Really, what has Nintendo done right? List reworked.

[quote name='DarkNessBear']Nintendo Fanboys tend to be more vicious then others, they seek out fights...

Just look at the PS3 forum compared to the Wii forum, in the Wii forum, there is one topic pointing out flaws in the console, and every nintendo fanboy and there cousin are coming here to debunk the fact...

In the PS3 forum, its countless annoyances by WII FANS! Yelling on top of their lungs on, "OMG! Have you seen Marios new overalls! PS3 cant do that!"

It sure gets old fast.[/quote]
Call me a Nintendo fanboy, but I think you just managed to illustrate this instead:

In the Wii forum, its annoyances by a PS3 FAN DarkNessBear bashing Wii FANS!
Or is posting silliness like this where you have not seeking out fights?
[quote name='botticus']Call me a Nintendo fanboy, but I think you just managed to illustrate this instead:

Or is posting silliness like this where you have not seeking out fights?[/quote]

I'm an exception to the point.


But, than again anything you say to a Nintendo Fan makes them cry.
[quote name='botticus']

Or is posting silliness like this where you have not seeking out fights?[/QUOTE]

Irony is a concept that does not exist on the internet. Of course, I guess I'm just blind to the difference between bitching about a price point and a system being ghey and for kidz.
[quote name='DarkNessBear']I'm an exception to the point.


But, than again anything you say to a Nintendo Fan makes them cry.[/quote]
I read through 4 pages of this and got tired so I skipped to the end I hope you don't hate me for it. I played the Wii at E3, it's not a gimmick, it's an entirely new way to play games. By the way, when is a gimmick not a gimmick anymore? Does the DS' success pretty much render the whole gimmick notion meaningless? Controls were tight and about as accurate as I would have hoped despite the fact that there were about 100 other Wii remotes in the area.

As for why not just release an add-on for the GameCube? Because add-ons don't work. Ask Sony how the HDD is doing for them.

Also, the GameCube has lots of games that appeal to a wide audience, the same can't be said for the Xbox, though PS2 has a better selection. If you're not happy with their games then maybe you need to look at yourself and ask "why aren't I happy?" Maybe some Deepak Chopra is in your future.

Also, everyone here who takes up the argument that Nintendo is "kiddy" continues to whine about why the system doesn't have certain games which are in fact "kiddy". (Smash Brothers is not a realistic game in case you didn't notice) You want more of certain games, but if they don't make those you get really can't have it both ways. You'll have to live with what you have and not get upset because they haven't made Kid Icarus 2 or Punch Out 2. I'm too occupied to look into who made all those games on your list, so I don't know if they could revive them if they wanted to, but I think the key is that maybe they don't for fear that people complain about either going too often to the well or for continuing to make kiddy games. No one has complained about a lack of Donkey Kong platforming games, why is that?

You know if you want to change the industry you can do one of two things, put your money where your mouth is and not buy games that support your feelings or make a better game.

I've had discussions with developer's producers or otherwise and they all admit that it's way too difficult to get a new Intellectual Property past the people who provide the funding. They'd prefer to have proven franchises/titles that they know will provide them their investment in return.

I get that you like Nintendo, but don't doubt that they know what they're doing, they are highly profitable and will continue with the DS and potentially the Wii. I've played the thing, it's great, I'll be in line on day one and it it's not for you then that's too bad, I'm sure they'd love your continued support, but I think they'll live without it just fine. I'll support them knowing that they're going to provide both me and my family with the type of gaming greatness that I've expected from them for 20 years now.
[quote name='Redeema']
You'll have to live with what you have and not get upset because they haven't made Kid Icarus 2 or Punch Out 2.

Um, they did make a Punch Out 2, named Super Punch Out. Make it Uniracers as an old Nintendo game that really should have had a sequel years ago (honestly Nintendo, what the fuck).

[quote name='DarkNessBear']Nintendo Fanboys tend to be more vicious then others, they seek out fights... [/QUOTE]


Also, it's not that we're seeking out fights. We just have come to the collective realization that it doesn't matter how many drops of water you can see on a GIANT ENEMY CRAB. It matters if your game is fun to play, and right now a Wii is at least half the cost it is to have that fun if you decide to go the PS3 route.

[quote name='DarkNessBear']In the PS3 forum, its countless annoyances by WII FANS! Yelling on top of their lungs on, "OMG! Have you seen Marios new overalls! PS3 cant do that!"

It sure gets old fast.[/QUOTE]

Case it point, if you're going the Nintendo route graphics aren't a priority. Plus, what would you be talking about in the PS3 forum without us? How great watching that pre-rend... in-game MGS 4 video was? I'm honestly curious what Sony fanboys would talk about if it wasn't defending the PS3.
[quote name='KaneRobot']1.
5. The DS is kind of nice.

This list is definitive. Do not argue with it, because you will be wrong.[/QUOTE]

Actually, the Gizmondo is way better, and outsells the DS by a factor of 632 million.

Fo' realz.
Wow this thread is a mess, I'm late to the party so excuse the old quotes. I just grabbed them as I saw fit.

Who's The Twitch Now?;2038507]I admittedly haven't read everything after the first page said:
H...h... holy shit, dude.

That's pretty much exactly how I feel right now. I no longer have any interest in trying to refute peoples' baseless or outright stupid claims against Nintendo... there's really no end to it.

Nope, unless you are bored at work and have some time to kill. lol.

It would be interesting to see everyone's age underneath their avatar. I think that would explain quite a bit in this thread.

I've owned all of Nintendo's consoles and are more loyal to them than other companies(that doesn't mean I haven't owned other systems, btw). Are they perfect? No. They have stumbled along the way the past 10 years, but every company has their faults. But I think they are on the right track with the Wii. They have obviously proved that with the DS. And they are working on correcting a lot of these little issues fans worry about. As a fan I can certainly understand wanting to see them succeed, but fretting over it on a message board seems like a waste of breath. Especially until one can actually hold the wiimote and get in some actual play time with the system before forming an opinion of it's demise.

Mookey - do you post on dvdtalk? Your posts ring a bit like someone over there.
[quote name='iheartmetal']dont buy one and shut up[/quote] I wish that would work with you guys and the PS3.

You hypocrits.

Now you guys see where PS3 fans come from...

I want the Wii and the PS3 and I already have a 360. But, holy christ I am always on defense of the PS3 just because its a nonstop bash fest towards it.

And like the other poster said, you guys act as if you are so "in with it" and awaiting the coming of the new age and innovation cause you want a Wii... Damn, the Nintendo leaders really got hold of you didnt they?

After a 12-14 hour day of work, I dont feel like waving my arms around like an idiot and I dont play video games when I have the energy to do something more productive with my time. The Wii is not for me. My girlfriend on the other hand wont stop talking about. it.... =)
Cause you're not in with it... you're girlfriend understands true gaming and innovation, she knows how games are changing and that soon Life will be held inside a Wiimote. Her gaming knowledge surpasses you, for she knows what true gaming is at.

All the PS3 is, is all the same games released but with the shine of textures put up 20%. Noob.
[quote name='Mookyjooky']REWORKED MY LIST:

They've botched so many things, I'm surprised they still stand in the industry. It's like they've been riding on the success of the NES and its licenses for 20 years...

Now, seriously, listen to me before you freak out and get all fanboyish on me - I LOVE NINTENDO, and MARIO and all the other licenses... I've owned EVERY single system they've had since the NES.

I just kinda wish that they would stop making hardware and focus on their games...

I just dont get the whole Nintendo bandwagon, just 2 years ago everyone hated Nintendo, then they remake the GBA again, talk about the Wii and release the first decent system in years (DS) and now everyone is in love with them again... I just dont follow the bandwagon, and I think its idiotic to get screwed by Nintendo again and again. So, tell me... why is NINTENDO so awesome? Because 2 years ago, they were going the way of ATARI. Is it just cool to like them cause they're the underdog? Because newsflash, they're NOT the underdog, they're freakin NINTENDO.

- Here's why I dont trust them.
  1. The first GBA, you couldnt see the screen.. and when they fixed it and resold it as the GBA SP for another $100+ dollars, they made you pay extra for a headphone adapter for a Portable game system!
  2. They screwed up the whole Squaresoft thing years ago and still havent really patched it up. I mean, didn't square hold the Snes together? Chrono Trigger, Secret of Mana, Final Fantasy....
  3. They've lost tons of 3rd party support, EA being a major one.
  4. Dual screen is a Gimmick... and the DS doesnt have enough titles that fully support the touch screen.
  5. Mario Party is retarded, and nintendo has focued attention on that... and not they're highest selling gamecube game, Smash Brothers.
  6. Metroid has been losing and regaining powers since the 80's, another story PLEASE.
  7. Zelda will be cancelled for the gamecube, and only for Wii - YOU KNOW IT.
  8. Wheres all the fighters, RPGs or Shmups?
  9. Why is Gamecube the new Dreamcast?
  10. Why doesnt Nintendo pay companies for exclusive titles like MS and Sony does? They did what, one Capcom contract? What about all the other 3rd party games made exclusive for Gamecube that jumped ship? Was their no legal binding contract?
  11. If they're the lowest selling current console system, how come they're games never drop in price?
  12. Super Mario Bros. 3 is one of the top selling games of all time... why not release a 3d Mario with the same ideas that made that one so inventive?
  13. Dr Mario sold 4.85 million copies, Kid Icarus sold 1.76 Million copies, Punch Out sold 3 Million copies, Luigi's Mansion sold 3.27 million copies.... sequel? Anyone? What about Animal Crossing? Couldn't they at least put that online, or released extended content? I mean, only one Smash Brothers, Mario Kart & Mario platformer per console? Whats the point?
  14. Why does Star Fox suck now?
  15. No Online support?
  16. Crappy support of the GBA to Gamecube link?
  17. Mario needs to stop play sports, and release a good game.
  18. I'm sorry, but the Mario sports games only sell because it's mario, and its the only sports games released anymore. Even Hot Shots Golf, is three times better than Mario Golf.
  19. Nintendo games lack replayability now. Even flagship titles dont have hours of finding items in them anymore.
  20. Why not just kill the gamecube? Why even bother to sell it still, if you havent done anything for it in a year or two?
  21. Games that would of been PERFECT on the Gamecube. Kingdom Hearts, Dragon Quest, Eye Toy series, DDR series, exclusive Sonic titles.... hell, why Nintendo didnt just have Sega make exclusive titles for the gamecube is beyond me. Sega releases alot of crap now, but the gamecube is perfect for alot of Sega's old licenses... Imagine Space Harrier on the gamecube exclusive.
  22. If the GBA SP, is what the GBA should of been all along, and the DS lite is what the DS should of been all along, then should I just not buy a Wii until its fixed too?
You can flame me if you want, but I just dont see the appeal anymore. I love Nintendo licenses, but I feel like I'm taunted by with what Nintendo could be and not what it is.[/quote]

WOW! Your a Straight Up B*tch.

You riding on the PS2/PS3 bandwagon.

This topic is called, What has Nintendo done right?

Well they have done a lot of things.

They made Mario, Zelda, DK, etc.
They have the BEST first party games for any system. Yeah GT4 is good, so is Halo 2 but you can't mess with zelda series.
Nintendo was the first at a lot of things. Analog Controll Stick, Rumble Pak, the L&R buttons, etc.
Got Resident Evil 4 First

Now also Nintendo has f***ed up on a few things.

Stayed with carts too long, should of moved to disc.
Even though I like GameCube disc I still think they should of made normal size disc.
No GTA, more kids/family type games.
3rd party games suck or not their

And I'm not one of thoses Nintendo fan Boys, yeah I do have a Gamecube but I also have a PS2, and an Xbox 360 that coming soon. I only use my GC for the Nintendo Games or the really good non-nintendo games that are only on GC(very few).

From what you said in your first posts your full of sh** or your retarted!:applause:

1. The first GBA was fine, if you played in a well lit room you could see, or if you played outside in the sun you could see fine....ohhh wait your a nerd and you don't get out of your mom's basement much. HOlla!!

2. I guess your true on that, even though I don't care, I'm not a nerd and I don't play FF or any of that crap.

3. When did they lose EA?????? But I heard that on the Wii a lot of companies are coming back..

4. From what I hear is that the Dual Screen games are great.

5. Maro Party is kinda gay but kids are into that stuff.

6. Thats a joke right.........? Metroid Prime won best Game of the Year from many magazines & sites. I'm pretty sure it sold well too.

7. It ain't a fact. The only thing I know is that your a homosexual-HOLLA!

8. Don't need any.

9. Making more spit up.

10. They still have some companies that work only for Nintendo.

11. All their games drop. Players Choice.

12. Its not that easy

13. They wanna try new things...sometimes

14. Thats what you think

15. True, they ain't Xbox Live

16. Then don't use it.

17. If it sells let it be.

18. Not true.

19. Not every game is gonna be GTA, you can't play every game for 50 hours.

20. GameCube is out selling Xbox 360 is Japen right now. Plus some people still buy it..

21. Talking more crap?

22. Same can be said for PS2, Ohh lets what 4 years til the make it smaller.

Also when you buy a Nintendo System ya know it going to work the first time, unlike Xbox & PS2.

NO OverHeating, NO Disk Read Erorrs, No Systems breaking down.
[quote name='John_Gotti']

From what you said in your first posts your full of sh** or your retarted!:applause:

This is my absolute favorite thing to see on message boards. When someone calls someone else retarded and can't even spell it correctly themselves... Yeah, who's the retard then?

Well, this just about seals the deal, once I decided to read further I found this:

[quote name='John_Gotti']7. It ain't a fact. The only thing I know is that your a homosexual-HOLLA![/QUOTE]
Oh and to actually answer one of the complaints:

# Metroid has been losing and regaining powers since the 80's, another story PLEASE.

IGN(I think it was) confirmed that in the new Metroid for Wii, Samus will NOT lose her abilities.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']This is my absolute favorite thing to see on message boards. When someone calls someone else retarded and can't even spell it correctly themselves... Yeah, who's the retard then?

You for being such a homo thug.

I don't care how well I spell. Is this some kind of spelling contest? I'm just writing this stuff going fast and not looking at what I'm writing.
[quote name='John_Gotti']You for being such a homo thug.

I don't care how well I spell. Is this some kind of spelling contest? I'm just writing this stuff going fast and not looking at what I'm writing.[/quote]

Just seemed appropriate.
[quote name='John_Gotti']You for being such a homo thug.

I don't care how well I spell. Is this some kind of spelling contest? I'm just writing this stuff going fast and not looking at what I'm writing.[/QUOTE]

So you're saying I'm a retarded homo thug?

What are you, about 14, 15? Let me guess you heard your hero Andy Milonakis rap about John Gotti in Waiting so you decided that it must mean he's cool if Andy Milonakis could rap about him.
[quote name='botticus']

Just seemed appropriate.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, he definetly needs a reward for making it through an entire post without butchering the english language. We'll just look past the whole homo thug thing...
I'm 18.

I hate Andy Milonakis, some fat ass b*tch that needs to lose some weight.

Also I don't like white Rappers.

Black Power!
Metroid has been losing and regaining powers since the 80's, another story PLEASE.

...try supermetroid or the first metroid, and there is more to the story than her just losing her upgrades. You sir need to die >_
[quote name='lebowsky']How is this thread still fucking open?[/quote]

How do these game discussion forums stay open? Christ, its all one giant immature who can flame the other one the hardest.

It feels like a PS3 Forum and a Wii60 forum collided.
[quote name='Mookyjooky']The first GBA, you couldnt see the screen.. and when they fixed it and resold it as the GBA SP for another $100+ dollars, they made you pay extra for a headphone adapter for a Portable game system![/quote] That I'll give you. GBA should have had a headphone jack and backlight to begin with.

They screwed up the whole Squaresoft thing years ago and still havent really patched it up. I mean, didn't square hold the Snes together? Chrono Trigger, Secret of Mana, Final Fantasy....
While GCN is suffering from lack of Square goodness, Square has been supporting the Nintendo handhelds at least. Final Fantasy III, Children of Mana, Mario Hoops... Rumors of FF7 remake for the DS? That would absolutely spell doom for the PSP.

They've lost tons of 3rd party support, EA being a major one.
And when they took a different direction with their gameplay, they gained it back. Ubisoft really loves Wii. EA is re-working their major franchises to work on it.

Dual screen is a Gimmick... and the DS doesnt have enough titles that fully support the touch screen.
So? When DS was first released, there were too many games that tried to incorporate the touch screen and it interfered with the gameplay. I don't see what the problem is with not polluting classic formula (New SMB) with unnecessary gimmicks.

Mario Party is retarded, and nintendo has focued attention on that... and not they're highest selling gamecube game, Smash Brothers.
Would Mario Party be blasted if it wasn't milked as much? Why would oversaturation of Super Smash Bros. be any better? A new game for every gen is fine.

Metroid has been losing and regaining powers since the 80's, another story PLEASE.
Zelda will be cancelled for the gamecube, and only for Wii - YOU KNOW IT.
Let me use your time machine, I want a Wii.

Wheres all the fighters, RPGs or Shmups?
Nintendo does Super Smash Bros. and Paper Mario... While lacking in fighters and RPGs, you can't say they don't have them. They do have some notable third-party games of those genres on the GameCube too (Soul Calibur II and Tales of Symphonia for example), you know.

Why is Gamecube the new Dreamcast?
Dreamcast bashing? Didn't that go out of style in like 2002?

Why doesnt Nintendo pay companies for exclusive titles like MS and Sony does? They did what, one Capcom contract? What about all the other 3rd party games made exclusive for Gamecube that jumped ship? Was their no legal binding contract?
If they're the lowest selling current console system, how come they're games never drop in price?
...They don't? What do you call Player's Choice? Hell Nintendo practically invented that label.

Super Mario Bros. 3 is one of the top selling games of all time... why not release a 3d Mario with the same ideas that made that one so inventive?
Because they want to try something new? Instead of giving consumers what they want, why not give them something NEW to want?

Dr Mario sold 4.85 million copies, Kid Icarus sold 1.76 Million copies, Punch Out sold 3 Million copies, Luigi's Mansion sold 3.27 million copies.... sequel? Anyone? What about Animal Crossing? Couldn't they at least put that online, or released extended content? I mean, only one Smash Brothers, Mario Kart & Mario platformer per console? Whats the point?
Animal Crossing Wild World is online, you know that right? The Wii game will probably follow suit. Dr. Mario and Punch-Out both got sequels, btw - Pit is making a return in Super Smash Bros. and it's been rumored he'll come back in a sequel. Luigi's Mansion sucked.

Nintendo doesn't feel it to be necessary to release more than one Super Smash Bros. or Mario platformer on the same system. It'd be great to have like two games of each on a platform, but with games of Mario and Smash's caliber, it's worth the wait.

Why does Star Fox suck now?
Good question.

No Online support?
Something that's being rectified for the DS and Wii. Nice try.

Crappy support of the GBA to Gamecube link?

Mario needs to stop play sports, and release a good game.
I would agree if they were bad games.

I'm sorry, but the Mario sports games only sell because it's mario, and its the only sports games released anymore. Even Hot Shots Golf, is three times better than Mario Golf.
I don't know, Mario sports games do pretty decently in reviews (Strikers got a 5/5 in GamePro I believe).

Nintendo games lack replayability now. Even flagship titles dont have hours of finding items in them anymore.
You want hours of finding items? Try Donkey Kong 64. Wasn't that game just awesome? I find that Super Smash Bros. and Super Mario Sunshine have plenty of replayability.

Why not just kill the gamecube? Why even bother to sell it still, if you havent done anything for it in a year or two?
Because people still want it of course. People want Nintendo games because of their broad appeal, whereas Xbox and PS2 seem more restricted to older demographics.

Games that would of been PERFECT on the Gamecube. Kingdom Hearts, Dragon Quest, Eye Toy series, DDR series, exclusive Sonic titles.... hell, why Nintendo didnt just have Sega make exclusive titles for the gamecube is beyond me. Sega releases alot of crap now, but the gamecube is perfect for alot of Sega's old licenses... Imagine Space Harrier on the gamecube exclusive.
I totally fucking agree. You just hit the nail on the head.

A Kingdom Hearts game for the GameCube? I'd love that! Dragon Quest? Instant system seller! Dance Dance Revolution? With the mass popularity it's had in mainstream, you'd have to wonder why Nintendo didn't get a real DDR game! (Mario Mix doesn't count) And why didn't Nintendo just buy out Sega, or work out an exclusive deal with them? Really, the only games they've released lately that get mass media coverage are the Sonic games, which have always sold best on GameCube. And how does Sega respond to that? They release the next gen Sonic on PS3 and 360! What the hell, Sega? Similarly, why did Namco make Soul Calibur III a PS3 exclusive when it sold best on the Cube? Granted it can partly be attributed to Link's presence, but still.

The only problem with this argument is that EyeToy is Sony first party, so obviously it would never appear on a Nintendo system. Still, all of the games that would have been perfect for the GameCube went to the PS2 mostly, and that kind of sucks because Cube is clearly dying (the biggest games in Fall 2005 were Shadow the Hedgehog and Pokemon? Try again Nintendo), and Twilight Princess, if it hadn't been ported to Wii, would have been it's only saving grace, which is why it irritates me that Nintendo is doing a Wii version. Nintendo made some great first party GCN games, and I really enjoyed it, but that just wasn't enough.

Oh, and getting back on the NintendoxSega thing - NiGHTS 2 on any system would be Jesus.

If the GBA SP, is what the GBA should of been all along, and the DS lite is what the DS should of been all along, then should I just not buy a Wii until its fixed too?
Wii is a console though. GBA and DS are handhelds.
bread's done