Retail Employee Stories Part 6: The Life & Tragedies Of GrilledWitOnions

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[quote name='GrilledWitOnions']So, you know when an employee is being lazy and doesn't just happen to know off hand that something is not available? You decide to hand out kindness and respect whenever you feel someone is exceptional? Sounds kinda like you might decide to be nice just when you're in a good mood. Granted, the poster you responded to that said he would sometimes be lazy... yes, there are these people in retail, probably a lot of them. But I try to give everyone the same respect and courtesy, especially those in retail, until I really feel jerked around. As someone whose been on both sides of that counter, I can't tell you how many times I've known off the top of my head the answer to a question, sometimes before the customer even finished asking it. Some questions get asked a lot, some stuff I just happen to remember (perhaps I unloaded the box or did inventory on that particular item). Sometimes I was wrong, but most times I was right. But I am the type to get wholly involved in what I do, no matter what it is; it's not an active thing, I just become more interested in things I have to deal with each day, so I end up learning and knowing a lot about those areas.

I can tell you this though: whenever I was behind that counter, the littlest bit of kindness or respect went a LONG way. If a customer took the time to be courteous, I took the time to give them 110%. Usually even when they weren't asking for any real help, if they were cool, they got coupons, discounts, etc. I like to think other people in retail feel the same way I do.[/quote]

Their was a time when I granted ever employee I ran into a kind and caring attitude. But far two many times was I either stepped upon or ignored for my kindness. Now, people must earn it from me because of the precedent left by their careless friends and coworkers. All you have to do is prove you are competent and helpful and I can be kind and sincere.
In some cases this means looking up something for me even if you know you don't have it stock. The objective is to make the customer happy. If this means looking up something for him or her even if you just did it for the last costumer than do it, or it least tell the customer you just looked it up or just unloaded it. Then myself and others will understand, and not just assume your lazy.
Excuse my bitterness, this specific topic happens to be a pet peeve of mine. I really am a nice guy.:D
There should be a law that mandates everyone to work at least one year in retail before they can get any other job. Run like hell would change his mind very quickly about the way he feels.
[quote name='DarkRider23']There should be a law that mandates everyone to work at least one year in retail before they can get any other job. Run like hell would change his mind very quickly about the way he feels.[/quote]
Everyone has a job and everyone hates doing it, that's the way the world works. No one likes having to get up, go out and work.
Your job requires you to be helpful, kind, and courteous to customers no matter what, even if they are ass-holes to you. So just deal with it.
[quote name='Run L1ke H3LL']Your job requires you to be helpful, kind, and courteous to customers no matter what, even if they are ass-holes to you. So just deal with it.[/QUOTE]
Likewise, your existence as a human being should dictate that you be a kind, courteous, and decent person regardless of how you think the other person is treating you. Even if you're pretty sure the other person isn't being helpful, consider the stakes. On one side you have what you want: a movie, a desk, a particular kind of glitter. On the other side you have a person, whom I guarantee you know nothing about. No amount of glitter, DVDs, or even that very special potato you've been wanting should be worth more to you than the feelings of the person on the other side of the counter.

I promise I'm not just being idealistic when say: Don't treat people like shit.
[quote name='Run L1ke H3LL']Everyone has a job and everyone hates doing it, that's the way the world works. No one likes having to get up, go out and work.
Your job requires you to be helpful, kind, and courteous to customers no matter what, even if they are ass-holes to you. So just deal with it.[/quote]
Guess you don't feel like that courtesy applies to your actions as well. Do you see the hypocrisy?

Honestly, I see no reason to ever say "can you check?" Because if they're telling the truth you look like an asshole, and if they're lazy they're just going to think of another way to be lazy instead of looking just to spite you.
[quote name='tsmvengy']Guess you don't feel like that courtesy applies to your actions as well. Do you see the hypocrisy?

Honestly, I see no reason to ever say "can you check?" Because if they're telling the truth you look like an asshole, and if they're lazy they're just going to think of another way to be lazy instead of looking just to spite you.[/quote]

I can see reason. I've called Target before and had them lookup the DCPI number, or whatever it is called for an item, and been told they have 5. Get their 10 minutes later (Mind you, the store has all of about 3 customers, it's pretty late) and I ask an employee to get it from the back for me... "Oh, we don't have it."

I tell them I called 10 minutes ago, was told they had 5 in the back, and if I got here they could get one for me. "No, we don't have one." I get someone else, they look, find it, get me it. I then reported the bastard to a manager there before paying. Honestly, sometimes the customer *is* right when they say something is back there.
[quote name='CokeCola']Likewise, your existence as a human being should dictate that you be a kind, courteous, and decent person regardless of how you think the other person is treating you. Even if you're pretty sure the other person isn't being helpful, consider the stakes. On one side you have what you want: a movie, a desk, a particular kind of glitter. On the other side you have a person, whom I guarantee you know nothing about. No amount of glitter, DVDs, or even that very special potato you've been wanting should be worth more to you than the feelings of the person on the other side of the counter.

I promise I'm not just being idealistic when say: Don't treat people like shit.[/quote]

No my existence as a human being does not dictate that I be kind to everyone I encounter. However, it is your "job" as an employee to be kind, intelligent, respectful to the customer. The customer is always right. Once you realize that I'm right, I'll stop arguing with you.
[quote name='Run L1ke H3LL']No my existence as a human being does not dictate that I be kind to everyone I encounter. However, it is your "job" as an employee to be kind, intelligent, respectful to the customer. The customer is always right. Once you realize that I'm right, I'll stop arguing with you.[/quote]

That "customer is always right" mantra is such bullshit. Most people just use it as an excuse to act like assholes because they know they can get away with it. From what it sounds like, you are no exception.
[quote name='Squall835']That "customer is always right" mantra is such bullshit. Most people just use it as an excuse to act like assholes because they know they can get away with it. From what it sounds like, you are no exception.[/quote]
Like it or not, your manager believes it and so does the consumer. Deal with it, it will make your life easier if you just do what the customer wants. Then everyone is happy.
[quote name='Run L1ke H3LL']No my existence as a human being does not dictate that I be kind to everyone I encounter. However, it is your "job" as an employee to be kind, intelligent, respectful to the customer. The customer is always right.[/QUOTE]
Yes, you should be nice to people. (Didn't your mother teach you this?)
Being nice to people is not my "job," because I don't work in retail.
Yes, employees should be nice to customers.
And of course the customer is usually not more right than the employee. To think otherwise is just silly; after all the employee probably spends more time in a week in their store than any customer does in their lifetime. If you actually meant "The customer is always right" as an outward attitude for employees to take, then sure, of course. Just don't let the concept go to your head.

[quote name='Run L1ke H3LL']Once you realize that I'm right, I'll stop arguing with you.[/QUOTE]
Ignore the part about me being right. I was just simply trying to express that once employees realize that the customer is correct even when he or she is wrong, then they'll enjoy their job more.
Edit: And yes, the customer is not always correct, however, he or she should be treated as if they were.
[quote name='Run L1ke H3LL']Once you realize that I'm right, I'll stop arguing with you.[/quote]

DOUCHEBAG ALERT! DOUCHEBAG ALERT! :cold::hot::cold::hot::cold::hot::bomb::bomb::hot::cold::hot::cold::hot::cold:
[quote name='PhrostByte']DOUCHEBAG ALERT! DOUCHEBAG ALERT! :cold::hot::cold::hot::cold::hot::bomb::bomb::hot::cold::hot::cold::hot::cold:[/quote]
Call me a douchebag all you want. The fact of the matter is until you realize I'm right, you're doing your job half-assed.
This is an example of why I'm not the nicest person to employees.
Not one of you have agreed with my fundamental point.
[quote name='Run L1ke H3LL']Call me a douchebag all you want. The fact of the matter is until you realize I'm right, you're doing your job half-assed.
This is an example of why I'm not the nicest person to employees.
Not one of you have agreed with my fundamental point.

People like you is why I yell at other customers in stores.
[quote name='georox']People like you is why I yell at other customers in stores.[/quote]
And you're the reason I give employees an attitude. It's a vicious circle.
[quote name='Run L1ke H3LL']And you're the reason I give employees an attitude. It's a vicious circle.[/quote]

Good thing I don't work retail then. I'm just an asshole to other customers as a customer.
[quote name='Run L1ke H3LL']And you're the reason I give employees an attitude. It's a vicious circle.[/QUOTE]

Uh oh, Anonymous Internet Bitch is copping an attitude. He sure showed you guys! :roll:
[quote name='Run L1ke H3LL']And you're the reason I give employees an attitude. It's a vicious circle.[/quote]
I'm sorry but the customer is hardly EVER right. That sort of mantra leads to basically employees getting screwed over by customers. If employees took that to heart, then every time a customer told me "I did this before" or "I should be able to return this opened DVD", we'd take a huge loss, and for what? Are we making a customer so happy they'll return? Spend a million dollars right then and there, or another dollar ever again? If anything it sends the message that you can do whatever you want, be a big baby, doesn't matter, we'll bend and take it whenever you feel so inclined. I can be understanding, I can be helpful, and I can usually see things from both sides, but most times, customers are so wrong, and so wrong in the way they go about expressing themselves in these situations, you know they know they are wrong. Most people get angry and loud because they make a mistake themselves, and want someone else to clean up the mess.
I had to tell an employee today how to do his job. I felt bad for about two seconds, but he ignored me and did it his own way first, and wasted two minutes of my time and his lol.. then did it my way.

Made me mad :(
[quote name='Run L1ke H3LL']Call me a douchebag all you want. The fact of the matter is until you realize I'm right, you're doing your job half-assed.
This is an example of why I'm not the nicest person to employees.
Not one of you have agreed with my fundamental point.

That bullshit mantra is always toted by those people who feel like they should be able to walk over and treat as a slave those who work in the retail industry.

If you ever came into my store and acted this way, I would walk away from you, I try to treat people as nice, respectable human beings, but your outtake on life is to treat people like shit and if they don't treat you like a god then they deserve to be treated like shit, therefore making you feel better about treating them like shit in the first place. YOU, sir, are the reason why people loathe to go to work in the retail industry everyday.
Okay. I personally don't think both sides of this argument are 100% right, so I'll put in my .02.

First and foremost, I'm not the kind of customer that goes into a store, and asks for assistance. I usually know what I want, where it is, and even the route through the gondolas and end caps to get to it and get out as fast as possible. I typically check stock before I go to stores, which is part of the reason I'm in the store in the first place. If the store doesn't have it, I won't go there.

Anyway, in the rare occasion when I do ask for assistance, I do expect that the customer service representative be helpful, courteous, and thorough. If I ask if something is in stock, and he gives me a half-assed "We don't have it." because he feels like he's too busy with his current task, then I'll simply go and find another rep who is willing to do the job better. I won't start a confrontation, but if I do find the item, I'll go out of my way to make it back to the original rep's section, and make it noticeable that I have the item I've come for. I won't say anything to them, but I'll make sure they notice.

I'm not about being a prick to retail employees. I've been there, and I personally don't expect them to act like super-man in the store, because I know that they get paid just as much as the guy that sits on his ass and acts like a moron, but at the same time, the ones that know how to give me the service I want, and be cool with me, will get my respect a lot quicker than the ones that do their job to a T. (For instance, the "Darla" case I mentioned. The guy who price matched my items at the register, where it was apparently against policy, was, in my opinion, a better employee than Darla was, who was following store policy.). It's all about common sense for me, I suppose.

On the other hand of the stick though, I work at a hospital. I deal with bigger assholes in my day than retail employees could ever hope to deal with in a year, be it homeless people who smell of piss/shit/vomit mixed together (Which, if you guys think You've smelled something bad...You don't have any idea what you're in for with that one. I could sit in a room full of stinkbombs all day after a whiff of that crap.), sick people, doctors who have god complexes, or just bitchy nurses. When I hear about one of my friends who works in retail having a "Hard Day," especially on a day where I've been doing compressions on someone who may have coded out in our ER... I can't help but laugh.

I'm realistic with my expectations...and I don't expect someone to go out of their way, but if you don't make any effort, I'll find someone that will, and I'll make sure I go out of my way to let you know what I think of it.
The customer is not right when they are cursing at me for not allowing them to use a coupon that clearly states that the item they are buying is excluded.
The customer is not right when they say "The sign says this is x.xx" and the sign is really for something else.
The customer is not right when they expect cash back when they return something with a receipt.
The customer is not right when they expect more cash back when they return something they used a coupon to buy.

The customer is not always right. Everyone should have to work retail for 1-2 weeks at least once. Everyone would have a new found respect for retail workers. I had to work the dish room at my college dorm once and afterward I had new respect for them.
I'm not proposing that everyone in general be total ass-hats to everyone in the retail industry. I'm just detailing how my experience with horrible customer service has changed my outlook on employees everywhere. I already stated that I would change my attitude toward the employee if they are helpful and kind. I apologize if anyone was offended.
However, my opinion still stands. Employees should do everything in their power to make the customer happy. That does not include going against store policy, breaking the law etc.
If you're going to argue with me, please argue with me over that point, not over how I treat people, please.
[quote name='Run L1ke H3LL']Call me a douchebag all you want. The fact of the matter is until you realize I'm right, you're doing your job half-assed.
This is an example of why I'm not the nicest person to employees.
Not one of you have agreed with my fundamental point.

the customer is not always right, in fact...95% of the time the customer is dead wrong.
[quote name='redshadow']Okay. I personally don't think both sides of this argument are 100% right, so I'll put in my .02.

First and foremost, I'm not the kind of customer that goes into a store, and asks for assistance. I usually know what I want, where it is, and even the route through the gondolas and end caps to get to it and get out as fast as possible. I typically check stock before I go to stores, which is part of the reason I'm in the store in the first place. If the store doesn't have it, I won't go there.

Anyway, in the rare occasion when I do ask for assistance, I do expect that the customer service representative be helpful, courteous, and thorough. If I ask if something is in stock, and he gives me a half-assed "We don't have it." because he feels like he's too busy with his current task, then I'll simply go and find another rep who is willing to do the job better. I won't start a confrontation, but if I do find the item, I'll go out of my way to make it back to the original rep's section, and make it noticeable that I have the item I've come for. I won't say anything to them, but I'll make sure they notice.

I'm not about being a prick to retail employees. I've been there, and I personally don't expect them to act like super-man in the store, because I know that they get paid just as much as the guy that sits on his ass and acts like a moron, but at the same time, the ones that know how to give me the service I want, and be cool with me, will get my respect a lot quicker than the ones that do their job to a T. (For instance, the "Darla" case I mentioned. The guy who price matched my items at the register, where it was apparently against policy, was, in my opinion, a better employee than Darla was, who was following store policy.). It's all about common sense for me, I suppose.

On the other hand of the stick though, I work at a hospital. I deal with bigger assholes in my day than retail employees could ever hope to deal with in a year, be it homeless people who smell of piss/shit/vomit mixed together (Which, if you guys think You've smelled something bad...You don't have any idea what you're in for with that one. I could sit in a room full of stinkbombs all day after a whiff of that crap.), sick people, doctors who have god complexes, or just bitchy nurses. When I hear about one of my friends who works in retail having a "Hard Day," especially on a day where I've been doing compressions on someone who may have coded out in our ER... I can't help but laugh.

I'm realistic with my expectations...and I don't expect someone to go out of their way, but if you don't make any effort, I'll find someone that will, and I'll make sure I go out of my way to let you know what I think of it.[/quote]

I work a hospital too.. these guys have no clue. :lol:
[quote name='Run L1ke H3LL']I'm not proposing that everyone in general be total ass-hats to everyone in the retail industry. I'm just detailing how my experience with horrible customer service has changed my outlook on employees everywhere. I already stated that I would change my attitude toward the employee if they are helpful and kind. I apologize if anyone was offended.
However, my opinion still stands. Employees should do everything in their power to make the customer happy. That does not include going against store policy, breaking the law etc.
If you're going to argue with me, please argue with me over that point, not over how I treat people, please.[/quote]
I can see where you're coming from I think, and I think maybe we got the wrong idea... it just sounded like, "I will walk all over people in cust service and they should basically lie down and take it." I am now not so sure that's exactly what you were going for.

I agree on most points of trying to make a customer happy, but a lot of the time it comes down to "am I going to have a confrontation over something so damn petty".

I do remember the times that a customer would ask if X movie was in, I'd check; two minutes later, same question, go check... basically it's like a placebo, it sets them at ease. I can understand it, but at the same time, I think if someone said "I just checked for that not two minutes ago, I don't think we have it", I'd probably understand (but I can see myself asking pretty-please to check once more). But see, that's where some customers would IMMEDIATELY get mad. And frankly, at that point, I'm looking but not really looking. You just told me, you don't deserve it if it's here. It's petty; it's small; but so are you. You wanna have power over someone because they have to take it, but what you don't know is that they have most of the control. To me it was always sorta funny in that sense.

What it comes down to is, I give my best until you start for some reason giving me your worst. And I know when I go to Wal-Mart or CC, I don't ask an employee for help until a last resort; I don't expect them to be helpful. Doesn't really bother me (and they usually do end up being helpful I suppose), I just don't really expect them to know as much as I do... and maybe I make a mistake right there ;) Dang, I'm rambling. 2 AM is a bad time to post.

Oh, and hopstial workers, I don't know what you deal with, but you have my sympathy... I have a friend that's a nurse and she says the people can be extremely ridiculous and annoying (and smelly).

Thank God I work a cush job behind a computer now... hardly deal with stupid people at all...
About a week before Christmas, I had some woman rush me as I opened the door at work (at a college bookstore).

Woman: So will you LET ME IN?
Me: Sorry, we're not open for another 15 minutes.
M: Uh- as I said, if you wait 15 minutes you can come in.

My coworker says she pulled the exact same thing with him 10 minutes earlier. :roll:

When I went to open the store she rushed in.

M: It's this one right here.
W: Do you have anything longer? MY BOY IS TALL.
M: No. that's the longest one.
W: Oh okay.
*not two minutes later*
This cycle repeated at least four times. She even interrupted me as I was helping another customer to ask, yet again, if there was a longer sweatshirt because her boy was tall.

In the end she bought a pen and a blanket. :lol:
The other day we sold a copy of the Axis and Allies board game, when the guy that bought it got it home, he discovered it had a double set of Axis figures but no allies. We broke from tradition and let him return it (opened) for a full refund (normally we'd have him call the manufacturer to get the missing pieces).

After everyone treating him nice and catering to his every need what's his response?

"I won't be shopping here again, i just dont go back to someplace once ive had an issue."

So even though it wasn't our fault and we fixed it ASAP, this douche still complains.
Maybe its just me, but I HATE when I answer the phone at work and the customer asks me how I am doing? Its like, you know they don't care, and frankly I don't care to tell you and I am at work, how do you think I am doing?
[quote name='JDN169']The other day we sold a copy of the Axis and Allies board game, when the guy that bought it got it home, he discovered it had a double set of Axis figures but no allies. We broke from tradition and let him return it (opened) for a full refund (normally we'd have him call the manufacturer to get the missing pieces).

After everyone treating him nice and catering to his every need what's his response?

"I won't be shopping here again, i just dont go back to someplace once ive had an issue."

So even though it wasn't our fault and we fixed it ASAP, this douche still complains.[/quote]
People are so confusing. I mean, if I never shopped somewhere I've had the slightest problem at, well, it limits me to probably no where to shop. I've also never understood why customers continue to get mad after you take care of them completely or offer a solution to their problem. Are people really this messed up that they don't understand when something goes right?
[quote name='GrilledWitOnions']People are so confusing. I mean, if I never shopped somewhere I've had the slightest problem at, well, it limits me to probably no where to shop. I've also never understood why customers continue to get mad after you take care of them completely or offer a solution to their problem. Are people really this messed up that they don't understand when something goes right?[/QUOTE]

This is so true, and the fact is that you will come back to the store, no matter what. The employees know this. You have to shop SOMEWHERE because as human beings we are consumers and we need stuff. You might as well try to establish a good rapport with the employees in your local retail store so they don't look at you from the standpoint of a problem customer. If you make an effort to be nice they might actually be nice back!

If I start ruling out stores because I have had a single issue with them, or if I have an issue with the way they do their pricing then I would have no where to shop and I would be at the short end of the stick. If I have no where to shop then I lose because to get the lowest prices and the best deals you have to have a variety of places to shop and compare. If you limit yourself to one store then your going to be overpaying.

The only time I would get defensive or develop an attitude is if I had a real problem and the employee was giving me the runaround, and these instances are VERY few and far between, it probably happens less than once a year for me, more like once every 5 years. I also try not to create these situations by buying crap I don't need (so I don't have to return it) and by not buying extended warranties, which is where most of the problems with retail that I read about occur.
[quote name='SaraAB']This is so true, and the fact is that you will come back to the store, no matter what. The employees know this. You have to shop SOMEWHERE because as human beings we are consumers and we need stuff. You might as well try to establish a good rapport with the employees in your local retail store so they don't look at you from the standpoint of a problem customer. If you make an effort to be nice they might actually be nice back!

If I start ruling out stores because I have had a single issue with them, or if I have an issue with the way they do their pricing then I would have no where to shop and I would be at the short end of the stick. If I have no where to shop then I lose because to get the lowest prices and the best deals you have to have a variety of places to shop and compare. If you limit yourself to one store then your going to be overpaying.

The only time I would get defensive or develop an attitude is if I had a real problem and the employee was giving me the runaround, and these instances are VERY few and far between, it probably happens less than once a year for me, more like once every 5 years. I also try not to create these situations by buying crap I don't need (so I don't have to return it) and by not buying extended warranties, which is where most of the problems with retail that I read about occur.[/quote]
I hardly ever buy things if I have any doubt to wanting it or being able to keep it. I don't like to return items, and consider an item fully mine once bought. Of course, sometimes I go in with the intention of a rebuy and return situation (walmart is great for just taking back just about anything).

I've been thinking about the times I've had trouble with stores, and it's really not often. Amazon in particular, for how much I buy from them, I can't think of a time that they screwed up and it wasn't taken care of immediatly. Can't remember a time they got me upset. THAT'S how you run a business.
[quote name='rvdrock']Maybe its just me, but I HATE when I answer the phone at work and the customer asks me how I am doing? Its like, you know they don't care, and frankly I don't care to tell you and I am at work, how do you think I am doing?[/QUOTE]

must just be you, I am more than happy when a customer actually takes a few seconds to treat me like a human being.
The only times I've been too lazy to help customers are when I'm doing something that requires a sequence/lots of concentration or when I've dealt with someone particularly moronic. By not helping them, I mean not leading them by hand to what they want though. I never just brush customers off. It's true that most younger retail employees are just trying to earn money to buy whatever frivolous want they have but anyone that is actually outgoing/nice probably takes pride in their job. They should be treated respectfully atleast in kind.

As far as the moronic customers, it gets a little agitating to hear vaguely worded questions ALL DAY. Then they snap at you when you haven't the slightest clue what they hope to accomplish. Then when you finally figure out what they're even trying to do, they have no more information to give you.

"What kind of connections do you have on your TV in the back? Most laptops have all the same connections so connecting it to the TV is where it matters most."
"I dunno. It's a big one."

Then like clockwork, you hear the stupidest possible addendum they can muster because they realize how unprepared they are.

"I guess it needs to be digital too because of the switch..."

You think of the most simple and universal solution. Something that just has to work for this boneheaded person.

"Oh I was thinking of something else."
"Oh like what?"
"I don't know."

At that point they either just leave thinking that another dumb retail associate couldn't help them or actually sensible and return with more information later on at which point they get what they need. It's also possible too that if for some reason we don't carry it, they demand we tell them where else we can buy it. Sure, let me do a search for you. Which other store that I don't work at would you like me to call?
I've had people ask me where the internet is when I direct them to go to the website.

Also the famous "What does double Click mean" mean.

One of my favorites is people complaining when their update doesn't work and I have to explain they actually have to RUN the update, they can't just save it.
[quote name='Run L1ke H3LL']Your job requires you to be helpful, kind, and courteous to customers no matter what, even if they are ass-holes to you. So just deal with it.[/QUOTE]

I do my very best to be kind, helpful, and courteous. I draw the line at patronizing. If I KNOW we are out of something, I'm not spending the next 20 minutes digging through overstock to prove to Shoppy McGee we don't have it. I'll happily tell you why I know off the top of my head we don't have it, but that's all.


NO, you're NOT. The customer deserves a proper explaination when they're wrong, and maybe even an apology if the problem is crappy company policy. The customer gets the benefit of the doubt if the problem is a gray area. But they are NOT always right.
[quote name='GrilledWitOnions']I can see where you're coming from I think, and I think maybe we got the wrong idea... it just sounded like, "I will walk all over people in cust service and they should basically lie down and take it." I am now not so sure that's exactly what you were going for.

I agree on most points of trying to make a customer happy, but a lot of the time it comes down to "am I going to have a confrontation over something so damn petty".

I do remember the times that a customer would ask if X movie was in, I'd check; two minutes later, same question, go check... basically it's like a placebo, it sets them at ease. I can understand it, but at the same time, I think if someone said "I just checked for that not two minutes ago, I don't think we have it", I'd probably understand (but I can see myself asking pretty-please to check once more). But see, that's where some customers would IMMEDIATELY get mad. And frankly, at that point, I'm looking but not really looking. You just told me, you don't deserve it if it's here. It's petty; it's small; but so are you. You wanna have power over someone because they have to take it, but what you don't know is that they have most of the control. To me it was always sorta funny in that sense.

What it comes down to is, I give my best until you start for some reason giving me your worst. And I know when I go to Wal-Mart or CC, I don't ask an employee for help until a last resort; I don't expect them to be helpful. Doesn't really bother me (and they usually do end up being helpful I suppose), I just don't really expect them to know as much as I do... and maybe I make a mistake right there ;) Dang, I'm rambling. 2 AM is a bad time to post.

Oh, and hopstial workers, I don't know what you deal with, but you have my sympathy... I have a friend that's a nurse and she says the people can be extremely ridiculous and annoying (and smelly).

Thank God I work a cush job behind a computer now... hardly deal with stupid people at all...[/quote]

Working in a hospital can quickly go from real easy to crazy hectic in a matter of minutes. redshadow pretty much hit the nail on the head. One minute you're sitting there drinking coffee and reading CAG cuz you have nothing to do, the next thing you know you have a patient who's seizing and their family is yelling at you to do something. :bomb:
[quote name='Run L1ke H3LL']Everyone has a job and everyone hates doing it.[/quote]Sorry you feel that way, because I know so many people who love there jobs.
[quote name='DuelLadyS']NO, you're NOT. The customer deserves a proper explaination when they're wrong, and maybe even an apology if the problem is crappy company policy. The customer gets the benefit of the doubt if the problem is a gray area. But they are NOT always right.[/QUOTE]

I agree fully with all of this. To me what retail all comes down to is simply be respectful to one another period regardless if one is the employee or customer. However I do fully disagree with the "customer is always right" mentality that some customers (with massive egos) swing around like as if its a god damn given right. The better way that phrase should be put is "the customer is always FAIR when right." Since of course.... the customer can be wrong at times.

(Same goes to employees... but at least for me I'm more than forgiving if its a simple mistake or what not. No need to cry a river lol.)
Okay... does this mean that all the Hateraide is done with? Does this mean we can get back to funny retail employee stories? I'd like that very much thanks.
I had a guy call the other day at Family Video, he said he was trying to get onto our website and has been there before but they must have changed it. I know that the website didn't change because I usually look at it everyday to see the steal of the day. Well I tried to explain to him to click on the Shop Online button and can buy whatever he pleases. He then proceeds to tell me that he doesn't see that button on the website, so I asked him to tell me the options he can click. The options he gave were, Try Blockbuster online for $9.95, Rent Blu-Rays at Hollywood Video, and Rent from Netflix and Eliminate Late-Fees. I tried to explain to him maybe 10 or so times that, that is clearly not our website and he should check what URL he typed in. He assured me that he spelled right and that the website is just not what it used to be. Finally I just decided to agree with him and told him I would contact corporate to get the website to go back to what it was....

Eventually, he called back and apologized for wasting my time, he spelled family video wrong.
[quote name='Wil Is America']Eventually, he called back and apologized for wasting my time, he spelled family video wrong.[/quote]

I think some people got touchy because some of the "funny stories" really just sounded like impatient employees dealing with clueless customers who just wanted help. Especially with older customers there is still the idea that a store employee should be very well versed and informed on his/her products and they can go in completely clueless and get directed in the right direction. But with technology being what it is it is no longer as simple as saying "I don't get the TV channels, what do I need?."

Anyways - that's my take - but some of the stories are entertaining. I've had my fair share on both sides. I have experienced clueless employees tell me they don't have something only to find it myself! I also get peeved when I ask someone to check the computer for stock and they start looking through the store with me! Especially at Circuit City where their music section is never organized so I don't want to bother looking at a-z for a random CD they might or might not have.

As for funny stories - I worked at a McDonalds that happened to be at a gas station - not the best location - and we ran out of lettuce once!

Apparently lettuce is one of the few ingredients other than fat in McDonald's food and out of habit we would forget to tell the customers "by the way, we don't have lettuce" - so we spent a whole day with many returns/angry customers who couldn't eat their food without lettuce. We even had customers who cancelled their order even when NONE of their items had lettuce in them!!!

The craziest lady came at the end. She got a double cheeseburger and fries - no lettuce needed in either! She goes on to complain about it loudly, yelling! After 5-10 minutes she leaves only to COME BACK! She then demands bbq sauce. I can be nice and give it away free, but given her behavior (she was cursing too) I told her it was 35 cents a container (which it is) and she of course refused to pay. She cursed and yelled for a few more minutes and then proceeded to steal a Otis Meyer Muffin we had on display! She just grabbed it and ran out of the store! considering we had that same muffin on display for months I didn't care - but still!

We also had a regular who demanded her fries be cooked no longer than 3 minutes! She liked them soft and it was fine - but sometimes she would refuse them if we went over and the fries got too "hard!" Then there were the people who demanded everything be cooked fresh - it's store policy to cook fresh if asked - including fries, nuggets, etc. I never had a problem with that, but it would annoy me to know end when I JUST TOOK OUT a FRESH batch of something and the customer would refuse to believe me when I told them that the nuggets literally came out of the fryer and I then had to cook up another batch.

Then we had a person in the drive through who had their SUV fitted with 5 large tvs - ALL PLAYING PORN! Yep, didn't even bother to turn them off for the food run - so he's sitting in his car waiting for his food - his food gets there and he doesn't even roll down the window - just opens the car door a bit and sticks his hand out. After he leaves a girl I knew from middle school and her mom pull up with their jaws to the floor yelling "DID YOU SEE THAT!?!?!?" It was pretty funny.
[quote name='CheapLikeAFox']
The craziest lady came at the end. She got a double cheeseburger and fries - no lettuce needed in either! She goes on to complain about it loudly, yelling! After 5-10 minutes she leaves only to COME BACK! She then demands bbq sauce. I can be nice and give it away free, but given her behavior (she was cursing too) I told her it was 35 cents a container (which it is) and she of course refused to pay. She cursed and yelled for a few more minutes and then proceeded to steal a Otis Meyer Muffin we had on display! She just grabbed it and ran out of the store! considering we had that same muffin on display for months I didn't care - but still!

Wow. So she was rude and a muffin thief? Damn.
I wanna know if she tried to eat it- I can't imagine what that would be like.

If she comes back, refuse to serve her anything until she pays for the muffin. :lol:
To go along with the "Customer is Always Right" theme we've got going on here, thought I'd share a doozy I had today. I was walking around and got to the tv section when a guy catches me.
Douche: Where is that 520Hz tv you guys had?
Me: What? No, we've never had a 520Hz tv.
D: Yes you did, it was right here, philips, $1600 and 520Hz; where is it?
M: Well, we had one that was 120..
D: *interupting* No, not 120, you're not listening, it was 520Hz, I know what I'm talking about.
M: I don't think they even make those yet.
D: You had one right here, do you have anyone who knows what they're talking about?
*I start walking away to get a coworker to try to deal with him*
Me to coworker 5 feet away: Do you know of any 520Hz tv's?
Coworker: No, they don't make them.
Me: I know, can you talk to this guy?

So I walk away and go to break to cool down from the idiot. I come back and the guy is gone, and 10 minutes later one of the supervisors comes over and wants to chat to me. He starts to tell me that this guy got pissed that I walked away from him when I went to go get the coworker and that he may write a complaint that'd go on my record.
[quote name='sonderiaom']To go along with the "Customer is Always Right" theme we've got going on here, thought I'd share a doozy I had today. I was walking around and got to the tv section when a guy catches me.
Douche: Where is that 520Hz tv you guys had?
Me: What? No, we've never had a 520Hz tv.
D: Yes you did, it was right here, philips, $1600 and 520Hz; where is it?
M: Well, we had one that was 120..
D: *interupting* No, not 120, you're not listening, it was 520Hz, I know what I'm talking about.
M: I don't think they even make those yet.
D: You had one right here, do you have anyone who knows what they're talking about?
*I start walking away to get a coworker to try to deal with him*
Me to coworker 5 feet away: Do you know of any 520Hz tv's?
Coworker: No, they don't make them.
Me: I know, can you talk to this guy?

So I walk away and go to break to cool down from the idiot. I come back and the guy is gone, and 10 minutes later one of the supervisors comes over and wants to chat to me. He starts to tell me that this guy got pissed that I walked away from him when I went to go get the coworker and that he may write a complaint that'd go on my record.[/quote]

Even though the guy was an idiot and completely in the wrong - if you do get a complaint written up it is your fault - you should have said "one second" or "let me go get another employee" before you turned around and walked away. it would have saved you the problem and you have to know part of the reason you didn't was to screw with him.
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