Reduced Price Game Guides: Thread XI

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First off, let me welcome you all to the new guide thread. Second, I'd like to ask you all to please keep conversations not pertaining to guide drops to a minimum to avoid cluttering the thread. It's not that I don't enjoy the chit chat, but that it may stop others from locating information on the newest drops.

That being said, let me thank Cheapy for creating this site, without which I would've spent probably 10 times what I HAVE spent on games and guides. Moreover, let me thank each and every one of my fellow CAGs for continuing to contribute to making this site a great place to find out about sales and clearances of the items we as gamers use most. Without a great community, NONE of this would be possible.

Now, with that out of the way(and before I get to rambling), let's get on to making this new thread.

Useful Information(and links):


PLEASE keep ALL trade requests in there or PM's. Thank you.


What is the purpose of this thread?

The purpose of this thread is to let our fellow CAGs know when a guide has dropped to a low price(it's NOT ALWAYS A PENNY), so they can go out and grab guides for themselves and for trading with other CAGs.

Anytime you have guide drops to report, post them here. Please specify at which store you found them and which guides you found and list them in alphabetical order. Thank you. Please, whenever possible, use RED font to make the drop info stand out. Thanks again.

What are penny guides?

Penny guides are guides which have been on the market for a while and the publisher(or store chain) decide that the remaining stock of these guides have little to no chance of selling, so they issue an order to pull them from the shelves and destroy them. At that time, they are also marked as .01 in their inventory system, except in the case of BBV, which marks them .01 only AFTER pulling them.

Most stores have an agreement with the publisher that states that if they destroy the remaining stock of those items, they will receive a credit for their value from the publisher. This is why many stores are usually annoyed when we CAGs come in and buy the guides AT the penny price, since otherwise they would've received a credit for those items.

According to an employee at a local BB, they also have a recycling program for the pennied stock, so as to not clutter landfill space with the guides. As to how true it is, I cannot confirm, but I would hope that the paper is at least recycled instead of just dumpstered.

Prior Reduced price game guide threads:

Guide Three:
Guide Four:
Guide Five:
Guide Six:
Guide Seven:
Guide Seven and a half:
Guide Eight:
Guide Nine:
Guide Ten:

Finally, below is a list of website links, each of which goes to their respective guide page. Whenever possible, I will update the links with better ones(if available).


Thanks to floormat, Guinaevere and anyone else who has created and maintained the guide thread before, as well as to all of those who find out either advance information on drops or provide a list of which ones dropped when we do have a drop.

The post below this one contains a list going back at LEAST six months of the more current guide drops, which stores they occured at and which ones dropped. Note that sometimes(Oblivion guide, Quake Wars: Enemy Territory)there are multiple versions of a guide, be it that there are Prima versions, Brady versions and the occasional Nintendo and Doublejump guides.

Please specify WHICH version has dropped when mentioning possible guide drops. Thank you.

Common Guide Drop Related Questions(FAQ):

FAQ - If you are new (or a vet with a few questions) look here SECOND! (After reading the above!)

Q: What Are Penny Guides?
A: Penny guides are guides which have been on the market for a while and the publisher(or store chain) decide that the remaining stock of these guides have little to no chance of selling, so they issue an order to pull them from the shelves and destroy them. At that time, they are also marked as .01 in their inventory system, except in the case of BBV, which marks them .01 only AFTER pulling them.

Most stores have an agreement with the publisher that states that if they destroy the remaining stock of those items, they will receive a credit for their value from the publisher. This is why many stores are usually annoyed when we CAGs come in and buy the guides AT the penny price, since otherwise they would've received a full credit for those items.

According to an employee at a local BB, they also have a recycling program for the pennied stock, so as to not clutter landfill space with the guides. As to how true it is, I cannot confirm, but I would hope that the paper is at least recycled instead of just dumpstered.

Q: Do all guides from all stores drop at the same time?
A: No. While most chains have nationwide drops within their own store (as in every BB will have the same drops coast to coast), not every different chain drops at the same time (what drops at BB is NOT necessarily dropped at GS). When in doubt, check post TWO for drop info.

Q: I found a penny guide and a clerk denied me! I'ma report 'em!
A: Whoa, hold your horses there, pardner! First of all, not a question. Second, just because something is on the shelf, the clerk does NOT have to sell you that item. Most stores are PRIVATE property and as such can deny you just about anything they want - including a sale. The best advice is to not be rude, not be arrogant, and just try hard to get them to have pity on you.

Q: Why don't the clerks want to sell me their penny guides? Aren't they just throwing them away?
A: As stated above, the stores are ordered by the publisher to trash the guides, and are then given credit for those guides. If they don't do this, the publisher won't give them the credit - it's like losing a sale. On the employee level, selling a penny guide can sometimes get them in trouble (or even fired!) I know it seems silly, but this is their job we're talking about! Respect the man (or woman) behind the counter and you'll get a lot more guides than otherwise!

Q: Should I just ask if the store has penny guides then?
A: No, since that denotes that you have some insider information as to the runnings of these businesses.

Q: What if the clerk wants to know how I know so much about guide drops?
A: If asked where you got your info about guides that pennied, simply say either 'the internet' or 'a friend of mine told me they're on clearance'.

Q: But clerks will know what a penny guide is, right? I can talk to them like anyone else here...
A: Never use the word pennied to ANY store clerks unless you have built up a good rapport with them. Even then, it may seem a little fishy if you know more about their shop than they do.

Q: Are guides labeled as a penny on the shelf?
A: Sometimes. Most times, no. GS seems to label everything that gets a price drop, so often times guides will be stickered. But even so, they most likely won't sell them to you. A sticker does not mean 'have to sell'.

Q: I tried to buy a guide that this thread said was pennied and it didn't ring up as such! What gives?
A: Either 1) Our source was wrong (this rarely happens and is usually verified a FEW times within maybe an hour of posting), or 2) The clerk changed the price. It's usually number 2.

Q: What's the easiest way to get penny guides? This sounds like TONS of work!
A: Best Buy is probably the best place to get guides, followed by GameStop, GameCrazy, Toys R Us and then Blockbuster. From what I've seen though, probably 95% of guides that people get are snagged at BB - the rest come from the other stores. But it never hurts to try!

Q: Has there been a drop recently?
A: If you are asking this question you didn't fully understand the OP - go back and read it once more. When a drop happens, it will be posted, and then placed in the second post - trust us.

Q: How do you guys know so much about penny guides?
A: We sometimes have inside sources with the information from the stores themselves; other times, fellow CAGS just like you or me simply take suspected guides to the register and ask them to ring them up, to check their prices. Feel free to do this yourself, and help give back to the community by telling us what you find! However, DON'T ask "Has anyone checked XXX lately?", unless you are in the right thread (discussion area).

Thanks to GrilledWitOnions for creating the above FAQ, which should eliminate the need for such questions popping up in the thread from this point on out.
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[quote name='The Nephilim']man i need 1 of those Infamous and lich king guides.[/QUOTE]

At the risk of being smote, I will say PM me because I have an infamous guide left from the BB drop that I'm trying to get rid of. PM me or post in my trade thread.(in my sig)
[quote name='Dahk']I actually got lucky today after work. I checked all 5 of my local gamestops and 1 of them still had a few of the drops on the rack.

The guy told me he was about to pull the guides but he'll just sell them to me.


Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising x 2
GTA4: Lost & Damned (old drop I believe)
Silent Hill: Shattered Memories
Phantasy Star 0

First time I'm ever scored at Gamestop. Im pretty excited about it...even though I dont have any of these games besides inFamous and I already have the guid from the BB drop :)[/QUOTE]

Way jealous. I had no luck with four that I went to today (other than somehow being charged FULL PRICE for them, which I returned). There's a few more out there I may try to look for tomorrow (testing my luck of course). At least I scored two today, though Nostalgia would've been great to own. I'm still looking for an eternal sonata guide too.
Was able to score Phantasy Star 0 at 3 of the GS I went to. Also found a GB copy of Lufia: The Legend returns for $1.50.
The one time I'm out of my home city and we have a drop. Tried to hit up a Gamestop in Centerville, Utah and was shot down by a douchebag manager. fuck.
[quote name='Estebon']Was able to score Phantasy Star 0 at 3 of the GS I went to. Also found a GB copy of Lufia: The Legend returns for $1.50.[/QUOTE]

Ahh Lufia, one of my all time favorite RPG series
If I wasn't already dreading the 4 mile walk back to the auction I was at today I was going to hit the one new Gamestop in Mechanicsburg, PA to see if they had any of the guides from this drop still on the floor.

But the way it was I was already carrying 2 games from Target, so I didn't want to weigh myself down even more. :X
I didn't mention CAG this time, be happy. :]

I did better by not even mentioning the names of the guides... I did it all incognito. And my stache is amazing, you are jealous. :]
[quote name='Fire_Thief']

Score!!!!! :]


Oh.. My.. fuckING GOD

You did it AGAIN?


"Well let's just tell everybody how to get all these guides!"

"DERDERDERDER But the people on CAG got MAD last time!"

"Ah fuck them, I have a porn star mustache. Let's DO IT!"


Somebody ban this nutsack.
[quote name='Fire_Thief']Honestly bro... It's not that serious. At all. =/ Calm your ass down.[/QUOTE]

It simply amazes me that after the incredibly negative response you got last time, you made another video.

It wouldn't even have been that bad if you hadn't said "LOOK AT THE PRICE TAGS! LOOK AT THEM! IT'S A PENNY! GAMESTOP, ONE PENNY, THESE GUIDES!"

Then again, at least you aren't begging now and you actually went and got something yourself.
[quote name='Bigbob317']Oh.. My.. fuckING GOD

You did it AGAIN?


"Well let's just tell everybody how to get all these guides!"

"DERDERDERDER But the people on CAG got MAD last time!"

"Ah fuck them, I have a porn star mustache. Let's DO IT!"


Somebody ban this nutsack.[/QUOTE]
I think you give the guy too much credit. Did you watch the video? I am pretty sure you could have left it at just "DERDERDER"
They weren't on the shelf. I asked for them. He gave me a look, said.. "How DO you find out about these?"

Well, I had the site's back. I just said "Good timing, man.. good timing."

So then he says, "I'll hook you up. I've give you some free strategy guides (He stressed free), if you give me a preorder."

So I dropped one on YGO 2010 and got 2 Nostalgia's and a PS0 guide. The only guides I wanted anyways, for two great games I'm going to buy in the coming months. :]
[quote name='Fire_Thief']I didn't mention CAG this time, be happy. :]

I did better by not even mentioning the names of the guides... I did it all incognito. And my stache is amazing, you are jealous. :][/QUOTE]

Are you really this stupid? :wall::wall:

Yep, guess so.

IF someone at GS corp chose to...they could easily track your purchase with preorder combo and shut down that store for penny guides...
meh, who cares a staff member could lose his job after "hooking you up"...

MODs please edit out this moron again...
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[quote name='Fire_Thief']They weren't on the shelf. I asked for them. He gave me a look, said.. "How DO you find out about these?"

Well, I had the site's back. I just said "Good timing, man.. good timing."

So then he says, "I'll hook you up. I've give you some free strategy guides (He stressed free), if you give me a preorder."

So I dropped one on YGO 2010 and got 2 Nostalgia's and a PS0 guide. The only guides I wanted anyways, for two great games I'm going to buy in the coming months. :][/QUOTE]

Oh, those are the guides you got? I didn't notice when you shoved them in the camera- all incognito of course.

Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh.. For the love of God..
[quote name='donut']Are you really this stupid? :wall::wall:

Yep, guess so.[/QUOTE]

Well, we can then just laugh when some other person in the area then takes all the penny guides for themselves before this guy because he saw this guy's videos. You would think after the last time, where we all told him how stupid he was for telling the world about these, he'd stop, but no.

The good thing though, is that no one in the world is bored enough to watch this....right?
[quote name='Fire_Thief']I love my life. :][/QUOTE]
You know, most people don't actually enjoy making an ass of themselves for all the world to see. Though sweet tea could be that amazing.
[quote name='Fire_Thief']Honestly, I'm not here to piss people off. =/[/QUOTE]

Keep making those videos, they're awesome. And don't listen to these naysayers here, they're chumps.

I'm totally serious. The wailing and complaining and bitching about how you're REVEALING THE ANCIENT SECRETS and lousy college-kid bedroom decor is like sweet, sweet candy to a bitter old bastard like me.

Haven't found 'em yet. If I can find PS0 and Nostalgia, I'll make my own video.
Who cares if the guy makes a video? It'll get like 10 hits, and the guides are gone within the first 3 hours of the store opening anyway.
[quote name='mvp828']I don't know which is worse... His cheesy ass porn stache, his selection of games and movies, or just this video overall.[/QUOTE]

I don't like his "from the hood" attitude.

Also, have your girlfriend in the videos. It would help.
His posts will probably get deleted just like last time. We're not exactly dealing with a Mensa member here. I think it's time for a ban.
[quote name='neocisco']His posts will probably get deleted just like last time. We're not exactly dealing with a Mensa member here. I think it's time for a ban.[/QUOTE]

Likewise, I scored my ass two Nostalgia and one PS0. The guy just wanted one preorder, so I threw $5 on yu-gi-oh 2010. :]
Picked up for a penny each today at Gamestop:
Style Savvy
Street Fighter 4
Mk vs DC
Star Wars Force Unleashed
Mini Ninjas
Spore (regular)
Sims 3 (orginal game)

Also saw a couple of those smaller size cheat books, but didn't ask for them.
[quote name='Ziv']Picked up for a penny each today at Gamestop:
Style Savvy
Street Fighter 4
Mk vs DC
Star Wars Force Unleashed
Mini Ninjas
Spore (regular)
Sims 3 (orginal game)

Also saw a couple of those smaller size cheat books, but didn't ask for them.[/QUOTE]

I can confirm all of these as well as....

Overload 2
TMNT: Smash up
[quote name='punkmaggit']The one time I'm out of my home city and we have a drop. Tried to hit up a Gamestop in Centerville, Utah and was shot down by a douchebag manager. fuck.[/QUOTE]

I checked the Hill AFB store and the Layton Pointe in the same area, no luck. (Actually Layton Pointe has a Saw guide but it wasn't worth the effort for me). I have also checked the Clinton store and all were pulled. I have not checked the two malls yet though, Layton Hills and Newgate in Ogden.
I got this notice when checking my wishlist

Currently Dragon Age Origins Collector's Edition Official Strategy Guide is not available for purchase and has been removed from your Wish List.

but I can't check the store at this moment. Might be worth looking into.
I scored yesterday at my local GS. Went in with my kids to get some Mario Kart Trading Cards. My 9yo daughter asked if they had any left and the clerk came out of the backroom with a small case of 37 packs and just gave it to us.
[quote name='ryanbw']I scored yesterday at my local GS. Went in with my kids to get some Mario Kart Trading Cards. My 9yo daughter asked if they had any left and the clerk came out of the backroom with a small case of 37 packs and just gave it to us.[/QUOTE]

I havn't been following this thread too much. Mario Kart cards sell for a penny?
Removed from my GameStop wish list:

Left 4 Dead Official Strategy Guide
Star Wars The Force Unleashed Official Strategy Guide

I'll try to confirm at lunch today

EDIT: Checked but didn't see either of the above.
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Yeah, somewhere buried in this thread is a note about the Mario Kart cards. I thought they just went on sale but I guess they've been pennied.
Can confirm the guide drops as well:

Got MK vs DC
Turtles Smash Up
Mini Ninjas
Phantasy Star O
Star Ocean
Jak And Daxter
yup, confirming:

Overlord 2
TMNT Smash-Up
Left 4 Dead
Minin Ninjas

(shameless plug: Only got 1 of each, but would trade for The Last Remnant and/or Infinite Undiscovery... apparently the trade I thought I had for those fell through :(

Also saw a couple sports things I passed on, a handful of random cheat books, and some sort of style thing (I think mentioned above). Had a Star Ocean too, but that was on the guide rack, and I didn't know it was pennied :( Oh well, have 1 from the BB drop a while back, but would have been nice for trade.

I was at an out of the way GS while visiting a friend, and was just BSing with the clerk that I wished they would put the guides on clearance before pennying them. He said "oh, so you know about penny guides" so I figured RED ALERT... but instead he pulled out a stack from behind the counter and said to take what I want, the rest would be thrown out later today. A nice guy at GS?! You are SHOCK!
Don't know if its been mentioned, but I went to check on the second round at the store I got hooked up the other day, grabbed Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising & Pokedex for Diamond and Pearl

strange enough a bunch of the other guides that dropped earlier this week that I swore weren't there, were! was able to grab Saw, J&D, PS0. Pre-ordered GOW3 Ultimate, figure I might need two.
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