Reprint of Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow coming?

[quote name='Rozz']It's not rare. Just buy a copy if you want to play it.[/quote]

Its not rare but it is hard to find since Konami only made limited quantities. But Konami always does this with their handheld games.
for anyone thinking about picking this up when it comes out, DO IT. i've been playing it pretty solid for the last 4-5 days, and i can't put it down. it's one of my favorite CVs now, along with Bloodlines and SotN.
Bloodlines is quite pro.

I played SotN recently, and while it was quality, I never "got" what made it so awesome.

Which might, for some of you, shade my buy/pass advice on DoS, but I'll provide it nonetheless. DoS is very much quality, if you're interested in another Castletroid game, you won't be disappointed. It isn't particularly revolutionary though, and you could live without it if the idea of a Castletroid platformer doesn't get ya all hot and bothered.
[quote name='RollingSkull']Bloodlines is quite pro.

I played SotN recently, and while it was quality, I never "got" what made it so awesome.[/quote]
yeah, Bloodlines is my favorite, which is usually heresy amongst the CV fans. SotN i liked because it was the first "big" CV game i'd played, and the graphics were so dang purty. i also liked DraculaX but i never played it all the way thru. i thought HoD was pretty good, but DoS is set to become one of my all-time favorite side-scrollers, ever.
i would probably think dawn of sorrow is the awesomest, if i hadn't already played all of the GBA castlevanias. but since i have played those, dawn of sorrow ended up feeling way too familiar, like a recycling of the GBA games. and i kind of hated the "collect 10 of almost every power-up item" thing... which of course was mostly optional, but still kind of crass of the developer to encourage the player to get into such excessive RPG-like grinding.

oh well. i suppose dawn of sorrow is alright, if you don't fall into the grinding-for-power-ups trap. (hint: you don't even need most of them. just keep upgrading the axe.) i was just hoping for something more unique, rather than a game that looks/sounds/feels almost exactly like the GBA games that i've already played.
[quote name='Shapiro']Best Buy here in CA constantly has them in stock.[/quote]

wow, not around in my area. unless i missed that. LOL :bouncy:
I have been looking for this in washington for like 2 months. The used copies don't even last a day in the EBs, and since EB/GS's online inventory is 24 hours old, even finding a used copy of this has been an exercise in futility.
[quote name='RollingSkull']Bloodlines is quite pro.

I played SotN recently, and while it was quality, I never "got" what made it so awesome.

Which might, for some of you, shade my buy/pass advice on DoS, but I'll provide it nonetheless. DoS is very much quality, if you're interested in another Castletroid game, you won't be disappointed. It isn't particularly revolutionary though, and you could live without it if the idea of a Castletroid platformer doesn't get ya all hot and bothered.[/quote]

The soundtrack for SoTN was awesome. The castle design was among the best, not to mnetion how huge it was. Alos the enemies were great.
[quote name='akilshohen']It's my first castlevania title, the thing that ruins it a bit for me is the seal crap.[/quote]

yeah, i agree. while i think the DS is one of the better systems to come along in a while (handheld or otherwise), it's a shame that developers think they have to put some sort of stylus functionality in their titles. probably the only two downsides i can think of are having to draw the dopey seals (thank goodness you almost never have to do it) and using the stylus to break the ice crystals (or whatever they are). really leaves you feeling out of control for a few seconds. otherwise, a rock-solid platformer, in my opinion. i really enjoy the RPG elements as well; i like the idea of a side-scrolling role-playing game.
[quote name='akilshohen']It's my first castlevania title, the thing that ruins it a bit for me is the seal crap.[/quote]

The upcoming Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin won't have any of the seal gimmicks.
I'm reviving this thread as I believe the reprint is out in many stores now. I was at two Best Buy stores and a Toys'R'Us that each had at least 6+ copies on the shelves. A GameRush I went in even had 2 copies! I'm sure some other places might have it now too. Unfortunately, it was selling for $34.99 at all places, so no drop in the price, but at least now it should be easier to find. By next week it might be everywhere.
[quote name='GunstarRed']I'm reviving this thread as I believe the reprint is out in many stores now. I was at two Best Buy stores and a Toys'R'Us that each had at least 6+ copies on the shelves. A GameRush I went in even had 2 copies! I'm sure some other places might have it now too. Unfortunately, it was selling for $34.99 at all places, so no drop in the price, but at least now it should be easier to find. By next week it might be everywhere.[/QUOTE]

last time i looked, it was in stock at (has been for days)

edit: still is. $29.99 and free shipping and no tax.
Ouch! I bought a new copy from eBay for 39.99 + Shipping thinking that this title was permanently out of print :bomb:. I remember this happening once with Aria of Sorrow. I bought it at a normal price, went on a trip and gave it to a cousin, then when I came back home I couldn't find it anywhere. Why does Konami do this?

I went to Best Buy a month and a half ago and I noticed that they had three copies of Castlevania: DS (this is after I had bought my copy), but when I went online it was shown as "unavailable" for all of the nearby locations, including the one I had just gone to:roll: How reliable is Best Buy's online "store locator" when looking for items to see if they are available?
^^ best way is to talk to their people at the store.
ask them if they can locate the game title or item via their own system.
then they can narrow down if they have it on stock or other locations.
The reprint is out. However this is not a deal so im still curious as to why its in the Deal Forum and not in the DS/GBA like it should be.
Darn, this means it won't be clearanced anytime soon. I've been watching the 6 sealed copies collect dust in the display case at the local Gamerush since the game launched. Eventually I'm gonna grab those babies for cheap trade bait.
The reprinting explains why the Gamestop near my job seems to be sprouting copies. I bought a used copy last Tuesday for $26.99 (after the Gamestop card discount) and was really excited. I went back in there today and they had another used copy on the shelf.
[quote name='grandjedi6']The upcoming Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin won't have any of the seal gimmicks.[/QUOTE]
thanks god....I'll be able to finish this one. I'm towards the end on DoS and I don't know if I will want to go back to fight the boss AND seal him up. That part toally took off points with me.
bread's done