Resident Evil 2 & 3 - PSN or Gamecube?


Been wanting to (attempt) to play these for a while after beating RE4 and RE5. They're about $6 each on the PSN store, which is much cheaper than the used gamecube versions at gamestop. I know the gamecube versions are just ports, but are the graphics any better? Is it worth it? From the screenshots I've seen, the graphics are nowhere near the same quality as gamecube's REmake and RE0.
No the GC RE2 and RE3 are just direct ports. The FMV's have been cleaned up a little bit but otherwise it isn't worth paying more when you can get it on PSN for $6 each.
[quote name='Hell Monkey']No the GC RE2 and RE3 are just direct ports. The FMV's have been cleaned up a little bit but otherwise it isn't worth paying more when you can get it on PSN for $6 each.[/QUOTE]

They're enhanced ports of the Dreamcast version as far as I can understand, not the PSone version. Which means they have enhanced graphics and features.

EDIT: I'm wrong, here are the details:
Per wiki:
The GameCube version, released in 2003, is identical to the PlayStation's DualShock Version in terms of content, featuring only a minimal set of improvements such a higher frame rate for the game's FMV sequences.

The Nintendo GameCube version is a direct port of the PlayStation version with no added features other than an increased frame rate for FMV scenes and smoother-looking character models.

ROFLS they seriously aren't even ports of the Dreamcast versions? What a joke. Definitely just get them on PSN then if those are your two options.
GCN versions are certainly better. They run at higher resolution, FMVs look cleaner too and run at 60 fps, and the controller is arguably better too.

You can get the GCN games brand new at Amazon for $20 each, cheaper than GameStop's inflated used prices.
Oh, and it's undeniably better to have a physical disc-based copy of the game instead of a digital distribution copy (might disappear someday)
Physical format FTW, if you can find them that is. I got lucky and I found RE, RE2 and RE3 from a Salvation Army around here. The discs aren't in 'collector' quality condition and I think the one manual is missing and the other one that has one has rusted staples in it, but for what I paid they were well worth it.;)
Just buy them on the PSN. You get the exact same game and you can use the ps3 controller instead of needing a gamecube controller. Plus your loading time will be almost zero since its running off the hard drive instead of a disc. They will be a lot cheaper on psn as well as buying the games.

2 and 3 also are NOT graphically enchanced on the gamecube. They have the exact same graphics as the original ps1 version. I know because I own the GC versions and played them on my friends ps3 who owns the digital ones and has the exact same tv as me and they look the same. The only version of RE2 that had any graphical improvement was oddly enough the nintendo 64 version, character models were a little smoother and not quite so blocky.

And dont worry about it dissapearing as some mentioned. This is sony, this isnt some cheap online distributor. Sony wont be going anywhere anytime soon.
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Both games are a steal at $6 if I had a ps3 I would sell off my physical playstation versions and download them less clutter, discs get scratched skip, ps3 wireless controller I did not know the games are available for download on ps3 both games $6 each makes the wii vc $8 genesis and snes games look like a rip off.
Don't forget OP, that if you buy them on PSN and have a PSP, you can play them on the go. That trumps any gamecube version IMO.
[quote name='gargus']And dont worry about it dissapearing as some mentioned. This is sony, this isnt some cheap online distributor. Sony wont be going anywhere anytime soon.[/QUOTE]

Yes, but nothing is stopping Sony from pulling these from the market at any time they please.
[quote name='CGH']Both games are a steal at $6 if I had a ps3 I would sell off my physical playstation versions and download them less clutter, discs get scratched skip, ps3 wireless controller I did not know the games are available for download on ps3 both games $6 each makes the wii vc $8 genesis and snes games look like a rip off.[/QUOTE]
Some of us know how to keep our discs from getting scratched.:razz: Although when you buy them used then it's a crap shoot(since I think all of the PS1 RE games I have are scratched up:whistle2:#).

As for saving space, many of us would rather have the physical format version of a game, so if we get bored/annoyed with it we can sell it and use that money/credit towards something we want. With a digital download you're SOL.

Also, who's paying $8 for Genesis and SNES games? Unless you're still talking about digital downloads, which would truly be a ripoff at that price, considering you can go to flea markets and yard sales and find those games in a physical format for under that price usually.:roll:
[quote name='gargus']Just buy them on the PSN. You get the exact same game and you can use the ps3 controller instead of needing a gamecube controller. Plus your loading time will be almost zero since its running off the hard drive instead of a disc. They will be a lot cheaper on psn as well as buying the games.

2 and 3 also are NOT graphically enchanced on the gamecube. They have the exact same graphics as the original ps1 version. I know because I own the GC versions and played them on my friends ps3 who owns the digital ones and has the exact same tv as me and they look the same. The only version of RE2 that had any graphical improvement was oddly enough the nintendo 64 version, character models were a little smoother and not quite so blocky.

And dont worry about it dissapearing as some mentioned. This is sony, this isnt some cheap online distributor. Sony wont be going anywhere anytime soon.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='mtxbass1']Don't forget OP, that if you buy them on PSN and have a PSP, you can play them on the go. That trumps any gamecube version IMO.[/QUOTE]

IATCG normally I agree with your stance, but in this case the digital version is actually superior. Your other option if you have a mom and pop gaming store nearby is to see if they have the PS1 discs for RE 2 and RE 3, which will play on your PS3 as well.
Thanks for the input guys. I think I'll go ahead and just grab them off of PSN. I only really concern myself about physical copies when it comes to games I intend to keep or resale value.

[quote name='mtxbass1']Don't forget OP, that if you buy them on PSN and have a PSP, you can play them on the go. That trumps any gamecube version IMO.[/QUOTE]

Didn't think about that - this definitely closes the deal for me. Thanks.
I agree but in this case the ps3 controller layout is almost just like like the original playstation dual shock controller minus the wire and the games can be played on a hdtv I looked around the net final fantasy VII, final fantasy IX, final fantasy tactics, metal gear solid, castlevania sotn, dino crisis are on psn if the ps3 had more original games I wanted to play I would run out and get a ps3 today I want

[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Some of us know how to keep our discs from getting scratched.:razz: Although when you buy them used then it's a crap shoot(since I think all of the PS1 RE games I have are scratched up:whistle2:#).

As for saving space, many of us would rather have the physical format version of a game, so if we get bored/annoyed with it we can sell it and use that money/credit towards something we want. With a digital download you're SOL.

Also, who's paying $8 for Genesis and SNES games? Unless you're still talking about digital downloads, which would truly be a ripoff at that price, considering you can go to flea markets and yard sales and find those games in a physical format for under that price usually.:roll:[/QUOTE]
The gamecube versions will look like arse on an lcd/plasma. At least the PS3 upscales them.

And for $6, who the hell cares if it disappears? Do you really see yourself craving an RE1 playthrough in 20 years? Besides, these games are Capcom's most famous games, they're not going to let them disappear completely.
A few months ago I made the mistake of buying RE2 for the PS3. It looks horrible on HDTV, it was so bad I had to turn it off after about five minutes of playing.

I then pulled out my copy for the Gamecube which I still have hooked up to an SDTV. I wanted to do a comparison because even though I knew the HDTV may have played a role in how disappointing RE2 looked on the PS3, I didn't remember the graphics looking so bad to the point that Leon looked like a garbled mess. On my Gamecube connected to an SDTV, RE2 looked fantastic. Huge improvement. The Gamecube version seems to have some anti-aliasing that is missing from the PS3 version and better color. I would get RE2 for the Gamecube if you still have it hooked up to an SDTV.
[quote name='boylover']GCN versions are certainly better. They run at higher resolution, FMVs look cleaner too and run at 60 fps, and the controller is arguably better too.[/QUOTE]

lol wut?
The Dreamcast version of RE2 had improved graphics...

Get the Gamecube versions however (really the Dreamcast versions...), because RE3 on the PSN is buggy as heck. If you're not careful where you save, you get a black screen at certain points. It basically locks up. Not cool.
[quote name='sdragon']The Dreamcast version of RE2 had improved graphics...

Get the Gamecube versions however (really the Dreamcast versions...), because RE3 on the PSN is buggy as heck. If you're not careful where you save, you get a black screen at certain points. It basically locks up. Not cool.[/QUOTE]

Dreamcast versions ftw. But most people don't have a Dreamcast and it's certainly harder to find the games for DC than it is to simply download them off PSN.
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