Reduced Price Guides-Discussion Thread

[quote name='vahn401']I'm just going to chime in, and call me an ass if you want, but its acts like this that are the reason why gamestop doesn't just give out penny guides anymore, and its the reason why they are becoming so difficult to obtain. Whenever I obtained guides from gamestop/bestbuy, whatever it may be, clerks would ask me what I would do with them. I told them trade and give to people I know, I have never lied and sold a guide I got for a penny, especially for near retail prices. It just seems like people that do this are abusing the system we are trying to hold onto.[/QUOTE]

I couldn't agree more. I would never turn around and try to flip a guide for full price on ebay. In the (very) rare cases where I've ever been able to obtain a penny guide, I always hold onto them to trade to other cags. It feels a lot less mercenary and frankly trading back and forth is kinda fun. But I have no doubt there are plenty of people who do nothing but try and make a quick buck. I'd like to think it's mostly fat-wallet dudes and store employees, but there are probably cags who grab thee-four copies of each to sell...

I mean it's your prerogative. If you find one, you're free to do with it as you like. There's nothing expressly wrong about it. But like vahn said, this kinda of practice is inevitably going to lead to further crackdowns at stores.
[quote name='Pookymeister']yea, i rarely sell my guides - unless its something ridiculous like selling 5 guides for $500[/QUOTE]

You mind letting us know what they were?

Anyway, not to fuel the speculation that there will be a Prima guide drop at Gamestop tomorrow, but I noticed a bunch of Prima guides that were pulled from the guide storange rack and placed on top. What caught my eye was they were all Prima guides. Off the top of my head, Far Cry 2, C&C Red Alert, Oblivion GOTY, and several others. Again, this could mean nothing at all (maybe they were just reorganizing all the Prima guides on the rack).
I know Resident Evil Archives sold for $110. I loved that guide but I needed the $110 at the time more then an artbook.

Nocturne guide is also around $100ish but the single copy I got is staying on my shelf.

Plenty of penny guides are worth $30-50 but for everyone of those there are 20 others that are worth almost nothing. It's really a crapshoot. I mean look at Dead Rising's price, its a good guide but i NEVER thought it would be worth money.
[quote name='Brian9824']I know Resident Evil Archives sold for $110. I loved that guide but I needed the $110 at the time more then an artbook.

Nocturne guide is also around $100ish but the single copy I got is staying on my shelf.

Plenty of penny guides are worth $30-50 but for everyone of those there are 20 others that are worth almost nothing. It's really a crapshoot. I mean look at Dead Rising's price, its a good guide but i NEVER thought it would be worth money.[/quote]Is there a website that can give an estimate on a guide's value? I'm curious what some of my older guides are worth.
[quote name='Brian9824']I know Resident Evil Archives sold for $110. I loved that guide but I needed the $110 at the time more then an artbook.

Nocturne guide is also around $100ish but the single copy I got is staying on my shelf.

Plenty of penny guides are worth $30-50 but for everyone of those there are 20 others that are worth almost nothing. It's really a crapshoot. I mean look at Dead Rising's price, its a good guide but i NEVER thought it would be worth money.[/quote]

Yeah, but with an investment of a penny, it's pretty much worth it. :) The only downside is that you need room for all your guides. I remember seeing the Archives in store for $30 and saying to myself... I don't reeeaallly need this. I picked it up later for $25 online. After that, the price skyrocketed. It's still very high and I anticipate it'll be even higher after Resident Evil 5 releases.

Another notable is the Final Fantasy VII Versus Guide. Unofficial, well written, full of interesting facts and gameplay tips not in the official, and a guide for an incredibly popular game. Very very expensive now.

I haven't sold any guides since I started collecting them, but I definitely grab multiple copies of the same guide if I really like the game. I'll also give them away to friends.
[quote name='Pookymeister']In the last 3 weeks, ive sold 5 guides for $500 total - so sometimes it's worth hanging on to them ;p[/quote]

Not when you're pressed for space to store them already and everywhere you look you see stacks of guides.


This is why I still can't believe I emptied out the one Best Buy about 40 minutes from my house of everything that pennied. I mean, unless I need some really cheap and rough toilet paper, these things are fuckin' useless.

I haven't even fully updated my trade list with the rest of my haul from that store yet or the few from GS from the other day, so the list is getting bigger again. :roll:

Knowing my luck though, one of the guides I dumped on the local shop is now considered 'rare' or otherwise valuable and worth $100 or so and I sold it for .25 . :bomb:

I REALLY wish we'd get in a friggin' Half Price Books around here, since I need a better place to get rid of these things. I'm actually contemplating a $6 guide sale soon(with CERTAIN EXCEPTIONS), sort of a fire sale, but don't quote me on that just yet.

As for sharing with others from CAG for shipping/packaging, I might consider it, if there weren't so many people on here anal about condition since I don't want/need a bad mark for not describing something down the most minute detail.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Not when you're pressed for space to store them already and everywhere you look you see stacks of guides.


This is why I still can't believe I emptied out the one Best Buy about 40 minutes from my house of everything that pennied. I mean, unless I need some really cheap and rough toilet paper, these things are fuckin' useless.

I haven't even fully updated my trade list with the rest of my haul from that store yet or the few from GS from the other day, so the list is getting bigger again. :roll:

Knowing my luck though, one of the guides I dumped on the local shop is now considered 'rare' or otherwise valuable and worth $100 or so and I sold it for .25 . :bomb:

I REALLY wish we'd get in a friggin' Half Price Books around here, since I need a better place to get rid of these things. I'm actually contemplating a $6 guide sale soon(with CERTAIN EXCEPTIONS), sort of a fire sale, but don't quote me on that just yet.

As for sharing with others from CAG for shipping/packaging, I might consider it, if there weren't so many people on here anal about condition since I don't want/need a bad mark for not describing something down the most minute detail.[/QUOTE]

I don't get it. If the guides are literally that useless to you, why NOT try to get rid of them that way? And why even get that many in the first place? I only take 1 copy of stuff I know I won't be that into, and only two or three copies of stuff I know a friend will want or people will want to trade.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']
Knowing my luck though, one of the guides I dumped on the local shop is now considered 'rare' or otherwise valuable and worth $100 or so and I sold it for .25 . :bomb:


Which guide was that? How about going back to the local store to see if they still have it in stock? Sometimes these local shop owners don't know the value of their guides. Like this one time over a year ago when I got the original Revelations Persona and Metal Gear Solid guides for $15 total from a local shop.
Im not one anal about condition. Some gamestops dont care at all about the guide and people tear them to hell while on could they expect people to buy a guide for $20 when its ripped up. as for penny guides though i couldnt care less about condition as long as i can read them. Not saying i dont take good care of them though.
[quote name='SDC']I don't get it. If the guides are literally that useless to you, why NOT try to get rid of them that way? And why even get that many in the first place? I only take 1 copy of stuff I know I won't be that into, and only two or three copies of stuff I know a friend will want or people will want to trade.[/quote]

Because I'm secretly building myself a throne out of said guides and going to declare myself the guide king and crown myself with a crown made of shredded guides?

I don't know really why I grabbed so many, except that it was already about a month after the drop and no one had grabbed anything from this store. So I figured there weren't any CAG's in that area and that I could sell/trade for things I wanted with them.

However, the demand for copies of the Phantom Hourglass and Super Mario Galaxy hardcovers has been stuck at nil for a couple months now.

I actually gave away a bunch of guides just before Christmas to a friend of mine's brother-in-law to go with some games I picked up from Kmart to sell with a Wii I sold them.

If worse comes to worse though, I will hold the 'fire sale' and dump all but a few copies of each guide. But for now, I'm not too pressed for room.
[quote name='SDC']I don't get it. If the guides are literally that useless to you, why NOT try to get rid of them that way? And why even get that many in the first place? I only take 1 copy of stuff I know I won't be that into, and only two or three copies of stuff I know a friend will want or people will want to trade.[/quote]

And he's complaining on Kmart thread that people are hoarding the stores of clerance games.. hahha.. But it's cool, I can see why people hoard games, but not guides unless its an LE.

I do have 2 Gears of War 2 LE, because the guy give it to me..
[quote name='Josef']Which guide was that? How about going back to the local store to see if they still have it in stock? Sometimes these local shop owners don't know the value of their guides. Like this one time over a year ago when I got the original Revelations Persona and Metal Gear Solid guides for $15 total from a local shop.[/quote]

I think I let a single copy of either the Gran Turismo 4: Driving The Game or Half Life: Raising The Bar guide/artbook go in the lot that I sold the shop.

The GT 4 book was still there, but the HL one was long gone.

Thing is, I still have a couple of the GT 4 and at least one SEALED HL artbook somewhere in the house, though I'm not 100% sure WHERE. :lol:

[quote name='gi60']And he's complaining on Kmart thread that people are hoarding the stores of clerance games.. hahha.. But it's cool, I can see why people hoard games, but not guides unless its an LE.

I do have 2 Gears of War 2 LE, because the guy give it to me..[/quote]

Hoarding guides costs PENNIES, hoarding games costs DOLLARS. BIG difference, if you ask me.

The way it is, the few games I have sitting in my closet sealed irk me every damn day, since I look at them as a decent chunk of cash I could be using elsewhere for better things.
[quote name='guinaevere']Parasite Eve? That'd be a cool guide to have...[/quote]

The one local shop had that guide and numerous other older ones(including a few I later on found out were hard to find/rare/valuable), but by the time I realized they might be worth owning they were long gone.

The last time I checked the same shop, they were clearing out PS1 titles and they had quite few that were worth a bit, but the prices were gouged at the shop even at the 50% off sticker price clearance.
Ok, I agree with the whole selling them thing too,(to an extent) but what the hell am I to do with them all when I do not get many trade offers? I probably have one of the larger guide lists on here but I only get a few requests every now & then. I have not updated the list in quite awhile, but I have mentioned that I have most of the latest drops & to just ask if you're looking for something specific. I'm even willing to do 2,3,4 for 1,2 trades as long as it's reasonable. I'm not going to trade a RE Archives for King Kong, Gun, & Fantastic Four but I may trade it for Zelda Minish & Oblivion GOTY.
I'm just using those as example offers (rediculous to decent) Anyway, I also work full time so it is hard sometimes for me to get to a post office in a timely manner. I just recently found out that there is a UPS place right down the road from work so that may help for future deals.

I also give others a chance to hit up stores in my area for guides too, but for some reason I don't think there are many CAG's around me. I mean, there are still Thrillville guides at my BB! The GS/EB's here pull their guides almost immediately so if I do find anything at them it's just plain luck. I have to drive a ways to find a few GS/EB's that I can get them from, & even then it's usually 4 days or longer after the drop. As for GC, the closest one to me is 45 minutes away! So I rarely go to them much. I do admit that I've hit FYE pretty hard for games lately but those games have been sitting there forever so I don't feel too bad cleaning them out. I have not gotten around to compiling a list yet for games but my stash has grown considerably recently...most notably Xbox games. I'm always up for a trade but please be patient with me as I can get backed up sometimes. My feedback speaks for itself here & on ebay. I also have decent feedback at Atariage. Ok, rant over, back to looking for deals! :)
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']
Hoarding guides costs PENNIES, hoarding games costs DOLLARS. BIG difference, if you ask me.

cost has nothing to do with it. Hoarding games sucks for people who legitimately want to play those games. Hoarding guides sucks for the people who are interested in the guides.
[quote name='SDC']cost has nothing to do with it. Hoarding games sucks for people who legitimately want to play those games. Hoarding guides sucks for the people who are interested in the guides.[/quote]

True. But the store I hit and cleaned out was still loaded with them about a month or so after the last major drop from BB, so I didn't feel quite so bad about it then.
If anyone ever wants to get rid of bulk guides my anime club does a yearly convention and we can always use strategy guides for consolation prizes in tournaments. Last year I donated close to 100 guides.

If anyone ever wants to get rid of the guides and wants them to go to a good cause and not be sold let me know. I can pay for shipping costs, provide any info you want on convention for proof, etc.
[quote name='Brian9824']If anyone ever wants to get rid of bulk guides my anime club does a yearly convention and we can always use strategy guides for consolation prizes in tournaments. Last year I donated close to 100 guides. [/quote]That's fun! I miss the anime club that used to meet in douglasville.

If anyone ever wants to get rid of the guides and wants them to go to a good cause and not be sold let me know. I can pay for shipping costs, provide any info you want on convention for proof, etc.
Also, people can always drop off at their Salvation Army or Good Will.
3rd to last GS drop = 10ish guides
2nd to last GS drop = 31 guides
Last GS drop = 79
All from the dumpster. All nice and clean.
It was raining yesterday so I was scared they'd toss them out but they waited till today.
I left quite a few in there. Seemed like I got at least 1 of everything. I went back because I realized I didn't get that Argonauts guide. There was a cop car behind some trees pointing straight at the dumpster. Anyone know the law in Florida on Dumpster Diving?
Here are my spoils:
Command and Conquer 3 x1
Disgaea Comp. x2
Disgeae 3 x3
Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn x1
Legend of Spyro Dawn of the Dragon x 2
Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass (softcover) x13 (there are at least 20 more)
Lego Indiana Jones x2
Madden 09 LE x1
Mana Khemia x2
Mass Effect x1
Mercenaries 2 x1
Naruto the Broken Bond x4
NCAA Football 09 x1
NFL Head Coach 09 x1
Path of the Ninja 2 x2
Pokemon Diamond and Pearl x1
Pokemon Emerald x1
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon time/darkness x3
Pokemon Stickers x3
Sims 2 Apartment Life x1
Spore LE x2
Sonic Chronicles x4
Sonic Unleashed x2
Star Wars Clone Wars Light Saber Duels x3
Super Mario Galaxy (softcover) x2
Too Human x4
Warhammer x7 (it was dark and I was in a hurry, probably most will end up back in dumpster)
Warhammer Online Atlas x1
Wario Land Shake It x5
WoW Burning Crusade x1

I'm keeping one of most of them.

Really though there were at least 10-20 more guides. Mainly saw Too Human a ripped Pokemon and more Warhammer and Phantom Hourglass.
I'll work on my tradelist tomorrow.

I figured this should go in this forum even though it doesn't get as much traffic.

EDIT!: Holy crap have I been getting slammed with PM's. I only have one Mana Khemia guide.
And nobody has the Viva Pinata TiP guide I super want.
Also nobody's checking my list of guides I already own on my tradelist.

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[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']How did I know that someone was going to ask this? I mean, seriously, how hard is it to grasp that the stuff listed is dropping TOMORROW and that the price will NOT be down to .01 until then.[/QUOTE]

Comprehending that those guides will drop tomorrow is very easy to understand. Seeing tomorrow's date and you writing it as past tense was a little confusing. Thought they may have dropped today and you just mistyped the which case I would be leaving tonight to go look for them.

No big deal. Thanks for replying anyways.
Even though I got tons of guides the other day, I didn't get the 3 I wanted most.
Viva Pinata Trouble In Paradise, Lost Odyssey and Fable II LE.
I got a lot of pms to reply to but I wanted to wait til after tomorrows drop so I didn't trade guides I'm picking up.
I came here looking so a discussion on the awesome drop but it's very minimal.
Maybe I should check the regular thread??
[quote name='Frosty The Batman']Even though I got tons of guides the other day, I didn't get the 3 I wanted most.
Viva Pinata Trouble In Paradise, Lost Odyssey and Fable II LE.
I got a lot of pms to reply to but I wanted to wait til after tomorrows drop so I didn't trade guides I'm picking up.
I came here looking so a discussion on the awesome drop but it's very minimal.
Maybe I should check the regular thread??[/quote]

It would seem that despite my best efforts to keep this one bumped for inane posting, which include posting about 'zomg I got like eleven bajillion guides', they have failed.

So yeah, check the main thread, since all of the mindless babbling goes on there instead of here, which is why that thread is over 3000 posts already and this one has barely cracked three hundred.
[quote name='thekeybladewars']Where's the drop going to be at? I'm lazy... :cool:[/quote]

Good for you, but if you expect to actually get any deals on this site you're going to have to do some actual legwork of your own.:D
Good Lord that was painful. I was so nervous (for some reason) that it took me an hour to get 6 guides :\ Will probably go back later tonight and see if more are available. I also found a nice USB keyboard that was half off because it was out of package. Makes typing on the Wii a heck of a lot faster.

Thanks for the list.
Good Lord that was painful. I was so nervous (for some reason) that it took me an hour to get 6 guides :\ Will probably go back later tonight and see if more are available. I also found a nice USB keyboard that was half off because it was out of package. Makes typing on the Wii a heck of a lot faster.

Thanks for the list.
Oh man what an awesome haul! Walked away with 15 guides for 16 cents. (There was a penny tax). And most of them are pretty sweet.

Ninja Gaiden 2
Soul Cal LE
Pokemon Diamon and Pearl v2
Lost Odyssy
Wario Land Shake It
Assassins Creed
Spidey Web of Shadows
Mass Effect
Mass Effect LE
Fire Emblem
FF Chrystal Chronicles
Spore LE Bundle

Didn't take any extras this time, although I know some friends that would love them. But, I didn't want too much suspicion, and I also wanted to leave some for other CAGS. I *might* go back tonight or tomorrow and get a few other ones (Hellboy, Bros in Arms, maybe even Madden 09 LE lol). I tried to get ones I really wanted, which was quite a few.

Too bad on Fable LE not being there though.

The girl at the counter was pretty cool; I just told her I had a friend online that said these were clearnanced out to a penny. No problems. She did ask if there were more, and I thought she meant do I have all the games for guides I'm buying (a common question). By the time I figured out what she meant I was so off gaurd I told her there were more... not sure if they're going to go grab up the rest now, or if she was just interested.
Man, I get so frustrated when I hear about managers/cashiers not selling guides to people when the ring up for a penny at the register. "Oh, that's a price mistake" or "We can't sell you this guide."

Maybe it's not a big deal for most people, but I would try to insist that they sell me those guides if they are tagged for a penny, or ring up that way.
[quote name='shieryda']Man, I get so frustrated when I hear about managers/cashiers not selling guides to people when the ring up for a penny at the register. "Oh, that's a price mistake" or "We can't sell you this guide."

Maybe it's not a big deal for most people, but I would try to insist that they sell me those guides if they are tagged for a penny, or ring up that way.[/QUOTE]

Why? They'll just insist harder back. Nobody has to sell anything. I wouldn't want to sell a guide for a penny if I knew I'd get full credit for it from the publisher.
It's really shocking to me that there is so much hoarding going on when there are so many CAG's struggling to get guides.

It's like waving a 5-course meal in front of a starving, homeless person and not sharing. I'm surprised posts like that are allowed to stay up on this site. If you are going to grab 70 guides, then you need to offer them to CAGs who couldn't score.

People complain about the stuff in this thread leaking to the "hoarders" at FW and SD, then act exactly like them.
There's something I don't really get. How do the publishers know that the guides are destroyed? Some might say that they just have to send the UPC cover back to the publisher, but we know that's BS. Plenty of times, guides are thrown into dumpsters without a scratch. So, can't they just give/sell us the guides and tell the publisher that they were destroyed?

Oh, and I figured that people who were posting their hauls have the intention of using them for trades on here, after all. As long as it's in the CAG community, and the sharing happens, I don't really mind.
[quote name='Derrick1979']Your hopes will be crushed sorry man[/quote]Probably. But you can try going back later in the evening and asking the part-timers if they had any pulled penny guides left. It works rarely, but if the store is close by, it's worth a shot.

My local which had a crapload of guides on Saturday morning had pulled them all. So I went over to the next town over; there's a girl who runs their VG department who seems to like me because I'm just about the only other girl gamer in the area
. Well, she wasn't there, but they did have a tooooon of guides. There wasn't much I needed, but I grabbed a few of the popular ones for my cags and left a lot behind. Talking to the kid at the register, he was all, "go back and get the rest!" But I left 'em.
[quote name='guinaevere']Probably. But you can try going back later in the evening and asking the part-timers if they had any pulled penny guides left. It works rarely, but if the store is close by, it's worth a shot.

My local which had a crapload of guides on Saturday morning had pulled them all. So I went over to the next town over; there's a girl who runs their VG department who seems to like me because I'm just about the only other girl gamer in the area
. Well, she wasn't there, but they did have a tooooon of guides. There wasn't much I needed, but I grabbed a few of the popular ones for my cags and left a lot behind. Talking to the kid at the register, he was all, "go back and get the rest!" But I left 'em.[/quote]

You should've grabbed them. I need MORE to build my throne of game guides, since I sold off my old trade list worth of them that I had forever. Now, I only have a piddily 100-150 or so. :lol:
My local BB pulled all the guides, had a friend find some at his local BB, but they refused to let him buy them. All I wanted was the Pokedex too! :cry:
[quote name='Ubiiquitous']So are you the only CAG in NYC? I'm assuming so, since you grabbed so much.[/quote]

Hardly. I know there are at least a few more (myself included) who post in the thread regularly. At least three of us have posted today already. I hope I can find something decent when I check after work, but I guess I'll know who to blame if I don't.
Man, reading the posts here, I got all worried over nothing. Had a decent run. Got most of the ones I wanted, there's a lot left for any other local CAGs.

These are the Tulsa, OK BBs.
[quote name='GuardianE']There's something I don't really get. How do the publishers know that the guides are destroyed? Some might say that they just have to send the UPC cover back to the publisher, but we know that's BS. Plenty of times, guides are thrown into dumpsters without a scratch. So, can't they just give/sell us the guides and tell the publisher that they were destroyed?

Oh, and I figured that people who were posting their hauls have the intention of using them for trades on here, after all. As long as it's in the CAG community, and the sharing happens, I don't really mind.[/quote]

The only problem with them actually SELLING them to people for a penny is that there's a record of the transaction in their computers and if the publishers look and see that, then I'm sure they will get in some trouble for selling them at that price.

The penny price isn't really supposed to be an actual price that the stores sell these at, it's only supposed to be a marker for the employees to know to pull them and stop the sale of any that are on the shelf still.

It is a miracle that any of us find any of these in the first place(although we only really DO find them because of lax employees), but if you do develop a rapport with the managers and workers at your Gamestop/Best Buy/Toys R Us/Gamecrazy stores, then it makes it a little easier.

It doesn't ALWAYS work out like that, but it CAN help, as can throwing the occasional pre-order for a game to the clerk(s) who let you walk out with even ONE guide, knowing that otherwise you might have walked out with NONE.
I managed a good haul at my BB. I reported some of what I saw over my phone. It didn't look like anything had been pulled.

Lost Odyssey
Too Human
Fable 2 LE x2
Soul Calibur 4 LE
Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion GOTY
Fire Emblem

I left a copy Lost Odyssey and Fable 2 LE for any other FW cags. I saw a lot of the other guides, but I only got what I needed and that stack was getting heavy. I'm really glad my BB doesn't usually pull guides.
My first ever BB guide run was a semi-success. I managed to go there and get 4 guides at first. I saw Mass Effect: LE and asked a random girl to price check it for me. She had no idea what it was when they were all a penny. The problem was that while she was scanning it, the guy from the video game section came over and saw it >_
It would appear that my local BB has caught onto my penny guide shenaniganry - all were pulled, and none were left alive.


/wanted at least an SCIV LE
[quote name='shieryda']Man, I get so frustrated when I hear about managers/cashiers not selling guides to people when the ring up for a penny at the register. "Oh, that's a price mistake" or "We can't sell you this guide."

Maybe it's not a big deal for most people, but I would try to insist that they sell me those guides if they are tagged for a penny, or ring up that way.[/quote]

I called the corp office (last drop to file a complaint about a rude manager) and asked about .01 items and they basically said they only HAVE to sell them at .01 if they are marked .01.

[quote name='Ubiiquitous']It's really shocking to me that there is so much hoarding going on when there are so many CAG's struggling to get guides.

It's like waving a 5-course meal in front of a starving, homeless person and not sharing. I'm surprised posts like that are allowed to stay up on this site. If you are going to grab 70 guides, then you need to offer them to CAGs who couldn't score.

People complain about the stuff in this thread leaking to the "hoarders" at FW and SD, then act exactly like them.[/quote]

Is 70 really a lot though? There were 40 or so guides in the drop, so that would only be 2 of each. If they are like me and use one/ keep one pristine, then that is not a lot. I understand where you are coming from though.
Got most of the ones I wanted from store 1. Store 2 with any luck tonight will be an even better drop. Got extras of the following
Fire Emblem X3
FF Crystal Chronicles
Too Human X3
FFVII Crisis Core
Lost Odyssey
FF Tactics A2 X2
Soul Caliber IV LE
Tales of Vesperia
Wario Land Shake it X2
Sonic Chronicles X2
Brother in Arms X2
Battlefield Bad Company

Will be updating TL tonight
bread's done