Razer Gaming Laptops


262 (100%)
What is everyone's take on these things? I realize they are really expensive but I also know that you're really paying for the size, sleekness, and some apple-ish tax. If money were no issue what do you think?

I have an M11x R1 and I'm not usually like the wow look at that type of person but I'll admit that new 14" looks really nice. I can't imagine that thing won't suffer from heat issues at some point though.

I always wanted a gaming laptop for some reason I don't know why- just the concept is really cool I guess. Anyway I agree the 14" razer laptop looks really appealing except for the shit TN panel they put in it. It's the same as the one on my work laptop and it is pretty poor. At the price point they AT&T targeting, it should have been IPS

I can't justify buying a gaming laptop right now no matter how cool I think they are, I'm coming up on laptop refresh time and am going to see what hardware is in the latest MBP refresh. If the razer laptop had an IPS panel it may have been an impulse buy or impractical buy.
This will be great for my Ragnarok 2 game since my current laptop is on the verge of meltdown. Looking forward to it. :)

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