Red Faction Guerilla (Darksiders) Code Contest-Winner Darknight88

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300 (100%)
Hi Everyone,

I have extra codes from Darksiders that I wanted to trade but I will probably at least put 1 or both up for contest. This code will score you the bonus content for Darksiders and RFG for PS3 or Xbox 360 for free (4.99) shipping.

Rules are real simple:

Please post anything humerous and around 7pm ET I will read through the post and notify the winner of the most humerous post by PM.

Good Luck

PM me for any questions

Winner is darknight88

I will hold another contest for another code though
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Read this in an amazon post with people whining about MW2 vs BFBC2:

"Excellent point. What has Battlefield: Bad Company 2 sold, zero copies? (Only fanboys and child molesters count pre-orders.) Pfft, nice try, Battlefield: Bad Company 2. If there's one thing this generation has taught us, it's that sales = quality, and Battlefield: Bad Company 2 is so terrible that no one has even bothered to create a time machine so they could buy it in advance. Battlefield: Bad Company 2, you FAIL."
Held onto this from a thread on IGN Forums regarding M$ Support.

Easy winner here. Plus I pissed that my Darksiders didn't come with this thing because that is right about the worst game I have ever purchased at full price.

So we made this rap video a few years ago and this was one of the comments on it:

good beat, good lyricis, but seriously as long as you guys do not care
about accent for rapping, you guys just sux and fake like any mainstream immature black and mexican kidz. when you rap, you just sound like you are trying to read english book rather than writing down your own lyrics and rapping them. if the presence of caring for accent for rap, your work would be dope grindwork. keep up homies!

then he responded again as if his point wasn't already duly noted:

n addition, i do not recomomend this beat because i think this beat pattern is inappropriate for rapping, i dont know maybe good kidz can handle, but i can't. so let u know, i dont think you guys are that good.

link to the vid:
Alright this is a story about two of my friends who are two of the dumbest people I have ever met. The one I will call Toni is your typical high school man-whore who will get with any girl (and I mean any girl). Toni also is ridiculously crazy and will basically do anything when he is in a big group (he pooped on a few peoples porches one night and peed on some peoples cars all while being sober). The other I will call Levi (pronounced like the water dam) is a pocket size man-child with anger issues and he is generally disliked by most of his friends. He constantly likes to mass texts my friends wanting to hang out and then when they ignore him, he drives around from friend's house to friend's house seeing if cars are there and then inviting himself in.

Toni often likes to mess around with Levi.

The story begins at a friends house where we were sitting bored. Toni is messing around with Levi acting somewhat gay trying to kiss and rub Levi's inner thighs. He is constantly asking Levi, "Come on let's just stop fighting and make up, no homo" while touching Levi. Levi tackles him and we eventually have to pull him off. The two start arguing incoherently and grammatically incorrect at each other and a stupid comment from one of them is followed by the other saying, "Ok. Alright. Go on" as if what the other said made complete sense.

So we fast forward to Toni's home where he gets a knock on the door at 1am in the morning. It is a police man saying that Levi has filed a restraining order against him and that if Toni touches him again he will be registered as a sex offender. At this point Toni gets mad and tells the cop that he is dealing with a complete retard (Levi) and that everything is blown out of proportion. The cop says that doesn't matter and that they can no longer hang out together and that his friends have to choose between Levi or Toni. Toni at this point says that makes him feel better because that is an easy choice because all his friends hate Levi. So now every time Levi mass texts my friends wanting to hang out, if they don't want to hang out with him they say they are with Toni (which for the most part is true).

That's my story. It probably is a lot funnier if you were there and knew these two but I tried to paint the picture as best as I could. Please other people give funny stories rather than just post funny you-tube videos.
A few days after Christmas, a mother was working in the kitchen listening to her young son playing with his new electric train in the living room.
She heard the train stop and her son said, "All of you sons of b*tches who want off, get the hell off now, cause this is the last stop! And all of you sons of b*tches who are getting on, get your asses in the train, cause we're going down the tracks."
The mother went nuts and told her son, "We don't use that kind of language in this house. Now I want you to go to your room and you are to stay there for TWO HOURS. When you come out, you may play with your train, but I want you to use nice language."
Two hours later, the son comes out of the bedroom and resumes playing with his train. Soon the train stopped and the mother heard her son say, "All passengers who are disembarking from the train, please remember to take all of your belongings with you. We thank you for riding with us today and hope your trip was a pleasant one. We hope you will ride with us again soon." She hears the little boy continue, "For those of you just boarding, we ask you to stow all of your hand luggage under your seat. Remember, there is no smoking on the train. We hope you will have a pleasant and relaxing journey with us today."
As the mother began to smile, the child added, "For those of you who are pissed off about the TWO HOUR delay, please see the b*tch in the kitchen."
In the pursuit of a notorious killer, Sherlock Holmes and his assistant Dr. Watson set up camp for the night in a clearing in the woods.

Some time later, Holmes stirs and nudges his friend. “Watson, look up at the sky. Tell me what you see.”

“I see a great many stars, Holmes,” replies Watson.

“And what do you deduce from that?”

Watson ponders for a minute. “Well, astronomically, it tells me that there are millions of galaxies and potentially billions of planets. Astrologically, I observe that Saturn is in Leo. Horologically, I deduce that the time is approximately a quarter past three. Meteorologically, I suspect that we will have a beautiful day tomorrow. Theologically, I can see that God is all powerful, and that we are a small and insignificant part of the universe."

He pauses, unable to think of anything more.

"But what does it tell you, Holmes?”

Holmes is silent for a moment.

“Watson, you idiot! Someone has stolen our tent!”
[quote name='Nesmaster75']This video is too funny. This version has the song Locked Up by Akon, which in my opinion makes the video funnier (and this is coming from someone who absolutely hates rap...). Hope you at least get a laugh out of it :)[/QUOTE]

Hahaha, I love this video. Showed my friends it a while ago and we couldn't stop laughing.
Long before YouTube and lol cats we

t0rbad> so there i was in this hallway right
BlackAdder> i believe i speak for all of us when i say...
BlackAdder> IM SICK OF YOU
BlackAdder> IN FACT
*** t0rbad sets mode: +b BlackAdder*!*@*.*
*** BlackAdder has been kicked my t0rbad ( )
t0rbad> so there i was in this hallway right
CRCError> right
heartless> Right.
r3v> right

A guy in Florida, reading the classifieds sees an ad: Talking Dog for Sale: $20.

The guy goes to the address in the ad, knocks on the door. A guy answers the door. Guy asks, "I see you have a dog for sale, can I come in and see him?".

The owner responds, "Yep.... he's in the bedroom watching TV".

Curious the reader wanders into the bedroom where he sees the dog laying there, remote in hand watching TV. The dog looks at the guy and says, "Hey. How you doin'?!"

Amazed, the reader asks, 'Wow! I can't believe this! You're a talking dog! What are you doing just sitting around here in Florida?"

The dogs says, "Well, I started out in New York, I used to teach other dogs to lead the bind. Then the Gulf War broke out and I went over there and brought medicine to injured soldiers and rescued soldiers. When that was over I came back to New York. I was on Broadway for a while in River-dance. Then of course you had the tragedy of the Twin Towers, so I helped out there sniffing for bombs and stuff. And finally, I decided I had enough and to come down here to Florida to retire."

The guy can't believe this and leaves the room to talk to the owner.

"What's the deal?! Why are you selling that talking dog for $20?!", the guy asks.

The owner replies, "BECAUSE HE'S A BIG LIAR!"



Sorry for the first pic, I mean no offense to anyone's sexuality. Someone's gonna laugh, and someone's gonna go to hell anyway :lol:
i submit this entry!

flash video

failing that, a classic
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