Resident Evil 2 (Gamecube)


I know I will have some trouble with this game, but I thought why the hell not ask anyway! I almost have (as of this week) all the RE titles for the Gamecube. I am looking to get RE2 to complete my collection. If anyone could help me out.. I don't care if it is used or new (as long as it works).. I really don't want to pay over $35 for it. I know people are asking way too much on Ebay...$90 to $100 for a game in insane! Any help would be cool. Thanks! :)
people aren't really asking too much on ebay, buyers are bidding too much. I just sold all 3 ports for $285. I started the auction at .99. I think you may have to either wait until the hype dies down from RE4 or bite the bullet and pay ebay prices or hunt down a copy at Gamestop (they sell them for $29.99 used I believe)
Pray? Best hope is to get lucky at a small game shop or a major retail store that isn't famous for selling videogames. My Compusa had a few of them a month ago.
That is true about the buyers man.. I am like.. are you people insane!!?? haha! A few times I saw this game and really wanted to pick it up.. but did not have the funds to get it. Plus my wife would kill me! I could kick myself now! I have been checking EB and and my local shops. I guess I will just have to get some luck then!
Game Crazy also sells it in the $25-$30 range. I saw a complete copy there several weeks ago, but it wasn't in the greatest shape, so I passed. And I'll second mernst23 about CompUSA. I got a copy there a little while back for $28. Actually, I got it for less thanks to some luck/shmoozing (neither of which usually works for me), I think I paid $20. I sold it on, apparently for a lot less than I should have, #-o
I'd keep checking ebay. Last night, someone put up a Buy it Now for a used RE2 with a marker mark on the disc for $39.99. It was gone in roughly 3 minutes, but you may luck out and snag one, just check the newly listed items like every hour if you can.
Sweet.. thanks for the info guys. I don't have a CompUSA nearby but I do have a OfficeMax and Office Depot. You think they sell videogames?? I never really looked for games there before..its always supplys and whatnot. I have activly been trying to check EB online for one.. I guess I will try Ebay now as well!
If I wasn't a married man.. I would be driving all around my town and nearby towns! As of now, she doesn't understand my need to complete my RE collection.
They (capcom) stopped production of RE2 and 3..not sure about Code Verionica X... I don't even think they produced a whole lot of them to begin with. I never really noticed them around town when they came out.
[quote name='Sancho1978']If I wasn't a married man.. I would be driving all around my town and nearby towns! As of now, she doesn't understand my need to complete my RE collection.[/quote]

You could save a lot of time by just going to the RE2 item page on and clicking on "check store availability." You can find out what the closest store is that has it.
Just wait it out ... they might not drop below $60 for a new and sealed one, but it will happen no doubt. Also, rumor or not Capcom is King of Reprints, and they may just make another run of these like they have many other games.
[quote name='Sancho1978']They (capcom) stopped production of RE2 and 3..not sure about Code Verionica X... I don't even think they produced a whole lot of them to begin with. I never really noticed them around town when they came out.[/quote]

Thanks for the info!
No prob.. I may just have to stick it out and wait for the hype to go down. I visited a few places in town tonight.. no luck :( I am going to try some pawn shops tomorrow..
I don't blame you dude.. It is so hard to believe the hype surrouding these games all the sudden! I saw some dude on there (ebay) a few days ago had the buy me now price of $199! ha!
Don't know Japanese so outta luck there! I almost considered getting the European version of the game on ebay.. seems to be going cheaper.. but I don't really care for the, would it even work on my (US) cube??
I was lucky enough to get CVX at my local Gamestop when I went to pick up my copy of RE4! I wouldn't doubt someone would take you up on your offer to trade.. The way these auctions are going.. it's in high demand right now!
CompUSA is probably your best bet. About a month ago I picked up a new copy of RE2 for $20 after main in rebate.
Well, I called almost every pawn shop in town and even some blockbusters.. no luck. I even went to Pensacola today which is about an hour away from where I live.. no dice there. Looks like it's going to be a wait and see kind of thing. I have no CompUSA nearby. The closest one is in Tallahassee.. No way my wife will let me drive all the way over there to get a game! ha.
RE in Tallahassee CompUSA? Don't think there's one there but could be wrong. It's close to me but you can have it, if it's there, since I don't feel like going there.
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