Reduced Price Game Guides: Thread XI

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First off, let me welcome you all to the new guide thread. Second, I'd like to ask you all to please keep conversations not pertaining to guide drops to a minimum to avoid cluttering the thread. It's not that I don't enjoy the chit chat, but that it may stop others from locating information on the newest drops.

That being said, let me thank Cheapy for creating this site, without which I would've spent probably 10 times what I HAVE spent on games and guides. Moreover, let me thank each and every one of my fellow CAGs for continuing to contribute to making this site a great place to find out about sales and clearances of the items we as gamers use most. Without a great community, NONE of this would be possible.

Now, with that out of the way(and before I get to rambling), let's get on to making this new thread.

Useful Information(and links):


PLEASE keep ALL trade requests in there or PM's. Thank you.


What is the purpose of this thread?

The purpose of this thread is to let our fellow CAGs know when a guide has dropped to a low price(it's NOT ALWAYS A PENNY), so they can go out and grab guides for themselves and for trading with other CAGs.

Anytime you have guide drops to report, post them here. Please specify at which store you found them and which guides you found and list them in alphabetical order. Thank you. Please, whenever possible, use RED font to make the drop info stand out. Thanks again.

What are penny guides?

Penny guides are guides which have been on the market for a while and the publisher(or store chain) decide that the remaining stock of these guides have little to no chance of selling, so they issue an order to pull them from the shelves and destroy them. At that time, they are also marked as .01 in their inventory system, except in the case of BBV, which marks them .01 only AFTER pulling them.

Most stores have an agreement with the publisher that states that if they destroy the remaining stock of those items, they will receive a credit for their value from the publisher. This is why many stores are usually annoyed when we CAGs come in and buy the guides AT the penny price, since otherwise they would've received a credit for those items.

According to an employee at a local BB, they also have a recycling program for the pennied stock, so as to not clutter landfill space with the guides. As to how true it is, I cannot confirm, but I would hope that the paper is at least recycled instead of just dumpstered.

Prior Reduced price game guide threads:

Guide Three:
Guide Four:
Guide Five:
Guide Six:
Guide Seven:
Guide Seven and a half:
Guide Eight:
Guide Nine:
Guide Ten:

Finally, below is a list of website links, each of which goes to their respective guide page. Whenever possible, I will update the links with better ones(if available).


Thanks to floormat, Guinaevere and anyone else who has created and maintained the guide thread before, as well as to all of those who find out either advance information on drops or provide a list of which ones dropped when we do have a drop.

The post below this one contains a list going back at LEAST six months of the more current guide drops, which stores they occured at and which ones dropped. Note that sometimes(Oblivion guide, Quake Wars: Enemy Territory)there are multiple versions of a guide, be it that there are Prima versions, Brady versions and the occasional Nintendo and Doublejump guides.

Please specify WHICH version has dropped when mentioning possible guide drops. Thank you.

Common Guide Drop Related Questions(FAQ):

FAQ - If you are new (or a vet with a few questions) look here SECOND! (After reading the above!)

Q: What Are Penny Guides?
A: Penny guides are guides which have been on the market for a while and the publisher(or store chain) decide that the remaining stock of these guides have little to no chance of selling, so they issue an order to pull them from the shelves and destroy them. At that time, they are also marked as .01 in their inventory system, except in the case of BBV, which marks them .01 only AFTER pulling them.

Most stores have an agreement with the publisher that states that if they destroy the remaining stock of those items, they will receive a credit for their value from the publisher. This is why many stores are usually annoyed when we CAGs come in and buy the guides AT the penny price, since otherwise they would've received a full credit for those items.

According to an employee at a local BB, they also have a recycling program for the pennied stock, so as to not clutter landfill space with the guides. As to how true it is, I cannot confirm, but I would hope that the paper is at least recycled instead of just dumpstered.

Q: Do all guides from all stores drop at the same time?
A: No. While most chains have nationwide drops within their own store (as in every BB will have the same drops coast to coast), not every different chain drops at the same time (what drops at BB is NOT necessarily dropped at GS). When in doubt, check post TWO for drop info.

Q: I found a penny guide and a clerk denied me! I'ma report 'em!
A: Whoa, hold your horses there, pardner! First of all, not a question. Second, just because something is on the shelf, the clerk does NOT have to sell you that item. Most stores are PRIVATE property and as such can deny you just about anything they want - including a sale. The best advice is to not be rude, not be arrogant, and just try hard to get them to have pity on you.

Q: Why don't the clerks want to sell me their penny guides? Aren't they just throwing them away?
A: As stated above, the stores are ordered by the publisher to trash the guides, and are then given credit for those guides. If they don't do this, the publisher won't give them the credit - it's like losing a sale. On the employee level, selling a penny guide can sometimes get them in trouble (or even fired!) I know it seems silly, but this is their job we're talking about! Respect the man (or woman) behind the counter and you'll get a lot more guides than otherwise!

Q: Should I just ask if the store has penny guides then?
A: No, since that denotes that you have some insider information as to the runnings of these businesses.

Q: What if the clerk wants to know how I know so much about guide drops?
A: If asked where you got your info about guides that pennied, simply say either 'the internet' or 'a friend of mine told me they're on clearance'.

Q: But clerks will know what a penny guide is, right? I can talk to them like anyone else here...
A: Never use the word pennied to ANY store clerks unless you have built up a good rapport with them. Even then, it may seem a little fishy if you know more about their shop than they do.

Q: Are guides labeled as a penny on the shelf?
A: Sometimes. Most times, no. GS seems to label everything that gets a price drop, so often times guides will be stickered. But even so, they most likely won't sell them to you. A sticker does not mean 'have to sell'.

Q: I tried to buy a guide that this thread said was pennied and it didn't ring up as such! What gives?
A: Either 1) Our source was wrong (this rarely happens and is usually verified a FEW times within maybe an hour of posting), or 2) The clerk changed the price. It's usually number 2.

Q: What's the easiest way to get penny guides? This sounds like TONS of work!
A: Best Buy is probably the best place to get guides, followed by GameStop, GameCrazy, Toys R Us and then Blockbuster. From what I've seen though, probably 95% of guides that people get are snagged at BB - the rest come from the other stores. But it never hurts to try!

Q: Has there been a drop recently?
A: If you are asking this question you didn't fully understand the OP - go back and read it once more. When a drop happens, it will be posted, and then placed in the second post - trust us.

Q: How do you guys know so much about penny guides?
A: We sometimes have inside sources with the information from the stores themselves; other times, fellow CAGS just like you or me simply take suspected guides to the register and ask them to ring them up, to check their prices. Feel free to do this yourself, and help give back to the community by telling us what you find! However, DON'T ask "Has anyone checked XXX lately?", unless you are in the right thread (discussion area).

Thanks to GrilledWitOnions for creating the above FAQ, which should eliminate the need for such questions popping up in the thread from this point on out.
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[quote name='Ubiiquitous']Frankly, I don't see an issue with the GS manager. If they LEGALLY have to sell you the guide, then handle matters through the PROPER protocol.

People like this guy are why I'm glad I haven't worked in retail in years. All of this hassle, him and his wife getting kicked out, the threat of an arrest all for a stupid penny guide.

This is one of the most asinine stories I've seen in 6+ years on this site. Users like him should be stripped of his CAG account. Disgusting.[/QUOTE]

Pretty stupid that you think I should be stripped of my account. So you think its fine for some manager to walk up to you and start shoving against you when you haven't done a single thing? That's pretty funny, the way I look at it, that would be harrasment. For all you'd know, their getting their jollies rubbing up against you.
[quote name='gordojones88'].

Zerg is a troll.
He posts these outrageous stories to sit back and watch the flame war.
I've had at least half a dozen of his ridiculous posts deleted by the mods.
He knows exactly what to say to rile you guys up and you fall for it every time.
He's the same one who says he called Best Buy corporate and Gamestop corporate.
Please don't quote him, he craves the attention.


Lol, I don't know where your getting. But no I have never done anything like that. Yes I am the borderpost guy, that was my own fault for that guide, of calling it the wrong thing on this. I don't give a damn about that. Quite frankly, I had no idea that you all would react this way defending a manager. And like I said originally, I learned about 3 stores from who was it? Oh yeah, a STORE manager to gamestop. So I was excited to learn that. So thats all there was on that note.

Not that I should be, but I guess I'm sorry for saying what happened at my gamestop, don't worry, I won't post on here with anything other than "OMG11!!!1 I got Gides!!1"
The issue isn't that your wife was touched or anything. That would have everyone in an uproar.

The issue is that you consistently think you have a right to penny guides . And you don't. When you create a case like you did today, you bring attention to penny guides. And penny guides are things we like to sneak in, buy, and sneak out without drawing any attention. You know why? Cause there's gonna be MORE penny guides.

Your behavior today, regardless of how the manager acted or what some bullshit manager from another store told you, brought attention to the penny guides. Therefore, there will be less penny guides. At least for the people in your district.

Now, how's that not being a selfish prick? For a crappy scribblenauts guide too. WTF.

Who the fuck draws attention of mall security for a fucking guide. And all this BEFORE your wife got involved.
[quote name='crazedracerguy']I have a Scribblenauts guide... That shit is golden. It is actually a compendium of all the guides ever made. I feel sorry for the guy that did not get a copy...

Yeah - I have to agree with others... That's a lot of trouble to go to over a penny guide. I've only been turned down at a GS before, but I just laughed it off. They ended up letting me have a couple after that, just because I hadn't been a dick.

I'll say one thing. The dude would be unhappy if he bumped my wife. She'd have beaten the shit out of him. Those WV girls are tough and mean.[/QUOTE]

Yes it was stupid to try push to get the guide. But like I said, I was going by info from a store manager. Hell I was gonna ask if he'd be willing to send me a message of guides when they are pulled, thats something I learned from him. Probably will still ask him, but no way am I dognna even bother to post drops here when everyone is pissed at me for telling my story for a guide. And on the guide, I didn't even need it, I just wanted my first find to be a successful one. How did I know the manager would be a dick and pull shit like that. If I did wait for the security to show up. I would have walked away with the guide, so my fault for leaving ;)
[quote name='confoosious']The issue isn't that your wife was touched or anything. That would have everyone in an uproar.

The issue is that you consistently think you have a right to penny guides . And you don't. When you create a case like you did today, you bring attention to penny guides. And penny guides are things we like to sneak in, buy, and sneak out without drawing any attention. You know why? Cause there's gonna be MORE penny guides.

Your behavior today, regardless of how the manager acted or what some bullshit manager from another store told you, brought attention to the penny guides. Therefore, there will be less penny guides. At least for the people in your district.

Now, how's that not being a selfish prick? For a crappy scribblenauts guide too. WTF.

Who the fuck draws attention of mall security for a fucking guide. And all this BEFORE your wife got involved.[/QUOTE]

thought I said it, but maybe I didn't. The security was on my side. So if (like I just posted) stayed for the security to show up, I would of walked away with the guide. I didn't give a damn about scribblenauts, its just that I actually finally found a gamestop in my area that had a penny guide. Over here, all the stores actually pull them, so finding one that is lazy and half assed on it, made me happy

and as far as the bullshit manager from another store. He is like I said, a store manager, and from all this happening, and talking to the security, he informed me that the two main managers from the gamestop I go to were both managers at the 102nd gamestop. So pretty much, they got their own store to run instead of some bs store. So I'm more on the side of a store manager rather than the side of some prick that didn't even have a manager title on his nametag

As far as my wife getting involved. The manager never once saw her before in his life. She goes into the store, gets in line and the manager insists on getting past her by bumping into her. So how the heck is that getting involved? There was no way to link me and my wife together, she was there to get the district managers name and phone number. For all the manager knew, it was to say something like "I had a wonderful experience in this game stop and would like to acknoledge such and such for a great job." The way he responded by threatening to have her arrested and all that junk, shows this. He has had too many complaints and anyone that comes into the store asking for that info, obviosly is there to report him.
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I do get it, sorry that I defend myself, but don't worry, just don't respond saying shit and you won't have to worry about this going with more responses
I like how zerg keeps posting and posting so no one will have any doubt whatsoever that he's a moron.

[quote name='zergtillian']...but no way am I dognna even bother to post drops here when everyone is pissed at me for telling my story for a guide.[/QUOTE]

"dognna"? OK...

So you're not going to post drops? Oh dear, how will we ever find out about drops without the wealth of knowledge that you provide? I don't think I'm going to be able to sleep well tonight.
[quote name='zergtillian']Pretty stupid that you think I should be stripped of my account. So you think its fine for some manager to walk up to you and start shoving against you when you haven't done a single thing? That's pretty funny, the way I look at it, that would be harrasment. For all you'd know, their getting their jollies rubbing up against you.[/QUOTE]

Apparently, "haven't done a single thing" = acting like a major douche and having your go back to do your dirty work because your deplorable actions had you banned.

Not stupid of me to think you should be banned from CAG, based on this and your prior deleted posts. After all, you aren't exactly new to getting banned from places.
[quote name='Ubiiquitous']Apparently, "haven't done a single thing" = acting like a major douche and having your go back to do your dirty work because your deplorable actions had you banned.

Not stupid of me to think you should be banned from CAG, based on this and your prior deleted posts. After all, you aren't exactly new to getting banned from places.[/QUOTE]


Game over.

Thank you ubiiquitous for providing a laugh out of this dreadful thread today.
Ahhhhh. Another super ultra ninja edit by your friendly neighborhood CAG mod team.:roll: I shoulda saved that rant I made towards that idiot fuckin' newbie cuz that's what I'd like to say to half these morons on here anymore DEMANDING a deal when they don't deserve it.
Went a little out of town today and found a couple more guides, biggest find was I managed to snag 2 Starcraft II Collectors guides from a gamestop in perfect condition. Also managed to find another Legend of Zelda Spirit Tracks Collectors at a bestbuy(I thought this would be hard to find when it dropped, think I've seen more of these than any other guide).
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[quote name='Ultragamer']Went a little out of town today and found a couple more guides, biggest find was I managed to snag 2 Starcraft II Collectors guides from a gamestop in prefect condition. Also managed to find another Legend of Zelda Spirit Tracks Collectors at a bestbuy(I thought this would be hard to find when it dropped, think I've seen more of these than any other guide).[/QUOTE]

Sorry, but I gotta do this...

What the hell is prefect condition???
Screw you all, I didn't do anything wrong. All I did was say what happened at my gamestop, and all of you flipped out and made crap up about me causing problems. Yes I said the name of a guide wrong, Oh my god, I screwed over this whole site because I called a guide border control or something like that. It's the end of the world now! Then you somehow manage to get me banned for a couple weeks because of what reason I have no damn clue! On that note, I'm sure this thread isn't really legal, seeing as how it is. So starting tomorrow, gonna go ahead and call the district manager up again, talk to the store supervisor, do whatever is possible to get this thread removed. Because of this, now all I've been doing on my account has been deleted, so if any one thinks I'm being unreasonable, you all screwed me over. Seeing as I had several other types of posts. Such as my trade list for the main thing I was doing on this site, and my questions about everything related to multi computer gaming. Very unreasonable on your part to figure a way to get me banned when I didn't do a single thing wrong. The IATCG sits there and puts every single person down on this site that asks a question. How is he not banned? Just utter bs really. Might not realise it, but some people out there can't take critisism and would kill themself over the type of demeaning junk he says. I know some chick on myspace killed herself over some fake screen name fliriting with her and saying bs to her. So if you think about it, every thing he says on this site is doing that to people all over the country. Just think, you find out someone commits suicide due to the junk he's saying. I bet you'd all give him some virtual high five and a gold star. "Congrats man, you got someone else to kill themself!"
I already know this account will get banned somehow. Seeing as I'm saying the worst stuff possible. Sure I have no clue what it is that I'd be saying wrong, but I already know this account will be banned shortly after this message.
All of you need to grow up get up and get off your fat butts (which we all know your fat since you have nothing better to do then sit around all damn day and cause problems on this site and play stupid video games)...oh yeah maybe if you could actual get off your fat butts and go out you might find a girlfriend and actually have something productive to do with your sorry lives. OH! stop saying crap that you don't know nothing about.
[quote name='yoshigo']Screw you all, I didn't do anything wrong. All I did was say what happened at my gamestop, and all of you flipped out and made crap up about me causing problems. Yes I said the name of a guide wrong, Oh my god, I screwed over this whole site because I called a guide border control or something like that. It's the end of the world now! Then you somehow manage to get me banned for a couple weeks because of what reason I have no damn clue! On that note, I'm sure this thread isn't really legal, seeing as how it is. So starting tomorrow, gonna go ahead and call the district manager up again, talk to the store supervisor, do whatever is possible to get this thread removed. Because of this, now all I've been doing on my account has been deleted, so if any one thinks I'm being unreasonable, you all screwed me over. Seeing as I had several other types of posts. Such as my trade list for the main thing I was doing on this site, and my questions about everything related to multi computer gaming. Very unreasonable on your part to figure a way to get me banned when I didn't do a single thing wrong. The IATCG sits there and puts every single person down on this site that asks a question. How is he not banned? Just utter bs really. Might not realise it, but some people out there can't take critisism and would kill themself over the type of demeaning junk he says. I know some chick on myspace killed herself over some fake screen name fliriting with her and saying bs to her. So if you think about it, every thing he says on this site is doing that to people all over the country. Just think, you find out someone commits suicide due to the junk he's saying. I bet you'd all give him some virtual high five and a gold star. "Congrats man, you got someone else to kill themself!"
I already know this account will get banned somehow. Seeing as I'm saying the worst stuff possible. Sure I have no clue what it is that I'd be saying wrong, but I already know this account will be banned shortly after this message.
All of you need to grow up get up and get off your fat butts (which we all know your fat since you have nothing better to do then sit around all damn day and cause problems on this site and play stupid video games)...oh yeah maybe if you could actual get off your fat butts and go out you might find a girlfriend and actually have something productive to do with your sorry lives. OH! stop saying crap that you don't know nothing about.[/QUOTE]

We shouldn't ban just for this. This one could be quite entertaining:D:lol:
Oh wow, that made venturing back in here entertaining.

So...that's it, right? No more penny guides?

oh nooooooooooooooeeeeeeeeeeeeeessssssssssssssssss

Oh wait, I need something on topic, er. Oh sweet, Borderpost for $15? I might have to check that out.

Thanks for the heads up!
You're giving IATTCG waaaaaaaay too much credit. You make him out to be Hannibal Lecter whispering to his next door cell mate. In reality, he's just a pseudo-Amish guy with too much time on his hands.
If you're previous account was banned, temp or otherwise, you certainly should have been informed of the reason for it (assuming you weren't). I do agree with you on that point. Regardless of that, though, you are severely overreacting with your new post. Ranting on about getting this thread removed :)roll:), suicides and spewing stereotypical descriptions, absolutely no one will take you seriously from this point on. Assuming you're allowed to keep an account here the best thing for you to do is to just lurk and never post again. You burned that bridge with napalm.
Hey, my post was some advice for the guy. That delete button must have a hair trigger.

If you want the posts to stop (and you do since you've been deleting them), it would be a good idea to state it clearly and up front that you want it stop. Own it and put your name on it.
has anyone else noticed that BB seems to be putting a lot of old guides back on the shelves? maybe clearing back room after xmas?
Now I know who's deleting the posts. It's just like old times. Some people never change.

I noticed a couple of guides that seemed to have made their way back out as well. Probably someone just straightening up.
[quote name='neocisco']Now I know who's deleting the posts. It's just like old times. Some people never change.

I noticed a couple of guides that seemed to have made their way back out as well. Probably someone just straightening up.[/QUOTE]

Any good ones???
[quote name='neocisco']Probably not since I don't remember which ones. :)[/QUOTE]

Amen, brother! I have the same mentality. If I don't remember, it wasn't good. Makes sense in every situation.
[quote name='slowdive21'][quote name='loxthefox']Kinda off-topic, but here's something interesting I found on Kotaku:[/QUOTE]
Finally, a checklist! I think I have most of em! :D[/QUOTE]
If you're looking for a checklist of Prima's console games and computer games guides (and thousands more guides) have I got a wiki for you.

However! Prima has 1784 guides covers shown and I have 1774 guides listed, it's not totally accurate. I'm sure I'll eventually be so not-busy to look over the images to see what guides I'm missing on the wiki. I'm sure it's more than 10.
So, I don't really know the history of the deleted posts other than that a CAG reported the first post speculating about this being a troll returning with a new username - so that's why the other mod came in and deleted all that stuff. I don't know the history of it so I won't comment on that.

HOWEVER, I just read the alleged troll's first post, and since I live in the same area he claims to live in, I can at least confirm that he got the store manager's name correct (and he named a real store - though that isn't too hard to pull off the Interweb ;)). Said manager is also somewhat of a dillweed so I could see such a scenario happening. HOWEVER, there's a big hole in the story: the whole part about Mall security. Said Gamestop is in a strip mall, not a shopping mall with it's own security. Now, there might have been a security guard perhaps patrolling the shops there - but that part seems odd ;).

I'll just leave it at that...
All I know is my perfectly worded rant to him was one of the casualties and it had just the right amount of zing to it too.:cry:

Either way, since this thread is getting a bit long in the tooth and we seem to be in a dry spell without drops I should be making the next iteration of this thread within the next day or so. I'll probably wait till the middle of the night when most CAG's aren't around, so I don't have people posting in it just to subscribe to it(when you can subscribe from the drop down menu above the thread without having to post:roll:)and clogging up posts I wanna reserve for future use.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']All I know is my perfectly worded rant to him was one of the casualties and it had just the right amount of zing to it too.:cry:

Either way, since this thread is getting a bit long in the tooth and we seem to be in a dry spell without drops I should be making the next iteration of this thread within the next day or so. I'll probably wait till the middle of the night when most CAG's aren't around, so I don't have people posting in it just to subscribe to it(when you can subscribe from the drop down menu above the thread without having to post:roll:)and clogging up posts I wanna reserve for future use.[/QUOTE]

you should add some stuff to the OP about not demanding penny guides at BB and GS. I'm serious.
[quote name='confoosious']you should add some stuff to the OP about not demanding penny guides at BB and GS. I'm serious.[/QUOTE]

Or maybe use a different thread title? "Reduced price" gives the wrong impression. Maybe word it some way to reflect that this is not a sale price but more of a YMMV loophole?
[quote name='confoosious']you should add some stuff to the OP about not demanding penny guides at BB and GS. I'm serious.[/QUOTE]
You mean more shit people won't read and ask and re-ask questions about?:booty:
[quote name='Zippon']Or maybe use a different thread title? "Reduced price" gives the wrong impression. Maybe word it some way to reflect that this is not a sale price but more of a YMMV loophole?[/QUOTE]
This AGAIN? Seriously, we get it. We know it's not a price these are supposed to be sold at. Well...most of us do anyway.:razz:

Originally this thread was titled the penny guide thread or something similar, I believe.
The thread has covered more than pennied guides so "reduced price" is still valid. There is no way to counter (unless your a mod) the posts of those that refuse to read the OP or as this last fellow who refuses to understand or acknowledge posts directly answering his questions. CAG pennied guide tactics/behavior would help in the OP simply so we could post to "read the OP" instead of reposting the same info over and over again. The offenders still probably won't read it.
For a day or two, the OP should contain nothing more than "Wow, did you really look? There's nothing here." just to see if anyone actually comments on it/proves they read it.
[quote name='PapaSmerf']The thread has covered more than pennied guides so "reduced price" is still valid.[/QUOTE]

"Other" sales account for what? 1-3% of the posts here? This thread is about penny guides. Anything else is ancillary.

Yeah, IATCG "this" again. I'm simply suggesting a better way to do what you and confoosious are talking about. You're right in that nobody reads the OP. But they all read the thread title. If it was something like "Game Guide Pricing Glitches: YMMV", it would put more readers in the mindset of, "Hmm, a glitch? I'd better read how to take advantage of this." As it is, they go, "Sale? Cool, I'll go DEMAND this price and eff any manager that argues with me!" :dunce:

Just look at the other threads where CAGs jump through ridiculous hoops (register at this one deal site, transfer points to this other site, call this number and ask for a conversion, blah, blah, blah) just to save a few dollars. The will is there. If they viewed guides the same way, they might use their heads more.
[quote name='Zippon']"Other" sales account for what? 1-3% of the posts here? This thread is about penny guides. Anything else is ancillary.
Gee, I just bought some half price guides at Bestbuy because it was posted in this thread. I guess my opinions rely too heavily on my personal experience.
[quote name='elessar123']Put a big wall of text on post 1, and hide inside there the real info about where it's located. That'll prove that they read it or not =P[/QUOTE]

That's actually a great idea.

I'm so sick of lazy newbs, dumbasses, and assorted morons who won't read.
I just bought Borderlands GOTY guide Sunday because it was in this thread too...

Also, the BBY I went to labeled the Sims 3 Ambitions guide as FREE. It rang up for a penny.
It's bait and switch! Down with M$!
Also picked up a Super Street Fighter IV from the same store so I could use my $15 certificate. There's like 8 or so left =P
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