Rhythm Heaven


182 (100%)
So who here is actually planning to get this game when it comes out? I am highly debating. The artwork/mini games reminds me a lot of Warioware and I am a sucker for Nintendo games, but not sure what this really offers as far as game content and how long it will actually keep my attention, or will I lose it as fast as when I played Warioware Touched. Hopefully everything will be great in the end. Decisions decisions.
[quote name='Nohbdy']You're debating whether or not to get one of the best games ever made? Shame.[/quote]

It hasnt been released in North America yet, so its not exactly like I would know if it was good or not. Only watched previews and etc. Looks pretty fun, but not like I have played it which is why I could use some input. And from your quote, I am taking a stab in the dark you fancy it :p
It's an amazing game. It's much better than Warioware in my opinion. If you enjoyed Warioware and you enjoy music or rhythm games I'd say you'll love Rhythm Heaven.
To answer your question:

I preordered it a few weeks ago from Amazon for $24.99.

Never played it, but I've seen videos of Rhythm Tengoku enough to make me salivate at the style and substance.
[quote name='Kerig']To answer your question:

I preordered it a few weeks ago from Amazon for $24.99.

Never played it, but I've seen videos of Rhythm Tengoku enough to make me salivate at the style and substance.[/quote]

Yeah, it looks pretty fun, and a lot like Warioware as far as the kinds of games and also the artwork, and it does seem entertaining. Just not sure how much I want to put into this though, if I want to purchase this on release or should I wait til it drops around $15 or so on a sale. Hard to decide ~_~
I got the japanese version, and it is a thrill. Just a word of warning, the game can get freaking hard. If you can't keep a beat, or have no rhythm altogether, this game may not be for you.

I'm not sure what changes they have made for the US version, but the japanese version is a really funny game.
[quote name='Nohbdy']You're debating whether or not to get one of the best games ever made? Shame.[/QUOTE]

:D You mean they're bringing over the GBA original!?

:whistle2:( Of course not.
[quote name='shlby']I'm not sure what changes they have made for the US version, but the japanese version is a really funny game.[/quote]

This is what I want to know. I have Rhythm Tengoku for the GBA so I know what the game is all about but I don't want to pick up Rhythm Heaven if it's lost some of it's charm during the translation.
It would be amazing if they included the original game as a final unlockable for us.

There's always the chance of it showing on DSiWare now too.
[quote name='Kerig']To answer your question:

I preordered it a few weeks ago from Amazon for $24.99.

Never played it, but I've seen videos of Rhythm Tengoku enough to make me salivate at the style and substance.[/QUOTE]

Preorder from Amazon? Doesn't that mean you will have it in your hands in about 3 months?

I am going to pick this one up from the store when I grab a DSi.
My wife and I were cracking up every single time the first two singers looked at you sideways after messing up the timing.

Later, my wife was playing the demo and my son walked in and watched as she played. I glanced over a minute later and both of them were bobbing their heads to the beat. Looked like 'A Night at the Roxbury'.
Played the demo. Very reminiscent of WarioWare, which is a good thing. I was having a blast by the first level. However, from my short time with it, for a light-hearted game it can be pretty unforgiving. For example, in the Glee Club level, if you slip up just a little and aren't in perfect harmony with the other singers, they'll give you that cursed dirty look. :cry: There were times where they made me scream with rage!

Really fun demo, definitely got me interested in buying it when before there was zero interest

I also recommend the TrackMania demo up there, I liked that too.
I don't like retarded Japanese shit so I'm kind of torn on this game. It looks like fun but I'm not sure I'll be into it.

The fact that it's endorsed by Beyonce doesn't help, either.
[quote name='bmachine']I don't like retarded Japanese shit so I'm kind of torn on this game. It looks like fun but I'm not sure I'll be into it.

The fact that it's endorsed by Beyonce doesn't help, either.[/QUOTE]

Hi, shut up and play.
They included the one with the 3 singing guys?

I've played the game to completion, and IMO that is one of the worst two games in the game.

Just FYI, if that one turns you off.
[quote name='Rocko']They included the one with the 3 singing guys?

I've played the game to completion, and IMO that is one of the worst two games in the game.

Just FYI, if that one turns you off.[/quote]
Yeah. It's cool, I liked it, it was just a little aggravating. Thanks for the heads up
Yeah, I feel like that particular game was difficult and a little too open-ended to be fun... I just didn't think there was a lot of rhythm involved. So, for anyone playing the demo to decide if you want the game, please don't base your decision off of that game. I'd hate to see someone skip this game due to that. It's such an awesome game. :]
I liked the first game in the demo, but I hated the Glee Club level - far too punishing. My sense of rhythm is just OK when when there's no regular or predictable pattern, but this game requires you be absolutely perfectly accurate to the millisecond. If "Glee Club" at all exemplified the play experience, I would definitely pass.
I've already played thru the import.

my honest take on it... compared to the GBA rhythm tengoku... it sucks.

Similar to how Wario Touch sucked ass compared to the first 2, Tengoku DS jus feels like an uninspired 'upgrade' of the original.

the remix stages at the end are so bad too, nothing but disappointment considering in the first game they did a much better job of mashing stages together.
I liked Rhythm Tengoku Gold a lot more than the GBA game.

I felt like it was more interactive and interesting.
What's the best rating you can get for the Glee Club? I got a 'superb' last night. Not too hard if you stay focused on the rhythm and beat.

For those who have played through the import...regardless of whether you liked it or not...surely the difficulty ramps up? I could see getting bored if the difficulty stays at the level of the demo.
I played the demo again, just to see if my second impressions would be any different, and I've decided the title is wrong. Based on the demo, it should be called Rhythm Hell.

It's just not fun. With great games like Bit.Trip beat, Elite Beat Agents, and Rock Band 2 floating around, it's difficult for me to justify spending more money on a rhythm game, however polished, that makes me want to throw my DS Lite out of a moving car.
Square: I canceled my preorder from Amazon 2 minutes ago.

After hearing more about it, I realized it's just not worth $25. Especially now that so many people will be buying this from Amazon for $16 with their DSi, which means it will be easy Goozex fodder.

I love WarioWare Inc. & Twisted, but after less than 48 hours with Touched, I'm done & ready to sell it. I have a feeling RH won't last more than a week for me.
Wait, what? People find this game difficult?

I am thoroughly perplexed. The game was definitely really simple but still extremely fun until you finish all the games and unlock the harder versions, where it gets a little more difficult but still manageable.

I kind of feel like this is a case where a demo is actually detrimental.
lol yeay, this game is easy as shyt. if u think this game is hard, omg stop sucking so much lol.

the thing is, since stylus control is not as precise as pressing buttons, the game has A LOT of room for error when keeping up with the rhythm.

in Tengoku GBA, getting all perfect on certain stages meant a shyt load of retries. This game, not at all.
Yeah, I did notice in Glee Club that I could stop singing a full beat before the other 2 stopped singing without getting "the look." Probably more forgiving than it should be.
[quote name='JEKKI']in Tengoku GBA, getting all perfect on certain stages meant a shyt load of retries. This game, not at all.[/QUOTE]

That's a good point, I recently started replaying Tengoku GBA since all this talk about Tengoku Gold had me in the mood, and it is a lot more difficult. I guess I kind of forgot.
After playing through the demo a handful of times I'm disappointed. Felt like a twitchy, trial-and-error slog. I was expecting more fun. Maybe it was the choice of levels. I usually love rhythm games and the music/visual style of RH is right down my alley, but "MEH" all around for this one. I expected the demo sell me on the game's premise, not turn me off to it.
Reviews are coming in. giantbomb gave it 5/5 and Wired gave it a 9/10. Those two scores haven't been added to Metacritic yet, but that's at 83/100 w/ 5 critic reviews so far. Will be interesting to see how different the user votes are. LINK

I will definitely be getting this title...but I'll wait for it to get a little cheaper.
I would if it was $10 cheaper. I imagine the game will sit shrinkwrapped on my shelf for 3 months anyway.
I watched someone play it on a webcast last night. It was great.

It also made me think that Sega could make some major bank with Space Channel 5 DS. Bet they havent even thought of it yet, because they are dumb.
Just picked it up at GS last night after trading in Mercenaries 2 (my god that was a horrible game) and using a GC left over from xmas. This game is so good. I managed to gold the first set, but the second set is a helluva lot harder.
Maybe I'll have to try the US version... I feel like they may have changed it. Rhythm Tengoku Gold was a cake walk.
It took me about a dozen tries to "just OK" the first game. I must suck quite a bit, though part of that was getting a handle on what they wanted out of the flick mechanism. Requiring something like 90% accuracy just to advance is pretty surprising (fairly sure I only missed two).
[quote name='Rocko']Maybe I'll have to try the US version... I feel like they may have changed it. Rhythm Tengoku Gold was a cake walk.[/quote]

There were some easy stages, and some harder stages, sure. I'm not sure if you could call it a "cake walk" though. I still have problems with the black/white marching guys. Switching between the beats and off-beats is rough. I don't know if I'll ever perfect that one. :(
bread's done