Quitting my retail job, need adive.


1 (100%)
I misspelled advice. lols =)

So I'm about to quit and I need some simple advice. The story goes as follows: I've been working in this retail job for one month and I'm just not feeling the line of work and environment. Is it necessary to put my two weeks in or should I just stop going? It's not like I would use thos job as a future reference.

Thank you.
I wouldn't just stop going. You probably don't have to give your two weeks, but if you just stop going, thats kind of a dick move considering that management will make some poor coworker work extra to cover your shifts.

I would at least finish out the rest of your schedule.
yea and u worked there 1 month so its not like u could use them as a reference. id let them know u are quitting. not saying give them 2 weeks. just tell them, hey i gotta quit. just so they know to find someone to fill your shift.
I'm torn on this. Ont he one side, they were nice enough to hire you and give yo whatever training. So, I would at least tell them and give them whatever time they need.

On the other side, you aren't using them as a reference, and if it was in their financial interest, they would likely throw you on the street without a second thought. So, why should you be held to a higher standard.

I think I would give my 2 weeks, but then again, that is just me.

There's your dive OP.

Anyway, I would put in my two weeks, and try to get an office job. It really depends where you live. Luckily for me, I'm in the same spot as yours, except I'm getting 20 bucks an hour. The catch? I'm pretty much either:

1. On call
2. On call
3. On call
4. On call

But it is something I like to do (tech support). It's just that I'm pretty much always sleepy, and unsure of when I'll have to go in to work. I might quit it because of that and that alone.

Also in b4 PENIS
Yeah I was offered a job like that with T-mobile for 14$ an hour. Problem was the drive and the fact that they were very picky with schedueling.
It's retail, give them a week notice. It's not a professional job and you have only been there a month, it's not like you been there a year or longer. I would still work there till I find another job though, since finding a new job is always hard and you could be without work and income for a while.
[quote name='Zen Davis']Keep working there until you find another job and then give your two weeks notice.[/quote]

I do not know about your workplace but in CA, most jobs are at-will-employment. No notice is necessary to quit but the employer doesn't need a reason to let you go either.

Dump the job and move on.
I highly recommend finding something else first. I went 8-9 months unemployed because I thought I could find something better and quit my job without something lined up. I was wrong, I applied everywhere but fast food joints, and It wasn't until july that I finally started getting calls. Actually I took two jobs, two in 10 days after 8 months of no responses. I quit one the other day to make time for the other, but I gave 2 weeks because A) it's a government job, and B) they are good people.

If it makes you feel any better, a job in retail won't land you much as far as a reference unless you were in a sales position. This girl I work with just got hired with no experience at all. If the employer is worth working for, they probably know better than to only look at your job history.
Don't forget the...


Seriously, give them a week notice and have a job lined up (or two) and make sure that the next job will be more of your liking.
bread's done