Red Steel 2 officially confirmed, using MotionPlus


50 (100%)
Saw this on GAF today, quite a while after the unofficial confirmation last year.

While accurate/dynamic sword fighting wasn't the only problem with Red Steel (which I did enjoy), it certainly won't hurt a sequel.

Ubisoft is one of the first publishers to confirm the use of the Wii MotionPlus peripheral to improve the execution of its core Wii titles.

Adopting the tech for the sequel to Red Steel, Alain Corre, Ubisoft's executive director, has said the improvement of 3D motions will help the sequel achieve the ambitious gameplay attempted in the first game.

"Red Steel 2 has been in development for many months now, and this new device will help us be even more precise in what we do with the product," said Corre, speaking exclusively to
Hope it actually is better.

I really didn't mind the original too much, but the Tetsuo's Games level spooked the living hell out of me.
I actually enjoyed the first game but whatever.

Lets hope they can come out with a decent game on the wii and not just their recent shovelware...
[quote name='EXStrike']Hope it actually is better.

I really didn't mind the original too much, but the Tetsuo's Games level spooked the living hell out of me.[/QUOTE]

That level made the time spent getting there totally worth it.
Dammit stop saying you liked it people! Otherwise I can't make snarky remarks about how they'll fuck up even with spankin' new tech running in the background.
I liked the first one too :)

It was bogged down mainly from glitches and a laggy pointer (though, most games still use laggy pointers). It also had a few really nice looking environments, that looked better than most Wii games today.
first game didn't suck, just the cut scenes you couldn't skip...and the terrible voice acting. other than that though, wasn't bad at all.
where are you people coming from? this is one of the worst games i've ever played. in fact, i found the controls unplayable. i don't remember anyone saying they liked this game when it came out. perhaps, all of you played it under the assumption that it was pure shit.
[quote name='bigdsinferno']where are you people coming from? this is one of the worst games i've ever played. in fact, i found the controls unplayable. i don't remember anyone saying they liked this game when it came out. perhaps, all of you played it under the assumption that it was pure shit.[/quote]
Yeah, because since reviewers say it's bad, it must be bad. God Hand sucked, too.
For an early title, red steel was decent. I had higher expectations when it was announced- I think everyone did. Expecting it to be a perfect marriage of wii sword play and wiigunplay that didn't get either completely right. Little did gamers know getting it completely right would prove difficult for most games.
Provided they don't rush the sequel, this could be a solid title.
The wii is still waiting for a game that gets sword fighting perfect. No More Heroes made great use of the wiimote, but there is plenty of room for improvements and differing styles.
[quote name='bigdsinferno']where are you people coming from? this is one of the worst games i've ever played. in fact, i found the controls unplayable. i don't remember anyone saying they liked this game when it came out. perhaps, all of you played it under the assumption that it was pure shit.[/quote]You must not have read any posts from me around launch time then.
[quote name='bigdsinferno']where are you people coming from? this is one of the worst games i've ever played. in fact, i found the controls unplayable. i don't remember anyone saying they liked this game when it came out. perhaps, all of you played it under the assumption that it was pure shit.[/quote]

Ok I understand that you hated the game but if you were expecting call of duty 4 or something then yes you would hate this game. This game might require the thought that it is not perfect but NOT that it is pure shit. The game is finished and it doesn't have any flaws that make it unplayable not making it pure shit. Sure you don't like the controls whatever, but I know some people including me who thought the game was alright. Hell it was the first Wii game I bet.
I wanted to like Red Steel so much. The Motion Plus IS what Red Steel needed.

I think I get why people are pissed at the motion plus. If the motion plus was already in the remote, or even as an accessory when the Wii first came out, we probably had a lot more better games.
[quote name='naes']Yeah, because since reviewers say it's bad, it must be bad. God Hand sucked, too.[/QUOTE]

honestly, i didn't read a single review of it. i bought it on launch day with my wii, played it for about an hour and thought the controls were so inaccurate that i traded it in. i had high expectations from this game... particularly when it came to sword play, but it disappointed all around. it felt like a glorified light gun game that wasn't even good at that.
[quote name='naes']God Hand sucked, too.[/quote]

I'll fuck you 'till you love me, $$$$$$!

Before you go reporting me to the mods it was a Tyson quote(ala Alexander the Great) just like in God Hand to counteract your obvious sarcasm. Anways this news is hot shit. Two confirmed motion plus games that I actually want? Three more and I'll shell out for the peripheral. Only time I broke this rule was Mario Kart but was free!
Great, so they have the controls side of the equation fixed. I still don't believe they'll ever have the game design down, though.
bread's done