Red Dead Redemption used @ Gamestop

[quote name='jrhawk42']I'm thinking the price of this game will tank by fall.[/QUOTE]

Hope so. Though I'm kinda hoping it goes down before that, like within a month or 2. :applause:
This game is pure awesomeness. I am loving every minute of it and were I you I would not even wait for a price drop; this price is a great deal for how much greatness you get in the package.
I couldnt get my 10 dollar credit to work, but then again, it only wants to give 10% off when it should be 10 bucks. Go figure.
I doubt it will fall in price at all before the fall, the game is EPIC WIN, I can see it staying at the same price for a long while, just like Uncharted did
[quote name='jrhawk42']I'm thinking the price of this game will tank by fall.[/QUOTE]

Drop? Probably. Tank? Not so much. Isn't it selling like gangbusters right now?
FYI: Both PS3 and 360 version are available (at the time of this post at least), not just 360 as the title implies. :)
The only cheaper price might be amazon $39.99 w/o tax + free shipping, but they seem to be lagging on if they will ever drop it anyrime soon
One of the VERY few games that I've paid full price for... and it is worth every penny. I love it. And this from a guy that HATED GTA IV... I just couldn't get in to it. RDR, though, I find myself anticipating the little bit of playtime I get every night when the kid is in bed...
Game just ousted HALO 3 on the LIVE activity chart this week. It isnt going to "tank" in sales anytime soon.
[quote name='DX']Game just ousted HALO 3 on the LIVE activity chart this week. It isnt going to "tank" in sales anytime soon.[/QUOTE]

I think he was referring to tanking in price. And in that regard...yes, it will. The sandbox games regardless of how amazing they are, are one-playthroughs for tons of gamers. There'll be plenty of used copies going around soon enough. Shooters are entirely different.

It happened with GTAIV, it'll sure as heck happen with RDR. Expect to get it easily for $30 or less in a few months.
[quote name='JaylisJayP']I think he was referring to tanking in price. And in that regard...yes, it will. The sandbox games regardless of how amazing they are, are one-playthroughs for tons of gamers. There'll be plenty of used copies going around soon enough. Shooters are entirely different.

It happened with GTAIV, it'll sure as heck happen with RDR. Expect to get it easily for $30 or less in a few months.[/QUOTE]

You may be right, but this game also has a lot of replay value with its multiplayer. I've also heard of a co-op dlc that's coming.
The game is great ... not to mention huge. It took me about 23 hours to beat it (and I am definitely not a completest). I'm also not including all the time I spent mindlessly shooting people's horses in the face on Xbox Live.

I actually regret trading the game in. There is something oddly satisfying - and perverse - about lassoing people and dragging them to get eaten by wild cougars. :lol:

I'm definitely going to get the game again. I'm just going to wait a month or two and hope for a Bioshock 2-esque plummet.
[quote name='IRHari']I might get this game if I find out its the video game version of motherfucking San Francisco cocksucker Deadwood.[/QUOTE]

LOL! There ain't no "Swedgin" cocksucker in this one, nor pigs to take care of the dead bodies.
I actually am glad he started this thread to alert me it was in stock used, I have been waiting for it. It would be cool to have one thread devoted just to newer releases coming in stock used at gamestop, so people would not keep making individual threads for each one.
On a side not I bought a copy for me and one for my brother
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[quote name='ster']Drop? Probably. Tank? Not so much. Isn't it selling like gangbusters right now?[/QUOTE]

That's why it may tank in the used game sites, everyone has a copy and hopefully they want to sell there's :)
[quote name='yarkitty123']lassoing people and dragging them to get eaten by wild cougars.[/QUOTE]

Well I'm sold.
Are there are major differences between the 360 and PS3 version. I'm leaning towards picking up the PS3 version since I'm trying to bulk up my PS3 library and it comes with free DLC Regrettably I've noticed in the past that when ever a game comes out for both systems, the PS3 version suffers in some way.
hmm...i'm still up in the air about this...i'm hoping it'll drop to sub $40, but if i trade a few games in with the promo now, i could potentially get this at no cost. decisions decisions.
[quote name='JaylisJayP']I think he was referring to tanking in price. And in that regard...yes, it will. The sandbox games regardless of how amazing they are, are one-playthroughs for tons of gamers. There'll be plenty of used copies going around soon enough. Shooters are entirely different.

It happened with GTAIV, it'll sure as heck happen with RDR. Expect to get it easily for $30 or less in a few months.[/QUOTE]
Except you forgot one thing, most shooters suck and are repetitive as hell.

Shoot enemies, reload, get new weapon, rinse, repeat. YAWWWWWN!!

The only shooter/adventure game recently that had a tolerable online shooting mode was Uncharted 2 and ONLY the storyline-esque modes, since deathmatch/team deathmatch was filled with nothing but 24/7 losers who spent every waking moment playing the game or figuring out how to glitch into walls to shoot you from.
Screw it, I'll bite. I don't have an edge card, so guess 41.99 is good enough unless anyone has any other ideas... :p

EDIT: Nevermind, took a look at my bank account. I'll wait.
If I didn't detest buying used games I'd be all over this. In the meantime, I'll just keep stealing my roommate's copy.
[quote name='cycophuk']Are there are major differences between the 360 and PS3 version. I'm leaning towards picking up the PS3 version since I'm trying to bulk up my PS3 library and it comes with free DLC Regrettably I've noticed in the past that when ever a game comes out for both systems, the PS3 version suffers in some way.[/QUOTE]

By all means, get the 360 version. It's been discussed all over the net that it's the superior looking version.
I didnt care much for it. Sure it has excellent voice acting and lots of stuff to do, but after playing 4 gta games this feels like a reskinning of it. There's still a ton of filler missions even within the main story and the game still "feels" like im playing another gta.
Just a tidbit to those expecting it to tank. Apparently at this point, VERY few people are trading it in, because Amazon is offering $40 in credit right now for it (ps3 version, didn't check 360), which is at least $5 over what they've offered for any other this-gen game I've ever seen on that trade in site. I'm not saying it won't tank, just tossing out a bit of info, take it how you want it.
Wait for an amazon price drop to $39.99 (which may not happen for awhile lol) or use my GS $20 credit and get it for $29.99 + tax here
[quote name='talkischeap']Does anyone know a way to use paypal with gamestop? :cry:[/QUOTE]

Internet explorer + pay pal plug in = happy you:D
I dont think you can get the pay pal plug-in anymore. Those of us that have it are still able to use it, but I dont think there is a way to download it anymore.
[quote name='Brother Daz']I dont think you can get the pay pal plug-in anymore. Those of us that have it are still able to use it, but I dont think there is a way to download it anymore.[/QUOTE]

Seems that you're correct :(. Guess there's no red dead redemption for me for right now then.
[quote name='theEchness'] here. Man I just want this game at a $40 price point![/QUOTE]

Just hit the edit button on the bottom right of your post if you need to change something.

I'd check Craigslist if you don't mind used, I've seen plenty of people selling it for $40 in my area.

Welcome to CAG.
bread's done