

can anyone recommend a good rpg to play. I would preferably want it to be an rpg on ps3 (except valkaryia, fallout3), but ps1 games would be ok too i guess (prefer ps3...). Any rpgs from psn would be cool too (heard suikoden I was released on psn right...?). Had a majority of rpgs for my ps2, but not a single one on ps3. I'm tired of shooters, racing, fighting. Need something with story and character development. Anything coming out soon (i.e. next 3 months would be awesome too). Just throw some things out there, oh and sorry if this is a frequent topic (i would imagine so...).

BtW i've played most of the Final fantasies so no to that and no bc....

if you like strategy games Disgaea is a sure thing. Other than that and Oblivion which is like fallout there really aren't any great rpg's on PS3 your best bet is to hope that maybe Bandai will release Vesperia for PS3.
[quote name='bjstucker']if you like strategy games Disgaea is a sure thing. Other than that and Oblivion which is like fallout there really aren't any great rpg's on PS3 your best bet is to hope that maybe Bandai will release Vesperia for PS3.[/quote]

mmm i don't know about disgaea 3...i haven't played any of them before. I did really enjoy the FFtactics and ogre battle games, but i just don't think i am in the mood to get into a tactical rpg right now (takes a certain level of concentration/commitment). LOL i can't believe i'm saying this, but i think i'm starved for some traditional turn based battling....

....And...Eternal sonata just looks too funky. No offense to anyone that liked it, and i'm sure its fun and everything, but yeah....(tried the demo and was just weirded out). The story also seems kinda goofy, but to each their own. Ugh i might just have to get a new ps2 (old one broke down) and buy persona 4 (god how i wish they released that for the ps3 instead).

Good suggestions though guys (sorry don't be discouraged if i keep shooting things be honest i may consider alot of your suggestions after a while) Keep 'em comin!

there isn't any really good traditional rpgs for ps3 right now, most are on xbox360; your just going to have to wait for FF13.
If you don't mind the framerate hiccups and some occasionally missing voiceovers, I'd like to suggest Rise Of The Argonauts.

It follows the story of Jason on his quest for the golden fleece. The combat is done ala God Of War with some serious button mashing, which is annoying at times, but all in all it's a pretty fun game.

I got it for Christmas from my girlfriend(a surprise last minute gift she picked up)and I've been enjoying it thus far.

There is alot of dialogue in the game and you have to do a ton of backtracking to get the story to fully advance.

It's a fun title overall though.
[quote name='mi3nboi']there isn't any really good traditional rpgs for ps3 right now, most are on xbox360; your just going to have to wait for FF13.[/quote]

He's lying. 360 rpgs are trash too. It's just that fanboys hype the everloving shit out of junk average titles like Lost Odyssey. Though Tales of Vesperia deserves some of the praise it gets. NO next gen console has any truly good rpgs at this point besides Valkyria Chronicles which is a Srpg at best.
[quote name='Paco']He's lying. 360 rpgs are trash too. It's just that fanboys hype the everloving shit out of junk average titles like Lost Odyssey. Though Tales of Vesperia deserves some of the praise it gets. NO next gen console has any truly good rpgs at this point besides Valkyria Chronicles which is a Srpg at best.[/quote]

mmm very interesting...yeah i've been wondering for quite a while now about the caliber of the 360 rpgs compared to the ps1 and ps2 ones of old. Even if they are half assed (and i'm not saying they are) it's still better than nothing. Seems like vesperia is making some noise around these forums. Does it play anything or present itself like tales of symphonia? If so i suppose it would be fun. I did sorta get tired of the battle system near the end of TOS only because it just seemed a bit gimmicky (still fun thou).

hmmm suikoden is looking pretty good right now too (figuratively...literally i'm sure its graphics look like crap right?...hah...)
[quote name='rumarudrathas']I heard that The Last Remnant is going to be released for the ps3 sometime this year.

But, I don't know of any "classic" RPG out for the PS3 right now, which is a shame.[/quote]

Oh wow this must be confirmed then since they already have a ps3 cover and page right? That seems like an interesting game.

BTW seeing star ocean the last hope's ad banner on ign really makes me cringe.

Anyone hear anything about wild arms ? It's also on psn with suikoden (i think it came out a while ago thou...). So far those two are the only ones i would be willing to pay money for. I haven't played either of them or their sequels, but honestly i am seriously considering just getting persona 4 now.
[quote name='KingBroly']Valkyria Chronicles

Best RPG on the system right now.[/quote]

OH yea for sure im gonna be getting this some time, but right now i am looking for something more traditional. Plus i am hoping for a price drop on it (10-20 and i'll bite). I played the demo and was hooked from the get go. Really impressed with the artstyle, although a friend has told me that the story/anime ish feel of the game is kinda weird.

Anyone know why we aren't getting more classic psone rpgs? I can understand why ps2 rpgs aren't on psn (sony can still make money off ps2 sales i guess...), but hasn't xenogears been out on the japanese psn for ages now? I would totally bite on that if it was available (i could be wrong....)

I was thinking of going into walmart today to exchange my sealed copy of farcry 2 so i could get VC. I know they don't have it in store, but i'm hoping they will give me atleast store credit for it. I lost the receipt thou...anyone know if walmart still gives store credit/gift cards for this sort of predicament? If so i will definitely be getting in on some valk

[quote name='riddler']

I was thinking of going into walmart today to exchange my sealed copy of farcry 2 so i could get VC. I know they don't have it in store, but i'm hoping they will give me atleast store credit for it. I lost the receipt thou...anyone know if walmart still gives store credit/gift cards for this sort of predicament?[/quote]

Lately Walmart has been saying no without a receipt. Wouldn't hurt to try though.
I'm a big fan of turn based RPG's. ( I dislike the newer action packed, moving your guy on screen and press buttons repeatedly to make him attack RPG's, whatever it may be called ) I suggest, Dragon Quest 8 PS2 if you haven't played it already.
Nothing on the PS3 as of right now but you can always pick up some of the great PS2 RPGs such as Shadow Heart series, DQ8, Persona series, etc.

Eternal Sonata is okay...nothing special IMO.
[quote name='hpbbes']*cough* buy a DS *cough*[/quote]
yea i do own a ds, but i've been itching to play an rpg on ps3. The DS does have some awesome rpgs, probably the best system for traditional rpgs right now

[quote name='pimpinc333']I'm a big fan of turn based RPG's. ( I dislike the newer action packed, moving your guy on screen and press buttons repeatedly to make him attack RPG's, whatever it may be called ) I suggest, Dragon Quest 8 PS2 if you haven't played it already.[/quote]
Yea i totally agree with you on the new action style rpgs, but i wouldn't complain if we were to get something similar to a zelda type game. Actually Level 5 should totally start working on a new dark cloud or something. White Knight Chronicles looks pretty fun too. I've also already played DQ8 which was a great game IMO. Good art style with a traditional feel.

[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Folklore.[/quote]
I haven't heard much about this game. How much does it go for?

BTW i just traded my sealed Farcry2 at walmart for Valkyria. Had to call around to find a walmart that would take it without a receipt, but found one eventually. I am still gonna be open to your opinions on rpgs thou which have been really helpful!

Valkyria Chronicles has RPG elements, but it's a strategy game at heart. No other game really like it. It's not an RPG.

Lost Odyssey >>>>>>>>>>>> Paco

Suikoden 1 is very solid.
[quote name='DarkKenpachi']well if your gonna o ps1 games. my advice would be xenogears, breath of fire 3, and parasite eve.[/quote]

i would love to play xenogears, haven't had the chance to yet. I wish they would release it on the U.S. psn though. I would get it in a heartbeat.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Folklore.[/quote]
Ugh no. Absolutely not.

Great game to play through once although I found it rather annoying that the levels were all played twice to progress the story. There was no payoff for collecting all folks and I thought the final boss was rather uninspired.

As far as recommendations go there isn't really much to choose from. I am a huge fan of Oblivion (GOTY edition if you get it) and am wet like a Thai whore for White Knight Chronicles and Demon's Soul (import the Asia version) but both are still a ways away. WKC looks like an especially good time but there's no release date as far as I know. You'll just have to wait or choose from the admittedly slim offerings.
Oh shut up. It's a fun, enjoyable game that at least does something different. You even said so yourself that it's a great game to play through once.
bread's done