*RESOLVED FOR NOW*I am having a problem trading with the user name James

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I dunno guys. This just seems like another Dr. Evil plot to rule the world. How else do you begin to take over all forms of government then to start hacking some lowlife's CAG account? Watch out for "MiniJames" in case the good Dr. brought along his little buddy.....

yeee hah- I'm a regular.......
well like i had pmed manofpeace.....i though baout something. if he really isnt that person or if he didnt really make these trades...why would he ask me to make the check out to james l hensley?? unless the hacker has his same name he would not be able to do anything with it.
I would like to give James the benefit of the doubt, but it's not looking favorable.

My e-mail was hacked a few years ago, but I went about to correct any wrong-doings. I called my ISP to inform them that someone had access to my account, and they changed my password for me. (I had to do it twice because I failed to remove the program totally the first time) He sent 2 e-mails from my account, which I was told of when I called, and when I had control back again, I e-mailed the same people (showed in my sent folder) to apologize and explain what had happened, which they understood since they had no idea who I was. I had no obligation to do anything, but just taking a few minutes to clear things up goes a long way. One of the e-mails happened to be a software company and I got a free anti-virus program from them, now outdated, but they appreciated the small steps I took.

So basically deleteing everything which could have helped clear things up was not the smartest idea. End of story-time.
and as for the name of james being hacked, when i join user boards i try to get james, if not i try to get jamesh1985, well i had jamesh1985 and when i started using this site alot a few weeks back i thought james was my account and he used the same password i did, but then i realized when i was looking inthe memberlist and i saw jamesh1985, as for the delay i was in maryland, i am deeply sorry for any inconvience and i would still like to trade, i can send first.
and to James, i am sorry for using your account name as it was an accident and i have no reason to use it, i have been a member of this site since december and my profile has not changed, you can check my profile on aol, and yahoo to see that the locations are the same. wow, this turned into a big mess
Bwahahahaha! Thie is farking hilarious. James, your story is entirely unbelievable. I bet if you check the IPs, they come from the same ISP. (Unless you were smart enough to use a different ISP or someone else's computer.)

James, it's cool that you've finally come clean, (in a way.)

ManOfPeace, you should still reverse shipment because you got raped in that trade. ;)
wow that is totally wierd, but it looks like everything worked out and we can all eat Ice Cream

now that's what I call a sticky situtation :lol: :lol:
there are Two james's, the user name JAMES who lives in denver, and me, james who lives in virginia, i have an account on Tradegamesnow.com under the name JamesH1985 with positive feedback, and you can verify more that this is jamesh1985.

if there are any questions to clear things up, please ask
Wait a second.....so are you trying to say you somehow you logged into someone elses account? Also, I have seen this same user name on the top of the forum for the past day. Why have you decided to just now reply back? Also, the user name I initially began trading with wasn't this one.
i said i had to take care of something in maryland, and yes i accidently logged into the JAMES account, i used a certain password for my account and the JAMES account used the same, and since it has been sometime since i logged in a few weeks back, i thought James was my account, check on aol, yahoo and tradegamesnow.com under the name JAMESH1985, you will see that its the james that trade with you, the same James L. Hensley that traded with guyver , manopeace, if u want to call me i can pm you my phone number
sorry that this whole thing just blew up but i can understand. if your game does come in i will send it back to you if you would like, or pm me your address and i iwll ship the 2 games.
a phone call would establish nothing. I don't know voices. Anyhow, its a bit far-fetched both of you just happened to have the same password, and why would you just happen to type in another user name?

I have been through hell with this transaction. I've barely got any sleep, and I finally got UPS to try to reverse the order. The package is in fact most likely heading back to me. They are trying to reverse shipment as we speak. Maybe you are who you say you are, but I am having one hell of a hard time trying to believe you. Especially considering the fact I have seen this user name scrolling the boards for the past day, and you just now decided to speak up once I took action.
...this is the Gamers Soap's channel...evil twins, problems with a package, Parallel Universe (UPS)...As the CAG Turns
[quote name='siamesellama']Like I said, a simple IP check would verify if they're using the same ISP.[/quote]

I'm not a mod, so I can't check it. If they verify, that would help though.
i can understand that, and well his password and mine were both James, so we both used the same password, check my accounts on aol, yahoo and tradegamesnow.com to see that i am legit, i was in maryland seeing to a family member but i do get on the interent there, i could not log onto the JAmes account because he changed his password, and i wanted to wait till i got home to get this stuff straight

i fully understnad your position but i just hope that you can verify that who i am is really who i am,
i have a picture on my yahoo id and i can post one here of me too, taken with a digital camera, with todays cnn on the background if you would like
because i try to get the name JAMES when i create names on user boards, i forgot which i used on this one so i tried james and password james and it worked, so i assumed it was mine
I like how you keep avoiding the big questions here. This is what "James" did for the last 9 or 10 pages of this thread. A picture wouldn't do any good. I have no clue who you are!
but i do understand your point so i hope your game shipment does get sent back to you, if it does not then i will ship 2 day air to get it back to you, i just hope this does not screw up my future trades on this site
do you want my password for this account, and see my email address and address on it, then do u want my yahoo password to verify its the same, and the names were created along time ago
Well, hate to break the news, but this is a pretty big mess up. I'm not a condemning person though. I just want this whole situation to be resolved. If you can resolve the whole mess of the past 2 days with me, it will go a long way to restoring your reputation. Also, change your password! This has been the weirdest 2 days I have had in forever.
i have, and i bet it has been. but please tell me you beileve me what i can do to prove who i am, cause i like this site and dont wanna have to not beable to post due to mess up on my part
on user boards i dont really care about passwords, so i make them easy so i remember, but on like yahoo and aol, etc i pick hard ones because more crap can happen
Err.. now I'm even more confused. Which one is the 'evil' James? I haven't looked at the pages 3-14, but I'm just wondering if both James posted at the same time yet?
Alright, lets assume:

1) I believe you have been in Maryland
2) Made a trade on someone elses account
3) Had the exact same password of this other person
4) Weren't on the boards until now (even though I saw you online yesterday)
5) Have the shittiest timing ever
6) If you are the same James from earlier in this thread, you got scared at the notion of the law coming after you.
7) Both "James" and your grammar are remarkably similar.

How are you going to resolve this with me?
i guess i am the evil james, jamesh1985. the other user name of JAMES had nothing to do with this, i accidently used his account, i am sorry to the other James for using your account he did nothing
[quote name='JamesH1985']what can i do to prove who i am so i can still trade on this site, or atleat post with out getting flamed[/quote]

This whole situation is so screwed up, you are going to get flamed. You are dealing with a wrath of 2 days of people wanting to kick the crap out of "James".

Once again, how are you going to resolve this with me?
first off i was not scared of the feds because i was telling the truth, but as for resolving this matter with you thats up to you, i will do anything to prove who i am , and if you do not believe me then the least i can do is if your game arrives here i will ship it back, i have made many trades on tradegamesnow.com so i am legit, but i fully understand your position and if there is anything you would like me to do just tell me.
and as for the other user name of JAMES, please do not flame him, he had nothing to do with this, i was using his account as i came to find out
Man, this whole thing is messed up.

First I think we all owe james an apology, as he was telling the truth (he didn't have to be so difficult, but he didn't do anything wrong (except use the same password as his screenname)).

Second, I think JamesH1985 didn't do anything all that bad either, he logged into the wrong name as he usually uses the james name on other messageboards, again, he didn't do anything that bad (except use the password james for his screenname of james and admitting that he uses that on other messageboards, so if I were him I'd be hitting up those boards and changing my password pronto). However, even with the mix up he still should have sent the games, or should send the games now. Again, I don't think this is on the same level of cloudspekk however.

Third, I hope manofpeace gets his game back and his XBox Live card (or what he was trading for) and this whole thing is resolved. This certainly is surreal, not as bad as cloudspekk, but much much stranger.
I'm not going to do anything else. The ball is in your court. I've more than done my part, and I already blew about 7 dollars getting a shipment reversed. I'm not even going to tell you what to do. You need to do what you think is right. Whether that be restoring your damaged reputation, or doing nothing at all.
I can vouch for JamesH1985... He first PM'd me looking to trade on the name "James" then, midway through the trade PM'd me on "JamesH1985" saying that something wasen't right with the name James and that the H1985 one was the actual one. He didn't go into detail but he never seemed to be hiding anything at all. We traded like normal and everything went great. I liked JamesH1985 and would trade with him again in a heartbeat. If all stands true to what he's saying, no matter how far fetched, I can believe him. Maybe this is a freak mistake, I just want you all to know that when I was dealing with ...H1985 he was as a respectable person you could find. And as for me being quiet up until now, I wanted to wait and see what happend in this thread before bashing anyone out, I was waiting for ...H1985 to speak up, but I had no evidence because I deleted all of my PM's with him because the trade went fine and was already over. He did PM me at first with the name James though. The two James's might want to work this out. I believe his story though.

tradelist (amplitude & 11 xbox/4 ps2 games) : http://cheapassgamer.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=13894&highlight=
i will sent you the money of what it cost you to resolve this matter, including the first shipping cost, and as for not sending my games, i never got the chance to get your address because the other james changed his password. tell me how much it cost you and your address and i will mail a check. i hope this will restore who i am
thanks ry, i wanted to get this trade over with so i could switch names back, but the other james changed his password,... as anyone would in this case
Alright. It seems legit posters are supporting you, so despite this bizarre twist, I'll give you a chance. If you want to read up on what happened, just scroll back a little bit. You seem to be willing to resolve this, and thats all I wanted all along. Perhaps now we can all let this thread finally die. I'll PM you in a little bit.
James here. Typing from a school computer. Wanted to let you guys know that your all dicks that can only talk and bash people because they're miles away from you. Told you i was innocent but all you retards could do was jump on a stupid band wagon.
[quote name='James']James here. Typing from a school computer. Wanted to let you guys know that your all dicks that can only talk and bash people because they're miles away from you. Told you i was innocent but all you retards could do was jump on a stupid band wagon.[/quote]

fuck you. you are still an asshole
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