Random Free Codes (Drop Only, no asking for codes)

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Here they are. :)


It's pretty much my favorite animal!
TROGDOR ain't bad either.  ;)

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2 disney rewards codes for 25 points each (Promotional codes) should work for everyone



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Have you looked at the special offer where you can get 7 movies for the price of 30 dollars and all you have to do is buy 4 movies off the site in the next 24 months:)


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I have a copy of World War Z to give out courtesy of my mother! (ultraviolet copy, and it's from paramount so it *might* be us only) I told her I gave out the extra from Star Trek, and she insisted I did the same for her extra copy of World War Z.

So trivia question (courtesy of my mom again):

(you can choose one of these two)

1.  What are the three signs you're a zombie? (or "How to tell if someone is a zombie")

2.  Why can't a rabbit be a zombie?

I have a copy of World War Z to give out courtesy of my mother! (ultraviolet copy, and it's from paramount so it *might* be us only) I told her I gave out the extra from Star Trek, and she insisted I did the same for her extra copy of World War Z.

So trivia question (courtesy of my mom again):

(you can choose one of these two)

1. What are the three signs you're a zombie? (or "How to tell if someone is a zombie")

2. Why can't a rabbit be a zombie?
  1. You crave brainss.
  2. People avoid or run from you.
  3. You start to develop a pronounced dragging on one side of your body.
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  1. You crave brainss.
  2. People avoid or run from you.
  3. You start to develop a pronounced dragging on one side of your body.
Good responses! But Paliusz messaged me with this:

- You go out of your way to eat “organic” food.
- You’re often part of lumbering, slow-moving crowds.
- You suffer from achy joints and stiff, lifeless limbs.

No, rabbit can be a zombie! Look!


At the same time so I had mom choose which she liked best and it was Paliusz. Sorry about that!:(

Couple of GTA V blimps for free, let me know PS3 or 360!

Who will receive:




Sending all out now! 

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free 1 day redbox game rental code exp 9/20/13 (need used up today or tomorrow by 12 pm!)

first one to quote this post gets the code inboxed to them!

post a funny joke to win a copy of bioshock 1 for steam
I was in the restaurant yesterday when I suddenly realized I desperately
needed to pass gas. The music was really, really loud, so I timed my
gas with the beat of the music.

After a couple of songs, I started to feel better. I finished my coffee,
and noticed that everybody was staring at me....

Then I suddenly remembered that I was listening to my iPod.

lol heres another for shits and giggles

ok so I was at the gym recently pumping my gun btw i have small gun :(

anyway I was lifting weights and there was this huge guy next to me lifting 

weights to so i turn to him and say "hey you know a veterinarian'' hes like

no why?? im like because theses PYTHONS ARE SICK!!!!!! he immediately 

drops the weight and starts laughing. I accomplished something that day :)

post a funny joke to win a copy of bioshock 1 for steam
This is one of my favorite George Carlin jokes:

"The most unfair thing about life is the way it ends. I mean, life is tough. It takes up a lot of your time. What do you get at the end of it? A death. What's that, a bonus? I think the life cycle is all backwards. You should die first, get it out of the way. Then you live in an old age home. You get kicked out when you're too young, you get a gold watch, you go to work. You work forty years until you're young enough to enjoy your retirement. You do drugs, alcohol, you party, and you get ready for high school. You go to grade school, you become a kid, you play, you have no responsibilities, you become a little baby, you go back into the womb, you spend your last nine months floating... you finish off as an orgasm."

post a funny joke to win a copy of bioshock 1 for steam
A husband and wife are trying to set up a new password for their computer.
The husband puts, "Mypenis," and the wife falls on the ground laughing because on the screen it says:
"Error. Not long enough."
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Desura codes:

Chompy Chomp Chomp: LLZWW-TPGEI-K49D5-5HN3A-DTD2W



iphone/ipad/ipod touch promo code:

Batman Arkham City Lockdown: FRK7NYPRALHK

Raptr Code:

AirMech Raptr Talons: A2QX-KAD2-EODQ-AJKP
Kids have been playing a ton of PC games lately. I grabbed the Desura codes for them.  Thank you very much. :)

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I got a $5 off for bestbuy.com (from rewaredzone). I had a copy of the code printed out and everything just could not find time to go to use it. The code expires tomorrow, I don't know if it still works but if you want it and want to try it just be the first quote.
would like to try

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