Red Dead Redemption worth getting?


The game looks great...but my only problem is that the online multiplayer might go the way of Grand Theft Auto IV. The MP looks fun, but might get boring after a while and then people stop playing. I only have 2 Xbox Live Friends that are getting it, but I still don't know if that's enough to get me to buy the game.

I was going to do the Trade 2 deal to buy for $20, or Trade 2 360 games and get an extra 30%. But I only like to Trade on games that I think are worth it. I'm undecided on this, and with the game coming out in just a few days, and the 30% Trade In Deal expiring this week, I was hoping someone could help me out on making a decision to get this game or not.

I already have Alan Wake Pre-Ordered and paid off for as well. And that comes out the same day as Red Dead. So is Red Dead worth getting for me? Or should I save my money and my trades? And sorry for the long post...I tend to type...a lot.
I am a huge fan of the first one, despite the irritating controls, so if you are buying it to be a single player game get it. If you plan on using the multi-player for a few months... I would rethink the decision.
So...I have to make the decision by the end of the day, and I'm still undecided. Anyone else have any suggestions?
I would think the only reason you would want this is if you love GTA and just need something like that to play. I am pretty sure this game was completely remade so it wont have much in common with the first one. If you always wanted to play a cowboy GTA then buy it.
If you're hoping for stuff to do online then Rockstar is releasing a Free co-op DLC in June that includes missions you can play with up to 4 friends. I'm not sure how long these missions are but you pretty much can create a posse and tackle objectives together.

I wasn't planning on buying this game until it dropped in price but I got a $20 TRU GC that expires this month so I'm gonna use it on Red Dead. Plus TRU is giving a $25 GC for Reward Members.
I wasn't a huge fan of the first game. Don't get me wrong, it was good. But it was incredibly linear. This game seems to be as far away from that model as you can get. I don't quite get the "GTA Western" comparison. Sure, it's a sandbox and you have in incredibly vast amount of land to explore, but I think more along the lines of Fallout or Oblivion when I think of this game. You can divert from the main story and STILL find yourself playing 6 hours or so from exploring and completing side quests and pseudo side quests. Digging up buried treasure, playing mini-games like poker (in which you can cheat, possibly get caught, then DUEL THE ASSHOLE), hunting down bounties, or just tying up prostitutes and dragging them behind your horse, are just a few things you can do to occupy your time when not following the main story.

On top of the exploration, you have the amazing physics engine Euphoria at work, and it seems they've put that engine to work in this game more so than in any previous game (e.g., GTA IV and Force Unleashed). Watching guys get blown away and seeing a realistic reaction to that bullet makes me giddy (but that might just be me). And not in a psychopathic giddy way, just an appreciation for realistic physics way.

The single player alone justifies this purchase for me. On top of that, though, you can FORM YOUR OWN POSSE'. How cool is that? Another diversion from the main story line; the ability to complete a few side quests/explore with buddies? AND the competitive modes coming out. Have you seen the modes at work? Collecting gold? Getting blown away by cannons? Storming each others' bases? They look awesome. GTA online didn't seem quite as structured. And no, I wasn't a huge fan of GTA online. It got boring pretty quickly.

Bottom line, after I read up (a lot) about this game, I preordered it and will be attending the midnight release (yikes). I realize the hype machine may have persuaded my decision a little, but objectively speaking, this game will rock your face.
I'd say wait till your friends get it and try theres. Don't trust reviews cause most people rated GTA IV as the highest game ever, and we all know how that turned out...
I'd say if you're asking random people on a message board if you should get it, you probably don't really want it. Save your money for something you DO really want. ;)
[quote name='argyle']I'd say if you're asking random people on a message board if you should get it, you probably don't really want it. Save your money for something you DO really want. ;)[/QUOTE]

Ditto. Especially when none of us have played the game. These threads make me question people's mental sanity. It's your choice...make it.
[quote name='Monsta Mack']I'd say wait till your friends get it and try theres. Don't trust reviews cause most people rated GTA IV as the highest game ever, and we all know how that turned out...[/QUOTE]

Just great, I thought GTAIV was the best GTA yet. Obviously some didn't like it that much but I loved it.

Have you guys seen the Donkey in action? I almost wanna just ride him around when I got on a stroll lol. So damn awesome.
[quote name='dragonjud']Ditto. Especially when none of us have played the game. These threads make me question people's mental sanity. It's your choice...make it.[/QUOTE]

Yup. Not sure how any of us can answer your question since it's not even out yet. If you want it, get it. If you don't want it or aren't that interested, then don't get it.

I've never understood asking others whether you should get a game or not. Everyone has different tastes. A five year old girl would tell me to buy the newest Barbie game for the DS, does that mean I should buy it?
why buy a game based on the number of friends you have online? if thats your biggest concern join a cag clan i know theyre making one or more in the ps3 section and im sure they will have some for the xbox folks. as far as i can tell the game is going to be the shit online and offline if anything buy it and if it doesnt work out trade it or return it or sell it.

if mp lives up to what theyre saying i can see people playing this for a long time. you wont know for sure until you play it. heres to hoping this game leads to more western themed games being made.
I just got done playing the first hour or so of it. Its meh... I didnt like GTA IV. Its basically GTA IV with a minor upgrade and a western setting. I like the story so far, but I cant stand the gameplay.

Impressive, but not exactly fun. IMO.
get it, the first one was awesome, i still play it.
btw, the first one was originally developed by capcom and then finished by rockstar
[quote name='Schizophriend']I just got done playing the first hour or so of it. Its meh... I didnt like GTA IV. Its basically GTA IV with a minor upgrade and a western setting. I like the story so far, but I cant stand the gameplay.

Impressive, but not exactly fun. IMO.[/QUOTE]

If you accidentally bump into a sheriff or discharge your weapon, do you have to spend the next half hour trying to shake the cops?
I liked the original Red Dead, but hated GTA 4. So far i've put about two hours into the main game and about 20 minutes into multiplayer. The multiplayer is decent. It's a little glitchy and everyone just runs around shooting each other. Me and a friend started a posse and were doing "quests" to get our levels up. The storyline isn't anything spectacular. It's a lot of running back and forth. So far i'm enjoying it though.
I was really disappointed when I found out it wasn't 1-4 player co-op (campaign) :( My husband and I have 2 360's and we love to play co-op together... Saints Row 2 is the shiz, and this looked like it was going to be awesome. However, since we'd ONLY be able to play online, I decided to go with 1 copy. The multiplayer alone doesn't seem worth it in my case (getting 2 copies)...
My roommate got Red Dead Redemption for PS3. Man it's a pretty sweet game. As an Xbox 360 owner, I was really impressed by the graphics on the PS3 version.

Game play looks sweet. It's open ended, a "sandbox" game.

Definitely worth getting a copy of at some point.
bread's done