that MS has not taken up the slack to publish shit over here to cover genre gaps, Tenerezza, SMT IX and Bistro Cupido being 3 games as such. None of these games are neccessarily exclusive, however they have not been released on other consoles either(Bistro Cupido MIGHT have been) offering a prime opportunity for MS to offer some Japanese titles that are nowhere on other consoles and attract a bigger slice of the gamer pie to buy the XBox, now XBox 360, when they normally wouldn't. Only lately have I seen MS get some real solid stuff going at MS Japan granted I agree with you MS isn't an endless bank. I also think MS's big problem is just going for names like SquarEnix, Capcom and MAYBE Konami as the only valid Japanese developers. Sometimes they won't give you prime shit. SNK NeoGeo is a step in the RIGHT direction and part of the reason THAT happened was because SCEA denied them. Atlus would be a step in the right direction and so would Nihon Falcom. People who cry RPG's, RPG's there are right but what small time Japanese gaming companies do you know that make action games? Closest that comes to mind is From Software and they're already producing product for the Box and so is Tecmo. Oh I DID forget Climax who they got but they got the wrong one's, Climax UK instead of Japan.
Ugh, too long.
[quote name='Apossum']it has shumups?? dammit. I want some. that's one genre that's truly dead in the u.s.[/QUOTE]


I can't see why M$ just can't rush a couple of quick translations and then drop them in whenever the release schedule looks barren (like June :razz:). Just make a Japan-friendly lineup of games and charge budget prices for them ($40). What's the worse that can happen?
bread's done