Ratchet & Clank Future: Quest for Booty - $14.99 - 8/21

At what time do they usually update the Playstation store in order to download the new games. If is technically the 21st in all places but the west coast. Anyone have any ideas?
I've never actually played a R&C game but the price point on this particular version is very appealing.

Has anyone played Quest for Booty yet? Is it any good?
Anyone know if they have the + game feature in there? Think that was what it was called. The ability to play through the game, keeping all your crap.
[quote name='Dasflikko']I've never actually played a R&C game but the price point on this particular version is very appealing.

Has anyone played Quest for Booty yet? Is it any good?[/quote]

I hadn't ever played a R&C game until F.T.O.D. for the ps3. I was completely blown away with how much fun i had while playing the game. I have since leant it to two of my friends, and they both enjoyed it as much as i did. I'll definately be looking into the booty download, but i'm currently playing p.j. eden.
The reviews have me rethinking buying this right away. I love R&C more than any other franchise, but this just seems so limited, I'm not sure I want to spring for it right now......
[quote name='sixteenvolt420']I hadn't ever played a R&C game until F.T.O.D. for the ps3. I was completely blown away with how much fun i had while playing the game. I have since leant it to two of my friends, and they both enjoyed it as much as i did. I'll definately be looking into the booty download, but i'm currently playing p.j. eden.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, FToD was my first Ratchet and Clank game as well. I had a hard time turning my PS3 off for that game. At the same time the reviews kind of have me waiting to see what the general publics response to this game will be.

I'm also still a bit iffy about buying a game on the PSN network. Nothing against it, but my 80 gig is filling up fast and I want to run into the least amount of headaches as possible when I finally upgrade it.

Due to my lazy factor the game will probably be free by the time I get around to it.
Wow, this is going so slow on the d/l that I ended up going wired connection rather than my traditional wireless. oh well, guess I'll be playing later tonight. If you have played any R&C games, give this one a shot - great price point and the games are all a blast to play!
Yeah, the download has taken me a while too, but it's definitely Ratchet, so I LOVE it big time. :D I can see this being my favorite PSN download (how about favorite download) ever.
[quote name='pimpinc333']Wait is this a stand alone game? Or do you need Ratchet and Clank for the PS3?[/quote]
Stand alone. Its story follows Tools of Destruction, so it's probably better to play that first, but you don't need to play/own ToD first otherwise.
I got through...I think half of the game in one sitting. So here are some basic impressions.

The soundtrack...not entirely strong. You can barely hear any of the voice overs, so much so I had to turn on subtitles. However they know when to swell the bgm at the right times from what I've noticed.

Control wise...something feels a bit off, and I think it's the tether mechanic. You have to hold R2 to lock on, Square to grab, and then bring it in with the right stick. I think it would've been perfect if they used the Sixaxis here. Also, it took them a while to tell me how to drop down. Like...3 sections after dropping down for the first time.

Graphically...it's Tools of Destruction. Smooth, some framerate dips but not while playing or not moving the camera. Still no quick Camera turnaround button.

Overall...it's good. I have some gripes, but overall...it's good. $15 well spent? Can't say for sure yet.

There aren't spoilers there, but for those who care enough not to be persuaded by opinion I put the tag up.
[quote name='DomLando']Can you Game Share this?[/quote]

Can be shared and seems to be well worth it for $3. I've only played the first small bit so far, and have yet to play TOD. It looks great, you start with a good variety of weapons, and it seems to play like other R&C games (very good).

Now if only TOD would drop to the $20 range (with my large backlog I can't justify paying full retail, especially for single player games).
[quote name='happy']Can be shared and seems to be well worth it for $3. I've only played the first small bit so far, and have yet to play TOD. It looks great, you start with a good variety of weapons, and it seems to play like other R&C games (very good).

Now if only TOD would drop to the $20 range (with my large backlog I can't justify paying full retail, especially for single player games).[/QUOTE]

FToD was probably the most expensive PS3 game I've bought next to GTA4, and I felt it was fully worth it. Fun and addictive game.
Okay, I just beat it. I died a lot. Mainly because of
Blind Jumps in Dark Areas. Also, this one spot you respawn where you can't see anything and have to make blind jumps to an area with the light bugs. So annoying.

I think it's a good game. Not as good as ToD, but eh. The ending
was a bit lackluster. Especially the final boss. Also, I don't get the ending. Who was that guy? Someone wanna fill me in?

Overall...8 out of 10
R&C has been my favorite PS3 game, so I downloaded this one as soon as it became available. Took about an hour to download, which is surprising since PS3 downloads are usually very slow, and this game is around 2.3 GB.

It only took 4 hours to get through. And I'm one of those players that smashes every crate, kills every enemy, and pokes around every corner for extra coins. Faster players can probably get through in under 3 hours.

While the gameplay looked the same, I don't think the cutscenes had that Pixar-look that made the last game total eyecandy. Cutscenes are also much shorter, which is fine by me. But overall there's not much story.

The only new stuff involves the wrench. You can use it's new magnetic power to manipulate objects for the platforming sections. And you can pickup/carry/throw a few objects when required. Other than that, there's nothing really new.

No new weapons or tools. There's only about 7-8 guns altogether. Many of the favorites are missing, including the penguins and disco ball. The nano-swarmers are there, but it's not the kill-all monster like in the last game. The tornado gun is back, and it still sucks. And there's no weapon upgrade system. The guns will upgrade on their own as you use them.

I didn't notice anything to collect, other than the basic coins (or whatever they are). The coins are only really used to get stuff from the smuggler. But you will require his help, so grab the coins.

Gameplay was fairly basic. There was only one section I had any trouble getting through (one of the major gunfights). I'd say the platforming to shooting ratio was probably 50/50.

I don't really see much replay value. I played through the first game three times to keep upgrading the weapons and collect all the bolts. I may play thought this one again for the hell of it, but there's nothing more to achieve in the game.

Overall, I enjoyed playing R&C again. I just wish there was more. The game wasn't very deep, and it was over fairly quickly. Plus, I was a bit disappointed that it was a watered-down version, missing many of those great features that made R&C the best PS3 game of 2007. Worth the $15 to a R&C fan. But don't expect too much from this game.

And the final note is something along the lines of "See you again in Fall 2009". If we have to wait another year for more R&C, I hope it's a full-blown game and not just another shallow chapter.
I'm trying to decide between this for $15 and Tools of Destruction for $60. Thoughts? Is Tools of Destruction four times better?
[quote name='Koggit']I'm trying to decide between this for $15 and Tools of Destruction for $60. Thoughts? Is Tools of Destruction four times better?[/quote]

Not sure about that, but it's definitely four times longer! And lets be honest, you should be able to pick up TOD for 30-40 nowadays so I'd go that route. If you end up loving it you can get QFB later as it is a story continuation anyway.
[quote name='Koggit']I'm trying to decide between this for $15 and Tools of Destruction for $60. Thoughts? Is Tools of Destruction four times better?[/quote]

TOD will be a greatest hit before the end of the year. Probably in November alongside Uncharted, Heavenly Sword, and COD4 just in time for holiday sales.

That said, QFB can be shared so you can get it for $4 right now.
[quote name='Koggit']I'm trying to decide between this for $15 and Tools of Destruction for $60. Thoughts? Is Tools of Destruction four times better?[/QUOTE]

To answer your question, YES. Tools Of Destruction is not only 4 times longer, but it's a much fuller game. Better storyline, deeper gameplay, more replayability. I bought it full price when the disc the released, and it was worth every penny. These days you can probably find a used copy for $30-$40.

I enjoyed Quest For Booty. I knew going in that it was a short experience. I just wish it was a 4 hour TOD game. Instead it was a watered-down version of TOD. And that was disappointing.
I finally beat this game. Took me a bit longer than most. I really enjoyed the game a lot. Not as much as the disc R&C games (since they allow me to travel back and forth and level up more), but this was great for a downloadable game. What I can say after seeing the ending is:
I cannot wait for the next one in Fall 2009.
[quote name='Reverenddave']
And the final note is something along the lines of "See you again in Fall 2009". If we have to wait another year for more R&C, I hope it's a full-blown game and not just another shallow chapter.[/QUOTE]It will be full retail.
bread's done