Referrals for Game consoles?


11 (100%)
I was wondering what's up with all these Free Game Console things? Are these actually real and have any of you guys recieved these 360s, PS3s, Wiis, DS Lites, etc. And credit card info?

If these are real and require no credit card info, I will be happy to do some referrals for free. If all goes well, I might actually do this too.

i got a free green xbox from a few years back. I did trials like and a couple of others. they did eventually come through and send the green halo edition xbox.

The company I Deal Direct is one of the better companies that actually honor their offers. A lot of the ones are totally bogus. They get you to sign up for things and dont send you the console. The pyramid scheme/conga lines are some of the worst at honoring the deals. But the ones through i deal direct arent the conga lines, they just ask you to sign up for things. Of course, they will ask you for your email addy, phone addy and physical addy and will spam the shit out of you. I would suggest giving your real addy as that is the addy they will send the console to. But use an old phone number and an email you never use as the phone and email addy.

Hope this helps some. I have been screwed a few times, including the freetoysforu site. i got totally hosed there so i would not recommend them at all
This is my first try at the stuff.
Dont know which one is better Points or Referal?
Anyways here my Bar

bread's done