Reserve Beatles RB and get free songs!


10 (100%)
Just noticed, sry if old.

[quote name='confoosious']And this is why it's pointless to discuss grammar on the interwebs. The people that care about such things and being right will look up the proper use of words. The people that don't... well, they will not be swayed. They're the people who think that the expression is "I could care less."

Look at the above defense for using words incorrectly or using words that don't exist. It's the most retarded logic I've ever heard. If the bar is that other people understand us, REGARDLESS of whether a word is right or wrong, then that's pretty low indeed.

If I were to say that something was uninvisible, the person reading it would understand that I meant visible. But if they had half a brain, they'd also think I was an idiot.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, but it's the most practical bar because in the end we're just trying to convey information. All of these posts will probably get modded (NOT A WORD!) away, but what the hell, some more thoughts:

Grammatical speech is not always (rarely) spoken and I think it adds a good deal of color to language. I can't imagine, say, reading Huckleberry Finn and have it made out all proper like. It wouldn't be accurately conveying what Twain was trying to communicate, nor would it properly preserve the language of that time period. Language is always changing and I think ungrammatical forms are actually fun from an intellectual standpoint. You can use them ironically and such. Other dialect lovers include William Faulkner and the Coen Bros.

But don't take my word for it, visit your local library! Reading Rainbow signing off.
[quote name='confoosious']And this is why it's pointless to discuss grammar on the interwebs. The people that care about such things and being right will look up the proper use of words. The people that don't... well, they will not be swayed. They're the people who think that the expression is "I could care less."[/QUOTE]

Maybe it is time to let it go if it is so pointless.

[quote name='confoosious']
Look at the above defense for using words incorrectly or using words that don't exist. It's the most retarded logic I've ever heard. If the bar is that other people understand us, REGARDLESS of whether a word is right or wrong, then that's pretty low indeed.[/QUOTE]

I don't think it is okay to be offensive as long as you use good grammar.

[quote name='confoosious']
If I were to say that something was uninvisible, the person reading it would understand that I meant visible. But if they had half a brain, they'd also think I was an idiot.[/QUOTE]

I have 2 points here. First, it would've been right to use people and they or person plus he or she but not what you wrote. Someone so addicted to good grammar should've caught that. Second, you do not appear to be an idiot but my opinion of you is not much better after reading your post.
theflicker - I understand that language (especially English) is a fluid mutating thing. I also understand that words that didn't exist or considered to be wrong 200/100/50 years ago are now standard English.

All I'm saying is that there is right and wrong as of RIGHT NOW. And irregardless is wrong. It's not a word that makes any sense. I also understand that colloquialisms add color to the English language. But there's a difference between knowing the correct usage for words and using slang for the fun of it and being ignorant of what is right and wrong. And even worse is to be ignorant and think it's ok because everyone else is ignorant.

Now, "uninvisible" might be something that's accepted 500 years from now (btw, is Idiocracy that far off?) but for right now, it's retarded.

PS - I love using "axe" instead of "ask" simply because it's hilarious.

And that is my final post on the subject. Sorry about hijacking the thread. I'm not sure who started the grammar stuff.. i couldn't resist.
I have to agree that making up words or misusing words until they are shoehorned into a dictionary is lame and weakens the language. If people who don't care about language had their way, we'd all be speaking like hillbillies and books would be far less enjoyable to read.

But I still want these preorder songs, damn it.
So wait, you get these songs if you reserve the game anywhere? I have a Ghostbusters preorder I need to cancel at GS and I know they'll give me less of a hassle if I just move the credit to another preorder.
[quote name='hhhdx4']Well I got mine on amazon for 48, so I could buy the 3 songs and still make out[/QUOTE]

48? How so?
[quote name='Lord_Kefka']Seconded.[/QUOTE]

Don't know if this is exactly how it happened, but I assume the $57 price point on Amazon currently, and it was probably in his Gold Box. Couple that with the ECA 10% ($5.70) discount, and it's pretty close to $48.

With the ECA discount alone you can take it down to $51.30, so pretty feasable that Gold Box would be around a $3 discount.
[quote name='Nirron']Don't know if this is exactly how it happened, but I assume the $57 price point on Amazon currently, and it was probably in his Gold Box. Couple that with the ECA 10% ($5.70) discount, and it's pretty close to $48.

With the ECA discount alone you can take it down to $51.30, so pretty feasable that Gold Box would be around a $3 discount.[/QUOTE]

sorry it was $51 and change, I was thinking of another order I placed. but yes, on sale+ECA
So, what's the ethics of preordering at Gamestop to get the 3 free songs, but returning the game (unopened) a few days later because I intentionally got it cheaper elsewhere. Is it wrong to preorder a game, and return the game but keep the bonus (like the 3 free songs)?
[quote name='donniedroc']So, what's the ethics of preordering at Gamestop to get the 3 free songs, but returning the game (unopened) a few days later because I intentionally got it cheaper elsewhere. Is it wrong to preorder a game, and return the game but keep the bonus (like the 3 free songs)?[/QUOTE]

It's not ethical... were you hoping to be justified in this?

If history serves, the code may be in the game case itself, like was the case with Chronicles of Riddick, but you can roll the dice.
[quote name='zenintrude']It's not ethical... were you hoping to be justified in this?[/QUOTE]
Thanks, I knew you were right, I guess I just needed someone to say it.
Just so everyone knows, I'm pretty sure the 3 songs are of your choice from the DLC, at least thats what I had heard.

Irregardless, I already got mine from amazon for $87 (bundle), so I'm good, lol

EDIT: See what I did there
[quote name='donniedroc']So, what's the ethics of preordering at Gamestop to get the 3 free songs, but returning the game (unopened) a few days later because I intentionally got it cheaper elsewhere. Is it wrong to preorder a game, and return the game but keep the bonus (like the 3 free songs)?[/QUOTE]

May not be ethical, but it can be YMMV on manager's policy. I've been told by some GS that I could pre-order and return for the free item (or just wait until left over stock) and then at others I've been told the gift is required to return.

Either way, I wouldn't do it unless its really worth the time. Just get what you get where you pre-order.
"Store Customers: A rave card containing a code and download instructions will be available at time of game pick-up."

They cant do that, you can return new unopened merchandise 30 days after purchase for whatever reason, the manager cant decide to include the pre order bonus in the return.

Although I would not confront them about it, what I do is I pre-order from one gamestop and return the game to another, but I dont do it often. Alot of the pre-order bonus are not really worth it, like the batman bonus map, I rather get the comic from amazon.
This thread has been an entertaining read. Does it really matter that grammar is used immaculately? I think understanding communication is *far* more important. For example, one of my best friends is Korean who speaks and writes in broken English at times, but that doesn't stop us from understanding each other. It's all about the intended meaning behind the words. Being that picky and, IMO, snobbish about language is kind of lame.

*Cough* I mean... not too bad of a preorder bonus.
[quote name='PrarieD0G']This thread has been an entertaining read. Does it really matter that grammar is used immaculately? I think understanding communication is *far* more important. For example, one of my best friends is Korean who speaks and writes in broken English at times, but that doesn't stop us from understanding each other. It's all about the intended meaning behind the words. Being that picky and, IMO, snobbish about language is kind of lame.

*Cough* I mean... not too bad of a preorder bonus.[/QUOTE]

Don't cough on me! I don't want to catch your tolerance of bad grammar!
PrarieDog, I think your friend has the excuse of not being a native English speaker. When people who should know better (and probably do) mangle the language, it's a different issue.

People who don't mind bad English and GameStop-exclusive preorder bonuses - is there some evil connection?
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Preorder bonuses usually come outside of the gamebox. Honestly, I wouldn't be too worried about ethics here. They're using preorder bonuses to try to get you to commit to buying the game. Buying it from multiple retailers and then returning the most expensive purchases is sort of a gray area, IMO. On the one hand, the game developer gets your money either way, it's whether or not you feel like you're cheating the retailer.

Would I feel bad about taking advantage of GameStop? Not so much considering all the times they've taken advantage of me as a consumer. (selling me used games as unsealed new games, not taking returns, poor exchange policy and sometimes just being treated poorly) It doesn't justify me doing it, but it makes me feel less guilty.
[quote name='rokkon'] Would I feel bad about taking advantage of GameStop? Not so much considering all the times they've taken advantage of me as a consumer. (selling me used games as unsealed new games, not taking returns, poor exchange policy and sometimes just being treated poorly) It doesn't justify me doing it, but it makes me feel less guilty.[/QUOTE]

The other thing about preorders is that Gamestop (or whomever you are preordering it from) is making money on your preorder dollars by investing the money/collecting interest/etc. It is an interesting side topic...because I remember reading on another thread about getting Gears of War 2 for $29.99 by preordering another game and getting $10 off of a game $29.99 or higher. They talked about getting their discount on GoW2, then returning the pre-order 7 days after the game came out. Is there a difference? The didn't get some exclusive 'bonus' for the preordered game, but they are working the system.

It seems that it is more of a gray area than say, return fraud. How much of a difference it is if I get the game (with bonus), play it, then trade it in (and keep the bonus)? I personally don't see a lot.
[quote name='eastx']PrarieDog, I think your friend has the excuse of not being a native English speaker. When people who should know better (and probably do) mangle the language, it's a different issue.

People who don't mind bad English and GameStop-exclusive preorder bonuses - is there some evil connection?[/QUOTE]

Dude, I can't stand GameStop. Really not a fan of some of their business practices, as well as their (oftentimes) awful employees. Don't lump me in with that group, haha. =P
In regards to grammar, a lot of people who speak English are just ignorant. They can't help it. (Well, I guess they could learn if they wanted to. But let's face it, learning to speak without any grammatical errors is not high on most people's priority lists). No use in getting all worked up because they're not using the language perfectly, haha. IMO, anyway. Personally, I talk almost nothing like I write, including here on forums and such. I'm sure my speech if full of grammatical errors, just because I'd rather talk in a way that's more comfortable to me.

I'm just saying, at least they're giving you something for your preorder this time. It could be worse, like a stupid costume pack or something.

I have no intention of preordering this, or any other game for that matter. I just don't do pre-orders, unless the "bonus" is too good to pass up. Very rarely does something like that happen.
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[quote name='rokkon']Preorder bonuses usually come outside of the gamebox.[/QUOTE]

When was the last time you pre-ordered a game? As it has already been mentioned, Chronicles of Riddick had the bonus inside the case, and so did UFC 2009: Undisputed. Lately, what has been happening is Gamestop has been pushing to get "exclusive" versions of these games, meaning they get to throw a card for their pre-order bonus on the inside, and a "Gamestop Exclusive" sticker on the outside. Trying to return a game without those identifiable features is definitely risky, and you'd probably just have to get a lazy/dumb employee to pull it off.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']When was the last time you pre-ordered a game? As it has already been mentioned, Chronicles of Riddick had the bonus inside the case, and so did UFC 2009: Undisputed. Lately, what has been happening is Gamestop has been pushing to get "exclusive" versions of these games, meaning they get to throw a card for their pre-order bonus on the inside, and a "Gamestop Exclusive" sticker on the outside. Trying to return a game without those identifiable features is definitely risky, and you'd probably just have to get a lazy/dumb employee to pull it off.[/QUOTE]

The new Batman game will apparently be like this as well.
A) The 3 free songs are to download from the album releases. IE Abbey Road since that's the first.
B) It has been confirmed that you CAN play through the entire Abbey Road medley consecutively; in fact you can play through the entire album in this way to go all the way through.
C) I apologize for actually posting relevant information to the thread rather than getting off on tangents like everyone else enjoys doing so much.
bread's done