Resistance Retribution

I tried the demo the other day, and found the controls to be nearly impossible to deal with, since I tend to jump into games first, and read the instruction manuals later (especially nowadays, with in-game tutorials being so common, there's little point reading things twice)

Then yesterday I was in a live chat with the developers on the playstation blog, tried the demos of their earlier (syphon filter) games, and gave it another shot; I have to say, it's a lot better trying to go from having played those two. Definitely recommend that you try those first, then go into R:R's demo. I can see why people would dislike the face buttons, but they do a really good job when combined with the auto aim function. I imagine they probably get a bit painful to use after a time, but it's a portable game, you shouldn't be playing it for hours on end anyway.

I'll probably buy it when it drops to $25-30, maybe higher if it drops soon (while there's still plenty of people on Multiplayer). Definitely a buy on UMD legacy, too.
I've been all over the freakin' place trying to find an official headset to use with my PSP phat. I want to get one before I got online with Resistance Retribution.

Target, Best Buy, 2 Kmarts, 3 Gamestops, and even the Sony Style store are all sold out of them. I've found a few stores selling the Skype headsets to use with the slim PSPs, but that's not what I want. has them for $18.45 with free shipping, but I don't really think that's much of a deal. Amazon is sold out, but they've got a marketplace vendor selling 'em for ~$21.

Anyone know where else I can look? A friend told me that I can use an iPhone headset with the PSP but the prices on those are even crazier.

[quote name='eastx']What's wrong with the Skype headset?[/quote]

It's only compatible with the slim PSPs. I have a OG phat one.
Thanks, MD...I actually tracked one down. Had to drive an hour (to Jersey!) to pick it up, but I've got one now.

Looking forward to trying the multiplayer this weekend.
I need to pick this up, ive been looking for a portable shooter which is online at night times. When I can't be botherd to go downstairs and turn the PS3 on xD!
So is there a casual CAG clan up and running for this yet? I'll probably be picking it up soon but figured i would check first to see if theres anyone to play online with.
I've been playing this and I'm liking it a lot. This is much more of my style of action game than either of the Syphon Filter games were. The auto-aim works well with the cover system and makes it simple enough so that I'm not worried about precise aim in the heat of battle.

The demo level's a bit further in the main campaign than I'd have thought, but I'm just there now at
the second half of the fourth level.
I'm looking forward to trying out all of the PS3 connectivity after I beat the campaign.
Game is so flippin awesome. I really hope this opens up the door for even more games like this. The auto-aim feature with the fast paced action is just perfection. The pop and lock gameplay is great for a portable. I am just super happy with it.
This game is so fun :D glad I picked this one up i'm now at the part
where I just picked up the IWAO-R Chaingun
I'm def gona try the PS3 thing after I finish the game with normal settings
For a portable game, the checkpoints aren't so good in RR. I should be able to quit after it tells me I've reached a checkpoint and pick up right there, but that's not the case. It's making me more frustrated at the game then I should be.
^^ this is true about the checkpoint system. When the game tells me it saves progress automatically, I expect it to save where the checkpoints are, not only after I complete the level.

Still, it's about the only gripe I have with the game. Just something to keep in mind when playing...make sure you have enough time to run through the entire chapter, or else be prepared to play it over again.
[quote name='eastx']Can't you just pause and put the PSP in sleep mode if you need to quit mid-chapter?[/quote]

I was thinking the same thing. That's what I do.
Sure, I'd do that if I intend to play again within about 30 minutes or so, but I'm not going to pause it when I'm done for a few hours or the rest of the day.
Tried out the PSP connect feature that lets you use the DS3 with the game and it's not really all that good. It's probably that I have the PSP Fat, so using a DS3 while watching the PSP screen is more of a pain in the neck than being all that useful. This seems like the feature that's pretty much just made for the slim systems and their video out feature so you can use the DS3 while watching your TV rather than watching the screen when most mini-USB cables are too short to allow you to get into a comfortable position with the PSP in good view.

I'll be trying out the infected mode in a bit to see how that works, but I'm wondering if anybody knows if this is something that you can unlock by beating the game normally? That seems like a fair compromise for those without a PS3 and R2 and the ability to unlock that mode temporarily.
Putting it in sleep mode uses so little power that it practically doesn't matter. As long as you don't leave it that way for like 3 or more days, you'll be fine.
[quote name='eastx']Putting it in sleep mode uses so little power that it practically doesn't matter. As long as you don't leave it that way for like 3 or more days, you'll be fine.[/quote]

This is true. I've put my 2000 model on standby, forgot about it, and came back a couple days later only to see that I was still paused, but still had a good charge left.

I dunno if it would be as good with the original model, though.
Yeah, the original model is worse with power consumption, and any PSP in standby will eventually die after a week or two. Still, if you need to leave it like that for a while you can just plug it in and let it charge.
Thanks for the suggestions, though I wasn't asking for ways to get around it. Just saying that the checkpoint system isn't all that good in RR.

Decided to try out infected mode and managed to get past that part to finish that level. Then I got rewarded
by being allowed to pilot the Metal Gear Rex and fuck up some Titans, Chimerans, and drones. :D

I like the Infected mode more than the PSP Connect thing though I'd hope that it's a permanent unlock since it's a bit more fun to have R2's recharging health system, the magnum from R2, and not have to worry about air while underwater. This would be a great unlockable for beating the game if you only have a PSP, but I'm guessing that that's not the case with RR.
I think I remember reading somewhere that the infected mode isn't're only infected until you shut off your PSP.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Tried out the PSP connect feature that lets you use the DS3 with the game and it's not really all that good. It's probably that I have the PSP Fat, so using a DS3 while watching the PSP screen is more of a pain in the neck than being all that useful. This seems like the feature that's pretty much just made for the slim systems and their video out feature so you can use the DS3 while watching your TV rather than watching the screen when most mini-USB cables are too short to allow you to get into a comfortable position with the PSP in good view.

I'll be trying out the infected mode in a bit to see how that works, but I'm wondering if anybody knows if this is something that you can unlock by beating the game normally? That seems like a fair compromise for those without a PS3 and R2 and the ability to unlock that mode temporarily.[/quote]

Yeah the DS3 connectivity is for playing it on your tv, I was confused at first why you were playing it on the psp screen lol
bread's done