Question for all the beer drinkers


CAG Newbie
What do you do with your bottle caps from your beer bottles? I'm working on a project and need a lot of bottle caps. For those of you who throw them away, i'd be willing to pay you a couple of cents for each bottle cap.

Also for those of you who drink wine, i'm looking for corks for another project.

It's all part of a project to find uses for items most people throw away all the time, so if you have bottle caps or wine corks sitting around let me know. If you don't have any right now, save them when you get them please. I would greatly appreciate it.
Theres no specific time that i need them by, its a personal project. I'll pay for shipping, but one request i have is that anyone planning on sending them, save them until you have atleast 25 caps. It would be more of a waste to just ship 3 or 4 caps than it would be worth.
If you pay 1 cent per cap, and I drink 100 million beers, I become millionaire. So I send you caps by end of month, and you send me money then?
I'm looking for the corks that are solid cork. I know i have seen some that have a plastic cap on the end of them, but i need ones that are just solid cork. Whether they come from wine or champagne, as long as they're solid cork they'll do
[quote name='Cracka']I'm looking for the corks that are solid cork. I know i have seen some that have a plastic cap on the end of them, but i need ones that are just solid cork. Whether they come from wine or champagne, as long as they're solid cork they'll do[/QUOTE]

Are you looking for real cork or the synthetic stuff? A lot of wines, especially cheaper wines, are turning to synthetic cork nowadays.

Oh and as for beer bottle caps, does it matter if they're bent from opening? (I think the last time I had a twist top was before Amber Bock switched.) Otherwise, I could send them your way instead of recycling them.
Why don't you just admit your real intentions already? We know you're hoping for a Fallout 3-esque apocalypse where bottle caps become the new currency.
I think its the look of the real cork that i was looking for, but i'll take either. For the bottle caps it doesn't matter if they're bent from opening, as long as they're not mangled.
As long as they're the same size and shape then it doesn't matter to me what its from, whether its from bottled cokes, beer, or whatever. But they have to be the same size and shape. Jager caps and caps like them won't work though.
I'm doing a project with paper bags. So if ya'll know any bums or vagrants that can set me up...

Seriously though, you should hit up some bars. I'm sure they sweep up probably a couple hundred a night.
Tell them it's like a soup label type of thing, where kids manage to convince kitchens to save them up, etc. Tell them it's to buy eyeball guards, to keep flies out of the eyes of the African kids in those commercials where you can own your own little shanty town kid for just a dollar a day.
i drink a fair amount of beer, as do my buddies, i'd say in a month we would have 10-15 cases, i could save them and you just pay my shipping cost. It will cost a tiny bit more, as i am from Canada tho, but nothing much more. At least you would have some canadian caps :) and i drink some newfoundland beer, which is only available in newfoundland :)
I probably have 15 or so right now (been going out instead of drinking in). If my brother and his friends stay in tomorrow, I should have a good amount to send off to you. What was your minimum again?
If you need them I could save them, I just throw them away now. I drink a good amount of Dos equis, coors light, bud light, bud select etc
Around 25 or so for the minimum is what i had in mind.

Pimpster i would appreciate it if you would save them for me. Actually glad to hear you drink dos equis cause i was wanting to get some of those caps too
i got hundreds of corks... I think my fiance' wants them for our wedding in some form though... I'll check with her.
[quote name='Cracka']bump, anyone, beer caps?[/QUOTE]

I have 3 that were left in my pants pocket after Saturday's night's festivities (outside party; no place to put caps). They've been washed and everything (along with my pants). ;)
I would recommend you check with any local restaurants for wine corks. Many restaurants around here, southeastern Louisiana, will save corks for you if you ask. For beer caps, i would make friends with the bartenders at a busy college bar and ask them to save some for you. At my bar, we sell an average of 50-70 cases per week. That amounts to roughly 1000-1400 caps per week. I'm sure figures would be equivalent for busy college bars in other areas.
just so you know, i havent forgotten this. i do have a pile going, but im trying to get a good amount before i PM you about it.
bread's done