Reduced price game guides, all stores. Thread 6

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9 (100%)
3-17-07 Here should be most of the information that anyone would need in acquiring guides. please read ALL the information below before asking questions. most question are answered below. Again thank you 6669 for all your contributions to this thread and web site.

My wifes web site - Nice jewelry good prices.

For hopefully the latestest most current up to date guide drops please refer to the

"CAG Strategy Guide WIKI page"

recent drop section

master list section

they will be filetered from the thread posts to the WIKI page as often as possible. Thank you for your contribution.

Listed in the wiki is the most up to date compiled list of all known guide deals from the posts of this thread and similar threads. I will update the wikis lists as people post new guide deals. Everything listed in this thread “should” be the price listed or lower. These prices are typically company wide price reductions and not YMMV. But just because the prices are typically universal does not mean that they are guaranteed to be sold to you. Most stores have a destroy clause with the guide companies. So whether or not you get these guides depend on many many factors from how diligent a staff is to how reasonable or friendly one is. Good luck on any you may find and good luck on acquiring them. Please dont have a fit if a store wont let you have them just move on. Causing trouble rarely gets guides and most of the time stops others from getting guides in your area. If anything is incorrect or missing please post so corrections can be made.

Now you can just cut, paste, print, and GO!!!

What is a Penny Guide:

To answer this question fully, one first has to understand the longstanding legal agreemenat which [book] publishers have with book sellers such as Borders, Barnes & Noble and other chain and Mom & Pop shops, as well as other retailers who similarly sell their books.

For several decades, publishers such as Simon & Schuster, Penguin, Random House, et cetera will send out X-number of a title to stores to be sold. After a time, when it is decided that those older titles have little chance of selling and the store shelf real-estate would be better used for newer publications, they issue a recall to the vendors to field destroy all remaining copies of titles A, B & C.

The stores then will pull those titles from their inventory to be field-destroyed, and in their systems mark the publications as 1¢. The 1¢ price is to indicate to the publisher that they are no-longer selling the pulled title, and it is also to serve as a Red Flag to any cashier who might ring up a title (on the chance that the titles were not pulled as legally they were required).

When the pull lists are sent out by the publishers, and the stores adjust the price in their inventory (and pull and field-destroy the books), the stores also are to report to the publisher the number of the books they pulled. (This is generally done at a corporate level.) The publisher then credits the stores full cost of the books.

So lets say, MegaChain orders 8000 copies of the Bread Baker strategy guide for their stores in North America for say, $4 a piece. They owe $32,000 to Publisher X. Bread Baker being a big seller and a hard game, then sells 6000 of those 8000 guides, leaving around 2000 guides on the shelves when Publisher X issues the pull demand. Publisher X then issues MegaChain an $8000 credit for the 2000 unsold copies of the guide.

According to IAmTheCheapestGamer, some retailers also have deals where each copy of pulled titles sent to their recognized Recycling Centers are additionally issued further credit for being environmentally responsible in the manner in which they field destroy each book.

How you can help: You can keep a printed copy of this list in your jacket, wallet, purse whatever and when you go to any store that carries guides look for guides for games that have been out typically around six months or more and ask for a price check or better yet use a store scanner if they are available. If they are anything less than cover price write it down for us. Also please when you post the info here if it looks like it’s a temporary sale, please post that as well otherwise it will be assumed to a be a permanent price reduction. If you scan a guide and it comes up a different price that what the master lists suggests please list the day and store that you had the guide scanned. Also please list if you physically saw a self-scanner’s price, physically saw a cash registers price or vocally heard a price from the store’s staff. This might sound like a lot and of course we will take what we can get but this will go a long way to having the best master list as well as ferreting out different store practices and policy’s. All help is appreciated and thank you.

Trading: I spoke with the post office and found out that the cheapest form of mailing to the 48 contiguous states would be to use “media mail” It will take a little longer but it will also allow the least amount of money per transaction when trying to acquire guides for your collection. For an average guide weight of about 9 oz its $1.42 cents. All you need to do is put it in an envelope and ship it media mail. He mentioned no one should have a problem if you use the same envelope several times to cut down on costs. He also mentioned that when shipping Media mail that you cannot have any personal correspondence in the envelope. Only books and an invoice are acceptable. If trading is in you interest you do whatever is most comfortable for you and your trading party this was merely a FYI and a good way to keep it cheap.

Helpful links to check for reduced priced guides or guides in general. You will likely never find one cent guides here but various discounted guides and possibly some that you have been searching for.

Best Buy

Best Buy guide search

Circuit City

Circuit City guide search

EB Games

EB Games guide search

Gamestop (babages,software etc,funcoland)

Gamestop guide search


Overstock guide search

Toys R Us (uhh best link I could find)

Toys R Us guide search (another large site of guides) guide search

bookpool (guides typically 45% off or so )

Book pool guide search

Looking for assistance: I am looking for some staff from Best Buy’s, EB’s, Gamestop’s and stores of the like. When EB Games or Gamestop has a price reduction their shelves can be empty in a day or two to even as little as just a few hours. EB and Gamestop have daily price changes so all depending on the store’s staff they could be all gone almost immediately. If I could get some staff that can either post here first thing any day that they have a price reduction on guides or that might be able to text message me with such price reductions so that I might be able to inform CAG’ers ASAP. Whether or not us the end user would actually be able to get them from a particular stores staff is very much an YMMV but if there is anyone who can help this would greatly increase the chance’s of CAG’ers being able to pick up guides from these locations. If anyone is interested and able to help please e-mail me at [email protected]. Thank you all for your consideration.

Thank you all for making CAG what it is and for all your contributions.

Disclaimer: This list is intended to help all guide hunters. Please feel free to print yourself a copy and get what you can find. Please do not post this list on another site. {e-mail me please if for some reason you would want to. [email protected]} Please just link to this thread, add to this list and help it grow. Thank you

all guides are now listed in the wiki please go there. thank you.
[quote name='Indiana']I agree Roofus, the hoarders are mostly likely trolling this board as much as the others. Back when it was a small community the odds of this were lower. But now there are tens of thousands of CAGs so you can pretty much expect that there must be several hundred who just hoard and resell.[/QUOTE]

Yep... and Best Buy / TRU getting strict is likely the fact that the people looking for guides now are 10 and 20 times that of what it used to be.

Three years ago, when this thread was tiny and stores didn't know about any of this for the most part, we all snagged tons of guides, but now there are TONS of people hammering away at Best Buy / TRU / EB / GS the minute these guides drop... of course corporate noticed.

CAG killed penny guide drops ourselves... no one else did.
[quote name='Roufuss']You've been a member since Feb. 2007.

Shut up.

I hope you realize that "fellow brother CAG" is probably more apt to list shit on Ebay for a quick profit just as quickly as that person from FW or SD... you talk like you knew how CAG used to be when you've only been a member for a fucking month.

You act like you're the first to discover this memo at Best Buy. You're not. Nobody also cares about your stupid memo, we all knew Best Buy was cracking down before you even joined.

You are saying that because I like to get a heads up on guide drops I'm a canidate for leaking shit on SD? You're a moron.

Without CAG, and without Vahn in particular, you wouldn't even know where to look for these fucking guides, so quit acting like you could do this on your own (you can't) and like you've provided any sort of valuable information at all (you haven't).[/QUOTE]

Ahh, I remember the precambrian days of the first monday of the month, heading to Best Buy to price check any old guides, and compiling lists that way. Having insiders like Vahn make things so much nicer.

Although, one can't really reminisce too much about the old days, for in those days, there existed a certain DLF, of whom I shall speak no more...
[quote name='Roufuss']Yep... and Best Buy / TRU getting strict is likely the fact that the people looking for guides now are 10 and 20 times that of what it used to be.

Three years ago, when this thread was tiny and stores didn't know about any of this for the most part, we all snagged tons of guides, but now there are TONS of people hammering away at Best Buy / TRU / EB / GS the minute these guides drop... of course corporate noticed.

CAG killed penny guide drops ourselves... no one else did.[/quote]

Well, I have calmed down a bit now. You're right on the out smarting subject. Thats just what it has come down to now. As systems/people become more aware of whats going on, we need to somehow get one step ahead. It's possible because the contributing members here are smart as hell. SD/FW could only dream to have the members we have here. Reason why I was so angery before hand was because I have been eyeing dead rising for MONTHS now, just waiting and waiting. I though for sure I would finally get it today because of all my previous experiences. When I saw all 3 all ready gone...I lost it. I will have a nice fancy list up soon. Some one please save a dead rising for me!
I went to 4 different Best Buys in my area and found guides at only one location. From that location, I picked up:

Kingdom Hearts II (last one I saw)
Saints Row (last one I saw. Wanna trade this for DEAD RISING, anyone?)
Call of Duty 3
Resistance: Fall of Man (last one I saw)
FEAR (x2, one for a friend)

At least I got a few good guides but I really wanted Dead Rising and FFV.
[quote name='Roufuss']CAG killed penny guide drops ourselves... no one else did.[/quote]

Sorry, but stating that CAG killed .01 guides is almost as bad as exclusively blaming SD/FW. .01 guides are hardly dead, and even if they were, CAG alone is hardly responsible. This crackdown will lighten up in a couple of months as it always does (except at TRU-they're brutal).
[quote name='neocisco']Sorry, but stating that CAG killed .01 guides is almost as bad as exclusively blaming SD/FW. .01 guides are hardly dead, and even if they were, CAG alone is hardly responsible. This crackdown will lighten up in a couple of months as it always does (except at TRU-they're brutal).[/QUOTE]

They are hardly dead but the amount of people who get them is far far less these days, and back then we didn't have memo's at Best Buy / EB / GS disposing of them ASAP.

I could go into any Best Buy / EB / GS / TRU and get any guide when they dropped, the employees didn't care / didn't know, and only a small number of people knew about it.

Now, these days, when something drops, you have a surge of people rushing out to stores grabbing as many as they can, and if you don't think that tips something off at corporate, that people are getting something for nothing, well, sorry, but that's pretty delusional.

TRU / EB / GS have already cracked down pretty hard, and Best Buy will start dropping the hammer quickly as they've already done. If you don't think it's a lot harder to get guides now then it was two years ago, that's crazy. Just imagine another two years, and it will be damn near impossible. The only thing that stops Best Buy from really dropping the hammer as good as they'd like as that the store is so huge it's so easy to get away with snagging some guides, and because employees change SO OFTEN.

At TRU / EB / GS it is a lot more secluded and the one employee running the section is on top of things.
It doesn't really look like SD posted a very extensive list, and it kinda doesn't like they will this time around.

I think we can let our guns cool a little bit.
All of you are wrong blaming each other. The real hoarders are the BITCH BUY employee themselves since they can bring home hundred of guides, selling them on eBay and laughing at us when we are accusing each other. So I rather buy the guide at swapmeet than go to BITCH BUY store!!!!!
[quote name='kevzik']Well, I have calmed down a bit now. You're right on the out smarting subject. Thats just what it has come down to now. As systems/people become more aware of whats going on, we need to somehow get one step ahead. It's possible because the contributing members here are smart as hell. SD/FW could only dream to have the members we have here. Reason why I was so angery before hand was because I have been eyeing dead rising for MONTHS now, just waiting and waiting. I though for sure I would finally get it today because of all my previous experiences. When I saw all 3 all ready gone...I lost it. I will have a nice fancy list up soon. Some one please save a dead rising for me![/quote]

Ok, please check my list in the trading thread, if you have a Dead Rising for Mr. K...
I'll trade for it and you ship to him.
IF this happens, all I ask K to do is pay it forward....
Can somebody provide the matching UPC that corresponds to the clearanced Oblivion guide? I've seen 5 different revisions so far: the old versions with and without the sticky UPC, the newer black labeled versions also with and without the sticky UPC, and the latest version with a cover sticker "covers PS3". I don't trust the sku sticker, since the back UPC label is sometimes different.
I know this is probably a dumb question, since I WORK for the damn company, but is there any rhyme/reason to GameStop/EB's guide penny-outing? It seems like BB usually drops theirs on Monday, so I didn't know if GS did it at certain intervals.
Picked up the following at the South Elgin BB:
Yoshi's Island DS (Both versions)
Oblivion (no sticker over UPC on back, has the little "covers 360 and PC" box on spine
Pokemon Ranger
Guitar Hero II (really beat up, though)

This store had all the guides at the end of last week, so either it was hit by other penny hunters or some people were buying guides and games together. This might make sense with Red Steel as the game and guide is only $30.

I was hoping only for Red Steel at BB, the others would've been gravy.
I also want the DBZ:BT2 guide from TRU. I'm still hoping beyond hope, though.
[quote name='shajek']Picked up the following at the South Elgin BB:
Yoshi's Island DS (Both versions)
Oblivion (no sticker over UPC on back, has the little "covers 360 and PC" box on spine
Pokemon Ranger
Guitar Hero II (really beat up, though)

This store had all the guides at the end of last week, so either it was hit by other penny hunters or some people were buying guides and games together. This might make sense with Red Steel as the game and guide is only $30.

I was hoping only for Red Steel at BB, the others would've been gravy.
I also want the DBZ:BT2 guide from TRU. I'm still hoping beyond hope, though.[/quote]
Ha, I was just there at this BB and there was absolutely nothing there left, but then again, I figured by now it would have been cleaned out. Were there any Oblivion guides left? I saw some, but I was confused which ones had dropped and which ones hadn't.
Unfortunately, my BB was very aggressive with pulling guides (as if Saturday they had tons of Bullys and COD3's among others and they were all gone today including one of my caches (the one with KH2 unfortuantely) but I did get 5 of the guides from my other cache. Also Pokemon Ranger was full price where I was.
[quote name='Roufuss']They are hardly dead but the amount of people who get them is far far less these days, and back then we didn't have memo's at Best Buy / EB / GS disposing of them ASAP.

I could go into any Best Buy / EB / GS / TRU and get any guide when they dropped, the employees didn't care / didn't know, and only a small number of people knew about it.

Now, these days, when something drops, you have a surge of people rushing out to stores grabbing as many as they can, and if you don't think that tips something off at corporate, that people are getting something for nothing, well, sorry, but that's pretty delusional.

TRU / EB / GS have already cracked down pretty hard, and Best Buy will start dropping the hammer quickly as they've already done. If you don't think it's a lot harder to get guides now then it was two years ago, that's crazy. Just imagine another two years, and it will be damn near impossible. The only thing that stops Best Buy from really dropping the hammer as good as they'd like as that the store is so huge it's so easy to get away with snagging some guides, and because employees change SO OFTEN.

At TRU / EB / GS it is a lot more secluded and the one employee running the section is on top of things.[/quote]

In summary:

More difficult, yes. Dead, not yet.
There are people here that will hoard, some of them like IAmTheCheapestGamer has gotten out of the hoarding practice and we thank them.

I'll always give first dibs on guides to people like shrike, roufuss, or others who actually contribute to site over random strangers who act like they are owed favors for doing nothing.
What would you guys recommend for shipping out guides? I'd really like to avoid Media Mail since it's so inconsistent for others although I personally have never had a problem when receiving media mail items. Thanks.
Just as others have experienced, I pretty much struck out as well. Went to 4 best buys. 3 of them had all of the guides pulled (including my hidden stash... rat bastards!). The 4th one pulled all of the guides they could find although I happened to find 3 guides randomly in the DVD boxset section. So I managed to get a Bully, Sims 2: Pets, and Dead Rising.
[quote name='Mojimbo']What would you guys recommend for shipping out guides? I'd really like to avoid Media Mail since it's so inconsistent for others although I personally have never had a problem when receiving media mail items. Thanks.[/quote]

If you're looking to ship out alot of guides than priority flat rate box for 8.10 can be a deal. Again, if you are shipping out ALOT of guides or mix of guides/games.

95% of the time I have no prob with media mail but I have received packages that had been opened for inspection or just look they were run over a couple times for good measure.
roc's feather;2723635 said:
Well my Bestbuys were pretty cleaned out. I assume they did a pretty thorough job of cleaning house. However I did manage to score:

Kingdom hearts II x2
Bully x1 (pending)

Unfortunately, I've beaten both of those game a long time ago, so the guides aren't of much use to me. But if anyone missed out locally or is dying to get their hands on them, go ahead and send me a pm, and we'll see what we can set up. I'll check lists of course.

I should probably go ahead and post this in the clearinghouse thread too...

forgot about TRU. Go ahead and add Metroid Prime Hunters (just one) to that list.
[quote name='Brian9824']There are people here that will hoard, some of them like IAmTheCheapestGamer has gotten out of the hoarding practice and we thank them.

I'll always give first dibs on guides to people like shrike, roufuss, or others who actually contribute to site over random strangers who act like they are owed favors for doing nothing.[/quote]

Can't we all just get along and stop with the name calling, please? As for me 'hoarding', it's pretty obvious there's another CAG in my area who hits up the one local BB every time something drops. I don't know WHO it is just yet, but at least 2-4 employees at the store know him to see him.

My 2 local BB's were DEVOID of ANY pennied guides today, which means either they pulled em quick or that other CAG got to them before me. As for the TRU stores, the one in Wilkes Barre was loaded with Pokemon XD Nintendo version guide(probably closer to 25-30 copies), but the daytime management team was on when I stopped in.

I was allowed to grab 'one of each', but out of those I grabbed(one Pokemon XD, PDZ, NFS MW, M&L: PiT, MP Hunters and FFIV Adv), I only snagged an extra of PDZ(worn along the bottom edge of the guide) and another FFIV Adv.

Those 2 guides are up for trade, the rest are going into my growing personal collection.

I tried back @ that TRU before heading back up to my area, but I guess they were serious when they said they were going to pull the rest of them. Oh well, and as usual, I didn't find ANY of the guides I was looking for in this drop.

I'm looking for the TR Legend guide from the drops today. If anyone has one for trade, CML and let me know...I'll do a 2 for 1 for it(but no Oblivion guides :p).
[quote name='donut']Ok, please check my list in the trading thread, if you have a Dead Rising for Mr. K...
I'll trade for it and you ship to him.
IF this happens, all I ask K to do is pay it forward....

Dude, thats awesome, but I really don't want you to go through all that effort for me. I am working on my TL now, I shouldn't have too much of a problem getting it. Thanks again, I appreciate it.
It sounds like corp wide BB is cracking down on penny guides. I went to 2 today that has been known to have a stockpile and depending on manager on duty, you were able to purchase them no problem HOWEVER today i didn't find any!

In my opinion i think it's foolish for best buy to crackdown unless the vendor is requiring them to to get guides credited back. If that's the case then best buy is doing the right thing but if they are doing it just to be pricks, they need to stop and realize how many of us buy "other" things when we go for penny guides just to mask the purchase. You cheapassgamingguides people know what im talking about.
I went by the Stringtown location tonight and it looked as though the employees had already gotten everything taken to the back.

I did manage to find an Oblivion guide that they missed though and would definitely be willing to trade it for a Dead Rising guide.
Niles, OH now yanks their guides.

Boardman, OH however does not. Last time they were marked, this time I think they were a little slow. An employee gave me an evil eye when I saw my basket, then a manager came over and was doing the worst job of spying on me ever. I could tell he wanted to say something, but he didn't. He then went to the cashier and waited for me to check out. I went up there and he was still staring me down. I was waiting for the inevitable veto, but all he said was "EXCUSE ME, YOU CAN ONLY BUY 3 OF THE SAME GUIDE". I laughed, because I didnt have more than 3 of any guides, but that was a nice arbitrary rule he threw in there. Anywho, I think Bully and KH2 were the ones on the list I missed.

As a bonus, I picked up a couple FFIVA guides from Toys R Us. First guides I've gotten from them in years.

And Roufuss is 100% right. The good old days when TRU employees were clueless was awesome. My receipts that had pennied guides and magic coupon games were legendary

[quote name='reibeatall']I know this is probably a dumb question, since I WORK for the damn company, but is there any rhyme/reason to GameStop/EB's guide penny-outing? It seems like BB usually drops theirs on Monday, so I didn't know if GS did it at certain intervals.[/QUOTE]

I've noticed that since I've been on CAG EBgames (now GameStop Obviously) have done a big Brady Games guide drop around mid/late January every year. Then about a week or two later they do a good sized Prima drop. IIRC someone mentioned something about this being around the end of the fiscal year for them which would make sence.

Dosen't that beat all :D
Well, my first time going for these penny guides was today. I knew for a fact my Best Buy had a lot of the guides that were on the list to be pennied today, so I went. They were pretty much cleared out. I found a Dead Rising and a Pokemon Ranger. I thought I found an Oblivion, but I guess it was the wrong one. So only 2. Then I headed over to Toys R Us, where none were there at all, then after a few minutes I noticed a pile of guides right there at the front counter. I look and its pretty much every guide on the TRU list posted here as well as a lot of old Nintendo Power Magazines. I ask the guy if they were still for sale and he says no, they're free now and that I could just take whatever I wanted from it. Right after he said that I start taking the ones I wanted out of it and he left, leaving someone to replace him for his break. So that guy asks about them and he explains to him as well, they are free, they will be thrown out tonight, so he's all like "Anything good?" I've already got my pile so I don't mind. The original employee is gone now, so I ask the guy if he should scan them or if I had to pay a penny per guide so the alarms wouldn't go off, I figured I couldn't just take them without them being scanned. So this guy says...."Well,....actually we're technically not even allowed to let you take those" I just look at him. Then he tells me the superintendent or whoever is here today and they have to follow the rules. Then eventually he goes and asks some other guy if I'm allowed to take them, then he says "Yeah, we're not allowed to sell them OR give them away because we have to throw them out tonight... So I leave with nothing.

I was able to find F.E.A.R. and Dark Messiah. Seems like at that best buy they pulled all the guides except those in the Computer Games section.
[quote name='FOnewearl']I've noticed that since I've been on CAG EBgames (now GameStop Obviously) have done a big Brady Games guide drop around mid/late January every year. Then about a week or two later they do a good sized Prima drop. IIRC someone mentioned something about this being around the end of the fiscal year for them which would make sence.

Dosen't that beat all :D[/quote]

So I guess we can't really expect any more for a few months.
I have come to the conclusion that BB is now going to be just as tough as GS. No body will get penny guides in the future unless you hid them before hand. Sucks, but it was bound to happen. With that being said...just my TL! I need dead rising!
[quote name='FOnewearl']I've noticed that since I've been on CAG EBgames (now GameStop Obviously) have done a big Brady Games guide drop around mid/late January every year. Then about a week or two later they do a good sized Prima drop. IIRC someone mentioned something about this being around the end of the fiscal year for them which would make sence.

Dosen't that beat all :D[/QUOTE]

They also used to penny out occasionally throughout the year, though you are right, the big drops are in January. They don't even seem to penny through the year very much anymore though. Strange.
Checked out the Mentor, OH store... store locator said they had a bunch this morning, but they apparently pulled them later in the day. Pokemon Ranger was still there (if it's the NP guide), but I didn't bother with it. Everything else was pulled.

In a strange turn of events, they had a dozen Wii remotes, but no other accessories.
Well after reading some of this thread and started noticing people were looking for dead rising I decided to run back to my best buy since when i was there earlier they had at least 10 copies of dead rising there. I didn't grab any of them since I forgot they were even on the list.

Was going to grab some for everyone that was looking for them, but by the time I made it back to the store, all the extra guides I didn't buy from earlie, must have been around 40 guides I left, had been taken in the back to be destroyed. So sorry everyone that I was unable to get those guides :whistle2:(

Kinda makes me wish just this once I would have hoarded all the guides earlier. Oh well, hopefully some of those guides that I wasn't able to get made it into some other gamers hands before going bye bye.
[quote name='Prepster']Well after reading some of this thread and started noticing people were looking for dead rising I decided to run back to my best buy since when i was there earlier they had at least 10 copies of dead rising there. I didn't grab any of them since I forgot they were even on the list.

Was going to grab some for everyone that was looking for them, but by the time I made it back to the store, all the extra guides I didn't buy from earlie, must have been around 40 guides I left, had been taken in the back to be destroyed. So sorry everyone that I was unable to get those guides :whistle2:(

Kinda makes me wish just this once I would have hoarded all the guides earlier. Oh well, hopefully some of those guides that I wasn't able to get made it into some other gamers hands before going bye bye.[/quote]

Thanks for trying! Which BB you hit up? I went to 4 different ones looking for that darn Dead Rising guide!
I hid a few of the guides I grabbed last Friday all over my BB... under some appliances in that section, behind some books, in crevices throughout the store, and damn and behold, all of them were there!

Kingdom Hearts 2
Yoshi's Island DS - Prima
Final Fantasy V Advance
Guitar Hero 2

I should've stowed away a Bully as well, and I left a hell of a lot of the other guides for the other CAG in the area (not sure who...) but I'm happy with what I got. All NFT and are for my collection, so I can't share of the recent BB drops.

I do have Perfect Dark Zero from TRU to trade for a bully guide, though, or for other guides.

I'm positive there were about a dozen Dead Rising and that other 360 guides available, but naturally all were gone when I dropped by tonight.
Well Vahn had said this month they got the list early. The plus side is that people have the chance to stash them. The bad news is that if you dont, they are gone before the store open. Dont know what they will do next month, but i am guessing a lot of people would prefer scanning every guide to see which one is one cent.
[quote name='reibeatall']I know this is probably a dumb question, since I WORK for the damn company, but is there any rhyme/reason to GameStop/EB's guide penny-outing? It seems like BB usually drops theirs on Monday, so I didn't know if GS did it at certain intervals.[/QUOTE]

No rhyme or reason at GS/EB as far as we know. If you work there, you could let us know when they drop which ones dropped. If they do price adjustments the same way they did in the past, the person opening the store each morning gets a list of the changes, and this includes penny guides. Even if you aren't that person, if you work later in the day and find out a list would be appreciated since we seem to have trouble getting info on GS/EB drops.
Honestly, I've been saying it for a while now, Best Buy seems to be cracking down on the guides. Hell, they don't even keep them on the site anymore, for people to try and web order them for the .01 price anymore.

It's becoming an artform to grab the guides anymore, though my local GS's are getting easier again. Let's just say the DM who threatened to blackball me is NOT well liked by the 'troops' under his regime. LOL
[quote name='dalaamprince']Anymore?[/quote]

Yeah, ANYMORE, as my BB's and even the GS's were gold mines till their respective companies started a hard line crackdown on people grabbing the guides for .01. Evidence to my former success grabbing guides is present in my trade list, which hasn't been growing ALL that much lately. :(

What's funnier though, is back when BB had the Prima guide sale, all the stores that probably marked the guides ringing up @ .00 for destruction and all the REAL inventory they threw out.
[quote name='chicagoz']Thanks for trying! Which BB you hit up? I went to 4 different ones looking for that darn Dead Rising guide![/QUOTE]

Heh np and I probably should have said it which store it was, the one in downers grove. Which 4 did you hit up and were unable to find any?
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