*RESOLVED FOR NOW*I am having a problem trading with the user name James

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Dude i been telling that i haven't been going on to this website daily and i don't check on my pm unless i requested something and the only time i ever get pm was when iwas trying to trade which i never ever traded with any body from this website or any other website. and waht do you mean i'm not corporating if i wasn't i will be going to sleep right now.
[quote name='James'] waht do you mean i'm not corporating if i wasn't i will be going to sleep right now.[/quote]

Well, if you aren't NOT cooperating, then what have you done TO cooperate? So far, all I've seen you do is unmercifully butcher the English language and somehow forget the purpose of a period at the end of a sentence.

If you wish to not be served by manofpeace, then I suggest you start talking. All he wants is his stuff back, he knows you have it, give it back.
[quote name='Ledhed'][quote name='James'] waht do you mean i'm not corporating if i wasn't i will be going to sleep right now.[/quote]

So far, all I've seen you do is unmercifully butcher the English language and somehow forget the purpose of a period at the end of a sentence.

now that's not fair. What a butcher does actually requires some skill. This is more like destroying....
[quote name='James']What stuff. i don't have his stuff. and What the hell are you talking about cloudspekk[/quote]


Congrats man. You only forgot one period this time. This is a good start. Now you need to remember to capitolize your "I"s and the first word of a new sentence.

Where are the grammar nazis when you need them the most?
[quote name='Ledhed'][quote name='James']What stuff. i don't have his stuff. and What the hell are you talking about cloudspekk[/quote]


Congrats man. You only forgot one period this time. This is a good start. Now you need to remember to capitolize your "I"s and the first word of a new sentence.

Where are the grammar nazis when you need them the most?[/quote]
And don't forget to start all your sentences with the word "and".
[quote name='sj41']I think manofpeace went to sleep.[/quote]

Can you blame him?

I kinda wish he hadn't, though. This thread is now my favorite videogame, my favorite movie, and my favorite pizza topping all rolled into one.
Goinig back to Mightyslacker yeah i don't cared if that address is posted you wanna know why because it ain't my. The next time i'm posting i'm going to post the address that manofpeace have been dealing with. Am i worry? No because it isn't my.
Poor guy. He must be exhausted from translating all of the BS James is throwing at him.

Ya'll know-- "My account was hacked!" = I don't have your stuff.

How about "I haven't been here in awhile" = I use my other acounts to cheat people too.

Now I know I'm not quite ignorant enough to descimate the english language like him so I had to rebuild his sentences.....
[quote name='James']Goinig back to Mightyslacker yeah i don't cared if that address is posted you wanna know why because it ain't my. The next time i'm posting i'm going to post the address that manofpeace have been dealing with. Am i worry? No because it isn't my.[/quote]

What are you, a 3-year old? fucking learn to type man.
[quote name='James']Goinig back to Mightyslacker yeah i don't cared if that address is posted you wanna know why because it ain't my. The next time i'm posting i'm going to post the address that manofpeace have been dealing with. Am i worry? No because it isn't my.[/quote]

Are you from a different planet? * wades through slob of post *

Now I'm getting bored. Good night. I'll come back in tomorrow to check on the deals for today and this thread.
[quote name='James']Goinig back to Mightyslacker yeah i don't cared if that address is posted you wanna know why because it ain't my. The next time i'm posting i'm going to post the address that manofpeace have been dealing with. Am i worry? No because it isn't my.[/quote]

that's cute. Glad you think that way.

540-785-5055 - is that a good number to get a hold of you at, or should I use another?

Dave Olson
wow! I don't think I'm bored now....

Night all. Give 'em hell MightySlacker! Make him bow before your shaq-fu'n awesomeness....
Wrong you dumbass that was the hacker # and address so thanks mightyslacker for clearing this up. Thanks alot now i'm going to be sleeping well tonight. Good night everybody and when you called that number say that james from cheapassgamer say hi and see you in hell
[quote name='James']Yeah or try my address where man of peace ship his game to:

James L. Hensley
11908 Rutherford Drive
Fredericksburg, VA 22407[/quote]

He already has this address, so if you try to use this as an example of cooperation, it won't work. By now Dave has your address, phone number, blood type, list of relatives, your DL# (provided you are older than 7), the name of your teddy bear, and he knows what you do to yourself when you think God isn't watching.

That's what happens when you fuck around with the big boys... YOU GET OLSON'D!!!
What stuff. i don't have his stuff. and What the hell are you talking about cloudspekk

ya'll forgot he used a period in place of a question mark. this guy is so uncooperative, i think he should be reported to usps and fbi.
After reading through all of that, the only thing I would agree with him is about toggling the option to receive e-mails whenever a pm was sent.

I've done that, but only because I've been in the middle of several trades and expected the pms.
Call UPS and tell them to return the items shipped to the sender if its not to late, then report the person you were sendinit to for fraud
I haven't read this entire thread, so I don't know when this package was shipped. Call UPS at:


Give them your tracking number and ask them not to deliver the package, rather, return it to you. They will happily follow your instructions. Just hope its not too late. Good luck.
From dealing with the infamous (Al)MightySlacker I have learned he is quite lazy (no offense Dave you told me so :) ) so, James, take a good a bit of time and peruse this (or take a few days, because you'll need it!)


Next, if you're 100% innocent and your telling the 100% truth. Not manipulating the facts and coming clean you should have nothing to fear. In the end the good guy or guys (or gals) will win.

I would also like to add one thing. Your address is hardly personal. About 99% of the time all you have to do is go to someplace like WhoWhere.com or Google and put in the persons name. What are going to do? File Harrassment Charges against one of those directories for listing your address and phone #? What about the local white pages? LOL!

I'll post my REAL address right here. Hell, I don't even have to do that. All I need to do is post my full name and it will pop up on WhoWhere.com. I don't care. 99.9% of America can't even use a map or follow directions well enough to ever end up in the correct place, so I hardly fear a criminal coming to rob my house who never made it past 1st grade. MapQuest is too complicated for most. No offense to any of the CAG'ers out there by the way. :)

James, if you're innocent, you are sure good at sounding like one guilty son of gone. Just PM/Email/IM Dave and/or MoP or even me (I'll lose it in a day or 2, so you have nothing to fear) your phone #. What are you afraid of? What is your excuse for not sharing it? So far your reasons SUCK!

This is a little off topic, but just an update for all you that want to know (I know many you exist. You told me so.). I received a letter the other day. From the United States Postal Service. It was about a fraud complaint, but you know what? It was not mine! It was a complaint filed from Mr. Spekk. It says I owe him $150! LOL! After my dad saw this letter, he said he will pay for my Lawyer. He said it will cost a lot, but this guy is of the lowest life form and deserves to be squashed (well, not exactly, but he said he will get a lawyer and I don't have to pay him back). I am also really considering to send this story to Miss Judge Judy. She would PWN Mr. CloudSpekk.

And speaking of infamous topic. Anyone interested in a professionally compiled book of the CloudSpekk thread? maybe with some other items never shown to public thrown in? I hear we have a few small private book publishers in Stillwater, OK that are not that expensive. :twisted:

Anyone else notice how the perpetrator always has the worst spelling and grammar? Maybe, they are so scared after they see that the MightySlacker has swooped in and saved the day that their hands are shaking uncontrollably? Or maybe this is just CloudSpekk in disguise? The plot thickens!

Good Luck ManOfPeace! Be patient the good guy will win in the end.


Chris Kaukis

Oops! I just posted my full name. Now you guys can look up my address and start sending me free stuff, right? Or maybe call me up and say, "hi!" or maybe just call me up and tell me or my mom how childish I am. Oh wait someone already did that last one a couple times ;)
Can we rename this thread to "The Return of CloudSpekk?" :D

[quote name='James']How am i'm lying. Haven't you read all my message that i posted before my account got stolen. They're way completely different and i don't post that offen. What after a few day my typing style change and i started to post more often.[/quote]

I, for one, didn't notice any change in writing style at all. Same lack of punctuation, same word choice...

Bit late to the game, but any chance of having a mod compare the IP addresses of Spekky and James? Let's see if they're the same or not... :twisted:
What a thread to wake up to. Of course, I knew right where it was going last night, so I'm not surprised. I'd just like to ask the people who, in the start of this thread, said that they noticed a drop-off in James' writing style that they said could possibly prove he had indeed been hacked: this guy posting from the account now is the more eloquent James? The one before was MORE retarded?
Supposively serial killers have extremely high IQ's. I mean thats how most of them actually commit the crimes they commit. They can process so much in their head (yes it is sick) but, sooner or later they just snap, and their brain shuts down.
damn this topic just blew up during the night. i guess the only thing that bothers me is why would he actually send me the games. if it was a hacker he would of never sent anything. so i guess im just really lucky.

i had even posted his feedback.
[quote name='sm04as']Just curious...does UPS charge you extra for the reversal?[/quote]

Not at all. This service is absolutely free. Even if the package in question has the status of "Out for Delivery", the driver with the package can receive a message on the road to RTS (return to sender) the package. Just be sure to call UPS before the package is delivered. After it has been delivered, UPS can do nothing for you.
This James character sounds like a 10 year old trying to gt a cheap scam.... I hate people like this. People dont just "steal" usernames and passwords.
[quote name='Gothic_Walrus']Can we rename this thread to "The Return of CloudSpekk?" :D

[quote name='James']How am i'm lying. Haven't you read all my message that i posted before my account got stolen. They're way completely different and i don't post that offen. What after a few day my typing style change and i started to post more often.[/quote]

I, for one, didn't notice any change in writing style at all. Same lack of punctuation, same word choice...

Bit late to the game, but any chance of having a mod compare the IP addresses of Spekky and James? Let's see if they're the same or not... :twisted:[/quote]

I can check the IP addresses of every post so tell me a post where it is him and a post where it is the "hacker" and i can tell you if it is the same or not. Or if him and Spekk are the same, (not likely, because spekks ip address was banned so he would have used a different computer altogether.
Well I'm back, and I apparently didn't miss much. I'm no closer than resolving this issue than I was last night, because James insists on trying to avoid resolving this. Howvever, the best new thing since last night is finding out Guyver2007 actually left feedback for Jame's "hacker":

Who did you trade with? james
What did you get? Mortal kombat d.a and Capcom vs snk 2 (xbox)
What did you give? $$$$
How long did the deal take? deal made in one day. received in a week
Were they friendly? yes
Easy to work with? yes
Quick to respond? yes
Would you deal with them again? yes
Shipping Method Used? USPS
Overall experience rating (Out of 10)? 9
Additional Comments? Games were in good condition + manual. i need to change the cases though cause of the eb stickers.
Looks like IP evidence is coming, this is getting pretty epic, I haven't read the CloudSpekk thread because i'm new but now I think I might go and find it and sit down with some popcorn or somthing. Its good to know that scams with trading are delt with so intensely.
Well, heres what i came up with. The ip addressess are different from the guy right now from when he was making this deal. Although this may not be very clear evidence, as he has posted from around 10 different ones. Even I, who has only posted on 1 or 2 computers, have around 20 different ip addressess I have posted from.

So to cap it all up: IP addressess are different but I dont really know how much evidence this really is.
If the IP evidence proves there really was a "hacker", maybe I will get my games. The "hacker" actually completed real deals (see Guyver2077)and used intelligible english.
[quote name='jmon22']Well, heres what i came up with. The ip addressess are different from the guy right now from when he was making this deal. Although this may not be very clear evidence, as he has posted from around 10 different ones. Even I, who has only posted on 1 or 2 computers, have around 20 different ip addressess I have posted from.

So to cap it all up: IP addressess are different but I dont really know how much evidence this really is.[/quote]

Are they from the same ISP? I know that would require some extra work......
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