Resonance of Fate 15.99

I've been wanting this game for a while now, but since I just got a PS3 and my library is like 1, I'm thinking of getting the PS3 version in the near future, which for some reason is always more expensive than the 360 version. I didn't even see it on their website. Awesome price though.
[quote name='shiny_dante']OP, it would be nice if you put what system the game is for in the tittle since it's multi-platform.

if you're a ps3 owner like myself and have been waiting for this game, Amazon has it for $19.98, which im picking up now[/QUOTE]

PS3 and 306 version of it were 15.99 on Amazon a few weeks ago.

I picked it up, it's still sealed though. :)

PS3 version is out of stock on newegg so it doesn't really matter. :p
I got this game for $35 shortly after its release and played it for a while, then got sidetracked by other games...bout time I returned to it. Just remember a somewhat weird but enjoyable battle system.
[quote name='myiamoto']Is this game really frustrating? I don't have time to play long games that just make me angry.[/QUOTE]

Nah. The beginning -really- pissed me off, I was "I hope I didn't just waste my damn money" because I got into a battle before I got to the area where you do the tutorial at. It's a SUPER short distance, like you move the cursor on the "world map" for 1 second and you're there, but I got unlucky. Because the game is so much different than any kind of jrpg before it, I almost died in that first fight while having no clue what the hell was going on.

An hour or two later, I understood what I was doing and 8 or 10 hours in I was pretty much a master dominating most fights.

You could play on harder modes or limit yourself, of course, but for just playing the game it is definitely not THAT difficult, it only has a steep learning curve.
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Meant to pick this up when Amazon had it at this price. Kept putting it off and missed out. Did not make the same mistake again. Thanks OP!
Almost done with this game. Definitely worth $15, but my advice? Play through it fast, and get out. Because it is a lot of fun at first, but if you try to get all completionist on it, it will grate your nerves really bad. It is so original in many aspects, but falls into the JRPG trap of padding with lame sidequests (that add NOTHING to the game but wasted time) that test the patience of jaded gamers.

Go easy on the Arena battles and fetch quests, and you can still love this game. The battles and main characters are a lot of fun.
Waiting for the ten and under mark. Star Ocean was brutally dull, and while they look nothing alike, I'm really hesitant to try another tri-ace game.
Does the PS3 version really look that bad.

I bought Bayonetta for PS3 and it ran perfectly fine and looked great (though I did install it).
If you didn't notice the bayonetta problems...then you certainly wouldn't notice(nor really would anyone in this case) the differences in this game. They are extremely minor, nothing like the Bayonetta at all. If you only have a ps3, get it on that, if you have both consoles, 360 looks very slightly better though neither has content on the other and they both play the same so flip a coin(or decide like you're forced to on every other mutli-platform title).
I finally bit at the $25 mark on Amazon.

It may or may not get cheaper. Some RPGs hit a bottoming out point and then go up!
[quote name='BLarR']Waiting for the ten and under mark. Star Ocean was brutally dull, and while they look nothing alike, I'm really hesitant to try another tri-ace game.[/QUOTE]

I got bored of Star Ocean like 10 hours in, and quit.

I played Resonance of Fate for I think 80 hours, and it was fun to the very end.

Not much of a story, but the gameplay is fun.
It's gone, sold out. Cheapest on Amazon now is $12+$7 SH for 360, with the PS3 version still significantly more expensive.

[quote name='BLarR']Waiting for the ten and under mark. Star Ocean was brutally dull, and while they look nothing alike, I'm really hesitant to try another tri-ace game.[/QUOTE]

They're by almost completely different development teams. Resonance of Fate is the follow-up to the Valkyrie Profile series, while the Star Ocean is pretty much a separate entity. The two series have drastically different focuses and character design, with the VP games being far more gameplay focused with really interesting battle systems, customization, and game structures.
bread's done