Resistance 2 - Out Now - Get your co-op on!

[quote name='js1']Mana, WHY do you feel like you have to stick up for SONY? I'm not trying to be a jerk or anything, but you ALWAYS defend sony, no matter what. I don't really under stand it. What is the point behind it? All I have been doing is just stating the obvious about the network issues.

Socom has fixed some of the network issues. I don't have a lot of issues with socom's servers. My beef with the games was mainly the fact that the game was simply broken at the time of release and Smiggity is right about the fact that half of the features for the game(in the manual) are NOWHERE to be found and I doubt that they will ever be all added into the game.

Sony has improved the network, but it seems for everything they add or change it fucks up something that was working. But since it is free, I can deal with it because I love playing the games on the system.[/QUOTE]There's a long explanation I'll tell you elsewhere sometime, maybe via PSN or PM. But lets drop the subject.

Anyway, while playing co-op, I've mostly been concentrating on the medic, but I'll probably start playing as other classes a little so I at least improve with them.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']Has anybody else reached lieutenant? I just did, but the trophy didn't unlock. Do you need all three stars?[/QUOTE]I'm wonder when it comes also. I'll look into it at the PS3 Trophy sites to see if others had issues.
[quote name='The Mana Knight']There's a long explanation I'll tell you elsewhere sometime, maybe via PSN or PM. But lets drop the subject.[/QUOTE]

Ok, no problem;).
[quote name='The Mana Knight']I'm wonder when it comes also. I'll look into it at the PS3 Trophy sites to see if others had issues.[/quote]

Cool. I'd appreciate any info you dig up. I just did a quick Google search, but everything was either just a trophy list or people asking what level Lt. was.
I just beat the game.
Man that last boss was weak! Way too easy! And what's up with the planet? Did they fuck up the whole Earth?
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']I really, really, really, really hope they have co-op add-ons and a lot of them. They will drain my pockets if they do. I am completely addicted to this crap. I have already maxed out the soldier class, but I keep playing as one. Wraith shield, plus the backlash berserk, is a lot of fun when you just run right up to a group of hybrids. Also, it's a blast firing rockets into a group of enemies.[/QUOTE]

add ons + trophies.. pretty please
Someone tell me how close I am to the end. I really want to beat this, but at the same time I need to get back to Valkyria :lol:

I'm at
the part right after Nathan gets stabbed by Daedalus and is told he has 3 hours left by that old guy
[quote name='whoknows']Someone tell me how close I am to the end. I really want to beat this, but at the same time I need to get back to Valkyria :lol:

I'm at
the part right after Nathan gets stabbed by Daedalus and is told he has 3 hours left by that old guy
[/QUOTE]I'm trying to remember, I believe around 1-2 hours left.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']Has anybody else reached lieutenant? I just did, but the trophy didn't unlock. Do you need all three stars?[/quote]

No idea.. im at level 27 I havent been playing much

[quote name='whoknows']Someone tell me how close I am to the end. I really want to beat this, but at the same time I need to get back to Valkyria :lol:

I'm at
the part right after Nathan gets stabbed by Daedalus and is told he has 3 hours left by that old guy

You are on the final level.. but its a short one.
[quote name='Blackout']I just beat the game.
Man that last boss was weak! Way too easy! And what's up with the planet? Did they fuck up the whole Earth?

Good question. At first, I just assumed it was the debris from the Chimeran fleet. Then, I re-watched the cutscene and realized that Cappelli was confused by what he was seeing. At this point, I am going to assume that Chimera were able to construct and active the Prometheus Weapon.
[quote name='Ice2Dragon']You are on the final level.. but its a short one.[/quote]
Isn't that the second to last level and it's fairly long?
He leaves for Lousiana and fights his way to the Chimeran ship. Then they actually get on the Chimeran ship to blow it up and take out Daedalus as the very last level.
Indeed. That's not the last level.

I don't know about anybody else, but I am really hoping to see the Cloven in the next game (R3, obviously, not Retribution). Maybe, even get a chance to play as one.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']
Good question. At first, I just assumed it was the debris from the Chimeran fleet. Then, I re-watched the cutscene and realized that Cappelli was confused by what he was seeing. At this point, I am going to assume that Chimera were able to construct and active the Prometheus Weapon.

It looked like there was 2-3 planets in the sky. Did anyone notice that?
[quote name='Blackout']
It looked like there was 2-3 planets in the sky. Did anyone notice that?

Indeed. Meant to mention that. Could is possibly be releated to the species that originally defeated the Chimera? Or something to do with where the Chimera come from and/or went to after they were originally defeated?
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Isn't that the second to last level and it's fairly long?
He leaves for Lousiana and fights his way to the Chimeran ship. Then they actually get on the Chimeran ship to blow it up and take out Daedalus as the very last level.

Lou. is the START of the last level, as the intel is found on the rooftop, the final one, for mission seven. It is the last level, theres two parts to it.
[quote name='Ice2Dragon']Lou. is the START of the last level, as the intel is found on the rooftop, the final one, for mission seven. It is the last level, theres two parts to it.[/quote]

According to the level select menu, they are two separate levels.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']According to the level select menu, they are two separate levels.[/quote]

yes, but its "mission 7", which has the last intel on the roof.
[quote name='Inf^Shini']It was fun playing dragon, sarcasm can be fun sometimes ;)[/quote]

Yes, yes it can. Ive done it a million times, I know what Im doing.
[quote name='Ice2Dragon']yes, but its "mission 7", which has the last intel on the roof.[/quote]

Now, you're simply trying to have a semantics argument. They are two separate levels. The developers of the game have them listed as two separate levels.
Before anyone reads my post, please let me apologize. I've tried so hard not to go ape-shit on this game, but I just can't hold it in anymore. I'm like Roger the Alien. If I keep my bitchiness inside, I will slowly shrivel up and die.

Why is it that I've only found ONE reviewer in the entire world (, and one other gamer (some guy in this thread who asked if the visuals had improved since beta), that doesn't think this game's visuals shit butterflies? So let's just be clear:

RESISTANCE 2 LOOKS LIKE SHIT. If you think otherwise, you're either a) a better person than I am who can look past things like this to the soft chewy center of gaming bliss, b) you haven't played anything like Gears 2 or Fallout 3, or c) you're a fanboy asshat.

Every website on the face of the earth praises this game for looking incredible, merely mentioning "small graphical glitches which are forgivable due to the scale of the game." I'm glad to see GiantBomb hasn't been spewing any of this fanboy tripe (which is the ONLY reason I can think of, as the same site that the above (paraphrased) quote is from gave The Last Guy a 9 out of 10), but, what's the deal? I feel like God of War with the soft shadowing, "Here let me put some Vasoline on your TV" bullshit is going on all over again.

Why aren't there more gamers and journalists that can clearly see that Resistance 2's visuals (and gameplay, but that's a whole different beast) are simply not close to the quality that Fallout 3 and especially Gears of War 2 have to offer? Gears of War 2! Oh my god, people. Some of the scenes in the Hollow literally look like they were torn off the canvas of an Epic Games concept artist and tapped with a magical wand that turns paintings into 3D representations.

Even Resistance 1 looks better than this! Playing that game for 30 minutes doesn't put the health of my eyesight into question. My dog chewed up my digital camera's USB cable so I can't post any poorly framed, out of focus "screenshots" for you to see what I see.

It makes me so angry. Can you tell?
I actually completely disagree with you. What might have made the first Resistance impressive was the world looking very smooth, but if you took a look at enemy graphics and so on in the last game, they were not very impressive and had a very low polygon count (also didn't use many textures). Also, to get MANY players on screen at once with no slowdown, you can't easily make everything the most detailed. What helps games like Gears, Fallout 3, and many others look great is fewer enemies on screen at once, which allows for better detail.

I wouldn't say the graphics are jaw dropping, because they are not, but they have a pretty nice look, especially when on spaceships. If you look at the water, the forests, and many other things you walk through, it looks pretty great. Chicago looks great and there are a few bosses (I don't want to spoil anything for anyone) who definitely look great too. The gore the enemies show when they take bullets actually looks good this time (It was near non-existent before). Personally, I think the look is fine because they get the job done, and it still looks like what at least most PS3 games should be able to achieve.

The first Resistance looking better than the 2nd......yeah right. The first Resistance was very bland looking and didn't have much too it. Could R2 have better graphics? Most likely yes, but it would have required Insomniac to start all over with the graphics engine from scratch. Developing a new graphic engine can take around a year, so R2 would have been pushed to 2009 (and then their next game, R&C for 2009 would have been pushed back further, since Insomniac isn't big enough yet to release two big retail games in one year). Since Sony/Insomniac wants to pump out at least one game a year, not really feasible (Sony just wants to do whatever it takes to improve the PS3 exclusive library).
[quote name='The Mana Knight']If anything, they just can't afford it right now (which is one reason they aren't dropping the PS3 price).

Cant afford it right now? Do you have any idea how large of a corporation SCEA is? They can easily "afford" to hire better people or whatever they have to do. Regardless if they have lost money on the PS3, sub par services will not help them get back in the black.

The truth is, Seth Luisi doesn't have all the control over server issues, it's up to SCEA. You do know who Seth Luisi is right? The Director of Development at SCEA I read somewhere from Dylan Jobe (the Warhawk creator) that it's up to SCEA because they have the control. See above There are only certain things the devs can do, but the majority is under SCEA's control. If you want to put the blame on anyway, put it on one of their network guys. And from what I heard, most SOCOM issues are fixed anyway (from people who played them, only around release it was painfully bad), so you are only missing out anyway. I think you should stop pretending like you know about the game since you have NEVER played it. You have no idea what the problems are. ;) You could never join a game in progress in CoD4 (from your friends list) unless it was private, and I don't see you complaining about it.
[quote name='deadgopher']Before anyone reads my post, please let me apologize. I've tried so hard not to go ape-shit on this game, but I just can't hold it in anymore. I'm like Roger the Alien. If I keep my bitchiness inside, I will slowly shrivel up and die.

Why is it that I've only found ONE reviewer in the entire world (, and one other gamer (some guy in this thread who asked if the visuals had improved since beta), that doesn't think this game's visuals shit butterflies? So let's just be clear:

RESISTANCE 2 LOOKS LIKE SHIT. If you think otherwise, you're either a) a better person than I am who can look past things like this to the soft chewy center of gaming bliss, b) you haven't played anything like Gears 2 or Fallout 3, or c) you're a fanboy asshat.

Every website on the face of the earth praises this game for looking incredible, merely mentioning "small graphical glitches which are forgivable due to the scale of the game." I'm glad to see GiantBomb hasn't been spewing any of this fanboy tripe (which is the ONLY reason I can think of, as the same site that the above (paraphrased) quote is from gave The Last Guy a 9 out of 10), but, what's the deal? I feel like God of War with the soft shadowing, "Here let me put some Vasoline on your TV" bullshit is going on all over again.

Why aren't there more gamers and journalists that can clearly see that Resistance 2's visuals (and gameplay, but that's a whole different beast) are simply not close to the quality that Fallout 3 and especially Gears of War 2 have to offer? Gears of War 2! Oh my god, people. Some of the scenes in the Hollow literally look like they were torn off the canvas of an Epic Games concept artist and tapped with a magical wand that turns paintings into 3D representations.

Even Resistance 1 looks better than this! Playing that game for 30 minutes doesn't put the health of my eyesight into question. My dog chewed up my digital camera's USB cable so I can't post any poorly framed, out of focus "screenshots" for you to see what I see.

It makes me so angry. Can you tell?[/quote]

So the only way you can be into Resistance 2 is if you're a fanboy? I can't just like the game? Resistance 1 did not look better than this. You must be color blind. It felt like Resistance one had like 3 colors in the entire game. Resistance 2 is pretty damn colorful and looks great. The gameplay is fun. Have you played the Chicago level? That shit was crazy. I haven't played Gears 2 yet, and I bet it does look damn good, but cmon man. Resistance 2 is not that bad.

Maybe I got it all wrong, I dunno. I thought the game was amazing and lots of fun. Everything looked really good to me. But then again, I do bust one off every night before I go to bed at the thought of R2 and the PS3 because I'm a huge fanboy, so maybe I'm being biased. :D
You hit the nail on the head, Blackout. Resistance was able to hide many of its graphical flaws by going with dull environments. Don't get me wrong...they worked. You were suppose to basically get the feeling of fighting aliens in a WWII-era environment, and it worked. But it doesn't change the fact that the game was full of grays, browns, and blacks.

For some reason, when certain people have an opinion, they refuse to just think of it as their opinion. They want it recognized as fact. There is a reason why gamers and journalists don't think the visuals in R2 stink. It's because they don't.
[quote name='Blackout']So the only way you can be into Resistance 2 is if you're a fanboy? I can't just like the game? Resistance 1 did not look better than this. You must be color blind. It felt like Resistance one had like 3 colors in the entire game. Resistance 2 is pretty damn colorful and looks great. The gameplay is fun. Have you played the Chicago level? That shit was crazy. I haven't played Gears 2 yet, and I bet it does look damn good, but cmon man. Resistance 2 is not that bad.

Maybe I got it all wrong, I dunno. I thought the game was amazing and lots of fun. Everything looked really good to me. But then again, I do bust one off every night before I go to bed at the thought of R2 and the PS3 because I'm a huge fanboy, so maybe I'm being biased. :D[/QUOTE]This.

Chicago looks really darn good and I definitely like the look of R2 better. Like I said, it may not be the most impressive looking game ever, but it looks fine. And yeah, while the first looked very smooth, that was its strong point hiding other graphical problems (which were lack of colors and other things).
R1 had a more intense last boss fight/scene. R2's was just weak. But other than that it seemed like R2 improved off everything from R1.
[quote name='Blackout']R1 had a more intense last boss fight/scene. R2's was just weak. But other than that it seemed like R2 improved off everything from R1.[/QUOTE]Yeah, I wish there was more to the last boss, but some bosses in R2 were really cool.
[quote name='The Mana Knight']Yeah, I wish there was more to the last boss, but some bosses in R2 were really cool.[/quote]

Yeah true. But with the last boss they should have went out with a bang, not a wimper. They could have done more with it, but that's cool. The Chicago level (at least for me) more than made up for it.
[quote name='The Mana Knight']Yeah, I wish there was more to the last boss, but some bosses in R2 were really cool.[/quote]

Its better the way they did it in 2 than in 1.. 1 was damn near impossible on superhuman, whereas 2 is much more passable and enjoyable.
I've played about an hour of single player and it's pretty good - nothing ground-breaking. The graphics aren't that bad I don't think. It is a bit dark for me though but I am playing on a 720p dlp front projector. Seems darker than I remember R1 being. Played a few multiplayer co-op games as medic. It's ok - I think I prefer medic in TF 2 though ;)
I don't know why there seems to be so much bitching about every little detail of this game. All I know is I'm gonna enjoy it like I did the first one, and that's all that matters to me.

People who are currently playing Resistance 2 may have noticed some odd ends with the game here and there. There are some issues with online stats, with the split-screen's 4:3 ratio, and there are even some people complaining about player 2's stats in split-screen not saving. Insomniac knows of these concerns and has addressed these problems and more via the official MyResistance forums.

They've compiled a list of known issues and misconceptions pertaining to R2 to clarify on what's being fixed and what's intentionally in there.


  • The text describing the "Snake Eyes" berserk for the Spec Ops class in cooperative mode incorrectly states that you will receive two shots; it is intentional that you only get one shot. In Competitive mode, however, you will receive two shots when using the "Snake Eyes" berserk.
  • The game manual says that there is a one-hit kill game mode, but there is not an option for this in the game. There is intentionally no one-hit kill option, the manual is a misprint.
Known issues that will be fixed:

  • There are some instances where the rumble feature cuts out. We're looking into this issue.
  • There have been several reports of users not receiving sound while using an optical output cable; we're not sure why this is happening. If this is happening to you, please double check your settings. Some people have reported that simply switching the in-game sound options to stereo and then switching it back to surround will fix the issue.
  • Selecting a player's name from the Leaderboards will result in a pop up that says "Account does not exist". We're working on this issue currently.
  • There are some issues with stats "disappearing" and "reappearing". There is an issue with offline and online stats syncing and merging.
  • Split-screen players have a lot of difficulty joining games successfully and staying in games. We're working on this issue currently.


  • Some people are reporting connection problems. The game is working; we would post an update otherwise. This seems be a client side connection issue, so please try running through some of the connection guides around here to try and solve the problem.

  • There have been reports of corrupted save data files. If you see the SRPA star logo blinking/flashing/lighting up anywhere on your screen, please try to wait for it to completely go away.
  • Occasionally if you enter the XMB it will lock up and you will have to reset the PS3 manually. Be sure to use the in-game options to accept party invites, accept clan invites, and to send friend invites. This should minimize time needed on the XMB to messaging and accepting friend invites.

Intentional and will not be altered:

  • In split-screen mode there are "black bars" on the side of the screen and the game appears in a 4:3 aspect ratio. This is not a bug, this is intentional and was done for various reasons. Be sure to be mindful of burn-in possibilities.
  • In campaign mode, the screen tint option gets stuck on your choice and you can't switch it back to normal mode. If you select normal and then die, the tinting will be reset.
  • Currently the only way to join private games is to be a part of the host's party.
  • Player 2 stats in split-screen mode are not saved.
  • There is no round balancing between rounds.
  • There is no in-game reporting for abuse. Please report offending players using the following link:
  • User's can't use another person's save game file. This is not a bug, this is intentional.
  • Campaign mode does not have a split-screen mode. This is intentional, the campaign was designed around single player experience. It simply would not work with two players, and there are no plans to add this in the future.
Oh yeah, there's a thread at MyResistance abo

Also, I just realized the ports I opened on my router were right, but I accidentally used the wrong static IP. I ended up opening the ports for SCEA game servers, and R2 loaded right up, but I haven't verified this test over time.

PS3 Fanboy posted a thing about the issues and misconceptions:

EDIT: Frisky beat me to it.
I was wondering about the Snake Eyes berserk and the tinting options getting stuck, at least there's an answer! Hopefully it gets fixed quickly :D
[quote name='Ice2Dragon']Cuz that would be smart. Duh.[/quote]

I really don't get it. I'm pretty sure R1 balanced unless you were in a party.
[quote name='primetime']I really don't get it. I'm pretty sure R1 balanced unless you were in a party.[/quote]

Yeah, I dont either.

The online competitive is screwed up anyway.

It takes an hour to find a game, most of the time it says "NO GAME FOUND" even though there are hundreds of games going on..

Way to check out this stuff insomniac.
It seriously takes you an hour for matchmaking to get you into a game? Something must be wrong on your end since it takes maybe 10 seconds or so at most here.
I most certainly have issues getting into games, too. It usually takes me a few tries, but it finally kicks in.

EDIT: Oh, and I feel it's a bullshit that they are saying there are not connection issues. I have my home network set up to work very well with my gaming systems, and I never, ever have any issues. But I get disconnected from competitive matches constantly, almost always between rounds.
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  • Some people are reporting connection problems. The game is working; we would post an update otherwise. This seems be a client side connection issue, so please try running through some of the connection guides around here to try and solve the problem
Ok well Insomanic can suck one then. I've heard this excuse when playing RSV2 and Unreal Tournament 3 and guess what? Those assholes actually had to patch the game. It wasn't a "client side connection issue". Why don't these guys just accept there are problems going on and get a patch out? Stop making excuses and fix the problem.
Yea, those network problems can't be a client side issue since a lot of people are having this problem, as well as me.

Besides that, the game froze for me like 3 times already tonight just working the party menu and searching for/creating games.
[quote name='Inf^Shini']Yea, those network problems can't be a client side issue since a lot of people are having this problem, as well as me.

Besides that, the game froze for me like 3 times already tonight just working the party menu and searching for/creating games.[/quote]

holy crap you too? Thats what happened to me as well. first time my LAUNCH ps3 60gb my ps3 EVER froze on me..
[quote name='Blackout']So the only way you can be into Resistance 2 is if you're a fanboy? I can't just like the game? Resistance 1 did not look better than this. You must be color blind. It felt like Resistance one had like 3 colors in the entire game. Resistance 2 is pretty damn colorful and looks great. The gameplay is fun. Have you played the Chicago level? That shit was crazy. I haven't played Gears 2 yet, and I bet it does look damn good, but cmon man. Resistance 2 is not that bad.

Maybe I got it all wrong, I dunno. I thought the game was amazing and lots of fun. Everything looked really good to me. But then again, I do bust one off every night before I go to bed at the thought of R2 and the PS3 because I'm a huge fanboy, so maybe I'm being biased. :D[/QUOTE]

Hello there! I'm the post you didn't read in my entirety. I just thought I'd pop in, say hi, and, well, point out something that you missed before insulting the person who wrote me.

I contain a paragraph that could be considered offensive (if you're open to being offended by such things) if not read carefully, or, well, if you're just looking to be offended by someone on the internet. Let's have a look at that paragraph, shall we?

[quote name='deadgopher']RESISTANCE 2 LOOKS LIKE SHIT. If you think otherwise, you're either a) a better person than I am who can look past things like this to the soft chewy center of gaming bliss, b) you haven't played anything like Gears 2 or Fallout 3, or c) you're a fanboy asshat.[/quote]

Now, let's concentrate on the information you seemed to have missed.

[quote name='deadgopher']you're either a) a better person than I am who can look past things like this to the soft chewy center of gaming bliss, b) you haven't played anything like Gears 2 or Fallout 3, or c) you're a fanboy asshat.[/quote]

Had you gone into the post with a slightly higher opinion of your fellow CAG members, you'd have perhaps been complimented...

[quote name='deadgopher']you're either a) a better person than I am who can look past things like this to the soft chewy center of gaming bliss, b) you haven't played anything like Gears 2 or Fallout 3, or c) you're a fanboy asshat.[/quote]

...or somewhat neutral:

[quote name='deadgopher']you're either a) a better person than I am who can look past things like this to the soft chewy center of gaming bliss, b) you haven't played anything like Gears 2 or Fallout 3, or c) you're a fanboy asshat.[/quote]

Furthermore, it has come to our attention -- that is, my writer and I -- that you don't seem to understand why Resistance 1 was so "ugly and bland." So, without further adieu, et's introduce you to our friend, Sepia Tone!


Hullo! I'm Sepia Tone! I make things look old and slightly degraded! I fit into Resistance stylistically by making the visuals appear like an old war movie or photograph. Sometimes photographers, cinematographers and, yes, even game designers use me to convey a sense of being in the period the subject matter is supposed to convey.
I still think R1 does not look better than R2. And yes, thank you for pointing out why R1 was the way it was. I knew what they were doing. The picture was a nice touch. Anyway, I'm not saying that Resistance 2 has the best graphics ever, and that it has set the standard for every game coming after it. I'm sure that Gears 2 probably looks better. I dunno, I haven't played it. I guess I fall into your "b" category. All I'm saying is a lot worse shit out there. For example. I picked up Haze a couple weeks ago. Now that is a game that looks like pure shit. It looks like a PS2 game. Now if R2 looked like Haze I would completely agree with you. But it doesn't. I think they did a good job with it.
bread's done