Request: Mother 1+2 Mr. Saturn Bundle


12 (100%)

I'm looking for this japanese art book and mr. saturn plush doll bundle. I'm mostly interested in the mr. saturn (aka dosei) doll, but I cant find him or the bundle anywhere.

I found 2 import sites that sell the bundle, but they are sold out. And Ebay doesnt have squat and I've looked every where else I can think, but havent turned up anything.

So I turn to the oh-so resourceful CAG in hopes they know something I don't.
I'm hoping someone can help me, because my girl would flip if I could surprise her with one, she loves Earthbound.
I would email NCSX and see if they could get you one, or could find one for you.

Edit- did a few seaches and didnt come up with anything, hope someone has some better advice. Good luck.
My boyfriend finally got his... he's been looking for months for it and ended up spending near 60 bucks on an ebay auction. Ebay is your best bet.
bread's done