Replay? Or Never Again


I'm someone who almost never replays a game I've completed. But the lure of Borderlands has drawn me back. Exactly one year since I finished the game I'm back, with a new character (Roland instead of Lilith) and once again I am amazed and how good the game looks and just how fun it is!

I'm already at level 7 and I cannot wait to finish work today so I can dive back in.

Do any of you enjoy a game just as much the second time around?
A game like that I have not. Secret of Mana was the last title that captured me for multiple playthroughs (back when I was a little child on SNES).
Most titles, including top rated games, have very little replay value. Unless you are talking multiplayer, the few reasons I would replay a game are: its short enough to play in bursts and have fun; it brings me back to a time in my life the first time I went through it (FF7); there is a reason to go through again (different ending). Once I complete a game that I know I cant replay (time sink, no alternative ending, etc) then I trade if for another game.
I would say the large majority of games I play I beat once and never go through again, but there are some I've kept and gone through multiple times-pretty much any bioware game, the Kingdom Hearts games, the Lunar games. Usually anything with a really fantastic story or good replay value I'll keep around, but that isn't the majority of games.
I never play games again since I have a backlog I haven't touched. I'm a sports gamers though, so I play lots of MLB / NHL / Football games, so I suppose I "replay" those.

I usually trade them away when I am done now. One game I might play again was the first Condemned. I was amazed when I first got my 360, curious if it holds up still :)
I rarely replay games, but I do get sucked into good action games that have frequent check points or saves so I dont have to replay whole sections a lot. Recent games like Dead Space and Uncharted ring a bell.
I don't play through many games more than once, but some that I did are the Devil May Cry games, RE4, Uncharted 1, and I'm sure a few others, but in general nowadays I don't even beat a game for the first time if it has something in it that makes it no longer fun to play.
I was actually thinking about this. My wife mentioned that I should subscribe to Gamefly as I don't really touch my games after beating them(I'm not a trophy hunter). I know when my friends and I were younger we would replay games, but then again we didn't always have money for new ones and back then you really were never in a rush to get a newer game. I played Albert Odyssey like 4 times through because I enjoyed the game that much and loved the characters. Suikoden I and II were played through religiously.

Most games now I rarely replay, Infamous will probably be the only exception as I want to play it as Evil. Also Demon's Soul(so good). Games that "give" you a reason to play are what we need. FPS's have reply due to multiplayer, but most nowadays the incentives aren't quite good.

Also time is a factor, as you get older, your time is more precious and you have less of it to spend on things, so only when you actually really really enjoy something do you play it again or watch it again(movies).
Back when I was a kid, and NES games cost anywhere from $20-$50 bucks, you had to play through multiple times because you didn't access have that many games.

Now, you can pick up games for pocket change. I just got Rachet and Clank:UYA, Call of Duty 3, and SOCOM 2 for $12 bucks shipped for the lot of 3 off ebay. With that quality/price ratio, and the convenience of not having to go to the store, it makes sense to treat games as disposable.
Only games that I have replayed over and over again is Demons Souls & Mass Effect 2.

I played ME2 on launch on the 360 and now I play it on PS3 even more then i did back then.

Its an amazing game.
Only recent thing I can think of replaying is Mafia II and inFamous (Which I'll probably play through again for the platinum at some point).

Did Bad Company 2 on both systems a little while ago as well.
I replay my favorites all the time. Sometimes, I just get in the mood to play an old game and do so. Not only do I get to play a game I know I enjoy, but it also helps me avoid the temptation of buying newer games.
I almost never replay a game fully unless I feel like going back for the difficulty achievements. I will play different parts of the game if I enjoyed it a lot. With such a large backlog though it's hard to go back and replay a game when you have so many more to beat.
I neither have the time nor the inclination to do so anymore, but back in the day it was a way of life. Pretty much replayed all my RPGs and various platforming games. I might consider replaying ME2 soon.
I rarely replay games anymore. The last one I can say I went through multiple times was the original Silent Hill just to see the different endings.

Otherwise the only other titles I would even consider replaying this gen are the Uncharted series games. None of the other ones I've played so far this gen have been that memorable.
I rarely replay games, just because I have so many in the backlog that I want to play. I have cut back significantly on buying games because of this as well.
It's usually "one and done" for me. I can't even think of the last game I went back through and replayed. Hell, I barely play multiplayer longer than a week or so on any given game.

The smart thing to do would be to trade in/sell off my collection (700+ titles), but, the collector within me would never let that happen.
isn't borderlands one of those games that are better the second time around (though in new game+)??? Haven't made it that far in that game but that's what I've heard
[quote name='shadowkast']isn't borderlands one of those games that are better the second time around (though in new game+)??? Haven't made it that far in that game but that's what I've heard[/QUOTE]

Borderlands lets you do a NG+ (called Playthrough 2) with significantly stronger bad guys and much better loot. You have to start it with the character from your first playthrough though.

It's the same game though- they just ramp up the awesome.

The OP was starting a new character from scratch though- so it's still PT1.

(advise to the OP- when I was getting my trophies, I created a new character and dropped them into a split screen mode with with a 2nd controller. I played my original character and fast travelled to a spot i was comfortable with in the game. For me, it was Sledge's Safehouse. I can run through it in about 2 minutes now. It scores your 2nd character a ton of experience without any effort. I got one of my guys to lvl11 by repeating it twice.)
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[quote name='nbballard']Borderlands lets you do a NG+ (called Playthrough 2) with significantly stronger bad guys and much better loot. You have to start it with the character from your first playthrough though.

It's the same game though- they just ramp up the awesome.

The OP was starting a new character from scratch though- so it's still PT1.

[/QUOTE]Yeah I understand. Just wondering why OP started over rather than new game+. Like Nier, it's one of the few games that is better and somewhat different the second time around. I started new game+ on Dante's Inferno to go the 'evil' path in power-ups but in the end I'm playing the Exact same game twice (same reason I couldn't play infamous again)

*Isn't your character like (on average) in the late 20's, character level when you finish play-through 1? You got 30 more levels to go for the cap, IIRC. I know my cousin was on playthrough 3 when he lived with me. *
I don't seem to play games over any more.
At least very few of them.

For instance, on my old 360 I played Lost Odyssey for 30+ hours and got to disk 3.
I ended up losing my save and now I can't even bring myself to play the game again to beat it because of the Save issue. (If you could only download someone else's save to play off of ... but that's a different complaint).

So, now I am missing out on the ending of this game that I felt was truly awesome because I don't want to replay the first 30 or so hours again.

The only games that I remember beating multiple times recently are the God of War series, Borderlands, and Too Human.

Everything else is once and done, and sometimes I don't even finish them.
Kingdom Hearts 2
and Streets of Rage 2
I can't say I've ever completely replayed anything but those, although I do have about a dozen games I've played 1 and a half times... >_>
Usually I just play a game once and never really go back to it after that. Many games I don't even finish. Occasionally there are games that I don't mind replaying though. Some examples:

Uncharted - Twice
Uncharted 2 - Four times
Fallout 3 - Three times
Jak & Daxter - Three times
Jak II - Twice
GTA: SA - Twice
GTA IV - Twice
COD: MW - Twice
Bad Company 1 & 2 - Twice

There are lots of games that I played through 1.5 times as well. Guess I just get bored of doing the same thing over again. I kinda envy people who can play the same game again and again without getting bored. =/
I reaplayed GoW3 this weekend. I did so with cheats activated so I was able to get through it within a day.
I can't fault how OP feels about Borderlands, some games just hook you, and Borderlands has the same effect on me. Playing this currently with the wife (originally system link, but now switched over to split screen so she can tell if I run off looting chests, lol). Will probably play thru entire game and expansions with every character once, and probably thru playthrough 2 with at least a couple of them. But I'm a loot whore, so the treasure chests resetting every time you load the game back up keep me running around the same areas with high level red chests over and over...I need an intervention :)
The last game that was good enough to play multiple times was Demon's Souls, which I beat about 6 times. Besides that, maybe puzzle quest.

It's extremely rare for me to replay games after completing the campaign. FFT was another I can recall off-hand
If only because I never finished them in the first place... there are so many games that I've played halfway through and had to restart its ridiculous. More often than not its due to human error: I got about 3/4s through Final Fantasy VII back when it came out but could never finish it because I ruined the disc. I was playing FFVIII on my computer and lost my save file about halfway through when the computer crashed. I didn't have a memory card in the PS2 when I was playing Bully so I got about 3/4s through until my mom accidentally turned the system off. Shenmue, Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2, LoZ Windwaker, EDF 2017, Chrono Trigger (the DS one) to name a few were all victims of sales, trade-ins, etc. when I would make it about halfway through but figure on a whim I would never want to play them again.... but of course I keep coming back, restarting from scratch.

There are a few games that I play multiple time simply because I enjoy them so much... I've played Arkham Asylum twice now (and I feel compelled to play a third time), I've played San Andreas, GTAIV and the two Liberty City episodes twice, both Modern Warfare games I've played twice, and I've probably put enough hours into Oblivion to have played it about 10 times now. Oh and I've probably played King of the Monsters 2 about 30 times since I was a kid, but that game is only like 15 minutes long anyways. Generally speaking though, there's more games I've played once and tossed aside than games I play multiple times, especially with the lesser emphasis on long campaigns these days.
The first play through in Borderlands I played as Lilith. This time I wanted to play as the soldier rather that do the enhanced round two with Lilith. I like the turret gun!

I restarted Uncharted 2 again, but it's a little difficult to get back into that, as awesome as it is I find it hard to plow through the frustrating bits. The online Co-Op is still active, and still as fun as ever though. I love the new siege maps.

Last night I went up to my game room and fired up Daytona on the Dreamcast. Ah so much fun....
I don't replay games very often. I replayed Killzone 2, a little bit of God of War 3. I play most of borderlands over again, trying to get to level 50.
There's only a small list of games that I've beaten more than once. I go back and play games all the time, but those are ones that I didn't beat to begin with.
Here's my list, off the top of my head (there's probably a few more)
The Legend of Zelda
The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker
Super Mario Bros. 3
Skate 2 (360 & PS3)
Banjo-Kazooie (A few times on N64 and once so far on XBLA)
Banjo-Tooie (" ")
Fable: The Lost Chapters (good and bad)
Front Mission 3, played it twice. Wanted to play both the male and the female story lines. Never has a game kept my attention for that long.
About the only thing I've ever replayed through more than once was wasteland on the pc.

I always re-start the ratchet and clank games once i finish them, but when I see the millions and millions of bolts needed to upgrade the weapons I've already upgraded I give up.
Typically one and done. I imagine a point in my life when I can actually catch up on my backlog.

I do keep a lot of the games I finish. I have a hard time parting with certain Nintendo games (Mario, Metroid, Zelda) and some other franchises (MK, Onimusha, DMC, and more). I realize I should get rid of them, because I'll probably never replay most of them. I move on to the next game when I'm done.

The last game I remember playing through twice was The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay. I started it a third time on the 360 version of Assault on Dark Athena, but realized there wasn't much reason to play through it again.
Only Games I have been able to stand replying recently Was Dragon Age:Origion the one with all the DLC and Demon SOul's but for the most part I play a game and beat it and it will sit there for 2+ years before I just go sell it.
I'm a replayer. I play a lot of games over and over again. Of course I don't buy a lot of games either. Primarily though, I sell/trade off most of games when I move up to the next generation though, keeping my absolute favorites.
bread's done