Reduced price game guides, all stores. Thread 6

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9 (100%)
3-17-07 Here should be most of the information that anyone would need in acquiring guides. please read ALL the information below before asking questions. most question are answered below. Again thank you 6669 for all your contributions to this thread and web site.

My wifes web site - Nice jewelry good prices.

For hopefully the latestest most current up to date guide drops please refer to the

"CAG Strategy Guide WIKI page"

recent drop section

master list section

they will be filetered from the thread posts to the WIKI page as often as possible. Thank you for your contribution.

Listed in the wiki is the most up to date compiled list of all known guide deals from the posts of this thread and similar threads. I will update the wikis lists as people post new guide deals. Everything listed in this thread “should” be the price listed or lower. These prices are typically company wide price reductions and not YMMV. But just because the prices are typically universal does not mean that they are guaranteed to be sold to you. Most stores have a destroy clause with the guide companies. So whether or not you get these guides depend on many many factors from how diligent a staff is to how reasonable or friendly one is. Good luck on any you may find and good luck on acquiring them. Please dont have a fit if a store wont let you have them just move on. Causing trouble rarely gets guides and most of the time stops others from getting guides in your area. If anything is incorrect or missing please post so corrections can be made.

Now you can just cut, paste, print, and GO!!!

What is a Penny Guide:

To answer this question fully, one first has to understand the longstanding legal agreemenat which [book] publishers have with book sellers such as Borders, Barnes & Noble and other chain and Mom & Pop shops, as well as other retailers who similarly sell their books.

For several decades, publishers such as Simon & Schuster, Penguin, Random House, et cetera will send out X-number of a title to stores to be sold. After a time, when it is decided that those older titles have little chance of selling and the store shelf real-estate would be better used for newer publications, they issue a recall to the vendors to field destroy all remaining copies of titles A, B & C.

The stores then will pull those titles from their inventory to be field-destroyed, and in their systems mark the publications as 1¢. The 1¢ price is to indicate to the publisher that they are no-longer selling the pulled title, and it is also to serve as a Red Flag to any cashier who might ring up a title (on the chance that the titles were not pulled as legally they were required).

When the pull lists are sent out by the publishers, and the stores adjust the price in their inventory (and pull and field-destroy the books), the stores also are to report to the publisher the number of the books they pulled. (This is generally done at a corporate level.) The publisher then credits the stores full cost of the books.

So lets say, MegaChain orders 8000 copies of the Bread Baker strategy guide for their stores in North America for say, $4 a piece. They owe $32,000 to Publisher X. Bread Baker being a big seller and a hard game, then sells 6000 of those 8000 guides, leaving around 2000 guides on the shelves when Publisher X issues the pull demand. Publisher X then issues MegaChain an $8000 credit for the 2000 unsold copies of the guide.

According to IAmTheCheapestGamer, some retailers also have deals where each copy of pulled titles sent to their recognized Recycling Centers are additionally issued further credit for being environmentally responsible in the manner in which they field destroy each book.

How you can help: You can keep a printed copy of this list in your jacket, wallet, purse whatever and when you go to any store that carries guides look for guides for games that have been out typically around six months or more and ask for a price check or better yet use a store scanner if they are available. If they are anything less than cover price write it down for us. Also please when you post the info here if it looks like it’s a temporary sale, please post that as well otherwise it will be assumed to a be a permanent price reduction. If you scan a guide and it comes up a different price that what the master lists suggests please list the day and store that you had the guide scanned. Also please list if you physically saw a self-scanner’s price, physically saw a cash registers price or vocally heard a price from the store’s staff. This might sound like a lot and of course we will take what we can get but this will go a long way to having the best master list as well as ferreting out different store practices and policy’s. All help is appreciated and thank you.

Trading: I spoke with the post office and found out that the cheapest form of mailing to the 48 contiguous states would be to use “media mail” It will take a little longer but it will also allow the least amount of money per transaction when trying to acquire guides for your collection. For an average guide weight of about 9 oz its $1.42 cents. All you need to do is put it in an envelope and ship it media mail. He mentioned no one should have a problem if you use the same envelope several times to cut down on costs. He also mentioned that when shipping Media mail that you cannot have any personal correspondence in the envelope. Only books and an invoice are acceptable. If trading is in you interest you do whatever is most comfortable for you and your trading party this was merely a FYI and a good way to keep it cheap.

Helpful links to check for reduced priced guides or guides in general. You will likely never find one cent guides here but various discounted guides and possibly some that you have been searching for.

Best Buy

Best Buy guide search

Circuit City

Circuit City guide search

EB Games

EB Games guide search

Gamestop (babages,software etc,funcoland)

Gamestop guide search


Overstock guide search

Toys R Us (uhh best link I could find)

Toys R Us guide search (another large site of guides) guide search

bookpool (guides typically 45% off or so )

Book pool guide search

Looking for assistance: I am looking for some staff from Best Buy’s, EB’s, Gamestop’s and stores of the like. When EB Games or Gamestop has a price reduction their shelves can be empty in a day or two to even as little as just a few hours. EB and Gamestop have daily price changes so all depending on the store’s staff they could be all gone almost immediately. If I could get some staff that can either post here first thing any day that they have a price reduction on guides or that might be able to text message me with such price reductions so that I might be able to inform CAG’ers ASAP. Whether or not us the end user would actually be able to get them from a particular stores staff is very much an YMMV but if there is anyone who can help this would greatly increase the chance’s of CAG’ers being able to pick up guides from these locations. If anyone is interested and able to help please e-mail me at [email protected]. Thank you all for your consideration.

Thank you all for making CAG what it is and for all your contributions.

Disclaimer: This list is intended to help all guide hunters. Please feel free to print yourself a copy and get what you can find. Please do not post this list on another site. {e-mail me please if for some reason you would want to. [email protected]} Please just link to this thread, add to this list and help it grow. Thank you

all guides are now listed in the wiki please go there. thank you.
In case anybody really wants it, CC will have the God of War II guide on sale this week for $9.99, starting Wednesday.

[quote name='supaet']question:

Will every guide drop to one cent? are there guides that are old but never drop the price?[/quote]
Elder Scrolls: Morrowind at BB is the Holy Grail for some people here.:lol:
[quote name='supaet']question:

Will every guide drop to one cent? are there guides that are old but never drop the price?[/quote]

No not every guide but most do but some take longer than others.

[quote name='ummmmmm......']why is elder scrolls morrowwind .01[/quote]

Because there's three versions, the first was rated T for Teen and some jerkoff parents didn't like that so they had to discontinue that guide and print one that was the same as the first but rated M for Mature. Then new shit was added to the game so they had to make a revised edition. So the first two have dropped in price but the revised is still 20 bucks and will probably hold that price a little longer due to the PS3 having a version of Oblivion however with the expansion coming out there may be a 4th version printed at some point and so the current revised may drop then the new revised will hold 20 bucks until Elder Scrolls 5 comes out. IMO.
[quote name='sacreddoctor']
Because there's three versions, the first was rated T for Teen and some jerkoff parents didn't like that so they had to discontinue that guide and print one that was the same as the first but rated M for Mature. Then new shit was added to the game so they had to make a revised edition. So the first two have dropped in price but the revised is still 20 bucks and will probably hold that price a little longer due to the PS3 having a version of Oblivion however with the expansion coming out there may be a 4th version printed at some point and so the current revised may drop then the new revised will hold 20 bucks until Elder Scrolls 5 comes out. IMO.[/quote]

Too bad he was asking about Elder Scrolls 3 =]
my local borders had the bully guide. still rang up at $19.99. lots of guides for way older games too (dark cloud 2, mega man battle network 4, resident evil 4, etc)
[quote name='eldergamer']my local borders had the bully guide. still rang up at $19.99. lots of guides for way older games too (dark cloud 2, mega man battle network 4, resident evil 4, etc)[/quote]

You won't find any penny guides at bookstores - they field destory them like its their job.
[quote name='RockmanPET']gotta laugh im out in the middle of nowhere and was able to find 4 ff7 dirge of cerebrus guides, a bully and a pokemon ranger[/quote]

Dirge? Where? Was this part of BB's recent drops?
yea and to my suprise there were 4 copies just sitting there, not touched but it looked like everything else was, even had some games from the recent price drops, nothing great thou
Noooo. I stopped by a new EB Games today and they had the fucking motherload. Multiple copies of Suikoden IV and V, Shadow of the Colossus, RE Archives, Animal Crossing, and several other good RPG guides mint and properly shrinkwrapped even. But when I asked if I could have a few if I pulled for him the guy in charge said no. It would be such a nice haul I might have to try there again tomorrow and see if they didn't bother pulling them and someone more liberal is working.

Kind of funny, though, after refusing to let me have any guides he asked me which guides I saw that were pennied. :roll: I tried to be cool and bait him with the info but he wasn't going for it. Hopefully he didn't believe there were really any pennied guides out and was too lazy to start scanning everything. :pray:
[quote name='fairtrade']Noooo. I stopped by a new EB Games today and they had the fucking motherload. Multiple copies of Suikoden IV and V, Shadow of the Colossus, RE Archives, Animal Crossing, and several other good RPG guides mint and properly shrinkwrapped even. But when I asked if I could have a few if I pulled for him the guy in charge said no. It would be such a nice haul I might have to try there again tomorrow and see if they didn't bother pulling them and someone more liberal is working.

Kind of funny, though, after refusing to let me have any guides he asked me which guides I saw that were pennied. :roll: I tried to be cool and bait him with the info but he wasn't going for it. Hopefully he didn't believe there were really any pennied guides out and was too lazy to start scanning everything. :pray:[/QUOTE]
should have try to offer to preorder 3 or 4 games for the guides.
Ok weirdness, i found couple copies of GTA Vice City at BB, i thought i'd remembered them from a drop a month or two ago, so i take them to the counter and told her i thought they were on clearance, so she tries scanning one multiple times, tries entering the SKU or barcode number(s), tries everything under the sun and it won't ring up. So i say, nevermind and i go back to my car and pull out the list of guides on sale, and yes that one was one of them. So i'm wondering if it was a different version or if BB has taken it out of system so it won't even ring up? If anyone else gets a chance to price check that guide then that would be cool cuz at some point i'll be back by that BB and would love to pick those up!!!
[quote name='fairtrade']Kind of funny, though, after refusing to let me have any guides he asked me which guides I saw that were pennied. :roll:[/quote]pfft BOOOOO.

You won't help me out, and now you want me to do your job for nufin? No thanks.
[quote name='sacreddoctor']Ok weirdness, i found couple copies of GTA Vice City at BB, i thought i'd remembered them from a drop a month or two ago, so i take them to the counter and told her i thought they were on clearance, so she tries scanning one multiple times, tries entering the SKU or barcode number(s), tries everything under the sun and it won't ring up. So i say, nevermind and i go back to my car and pull out the list of guides on sale, and yes that one was one of them. So i'm wondering if it was a different version or if BB has taken it out of system so it won't even ring up? If anyone else gets a chance to price check that guide then that would be cool cuz at some point i'll be back by that BB and would love to pick those up!!![/QUOTE]

The PSP version of that guide was .01, I assume you saw the new guide for the PS2 port of the game.
note: I've added Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories to the GameCrazy list in the wiki.

But it still only has a one-person report without a confirmation. If anyone with a GC near them wants to try their luck and see if they can score this guide, let us know how you make out. And if you find a Tales of Symphonia guide too, sell it to me. ;)
[quote name='dinovelvet']The PSP version of that guide was .01, I assume you saw the new guide for the PS2 port of the game.[/quote]

maybe so, but the weird thing is if it was the new version then it should have rang up at 15 or 20 bucks or whatever and the old version should have been on clearance but it wouldn't ring up at all....anyone that sees the guide, plz try to ring up to see if it was a fluke or not!!!
[quote name='ummmmmm......']bestbuy has learned how to counter the .01 guides? they totally purge them from the sytem now?[/quote]

that is wut i'm fearing but the guide i was trying to get could have been the new version but i didn't look at it closely cuz i figured it was gonna show up on clearance and be out of the store in seconds but the cashier spent many minutes trying to ring up for me, i just said nevermind over and over but she kept trying....anyone else try another vice city and post wut happens IF u can find a copy at a BB by chance?????????????????
damn, that would suck monkey balls. last time i tried a .01 guide it rang up right away. cashier dude look confused and stuff but they still sold it to me. i'd even buy a guide for about a dollar as long as it still rings up in their sytem. if they take it out straight away i don't think there is anyway that we can collect these guides without taking a dive in our friendly neighborhood dumpster.
[quote name='ummmmmm......']damn, that would suck monkey balls. last time i tried a .01 guide it rang up right away. cashier dude look confused and stuff but they still sold it to me. i'd even buy a guide for about a dollar as long as it still rings up in their sytem. if they take it out straight away i don't think there is anyway that we can collect these guides without taking a dive in our friendly neighborhood dumpster.[/quote]

f that, well it could be just a fluke.....will try that BB in within a week as i'm a regualar!!!!!! BB has hooked me up with so many deals that i'm such a loyal cust that i buy all my games, electroics, computers, etc from them exclusively and i steer my friends and family to them as welll, BB rocks and hopefully the clearance guides will live on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
dino: I think you're right, I tried to get another copy of GTAVCS yesterday and it wouldn't ring up, I didn't look closely either but it occurred to me after I left that it was probably for the new PS2 version of the game. That would explain why they suddenly had 10 more mint copies of that guide as well as why the PSP guide was pennied so quickly.

guin: And had he offered me my choice of even 1 guide I'd have been glad to pull everything for them, but otherwise don't waste any more of my time please. I just hope the question was a reactionary way of saying, "Uhm, you're full of crap, I don't believe we have any penny guides out and don't plan on checking."
If it means anything, the following guides dropped to $10 recently:

Mortal Kombat Armageddon
Need For Speed Carbon
Scarface: The World Is Yours
Yay, I don't think the guy had believed me. The guides were still there today, but so was the same guy. He'll probably check them now, but I'm going to try again late tonight right before close. I just hope the same guy doesn't work open to close. :whistle2:#
So I was at BB today, and saw a bunch of VCS guides, are those the PS2 ones? Are those also reduced? I'd get one if they are.

Also, does this mean all Oblivion guides at BB are .01 now? Because I think mine had those too.
[quote name='loxthefox']If it means anything, the following guides dropped to $10 recently:

Mortal Kombat Armageddon
Need For Speed Carbon
Scarface: The World Is Yours[/QUOTE]

You can get it for $5 each after coupon, but still i like $0.01 over it.
[quote name='jeromechef']So I was at BB today, and saw a bunch of VCS guides, are those the PS2 ones? Are those also reduced? I'd get one if they are.

Also, does this mean all Oblivion guides at BB are .01 now? Because I think mine had those too.[/QUOTE]
Only the Oblivion with out the knights of nine.
[quote name='jeromechef']So I was at BB today, and saw a bunch of VCS guides, are those the PS2 ones? Are those also reduced? I'd get one if they are.


If it says for PS2 on the guide, IT IS FULL PRICE. If it says 'For Playstation Portable' on the guide, it is .01, but you're not likely to find any at this point.
[quote name='62t']Only the Oblivion with out the knights of nine.[/quote]
Thanks, I think it may have been the one with Knights of the Nine. I'll check tomorrow.

[quote name='dinovelvet']If it says for PS2 on the guide, IT IS FULL PRICE. If it says 'For Playstation Portable' on the guide, it is .01, but you're not likely to find any at this point.[/quote]

Yeah I figured. Just double checking.

Thanks guys.
Penny Guides are hard to come by in my area. So I'm looking to buy a bunch of them for a fair price. I am looking for these, assuming they have all been pennied out:

Final Fantasy III (DS)
Final Fantasy V (GBA)
Final Fantasy VII: Dirge of Cerberus (PS2)
Guitar Hero II (PS2)
Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past/Four Swords (GBA, Nintendo)
Makai Kingdom
Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence (PS2)
New Super Mario Bros. (DS)
Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (GCN)
Xenosaga III (PS2)
Yoshi's Island DS (DS)

Now these were pennied out, so I don't value them highly, but I realize they are still worth around a third of their value. So I'm willing to go $5 a guide, but would hope to get a discount if I can get most of these guides from one person. I'm looking to get a bundle of them, not individual guides. Please let me know. Thanks.
[quote name='MasterSun1']Penny Guides are hard to come by in my area. So I'm looking to buy a bunch of them for a fair price. I am looking for these, assuming they have all been pennied out:

Final Fantasy III (DS)
Final Fantasy V (GBA)
Final Fantasy VII: Dirge of Cerberus (PS2)
Guitar Hero II (PS2)
Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past/Four Swords (GBA, Nintendo)
Makai Kingdom
Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence (PS2)
New Super Mario Bros. (DS)
Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (GCN)
Xenosaga III (PS2)
Yoshi's Island DS (DS)

Now these were pennied out, so I don't value them highly, but I realize they are still worth around a third of their value. So I'm willing to go $5 a guide, but would hope to get a discount if I can get most of these guides from one person. I'm looking to get a bundle of them, not individual guides. Please let me know. Thanks.[/quote]

wrong thread & forum
[quote name='loxthefox']If it means anything, the following guides dropped to $10 recently:

Mortal Kombat Armageddon
Need For Speed Carbon
Scarface: The World Is Yours[/quote]

MK Armageddon was already @ the $10 price tag once, but they jacked it back up to $19.99, as was Scarface I believe.

Another one that isn't even on BB's site anymore, but isn't pennied yet is Morrowind, which also had a price drop but went right back up.

However, they may have added info on expansion packs to Morrowind and swapped out the old guides for newer versions. Can someone actually clarify if Morrowind on PC received expansion packs or not?

And, to whoever mentioned the VCS guides, those are probably the newer PS2/PSP versions you've found. However, that kind of boggles me to see how quickly the guide for the PSP version dropped. The game hasn't even been out 3-4 months, right?

Anyway, just some of my thoughts...

Oh and ummm, I wonder if the $5 off guides coupon from Gamepro will work with the $9.99 God Of War II guide that was advertised this week @ BB.

Any ideas?
Morrowind got 2 expansion pack, Bloodmoon and Tribunal. Not sure if they are included in the guide.

The coupon should work with GoW2 guide. Great deal getting it on launch for $5.
Yeah, but then I'd have to wait till the game drops to $20 to grab THAT, since I'm such a total CAG anymore. Either that or I have to find out how much FYE is giving for Powerdrome for PS2 anymore and try trading multiple copies of that(bought from GS for $2 each) to FYE to get it. LOL

But, that was SUCH a hassle when I got the PStwo slim from them from em masse trading.
Sorry for the triple post within a couple hours, but has anyone else checked out Toys R Us' site lately? They have probably close to 200-300 or more guides listed on there and the list includes some older or harder to find ones like Final Fantasy Origins, Psychonauts and just SO many more.

I'm tempted to sign up for the Google Checkout thing for the $10 off for some of these guides, though I'd have to ummm somehow sign up multiple times to get the $10 off each guide as I want probably about 10 guides off the page already.

Here's a link to the page with all the guides being shown @ once:

Again, there's MANY guides on there that're damn near impossible to find now on that page and with Google Checkout, you could at least get yourself a deal on ONE of them. Not a penny, but better than full price still.

Oh and to anyone who checks out that full list I posted the link to, check out the double price listed for the Halo 2 guides, one is @ $7.48, the other is @ full price.
[quote name='Warner1281']I thought the 9.99 GoW2 guide was at Circuit City?? Is it at Best Buy too? If so, I'll definitely go and use the $5 off coupon.[/quote]

The GoW 2 guide is normally $17.99, though for this week (started yesterday), it's $9.99. Like any other item, BB will PM it down to $9.99, though it'll be $9.19 after the PM.

Me, I picked it up there for $9.19, and it was net $4.19 to me after a $5 RZ cert.

Using the PM + coupon is YMMV like anything, though if you can get it to work, great. IMHO, the guide is worth $9.99, it's one of the few guides that's well-written plus has some good historical background info to go with the game info.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Sorry for the triple post within a couple hours, but has anyone else checked out Toys R Us' site lately? They have probably close to 200-300 or more guides listed on there and the list includes some older or harder to find ones like Final Fantasy Origins, Psychonauts and just SO many more.[/quote]

I seriously doubt they have some of those harder to find guides in stock, but in the off chance that they do, does anyone have any experience with TRU cancelling orders? Is it an easy experience or is it a real PITA? Is it a different experience when using GCO?

edit: When you click on a guide you want, it says temporarily out of stock.

edit2: After a deeper look, all the "rare" guides are OOS. There are still things like PSychonauts and MGS2: Substance, but for the most part it's guides that have pennied elsewhere. After tax + shipping + GCO, you're looking at about $10/guide. Not good enough for me to pull the trigger. Thanks for the info though.
[quote name='shrike4242']The GoW 2 guide is normally $17.99, though for this week (started yesterday), it's $9.99. Like any other item, BB will PM it down to $9.99, though it'll be $9.19 after the PM.

Me, I picked it up there for $9.19, and it was net $4.19 to me after a $5 RZ cert.

Using the PM + coupon is YMMV like anything, though if you can get it to work, great. IMHO, the guide is worth $9.99, it's one of the few guides that's well-written plus has some good historical background info to go with the game info.[/quote]

Plus, the artwork is superb.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Sorry for the triple post within a couple hours, but has anyone else checked out Toys R Us' site lately? They have probably close to 200-300 or more guides listed on there and the list includes some older or harder to find ones like Final Fantasy Origins, Psychonauts and just SO many more.

I'm tempted to sign up for the Google Checkout thing for the $10 off for some of these guides, though I'd have to ummm somehow sign up multiple times to get the $10 off each guide as I want probably about 10 guides off the page already.

Here's a link to the page with all the guides being shown @ once:

Again, there's MANY guides on there that're damn near impossible to find now on that page and with Google Checkout, you could at least get yourself a deal on ONE of them. Not a penny, but better than full price still.

Oh and to anyone who checks out that full list I posted the link to, check out the double price listed for the Halo 2 guides, one is @ $7.48, the other is @ full price.[/QUOTE]

Watch out though, typical TRU website shinanigans: Many on that list, once you click on them, are "Temporarily Not Available Online". TRU does this all the time, they just suck at removing old links.

People: Don't get your hopes up for a Chrono Cross guide, lol
Excuse the n00b (me), but this is crazy.
So, if you take the strategy guides (ones that are one cent in the Wiki) and they ring up at 1 cent? Or is there more to it?
[quote name='Azumangaman']Excuse the n00b (me), but this is crazy.
So, if you take the strategy guides (ones that are one cent in the Wiki) and they ring up at 1 cent? Or is there more to it?

That's it. Just make sure the wiki lists it as 1 cent for THAT particular store.
Just to update on the EBGS store I found w/ the motherload of pennied RPG guides, I've all but given up on getting anything. 3 out of 3 employees have refused to sell and said that if I brought anything up they would just refuse to sell it.

The thing that killls me is that they don't care to pull any of the pennied items, either, they're content to just refuse the sale. Nice way to run a store. :cry:
[quote name='fairtrade']Just to update on the EBGS store I found w/ the motherload of pennied RPG guides, I've all but given up on getting anything. 3 out of 3 employees have refused to sell and said that if I brought anything up they would just refuse to sell it.

The thing that killls me is that they don't care to pull any of the pennied items, either, they're content to just refuse the sale. Nice way to run a store. :cry:[/quote]

Or you have the ones who lie to you straight up. My last experience, in a certain mall in Queens NY (yeah, that one) had a certain female employee try to sell me a gamestop edge card, telling me that she was going to give me a great price for the two penny guides I brought to the counter.

She tried to be very convincing too. She said, they'll be just $20.00 if you get the edge card, instead of $14.99 each. I looked her up and down, and asked her 'Are you sure they're $9.99 each?'. At this point I knew I wasn't getting them.

She then cave in, and said: "Yes, they're a penny, but I won't give them to you".
I walked out:)
[quote name='fairtrade']Just to update on the EBGS store I found w/ the motherload of pennied RPG guides, I've all but given up on getting anything. 3 out of 3 employees have refused to sell and said that if I brought anything up they would just refuse to sell it.

The thing that killls me is that they don't care to pull any of the pennied items, either, they're content to just refuse the sale. Nice way to run a store. :cry:[/quote]

EBgames and Gamesstop have the worst employees in video game sales industry. There is always two of them working, they're fat and lazy usually, in their 30's, and they think ripping off the customers is the same as corporate policy (who knows, maybe it is, i've never seen a copy of thier company handbook)! I asked one guy what they do with penny guides and he said they throw them in the dumpster, so i asked if he could save some for me since i would actually use them and he said NO, i said why not, he said and i quote,"that would be unethical", so i'm like, wouldn't it be unethical to throw away a perfectly guide when someone like me is willing to take it? He just ignored me at that point, what a bunch of losers, this is why i do ALL my shopping at Best Buy!!!!!
hey doc, bestbuy isn't better either. its not like you can ask a bestbuy employee to save you a penny guide. they do the same exact thing. they take their guides and throw them in the dumpster just like gs/eb. the only difference is that we can hide the guides in the store and wait until they get pennied out. policy is policy, if they gave guides away for free they would go out of business and the said employee could lose their job.

the only thing that gives best buy an edge for me is that we have people that work their and give us heads up when its time for pennying a guide.
[quote name='sacreddoctor']EBgames and Gamesstop have the worst employees in video game sales industry. There is always two of them working, they're fat and lazy usually, in their 30's, and they think ripping off the customers is the same as corporate policy (who knows, maybe it is, i've never seen a copy of thier company handbook)! I asked one guy what they do with penny guides and he said they throw them in the dumpster, so i asked if he could save some for me since i would actually use them and he said NO, i said why not, he said and i quote,"that would be unethical", so i'm like, wouldn't it be unethical to throw away a perfectly guide when someone like me is willing to take it? He just ignored me at that point, what a bunch of losers, this is why i do ALL my shopping at Best Buy!!!!![/QUOTE]

Here's a hint: Dumpster Dive! Seriously, sounds gross, but most GS/EB have a dumbster in the back that is JUST for cardboard, no food/nasty crap. Now, I don't think it's entirely legal to "steal" from the trash, but just don't let anyone see you. I personally haven't found much that way (the couple times I tried it had unfortunatley rained before, and they were ruined) but I know others who have had great luck with that
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bread's done