Recommend some good non-Bullet Hell Shoot'em-ups for Vita please


I have a US PSN account, and atm I'm considering getting:
Strikers 1945 Plus
Sonic Wings Special
Gunbird 1
Soldier Blade
Super Star Soldier
Zanac X Zanac
Alpha Mission 2 (hesitant on this one the most TBH)
Neo Geo Ultimate Shooting (only if it goes on sale on the 29th)
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Gradius Collection is the only game that comes to mind at the moment.

I didn't even know Neo Geo Ultimate Shooting was available on the PSN.

Alpha Mission II, while an older (and a bit slower) Neo Geo shmup, has some fantastic music and is fun to play.

Strikers 1945 Plus is disappointing, slow with fairly lame graphics, not a good port of that game (was also a Neo Geo shmup).

Shienryu is an excellent game, but lack of ability to rotate the screen (and play it vertically on the PSP/Vita) is a huge downside.

Look for Varth, which is part of Capcom Classics Reloaded for PSP (and Vita), a fantastic shmup that DOES allow the screen to be rotated (and looks/plays fantastic on PSP/Vita).  In fact, you should just buy both the Capcom Classics collections (Remixed and Reloaded) for PSP/Vita, they are GREAT arcade collections.

A Space Shooter for 2 Bucks is actually a fun little PSP/Vita mini, as is Aqua Kitty (which is more like a Defender clone).  Flying Hamster (there's a regular and an HD remake version, get the HD one) is a cute, cartoony shooter with loud music and bizarre enemies.

Haven't tried the other shmups you mention yet, but those are a start.

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