Random thread: What are some of the worst "smell experiences" of your life?


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Trapped in an elevator with a fat lady who bathed in perfume, year old broccoli salad left in the trunk of the car, we all have a smell story to share. Name some of your worst smell experiences.

And this thread doesn't count as an answer :bomb:
The work restroom is pretty bad right now. I was restroom hunting on the entire floor so I could have one that doesn't smell. I don't want to be in a smelly restroom between two other men.
Running over a dead bird with a lawnmower. Walking through a fine mist of maggot-infested carrion is about as bad as it gets.
Something recently strikes my mind.. it may not be THE smelliest, but it was nasty and triflin.
I was coming up from underground (took the train to work) and I noticed a really weird funk. Now, it's underground in Philly so I'm used to smelling shit, piss and vomit with that hint of cheap booze every morning. That's fine..but this was a FUNK.

As I got closer to the stairs the odor got REALLY fucked up. It was really humid this day too, and you know how thinks are just even more foul when it's hot/humid out? Well, I saw people laughing and lookin at the wall and with disgust...and then I saw what the smell was.


Some nasty ass smashed a USED PAD.. (YES, LIKE MAXI) on the wall.......it was actually STUCK to the wall and there was nasty coochie blood splatter around it.

I suppose it'd make sense for me to say autopsies, but I surprisingly didn't find it THAT bad. The worst part was when they were cutting into the stomach area.
The smell your breath has after your wisdom teeth are taken out and has had sweet and sour chicken stuck in the sockets for a week.

That and a bag full of uses cigarettes..... *cough*
I went to this dumpsite called Payatas in the Philippines to do a short film.

And I get the shitty job to change diapers at the hospital. I've seen clay shit, brown shit, green shit, black shit, red shit... I think that's all of it.
I'm pretty sure I could live without smell for the most part...

Anyway, I don't really know since I block out bad smells and try not to remember them.
Anytime my younger brother farts. Holy shit, it smells like he crapped his pants every time, if he does it in front of people they run. Have this happen in a SUV with five people, oh God. The smell could kill people. Plus, he does it every FIVE MINUTES AFTER EATING OUT. So yeah, that's it =).
[quote name='lilboo']Something recently strikes my mind.. it may not be THE smelliest, but it was nasty and triflin.
I was coming up from underground (took the train to work) and I noticed a really weird funk. Now, it's underground in Philly so I'm used to smelling shit, piss and vomit with that hint of cheap booze every morning. That's fine..but this was a FUNK.

As I got closer to the stairs the odor got REALLY fucked up. It was really humid this day too, and you know how thinks are just even more foul when it's hot/humid out? Well, I saw people laughing and lookin at the wall and with disgust...and then I saw what the smell was.


Some nasty ass smashed a USED PAD.. (YES, LIKE MAXI) on the wall.......it was actually STUCK to the wall and there was nasty coochie blood splatter around it.

SO. FOUL.[/quote]

I was walking down the road smoking a funny cigarette when I stepped in something goopy, but didn't think much of it. I get home and see my foot is covered in fur/blood/guts, so I went back to where I was to take a look with a flashlight and it was a rotting dog with its head smashed from when I stepped on it. I had to throw the shoes away cause of the stink. :[
[quote name='lilboo']Something recently strikes my mind.. it may not be THE smelliest, but it was nasty and triflin.
I was coming up from underground (took the train to work) and I noticed a really weird funk. Now, it's underground in Philly so I'm used to smelling shit, piss and vomit with that hint of cheap booze every morning. That's fine..but this was a FUNK.

As I got closer to the stairs the odor got REALLY fucked up. It was really humid this day too, and you know how thinks are just even more foul when it's hot/humid out? Well, I saw people laughing and lookin at the wall and with disgust...and then I saw what the smell was.


Some nasty ass smashed a USED PAD.. (YES, LIKE MAXI) on the wall.......it was actually STUCK to the wall and there was nasty coochie blood splatter around it.

SO. FOUL.[/quote]

You just ruined my day, bud. Take pride in that. Anyway, I used to work as a dishwasher in a restaurant and had the displeasure of cleaning out a pot of burnt cabbage. It looked like brains and just going near it made me gag so much that I almost puked a few times. By far the worst smell I've ever endured.
I had lung surgery in high school, and have a couple scars on the right side of my body. A couple days after the surgery I looked under one of the bandages to find some white puss that was covering the wound. That smelled horrible.

A back alleyway in Chicago.

An old roommate left pasta in the sink over a 2 week period at which no one was in the house. I got to clean that up, almost made me throw up.
[quote name='madnarg']Running over a dead bird with a lawnmower. Walking through a fine mist of maggot-infested carrion is about as bad as it gets.[/QUOTE]

Really....I saw the title, and I knew better than to read this thread while eating popcorn chicken. And yet, here I am, staring at the food I can no longer eat :)
[quote name='tiredfornow']I was walking down the road smoking a funny cigarette when I stepped in something goopy, but didn't think much of it. I get home and see my foot is covered in fur/blood/guts, so I went back to where I was to take a look with a flashlight and it was a rotting dog with its head smashed from when I stepped on it. I had to throw the shoes away cause of the stink. :[[/quote]

Ugh, that made my stomach turn.. reading this thread was a mistake..

San Jose always smells like sewer ass to me. Convention halls of Fanime, AX, and the San Diego comic con are all pretty high on my list.
A combination of the BO of 50,000 people who'd been in 100 degree weather all day and that awful beer they sell at concerts at ACL.
The ammonia tanks on my family's farm, no doubt. Nothing even comes close to comparing. I had to paint them when I was about 12. Worst job ever.
went to the house that 4 of my friends live in and had to pee, so i ventured upstairs and found the easiest bathroom occupied. so as i entered the masterbedroom and went for the bathroom... now this is a nice house and the masterbath has one of those "toliet exclusive" closet-esque things. so i open the door to the toliet and BAM... i get hit with 4 day old stagnent urine smell to the face, dane had pee'd and then left town apparently forgetting to flush.

held my breath while i pee'd still thought i was going to puke.
When they used to have the store Wizards of the Coast, it smelled like a bunch of sweaty nerds sleptover and walked around barefoot. Funny thing is, it was like this at all the WotC stores I visited back then. Maybe it was those huge fantasy sculptures.
I get sick just thinking about it.

Back in High School, I used to work at Carls JR. I worked from 7am to 11pm some days because I had this problem with saying NO when my manager asked me to work overtime. Bad idea.

At 10:30 we're supposed to close the dining room, clean and wipe it down and put all the chairs up, sweep, mop, clean the windows and check and disenfect the bathrooms so that it would be nice and clean for the next morning.

i've just finished cleaning the bathrooms and while mopping down the dining room, an older woman comes running up the the side door, and starts banging on it loudly. I tell her the dining room's closed and she insists she just needs to go to the bathroom real quick, I let her in and watch as she zooms right past me into the women's room and I go back to mopping. about 15 minutes later as I'm closing up the front registers, she comes up to me and tells me...

"I'm Sorry....I Missed"



Afterwards she quickly runs out the door never to be seen again. I go up to my manager and tell him what she told me, tells me I should check out the damage.

I stare at the door for a good 2 minutes before I finally get the courage to walk in.

Now, I've been peppersprayed before and punched repeatedly in the face and nose and whatnot...Those things are far more pleasent than what I walked into in that fateful night at the Carls jr womens restroom.

Before the smell even hit my nose, my eyes were already watering, turning red and burning the back of my cornea's. and I haven't even opened the stall door yet, a couple more steps inside and the rancid stench was at my throat choking me and eating up all the pure precious oxygen that was in such short supply, My nose was burning up and every single nose hair in my nostrils withered and died. I tried using my work shirt to cover my face but it was pointless, I could literally taste it's odor, the very texture of the smell itself as if it were like some oily greasy gas. and then I opened the stall door...

Words cannot describe my confusion, disgust, revulsion that I felt in a matter of a second. How in the world the human body is capable of producing something so foul is beyond me, and how the human rectum can propel this... watery liquid diahrea across a room, behind the toilet, on the left and right sides, all over the silver hand rails for the handicapped, even on the toilet paper roll dispenser, the floor was covered up to 3 or 4 inches of pure crap and piss, It was still Oozing across the floor near the drainage in the middle of the bathroom...Everywhere, every inch was covered in shit...everywhere except inside the clean, and pristine toilet bowl itself....she truly did miss, like shaq at a freethrow it was a disaster...and it only got worse from there...

I.....had to stay an extra hour and half to clean it up...after throwing up in the trashcan a couple times, soon followed by the nightshift manager throwing up as well as the guy working the drive through all in the same trashcan...which triggered some sort of odd train reaction in the Illegals we had working in the back who also....puked like a pack of dominoes.

I wish I was making this up.

To this day I am truly astounded to the amount of shit, one women is capable of shooting out her ass at such a....projectile-like fashion.
[quote name='joe2187']disgusting story[/quote]
Wow, that is really disgusting sounding. The best I can come up with is after snapping my radius and ulna in two (my forearm, went through the skin), the newspaper afterward had a combination of blood, some bone marrow, and the ink running on the newpaper. After I got out of the hospital (two days) it was decided that I should get this paper back as some sort of commemoration to a terrible memory. It was sealed in a glass container so I could put it on my shelf.

The next day I took it out to try and reposition it better. I was greeted with a foul stench that had me gag and run outside, old, crusty, bloody paper in hand, and toss it in my trash before vomiting right outside the trash can.
I used to work in a meat department and we were cleaning out one of our coolers on day. Behind some supplies in the back, we found a box of half hams that were almost a year past their expiration date. My manager took one out and the vacuum pack had swelled to the point that it was perfectly round and the ham was moving freely inside.

He went and grabbed a knife and cut a hole in the plastic. Stupidly, I stuck my nose over the hole and took a whiff. I immediatly ran into the backroom of the store, hopped on the dumpster chute, and puked my guts out. That was beyond horrible!
On my first tour in Iraq during the initial invasion and right afterwards we didn't have porta shitters yet and we had to build our own latrines. The bad thing is that you had to go and take the shit bucket out to the burn site and burn the shit....:cry:
It sucked.
[quote name='Wolve11']On my first tour in Iraq during the initial invasion and right afterwards we didn't have porta shitters yet and we had to build our own latrines. The bad thing is that you had to go and take the shit bucket out to the burn site and burn the shit....:cry:
It sucked.[/quote]

Did you feel like charlie sheen in Platoon?
Easy one...

I work at a college bookstore located within one of the buildings on campus. About a month ago, there was a faint odor in the entire building, but not much was though of it because it wasn't that powerful. The next day the stench overwhelmed the entire building. No one knew what it was but it smelled worse than pretty much everything I have ever smelled. Come to find out that one of the biology instructors had a deer head in a refrigerator and the power to the fridge failed. Needless to say, that thing was decomposing and was funkin' up everything. They had to wheel the fridge outside and dispose of the head. Man, I felt sorry for whoever had to get near that thing. It was brutal. I half-joking said it smelled like something died before we found out what it was.
Had a similar experience....working my first job out of college, was working at this industrial=-office building with a locked back stair case. One day we notice a faint odor...the next day its stronger, the next day you almost couldn't be in the building.....come to find out a big old cat had crawled somehow into the locked rear staircase, died, began to decompose, and was rotting just outside the door.

But thats not the worst part. As we all hung around while the building owners came, they pushed the shovel underneath the cat and it literally "popped" when they lifted it...and you want to think it stunk *before* this thing exploded all over the walls?

We didn't work for 2 days, left the doors open, had fans going....had the back staircase professionally disinfected. When we came back...it still stunk.....I skipped lunch for about 2 weeks because that faint decomposing aroma just "hung around".....


See my avatar for an "artistic rendering of the cat-ploding event"
We accidently left a loaf of turkey out while rearranging the freezer in the basement. It must have somehow fell behind a chair down there and sat there, without even air conditioning for over 2 weeks. The basement and kitchen above it smelled awful and we tried scrubbing everything several times before we finally figured out the source of the smell and threw it out. I pith the garbage man who had to pick that up that week.
Once on the airline PIA, I was sitting near the backend of the plane, near the bathrooms. Well, I guess PIA doesn't have flushing toilets or some shit, because they had a guy back there taking the daily shit for the day or something and putting it into a garbage bag. After he is done, he sprays Lysol for like .5 seconds, and I am wtf'ing. Thankfully it was a pretty empty plane so I just moved further up the plane.
ready? well i use to work at mcdonalds right and everymorning they would have to filter the the oil in the vats that the fries and nuggets and all that good stuff goes in. that is the most disguisting smell ever! every morning someone does it, its a hurrendous smell.
bread's done