Rant: ZAGG - "Legendary Customer Service" My Butt

Renaissance 2K

27 (81%)
I consider myself lucky as I haven't had too many run-ins with customer service that didn't end amicably, but I need a place to rant about this one.

Last year, after buying a PSP-3000, I ordered an InvisibleSHIELD from ZAGG to see what all the fuss was about. It was definitely a high-quality product, so I ordered a few more for my other devices, including one for my Game Boy Advance SP.

The shields are a pain to put on and my GBA SP doesn't see a lot of use. A few months passed, and I finally got the urge to get my fingers dirty and install the thing. Unfortunately, despite the package saying that I had received a GBA SP shield, the shield itself seemed made for the original Game Boy Advance because of its trapezoidal shape and rounded corners.

I made a quick Customer Service query to ask about the issue. They understandably told me that too much time had passed to get a replacement or a refund. It had been a few months, of course.

When I ordered a DSi XL, I made another order at ZAGG's online store. At the same time, I decided to order another GBA SP shield, figuring the first shipment was bad luck. At least now I knew to check it immediately for anything fishy, and they'd give me a refund.

Silly me.

I placed the order over Easter weekend, so the shipment was slow to arrive. When it did, I had the same problem. The skin was labeled for the GBA SP, but the size and shape resembled that of the original GBA. I sent another Customer Service request immediately.

[quote name='R2K']Hello.

I placed order ICXXXXXXXX, which included an InvisibleShield for the Game Boy Advance SP portable game console.

After opening the package, I have reason to believe that I received the wrong product. While the product ID on the package contains the letters "SP" and the product name mentions "Game Boy Advance SP", the shield itself is a few millimeters too large to properly cover the GBA SP screen, and its corners are rounded, as if intended for the original Game Boy Advance model.

Please advice if it is possible to receive a replacement, or if there is another solution to this issue.

Thank you very much.[/quote]

After a couple of days, they sent back a useful response.

[quote name='ZAGG']Thank you for contacting ZAGG, where we are Zealous About Great Gadgets! My name is Alicia and I appreciate the opportunity to assist you.

I'm sorry you're having problems with your order# IC1573377 for the Nintendo Game Boy Advance SP (Screen). Before I can help you further with this problem I need to know the screen dimensions in millimeters of the invisibleSHIELD screen you received and the dimensions in millimeters of the screen on your device.

Also, please provide the exact make and model of your device as well as the exact name of the invisibleSHIELD you received. After I receive that information I will be able to assist you better.

We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience. We look forward to hearing from you![/quote]

Sweet! I'm making progress. I went to the local CVS, bought a ruler, and sent back the following response with the information they asked for a few days later:

[quote name='R2K']Hello.

Thank you for your response. I apologize for not replying immediately, but I did not own a measuring instrument with metric units until this afternoon.

The invisibleSHIELD that I received is trapezoidal with round edges, making it difficult to measure. Estimating at its widest points, the edges of the product are 73mm, 50mm, 66mm, and 50mm. The model number. The Zagg model number is NTNSP.

The dimensions of my Game Boy Advance SP screen are approximately 68mm x 51mm, square edges. The Nintendo model number is AGS-001. Here is a link to the Amazon listing for the device:

Thank you again for your assistance.[/quote]

Convinced that I had provided them with everything they needed, I was feeling pretty darn content.

Then, a week passed without a response.

And another.

And another.

I had received the original confirmation e-mail when I submitted the request, so I know I was in the queue somewhere. At the same time, I was afraid that submitting another request might bump me back to their support queue and delay the process even further. But after nearly a month, I gave up and decided to contact them again, replying to the same support e-mail thread and making sure to use the same ticket number:

[quote name='R2K']It has been a number of weeks since I last received a reply regarding this issue. I have responded to the previous e-mail from Zagg with the information they requested. That information again is as follows:

"The invisibleSHIELD that I received is trapezoidal with round edges, making it difficult to measure. Estimating at its widest points, the edges of the product are 73mm, 50mm, 66mm, and 50mm. The model number. The Zagg model number is NTNSP.

The dimensions of my Game Boy Advance SP screen are approximately 68mm x 51mm, square edges. The Nintendo model number is AGS-001. Here is a link to the Amazon listing for the device:

Thank you again for your understanding. I hope that this issue can be resolved quickly.[/quote]

That apparently got their attention.

[quote name='ZAGG']Thank you for contacting ZAGG, where we are Zealous About Great Gadgets! My name is Stephanie and I appreciate the opportunity to assist you.

Our goal is for you to be satisfied with our service and our product. I have put in a request to have the Nintendo Game Boy Advance SP (Screen) re-fulfilled and sent to the following address:

United States Of America

This is scheduled to ship out via USPS First Class in the next 1-2 business days (Not including Sundays or Holidays). Orders shipped using this service can take 3-7 business days (Not including Sundays or Holidays) to be delivered. Once your order has left our facility we will send you a shipping confirmation email. We recommend adding zagg.com to your address book to help avoid spam filters.

Please send the incorrect product you received back to our office, at the following address:

C/O: IC1573377
3855 S. 500 W. Suite B
Salt Lake City, UT 84115

Please note that we only require the original invisibleSHIELD be returned in a regular mailing envelope and do not require any of the original packaging.

We apologize for the error in shipping, and for the inconvenience. Thank you for your patience as we get this corrected for you.

Thank you for choosing ZAGG. We appreciate your business![/quote]

This is where things started to look fishy. While sending a replacement was cool, they were using a new response template, it seems, and they completely disregarded my previous e-mail with the dimensions on it. What was the point of me buying that ruler again?

I received the replacement in the mail and was furious. Again, I received an oversized trapezoidal shield with rounded corners that wasn't going to fit on my GBA SP without scissors, origami, or some serious seduction. Obviously, they weren't sending me the wrong product; the product itself was flawed.

[quote name='R2K']I have received the replacement screen in the mail. Unfortunately, this screen is exactly the same as the original. It is labeled as being for the Game Boy Advance SP device, but its shape and size suggest that it was produced for the original Game Boy Advance.

I've received three screens for the Game Boy Advance SP from ZAGG - two in reference to this specific support ticket, and one additional one a few months ago that went unresolved because I went too long to report it. In all three cases, the size and shape were inappropriate for the device. This leads me to believe that the issue is not that I've been receiving the wrong product but that the product itself offered by ZAGG has been completely mislabeled, miscategorized, or mishandled. Your Game Boy Advance SP InvisibleSHIELD, as sold, does not fit on a Game Boy Advance SP. It is too large, and it is trapezoidal in shape - like the original Game Boy Advance - whereas the actual Game Boy Advance SP is rectangular.

Unless ZAGG can produce an appropriate product, I think we've reached a point where it would not be unacceptable to return the products - the original that I ordered, and the replacement - for a refund. A credit at the ZAGG store would even be an acceptable resolution as all my other experiences with ZAGG have been positive, and I am interesting in continuing to purchase from ZAGG, provided they are able to provide closure on this issue.

Please provide instructions on the best way to resolve this. This issue has been pending for nearly a month now - even longer, if you consider my original purchase months ago - and I would like to see it solved.[/quote]

By this point, we were approaching the two month mark since the original order was placed. It has been nearly as long since I submitted my original support ticket. You can imagine my frustration, therefore, when I received this response:

[quote name='ZAGG']Thank you for contacting ZAGG, where we are Zealous About Great Gadgets! My name is Stephanie and I appreciate the opportunity to assist you.

In response to your e-mail, I would like to apologize for any inconvenience that may have been caused. However, we have sent you out the Nintendo Game Boy Advance SP (Screen) for your device, if it still does not fit your device the only other option is to process a refund request. If this sounds like something you are wanting to do, please contact us at your earliest convenience to ensure that you are within the 45-day Money Back Guarantee Policy.

Should you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us.[/quote]

Starting to feel like I was repeating myself, I replied:

[quote name='R2K']As mentioned in my previous message, I have received the replacement screen that was sent out. The replacement is identical to the screen I first received and, as such, it does not fit my device.

Therefore, I would like to place a refund request. Please respond with whatever I need to do.[/quote]

That was two days ago.

After driving three hours to visit my parents, I flip open my InvisibleSHIELD-coated MacBook and see the following red-hot-poker of a message:

[quote name='ZAGG']My name is Jessica L and I appreciate the opportunity to assist you.

Unfortunately, as your original purchase date was April 3, 2010, you are outside the 45 day period for a refund. Instead, what we can offer is in-store credit in the form of an electronic gift card for the amount of $14.99 so long as your return mail is postmarked by Wednesday June 16, 2010. Please send both the old invisibleSHIELD and the replacement to the following address:

Refunds: IC1573377
3855 S. 500 W. Suite B
Salt Lake City, UT 84115

Along with your return, please include the following:

1. Your order number: IC1573377

2. The following RA number: 2015690IC1573377NTNSP

Once it arrives back to our office, we will issue you your in-store credit.

Thank you for choosing ZAGG. We appreciate your business![/quote]

So, let's recap here.

- ZAGG sent me a product that is mislabeled, mismanufactured, or just simply flawed. Twice. Three times if you count the original mishap last year.

- ZAGG asked me to measure the device and the screen, even though this information can be researched. They're in possession of the screens themselves. Why can't they take a look?

- Despite the hard 45-day refund deadline, I go nearly a month without hearing a response from ZAGG. When I finally do after a repeated inquiry from me, they act like every discussion up to that point never happened.

- ZAGG is again slow to respond when I report that the replacement has the same problem as the original. Despite me saying that I want to begin the refund process, they send another e-mail looking for confirmation, urging me to reply promptly or lose the protection of the 45-day refund window.

- In probably the fastest correspondence I've ever received from them (about two days), ZAGG tells me that they can no longer process a refund, but they would be happy to give me store credit and do this to me all over again after a future purchase.

Weeks ago, I would have been happy with store credit, and I would have been happy to continue doing business with them, but this is ridiculous. I've been prompt, polite, and compliant through this entire process, but I've forfeited a refund opportunity because of their inability to respond to my e-mails in a timely manner. That four-week window of time between requests is ridiculous. This should have been resolved weeks ago.

And when the same e-mail thread is being expanded and passed back and forth with each reply, there's really no excuse to play dumb. It's all there in black and white.

I'm going to try to speak with a human being on their end in the morning, but if they are even open on weekends, I don't expect to get very far. I'm writing this post to vent, to look for advice, and possibly find out if anybody else had similar negative experiences with ZAGG.

It's a shame, really, because the InvisibleSHIELD is a pretty damn sharp product.

Yeah, yeah, I know. "Cool story, bro." Bite me.
You waited a whole month with no replies, and didn't attempt a chargeback of your card? I'dve done that after 2 weeks- if that.

Do you have access to a phone number? I'd call, and politely but aggressively point out that you brought this issue up within days of receving your order, that they are in fact the ones who didn't reply to you, and that you expect to be given an exception on the return window becuase they are at fault. If they don't, do a chargeback. Heck, you might skip the phone call and jump straight to it.

Whatever you do, do it FAST- speed is always the most important factor with this stuff, and you've wasted too much time already. Don't drag your feet or let them slow you down again.
Remember the adress its in the same city as Skullcandy's which is 1441 West Ute Blvd Suite 250 Park City, UT 84098. I wonder if they are own by the same person or just all the companies there have horrible support.
From this point on, switch to www.bestskinsever.com They're the same thing, but much cheaper because they don't include nice packaging and the lifetime warranty borscht. They simply send the skins in a business-sized envelope and an E-mail warning you to tell your parents/significant other that when a letter from "best skins ever" arrives, please don't think it's pr0n and throw it away.

I like buying their nice large DIY skins for $6.99 and custom-cutting them. I've got them on my cell phone, watch, camera, DSLite (except the touch-screen), SP, and MP3 player (ZV:M).
Sorry to hear your crappy CS experience with ZAGG. Ive never had issues and hope it stays like that.

I would happily switch over to a skin from someone different like best skins ever but the lack of a warranty is a sticking point with me. I have had a full body zagg on my iphone 3G since I bought it and have recieved at least 5 warranty replacements. If another company offered the same kind of deal I would be all over it.
[quote name='Kerig']From this point on, switch to www.bestskinsever.com They're the same thing, but much cheaper because they don't include nice packaging and the lifetime warranty borscht. They simply send the skins in a business-sized envelope and an E-mail warning you to tell your parents/significant other that when a letter from "best skins ever" arrives, please don't think it's pr0n and throw it away.

I like buying their nice large DIY skins for $6.99 and custom-cutting them. I've got them on my cell phone, watch, camera, DSLite (except the touch-screen), SP, and MP3 player (ZV:M).[/QUOTE]

Yea, that's the best route. I made my own DIY Ds lite touchscreen out of medium weight vinyl from walmart. Doesn't use adhesive and just uses static cling. I've been using it for about 3 years or so now and I love it.

Also hasn't affected touchscreen usage at all. It took a week though before it settled in and the stylus would just slide across it.
Your messages to ZAGG were horrible. Your messages are too open-ended and wishy-washy. Language like "Leads me to believe" is an opinion, not fact. If you had kept it simple and to the point, eg, "The screen protector is too short and doesn't fit. Send me a replacement." you would have received better results. Plus, eventhough they should have responded to you quicker, you held off way too long. Take the initiative and push them if they're lagging.
[quote name='dchrisd']Your messages to ZAGG were horrible. Your messages are too open-ended and wishy-washy. Language like "Leads me to believe" is an opinion, not fact. If you had kept it simple and to the point, eg, "The screen protector is too short and doesn't fit. Send me a replacement." you would have received better results. Plus, eventhough they should have responded to you quicker, you held off way too long. Take the initiative and push them if they're lagging.[/QUOTE]


I understand you (the OP) were trying to be polite and whatnot with them, but that's not the way to handle most CS reps. You need to be very firm with your statements and come off somewhat threatening (EX: "If this isnt fixed ASAP, I will be doing a chargeback and will not do business with you in the future").

It sucks that it has to be that way, but in this day and age, threatening them is pretty much the only way to get results.
Getting a replacement wouldn't have helped him anyway. Because it was their SP skin that was the wrong size. He should've just pushed for a refund. Not to mention but when he had no response for a month, he should've taken the initiative to contact them again.
hahaha honestly i don't think their cs will do anything to help.

Last year i needed to "cash in" on my lifetime warranty for my skin on my ipod touch. They sent me three incorrect size shields. all were the same dimension (like OP's), despite the request for the exact dimensions. I personally just gave up and vowed never to use/recommend them again.
always call, always, unless you can't get on the phone about it. I called and complained about a crib I ordered online and how it was scratched up (it really wasn't) and they sent me a brand new crib. Free of charge, I even got to keep the other one. Now if I can get a free crib surely you can get some extra something from this company that has screwed you over from the start.
I got through to someone on the phone, laid down the law, made a comment that this is why credit card chargebacks exist, and ended up on hold for a few minute. When they came back, they confirmed a "one-time courtesy refund" because of my situation, and gave me a few extra days to send the skins back. They're now heading back to the ZAGG mothership.

Thank you for your responses and your comments.

It's sad that being polite and accommodating isn't the way to get results these days, but I have no tolerance for this sort of thing.
bread's done