Ratchet, Jak, or Sly: The stronger series?


For me, the best series is Sly. Each game seems to get better than the last one and you gotta love humor that isn't too over the top (my favorite line from 3: 'Be careful guys, he's a really evil person. We did some spy cam work and we caught him kicking a puppy - twice'). Some of the Master Thief goals on 3 are freaking insane (Cooper Vault time trial, I'm looking at you), but over all it's a fun game.
Wow, all tied... lol

I like playing Sly 1 first, then Jak II, and then Ratchet 3 and trying to make a story in my head that matches as if it were canon
I like all three Sly games.
I like only Jak II of that series.
I liked UYA the best of the R&C series, though I still give it up to GC. Deadlocked seemed different (which it was).
Sly definitely, though I was disappointed in 3. They focused more on minigames, than the excellent platforming I expect from the series. I don't want to fly a remote control helicopter 50 times. I want to dodge lasers with Sly!
I started with Ratchet & Clank and loved it. Then I played all the Jaks in a row and liked them all, but thought the 3rd was best, 2nd was next, and 1 was 3. Then I played all the Slys and liked 2 the best. In the end, I would say that the Ratchet series(1-3. omit #4) is the best and Jak comes in a very very close second, then sly in 3rd.
Well this doesn't count for much, but the only ones I've played are Jak III and R&C:UYA, but I preferred R&C much more - always wanted to try the Sly series.
I can only comment on the first installment of all 3 series, being that I am so damn back logged on my gaming. Thank you CAG! However I finished Jak and Daxter and Ratchet and Clank, and I am currently playing Sly Cooper 1. I find that all 3 of these games are awesome in their own way. They all are very entertaining, but if I had to rate them it would go like this. Jak series is the most mature of all. Ratchet, with the gadgets is the most fun, while Sly with the graphics is the most artistic and cartoonish.(Reminds me of Corageous Cat and Minute Mouse) I also hear that the sequels to all three just continue to shine. I have JAK II and JAK 3, Ratchet and Clank: GC and Ratchet and Clank: UYA. I also have SLY 2 and SLY 3. I plan on finishing every one of them.
I;ve played Jak 1, 2, & 3 and I played a few minutes of Ratchet:GC. I definitely enjoyed the Jak series more, but I can't honestly say I've given R&C a fair chance yet. Nonetheless, of the Jak series, I loved the first installment, hated the second one, and thoroughly enjoyed the 3rd. I'm not sure why, but the 2nd one just really turned me off to where I almost didn't even want to play the third one, for fear of what it might bring.
I guess I too can only comment on the first game in each series. I have Jak 2 and 3, Ratchet 2 and 3 and Sly 2 just sitting at home. I thought about picking up Sly 3 since it just dropped to $20 but really what's the point? I'm never going to get through all of this stuff...

Anyway, I like them all the same (copout) but if I had to choose I guess I liked Sly a little better due to the graphics and game length.
I've played most of all the series and honestly Jak has the best story IMHO and is a lot of fun. Ratchet & Clank has the most action oriented gameplay and is really well balanced after the first game. Sly is really well put together but it has some pacing issues and honestly the voice of Carmelita in Sly 3 just really bugs me...

So personally Jak>R&C>Sly but they are all very very good series.
Ratchet has the best overall series.

Sly has the best first game, with the sequels being less than stellar.

Jak has the most interesting plot and the most challenge.
I loved Sly 1 and 2, 3 disappointed me.

I didn't like the direction that the second two Jak games took, the first one was my favorite, but I liked 3 more than 2.

I never got into the Ratchet and Clank series.. I didn't like the addition of guns to platforming, which is why I didn't like Jak II and 3 as much.
I haven't played Sly, but I'm going to vote Ratchet and Clank. The Jak series is good, but it has a huge identity crisis, and I think Jak and Daxter was better than 2 and 3 combined :/.
[quote name='Robobandit']I never got into the Ratchet and Clank series.. I didn't like the addition of guns to platforming, which is why I didn't like Jak II and 3 as much.[/QUOTE]

Well, for R and C, it sort of makes sense to add the weaponry... Deadlocked is the zenith of this theory. Although the fifth game damn well better go back to the roots...
[quote name='Fatesealer']Well, for R and C, it sort of makes sense to add the weaponry... Deadlocked is the zenith of this theory. Although the fifth game damn well better go back to the roots...[/quote]amen
I'd deffinitely pick the Sly series as my favorite. The first two games of that series are among the top 5 titles I've ever played on the PS2. The third one was pretty dissapointing though. It had its moments, but felt like too much of a retread with slower pacing and too many unskipable cutscenes. On its own terms it was a good game, but nowhere near the level set by the earlier games. I find that climbing everything in sight in order to scale my way across town is a gameplay mechanic that just never gets old.

Jak would be my second favorite. I love all 3 of those games for different reasons and can never decide on a favorite. Maybe the second one because it was the best happy medium between platforming and mini-games, but the third had better pacing and a more forgiving checkpoint system. The series doesn't do any one thing especially well, but I really liked the quick pacing of the latter two games and how you'd be playing a different type of game every 15 minutes. They're more than the sum of their parts and extremely addictive.

Ratchet and Clank would be a distant third for me. I enjoyed the second game a lot, but I found myself getting bored with the third game almost from the get-go. I found that Ratchet 2 seemed like a good game, but didn't have enough meet on it to be a full franchise. They play pretty well and all, but just reek of being generic and not particularly memorable.
Definatly Jak. While Jak and Daxter wasn't as good as the first 3 Ratchets or any of the Sly games, Jak 2 and 3 are the 1st and 3rd best 3d Platformers ever (Psychonauts is 2nd). They have extremely solid level design, great weapon balance (which is missing in the Ratchet games), and I much prefer the humor (all of which comes from Daxter). I like the rest of the characters too, the games had a great balance of mostly serious characters and a lot of humor from Daxter.

I didn't care for most of the characters in the other 2 series (Clank is just annoying) and the level design was inferior. The base platforming engines in the other games also wasn't as good, and both series lost the focus on platforming after the first game. Adding more playable characters in the Sly games was not a smart move.

Overall order:
Jak 2 (9.8)
Jak 3 (9.5)
Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando (8.5)
Ratchet & Clank (8.5)
Sly Cooper (8.3)
Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal (8.0)
Sly 2 (7.8)
Sly 3 (7.8)
Jak & Daxter (7.8)
Ratchet: Deadlocked (7.5)

On a side note I'd like to add that Naughty Dog has mastered the Platforming the 3D platforming genre (Crash 2 & 3 are the 4th and 5th best 3D platformers)more than any other company has mastered any other genre.
For me, Ratchet is the best, although I admit Deadlocked was the weakest one (still a great game IMO), but the first three Ratchet & Clanks are too sweet.

In a very close 2nd, I'd say the Jak series. I absolutely loved Jak & Daxter, but was initially disappointed in Jak II. Since I got into Jak 3, it got me back into Jak II, where I like it now. I also really, really like Jak X: Combat Racing, despite what some say. Daxter is awesome too.

The Sly series is my least favorite (I even like Ape Escape better). Although they have nice graphics, I just don't find the series to be as enjoyable and as addicting as the R&C and J&D games.

My order would be:
Jak 3
Daxter (although on PSP)
Jak X Combat Racing (although a racer)
Jak & Daxter
Jak II
Ratchet Deadlocked
Sly Cooper
Sly 3
Sly 2
[quote name='Fatesealer']Well, for R and C, it sort of makes sense to add the weaponry... Deadlocked is the zenith of this theory. Although the fifth game damn well better go back to the roots...[/QUOTE]The gme wasn't really intended to have a fourth one, but since Sony wasn't releasing a new console (where PS3 was initially expected to be 2005), so Insomniac kind of had to come up with something. Deadlocked was mostly designed to be more action and online oriented.

Well, the next Ratchet, Size Matters, for PSP, will go back to the roots. Ratchet & Clank Next for PS3 should be the same way too.
Well, I think just by my posting, I've answered the question, but to go into more detail, I'd rank them in this order...

1st: Sly... duh.
2nd: Ratchet
3rd: Jak
I see a lot of people are saying that Sly should go back to being a one man gang (unintentional pun). I have to agree a bit here. I get more of a rush with the theif moves, precarious jumps and mad dashing action than I did with any of Bentley, Murray, or the other characters.
Sony has done a good job keeping them all pretty much on the same rung of popularity, although I think Sly may be made for a bit of a younger audience while the new jak & ratchet games seemed to be mostly marketed towards teens.

Great games nonetheless
Love all three series, but Ratchet is def. the leats, cuz it's not truly a platformer, especially not anymore.

I'd say the Jak series, as I love the story, but I LOATHE Jak II. GTA comes out, and so Naughty Dog decides to make a Jak game with GTA stuff? WTF?

Gimme a true sequal to Jak and Daxter, ie, another Mario 64/Banjo Kazooie style platformer, and I'll be in heaven
I love the Sly games I 've played, numbers 1 & 2. It's a little dishearting hearing Sly 3 is such a dissapointment but I'll still get it eventually.

Jak I was cool, but I never cared much for the sequels and all of the Ratchet games have done nothing but bore me to tears.
[quote name='Fatesealer']I see a lot of people are saying that Sly should go back to being a one man gang (unintentional pun). I have to agree a bit here. I get more of a rush with the theif moves, precarious jumps and mad dashing action than I did with any of Bentley, Murray, or the other characters.[/QUOTE]

I think Sly 2 had the best mix between playing as Sly and playing as the other characters. I think Bentley is a lot of fun, and Murray is okay in small doses. It was Sly 3 where they threw a wrench in the gears by adding a ton of new characters, each of whom had only one or two moves.

And overall I'd rank the 8 of these games I've played in order of preference starting with...

1.) Sly 2 (9.5)
2.) Sly 1 (9.5)
3.) Jak 2 (9.0)
4.) Jak 3 (9.0)
5.) Sly 3 (8.5)
6.) Jak 1 (8.0)
7.) Ratchet 2 (8.0)
8.) Ratchet 3 (7.0)
I liked Sly 2 a lot (didn't play 1 or 3). Ratchet and Clank I didn't care for what I played. I played Jak 1 and bits of 2, didn't really care for either of those either.
sly, by far. i could never get into the other two series, despite all my efforts to keep giving them both a chance. sly 1 was one of the best platformers i've ever played, though. i played it through twice in a row and did all of the master thief runs before finally putting it down. the level design was fantastic, and the gameplay mechanics were extremely well done. it's my favorite in the series.
I haven't played any of the Sly games, so I can't speak for them. I do have the second game ordered from Amazon, so hopefully it'll be good. As for Jak and Ratchet, I would say Ratchet by far. I've played Ratchet 3 and Deadlocked. 3 was a great game, because I really enjoyed the story. Deadlocked seemed like it was just thrown together. The only Jak game I've played is 2. I still can't get through it. I've gotten about halfway through twice and I just get bored with it. I'll try it again sometime, when I pick up the first game so I get more of the story.
I only played the first game in each series. Sly Cooper was by far my favorite. It's the only game out of the 3 that I beat 100%. I loved everything about it from the the graphics to the story to the great controls. Jak and Daxter was a good platformer that I finished but I got tired of trying to find all the precursor orbs so I just gave up on that one. I never finished Ratchet because it just seemed to be more and more running and gunning. It's fun in small doses but it was really diminished after I started playing Armed & Dangerous. It's too bad the Playstation crowd never got to play that excellent shooter.
I've got all the Ratchet, Sly and Jak games but have only played Sly 2 and Jak 1 (I have had a quick blast at Ratchet 1 and it seems pretty fun) so I can't say which is the best series. I can say that I LOVED both Jak 1 and Sly 2, so much that after finishing Sly 2 I went out and bought Sly 1.... and I HATED IT!!!

After playing Sly 2, I could not get into Sly 1 since you could not rotate the camera (like in Sly 2) and the whole one hit and you are dead thing (after multiple hits before you die in Sly 2) just made it too frustrating for me.

Really must give R&C a go though.....
[quote name='Zmonkay']Love all three series, but Ratchet is def. the leats, cuz it's not truly a platformer, especially not anymore.

I'd say the Jak series, as I love the story, but I LOATHE Jak II. GTA comes out, and so Naughty Dog decides to make a Jak game with GTA stuff? WTF?

Gimme a true sequal to Jak and Daxter, ie, another Mario 64/Banjo Kazooie style platformer, and I'll be in heaven[/quote]

I agree. I see most people say they didn't like the first Jak and i personally liked it the best of all 3 (though by no means does that mean i didn't like the other 2 because i loved them)
Ratchet > Jak > Sly

They're all still excellent series, but I just prefer the look, humor, and fun that the Ratchet series brings. I look forward to seeing how the series evolves on the PS3.
I loved Sly 1...so much I'm considering picking it up again just to keep in the collection. I have 2 but haven't played it yet and 3 is on the way from overstock for $5.70 (woohoo).

I played Jak & Daxter for maybe a half an hour once and I couldn't get into it at all. It felt really mediocre. I guess I didn' t give it enough of a chance but upon recently playing the Daxter demo for the PSP and not really liking that either I'm not exactly compelled to try again.

I just ordered Ratchet and Clank ($1.40 Overstock) and Ratchet and Clank Going Commando ($3.40 Overstock) so we'll see how it goes.
bread's done