Question about june 5 Family guy. friend said she is going to call up fox & complain


106 (100%)
okay my friend was over yesterday and starting yelling at me when she saw i had the family guy dvds sitting out on the table. I had no idea what the hell was her problem and she starting going on screaming about the June 5 show. I told her that i didnt watch it Cause i was watching Earth Sea on DVD (Great show by the way 3 hours long and it didnt even drag) Well back to family guy I told her that i didnt watch it but it was on my DVR. So she goes watch it now and i tell you why im so pissed. well little bit into the show and i start laughing (it had to be one of the funnier shows that i seen this season). I look over to my friend who gives me this dirty look so i stop laughing. About in the middle of the show she starts yelling about how the Part is coming out and that Fox should be sued for promoting it. I had no clue what she was talking about but nodded nicely. and WHAMM It happened

it was the saturday night live clip where that Jimmy guy i guess slept with Meg.

I sort of took it as a Joke to set up saturday night live but She goes its NO %#$# joke Fox is saying that its funny for Men in the 30s (she says that is how old that jimmy person is ) in having underage sex (since she says Meg is 16) She said the show is promoting underage sex is funny. well she was screaming though the rest of the show (what i will watch later since its still on my DVR)

i was trying to tell her i still think it was just a set up to the clip to open up saturday night live but She was still going on about how that Jimmy person sleep with a 16 year old and that is underage sex and they should of showed jimmy going to prison or something. (it was funny though how peter beat the hell out of them and then goes anyone seen jimmy)

well she goes im calling up our local fox channel and the national fox channel and complaing and im sure there are tons more people and we will demand that fox pull this show off the air again. I was like its just a FREAKING CARTOON get over it.

before she left she also said something very quickly about the prison joke (What i though was very funny and stop couldnt laughing) when peter was writing on that dudes butt) She said that was promoting Prison rape. I think she needs to get a life or even learn how to tell between Cartoons and Real life. well i was wondering if anyone else was upset about this show that was on last Sunday
i think im going to move it off my DVR box to Tape. Cause for some reason i think when this season comes out on DVD that it will be edited (like that show where they show the end of the world cards with bush on one of the cards)
People who write letters / call and complain are ruining this country. Tell your friend to STFU, it's only a TV show.

Plus it's not that bad anyway. Go watch Fear Factor, it's much more offensive. How does your friend feel about FF?
People are so uptight. What the hell does she expect to see when she watches Family Guy? It is a 1/2 hour of tasteless jokes strung together - if you don't like it don't watch but don't be a jackass and complain so people who do like it will be punished. Jesus Christ - it's 2005, not 1505. Loosen up.
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']so you didnt realize your friend was so uptight? right?

you need to introduce that bitch to the back of your hand.[/QUOTE]

So because she doesn't agree with your opinion, she is supposed to shut up. Oh, and you're supposed to smack her.

Tell her to call Fox if she wants. Actually, snail mail letters usually work better. If she doesn't like it, she should choose not to watch it, but unlike most of you, I see nothing wrong in someone expressing her opinion, pro or con. if Fox listens to her and changes the program, that speaks more on them, than on her. Of course, the same argument could be said about you people--you're so uptight, she's just expressing her opinion, you don't have to listen to it.
I wouldn't get worked up about anything on TV. I'd just change the channel but that is one of Family Guy's weak points. It is funny but most of the time it is shock humor and that sometimes doesn't go over well with the uninitiated.
I share the dislike for Jimmy Fallohn (spelling?) as well. I thought the funniest joke on that show was when Peter found out he was going to SNL and got excited at the prospect of meeting all the old stars.
A free country is wasted on people like her . Maybe she'd prefer to the old Afghanistan, where the government would enforce morals on TV for her.
Hmmm maybe it's not a big deal because it's a CARTOON.

Meg's character was obviously a parody of Britney Beers - if you're going to censor suggestive underage behavior then Britney's proteges would be the kids to go after.

I mean, the talking baby has tried to kill his mom several times. Is your friend going to go on a crusade against the marticidal elements next?
[quote name='dtcarson']So because she doesn't agree with your opinion, she is supposed to shut up. Oh, and you're supposed to smack her.

Tell her to call Fox if she wants. Actually, snail mail letters usually work better. If she doesn't like it, she should choose not to watch it, but unlike most of you, I see nothing wrong in someone expressing her opinion, pro or con. if Fox listens to her and changes the program, that speaks more on them, than on her. Of course, the same argument could be said about you people--you're so uptight, she's just expressing her opinion, you don't have to listen to it.[/QUOTE]

While I agree that it speaks poorly of Fox if they listen to a few written letters, you also need to think of other people before doing something like this. If your goal is to take Family Guy off the air or something, then don't write the letter and change the channel. There are plenty of people who enjoy it, and it's not your role to take it away from them. Fox shouldn't listen to the few nutjobs that write, but they do. Much like you shouldn't antagonize a drunk because he'll probably take it out on his wife, you shouldn't antagonize Fox (who will take it out on its viewers).

Besides, I'm more worried about the FCC's decisions than Fox's. It only takes a (literal) handful of letters to get the FCC's panties in a bunch, and when they get upset we all pay the price.

Don't start shit up, just change the channel.
Has she complained to the government?
Is she wishing for the creator of the cartoon to be imprisoned?

Just as Fox/McFarlane has the 'free speech' right to create what he wants, and publish/sell it via various venues [tv if fitting, cable, dvd, PPV, whatever], the girl has the same free speech right to express her opinion. Apparently, that's only unless it disagrees with yours, which puts *you* more in line with the Afghani mullahs etc.

Consumer doesn't like a product. Consumer wishes to inform *the creator of that product* of her dislike, and share her opinion. No government intervention, perfectly within her legal and moral rights as a consumer. The company either reacts or doesn't react. Happens all the time, and there's nothing wrong with it. Methinks the queen doth protest too much.

Yes, yes it is my job, or at least my right, to express to the COMPANy my opinion of their product. Now, if she were going to the FCC and saying "take this show off the air", I might agree with you to an extent--except for the physical assault portions. But what she is doing is very valid and acceptable. If you like the show that much, then write in *yourself* and say "We love it, keep making it."

My goal in this example, if I were her, would be to inform a company of what I thought about their product. That would translate into lost viewership, and lower advertising revenues. It is then up to them to decide which action would be more profitable, to listen to people like me and change programming, or alter the show [which would NOT be constitutionally-proscribed censorship], or continue as is to please those who *are* supportive.

Me, personally, I am in that no-revenue camp. Watched FG once, thought it was one of the most dreadfully unfunny things I've sat through, even apart from being offensive in places just for the sake of being offensive. I turned it off, haven't watched it since. But I also don't feel strongly enough about it to bother writing to Fox, and I do think it is quite cool that Fox reacted to the very good dvd sales by bringing it back. Wish they'd do the same for Futurama.
right, if you want something taken off the air (or vice versa), you've got to pretend you have cancer and start pulling from the make a wish foundation
[quote name='evilmax17']Besides, I'm more worried about the FCC's decisions than Fox's. It only takes a (literal) handful of letters to get the FCC's panties in a bunch, and when they get upset we all pay the price.[/QUOTE]

I think we should be also looking at who put the current FCC in power. Corporate deregulation and incresed censorship - it has'nt exactly been a consumer rights bonanza in the past few years.
Reality's Fringe said:
I share the dislike for Jimmy Fallohn (spelling?) as well. I thought the funniest joke on that show was when Peter found out he was going to SNL and got excited at the prospect of meeting all the old stars.

I loathe Fallon too, so clearly my favorite part was Peter beating the hell out of him...
Heres a get Rich Quick Idea... Stick a couple pieces of coal In your friends butt and you'll have diamonds In a few weeks.
[quote name='javeryh']People are so uptight. What the hell does she expect to see when she watches Family Guy? It is a 1/2 hour of tasteless jokes strung together - if you don't like it don't watch but don't be a jackass and complain so people who do like it will be punished. Jesus Christ - it's 2005, not 1505. Loosen up.[/QUOTE]

Sounds to me like *you* need to loosen up, giving yourself a coronary over the opinion of some friend-of-a-friend actually *daring* to share her opinion.
[quote name='5_Against_1']You know what you need to do? Pee in her butt. That will teach her.[/QUOTE]

This is offtopic, but what in the HELL does this mean, and where did it come from? I see it everywhere, so apparently it's some new l33t netspeak I missed out on. However, it has gotten old, real quick, just like 'All your base' and "Pwned" and "Cowbell" and all the other little fast-spreading internet memes get, after the 165,134th time of seeing them.
*anxiously awaiting the next "phat" buzzword*
regardless of where it came from, it does hold true. It would certainly teach her. I've never see it anywhere before though. Maybe because I dont know about the internets

Tell your friend to shut up, its just an animated show, who cares, if you have nothing better to do then bitch about it you should go die somewhere.
I don't think there is any reason for us to be angry. Just tell her to change the channel and that nothing about the show is illegal. It may be tasteless, but not illegal.
About 17 years ago there was a Fox show struggling to find its audience. A woman named Terry Rakolta was outraged by this show and started a massive campaign to get it taken off the air. Since most people had never heard of the show they felt compelled to tune in and see what all of the fuss was about. They discovered they really liked the showed and it was soon doing great in the ratings. It went on to become one of the longest running sitcoms ever and now 'Married With Children' does great business in syndication and on DVD, assuring its cast and producers of an excellent ongoing income from a show in an obscure timeslot that was on the verge of cancellation.

Fox couldn't have done a better job if they invented the anti-'Married With Children' campaign for themselves.

It's kind of funny that Christina Applegate would be a perfect choice to portray Terry Rakolta in a movie.

If your friend becomes the new Terry Rakolta it would be the best thing to ever happen to Seth McFarlane. She really needs to calm down. A joke about a teenage girl getting seduced as part of a meteoric showbiz career is hardly treading any new ground. Has she seen the episode that implied that Lois' father was also father to a litter of puppies?

Has she seen 'That 70's Show' with endless underage sex and constant pot smoking? It's the only show I've ever seen that come close to my memories of that era, ehen pot was nearly legal and virginity nearly illegal past puberty.
I remember that about Married With Children.

I get disgusted by Fear Factor more that anything. Seeing people eat horse anus isn't "Must See TV" so I simply don't watch it. If other people like it then so be it.
[quote name='epobirs']About 17 years ago there was a Fox show struggling to find its audience. A woman named Terry Rakolta was outraged by this show and started a massive campaign to get it taken off the air. Since most people had never heard of the show they felt compelled to tune in and see what all of the fuss was about. They discovered they really liked the showed and it was soon doing great in the ratings. It went on to become one of the longest running sitcoms ever and now 'Married With Children' does great business in syndication and on DVD, assuring its cast and producers of an excellent ongoing income from a show in an obscure timeslot that was on the verge of cancellation.

Fox couldn't have done a better job if they invented the anti-'Married With Children' campaign for themselves.

It's kind of funny that Christina Applegate would be a perfect choice to portray Terry Rakolta in a movie.

If your friend becomes the new Terry Rakolta it would be the best thing to ever happen to Seth McFarlane. She really needs to calm down. A joke about a teenage girl getting seduced as part of a meteoric showbiz career is hardly treading any new ground. Has she seen the episode that implied that Lois' father was also father to a litter of puppies?

Has she seen 'That 70's Show' with endless underage sex and constant pot smoking? It's the only show I've ever seen that come close to my memories of that era, ehen pot was nearly legal and virginity nearly illegal past puberty.[/QUOTE]

The father of the puppies was one of her dad's friends... I think it was Ted Turner.
[quote name='dtcarson']This is offtopic, but what in the HELL does this mean, and where did it come from? I see it everywhere, so apparently it's some new l33t netspeak I missed out on. However, it has gotten old, real quick, just like 'All your base' and "Pwned" and "Cowbell" and all the other little fast-spreading internet memes get, after the 165,134th time of seeing them.
*anxiously awaiting the next "phat" buzzword*[/QUOTE]

I think it's from Retarded Animal babies, typically gamefaqers use it all day long as well as "Sexorize her face" and "because you touch yourself at night".
[quote name='dtcarson']Sounds to me like *you* need to loosen up, giving yourself a coronary over the opinion of some friend-of-a-friend actually *daring* to share her opinion.[/QUOTE]

No one is having a coronary. There's nothing wrong with sharing your opinion (you seem to not want to hear anyone else's). She should voice her opinion by not watching, not by writing a letter trying to get the show pulled. Only lonely jackasses with nothing better to do with their time write angry letters to TV stations. People are way too self-centered - of course the only things broadcast on TV should meet her approval... :roll:
[quote name='eldad9']This is off topic, but...
you liked the earthsea mini-series? the author of the books didn't. not one bit.

A Whitewashed Earthsea
How the Sci Fi Channel wrecked my books.
By Ursula K. Le Guin[/QUOTE]

That is really sad, with all the problems in the movie who would have thought she'd go to the effort of bitching exclusively about skin color. I find it quite hilarious that she would be so angry when she really places very little emphisis on it in her works.
[quote name='dtcarson']This is offtopic, but what in the HELL does this mean, and where did it come from? I see it everywhere, so apparently it's some new l33t netspeak I missed out on. However, it has gotten old, real quick, just like 'All your base' and "Pwned" and "Cowbell" and all the other little fast-spreading internet memes get, after the 165,134th time of seeing them.
*anxiously awaiting the next "phat" buzzword*[/QUOTE]

Damn... no wonder everyone was looking at me weird. I thought it was cowball(Nsfw)...
I wonder.

If the joke had been done on American Dad, would so many people be in the "tell her to shut up/she's a bitch" camp? Or is just that it's Family Guy and everyone feels compelled to defend it since it's such a "great" show?

As for the idea itself, I forgot when rape became cool. There was a shirt on the net a few years ago that said "I can have whoever I want, I'm a rapist," and I just thought it was tasteless. Of course I'm not going around and screaming about it, I just disagree with it and I won't buy it.

Slidecage's friend has every right to call up/write Fox/etc, just as much as you guys can call her a bitch I suppose. Everyone crying about how she wants to censorship things, and yet, you're telling her to piss off? Ok.

Oh and carson, generally all the internet phrases are born from Incidentally, I don't know the name of the poster, but he created the "pee in her butt" joke. spawns a huge amount of phrases that people around here seem to use. I've seen "I, for one, will welcome our _____ overlords" and such around here. Just fyi.
fucking Kayden. Just because you don't have a job doesn't mean the rest of us don't. If your putting images like that in the OTT then fine, but never EVER blatantly post questionable pics in public threads again. If I were a mod you'd get a week ban for that.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']Hey, could you put a NSFW and just a link on those huge balls? I just got some strange looks at work.[/QUOTE]

haha, thats great.

"hey, isnt that the guy looking at cow balls?"
Hehe, just to mess with her you should have her over for a double feature matinee at your house sometime, start with Old School and then move on to Lolita. Then just for kicks, listen to some Jerry Lee Lewis records after that. You'll have her so pissed that she won't want to even talk to you anymore. Problem solved.
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']regardless of where it came from, it does hold true. It would certainly teach her. I've never see it anywhere before though. Maybe because I dont know about the internets


I'm laughing too hard at that pic...why?!?!
[quote name='evilmax17']fucking Kayden. Just because you don't have a job doesn't mean the rest of us don't. If your putting images like that in the OTT then fine, but never EVER blatantly post questionable pics in public threads again. If I were a mod you'd get a week ban for that.[/QUOTE]

Call me crazy... but if you're at work, wouldn't that imply you'd be working? I can see having problems if this site was related to work, but I highly doubt thats the case. I thought most companies had rules against surfing the net.

Further more... I highly doubt your chances of being a mod any better than mine... which is to say negligible to non-existant. Running around badgering people who don't hold the same moral ground as you does not make you a moderator.
[quote name='zionoverfire']That is really sad, with all the problems in the movie who would have thought she'd go to the effort of bitching exclusively about skin color. I find it quite hilarious that she would be so angry when she really places very little emphisis on it in her works.[/QUOTE]

Skin color was an important facet in her novels. Have you read The Left Hand of Darkness or the Earth Sea series? IMO, if you're going to do a movie/series based off a book - it should be accurate. She has a lot of information and meaning in her books. I'd respect the woman's wishes.
[quote name='Kayden']Call me crazy... but if you're at work, wouldn't that imply you'd be working? I can see having problems if this site was related to work, but I highly doubt thats the case. I thought most companies had rules against surfing the net.

Further more... I highly doubt your chances of being a mod any better than mine... which is to say negligible to non-existant. Running around badging people who don't hold the same moral ground as you does not make you a moderator.[/QUOTE]

It was somewhat of an innapropriate pic - a nsfw would have sufficed and avoided the trouble of people complaining.
Reality's Fringe said:
I share the dislike for Jimmy Fallohn (spelling?) as well. I thought the funniest joke on that show was when Peter found out he was going to SNL and got excited at the prospect of meeting all the old stars.

I believe the joke was he was excited to meet all the stars but that they were all dea. He listed off all the ones that are dead but then ended with Horatio Sanz (whatever his name is)(who isn't dead.
I tend not to base my moral values on cartoons. But hey, whatever works for her.

Also, it may not have been statuatory rape. I'm not familiar with the laws in Rhode Island, but here in MD, it's 16.
Thanks for changing it Kayden. The thing was that the topic was about someone complaining about Family Guy so seeing cowballs (huge ones at that) was unexpected. Had I seen a topic with "Cowball" or "NSFW" in it, I would know to avoided the topic. About the work thing, it is a real SLOW business day where I am but my co-workers are still mulling around. I have done all the paperwork today that I can do but I still have to be here until 5:15pm and this is the only other thing I have to do.

It's moot now though.
bread's done