Right Stuf Geneon Remix Sale (DEAD)


28 (100%)
www.rightstuf.com Geneon DVDs. Click on the search that says Geneon Remix in the top right corner to see what's in the sale and what isn't.

10 for $50 Coupon Code: REMIX10
25 for $100 Coupon Code: REMIX25

You must have the specified amount of DVDs for this to work.

Suggestions? Need filler? Here's some DVDs.

1 DVD Filler: Akira Deluxe Edition, Artimage Double Pack, Patlabor Movie 3 XIII LE, Para Para Mix 1, 2, 3 (CDs) Yuki Kaijura's Fiction (CD, she does all the music for .Hack, Noir, etc...), either Hellsing soundtrack.
2 DVD Filler: Magical Project S 1-2
3 DVD Filler: Tsukihime Lunar Legend 1-3, Someday's Dreamer 1-3

Other series suggestions:
Legend of Black Heaven: 1-4
Paranoia Agent: 1-4
New Getter Robo (with artbox): 1-4
Read or Die TV: 1-7
Gungrave: 1-7
Last Exile: 1-7 (with CD or artbox & figure)
Fighting Spirit: 1-13, 15 (Missing volume 14)

Need a different suggestion (or want me to add one), ask in the thread!
I finally had one of my last two orders ship, but I noticed that one DVD (Paranoia Agent Vol. 4) is marked "Cancelled by manufacturer". Everything else shipped, but it looks as if I got shortchanged 1 dvd?! Has anyone else had this? Im going to email them to see if I can get a different dvd in return.
[quote name='iceman887']I finally had one of my last two orders ship, but I noticed that one DVD (Paranoia Agent Vol. 4) is marked "Cancelled by manufacturer". Everything else shipped, but it looks as if I got shortchanged 1 dvd?! Has anyone else had this? Im going to email them to see if I can get a different dvd in return.[/quote]

Yeah, send an email and they should allow a substituion. In their newsletter they mention the Star Ocean Vol 1 + Artbox being cancelled and to e-mail them if you didn't want just the Vol 1 dvd. Should be able to do the same with anything else.
I got my final order today, but they shipped me the wrong item. I ordered Star Ocean Vol 1 + Artbox, and they only sent me Vol 1. They even put the wrong item on the invoice, despite every "we're working on it" email displaying the correct item. I'm hoping this isn't as painful as I've heard some people's stories on here be.
Read the post right above yours. Their latest newsletter they said that they couldn't fill the Star Ocean EX artbox orders, so they've been swapped with just the V1.
[quote name='EXStrike']Read the post right above yours. Their latest newsletter they said that they couldn't fill the Star Ocean EX artbox orders, so they've been swapped with just the V1.[/quote]
Sorry we posted at the same time. It wasn't there when I read it.
[quote name='MrNEWZ']I totally agree on the anime. My boxed set madness was referring to the post by FlamedLiquid. Singles seem to be all you CAN get from RightStuf in these sales, so apologies for the assumption and not being more specific. ;-)[/QUOTE]

I prefer singles because The more extras an item has, the more my mind is convinced its worth it, therefore more its worth once I flip it to someone else.

Thats why Artboxes are like gold to me, icing on the cake. but cake wouldnt be without icing.
I just got a call from the lovely and talented Amanda at TRSI. There was a system glitch, everyone's Paranoia Agent IV was marked as cancelled in the computer, but they are shipping them out in a separate package. You should be fine.

The one series I did sell on Ebay, I didn't make much if anything on, even counting shipping.

I like boxsets if they're cheaper and don't remove anything like some of ADV's thinpaks, but I don't mind singles if I'm getting them for four bucks a disk.
Fourth order shipped, but I'm still waiting on my third order. Blech, fourth order was mostly getting volumes I need to fill miss volumes or just shit I wanted for panels or blogging. Lame.
Got my Fighting Spirits order in today, and my last order that was waiting on Stylvia has shipped as well. :)

My Ghost In The Shell: Stand-Alone Complex should be here tomorrow too from the "vengeance" sale. ;)
My Ultramaniac 4&5 shipped :D

That's the last of my orders... now I'm just waiting on the ROD the TV vol.1 my sister ordered for me. (Which sucks, because I won't know when it's shipped since I don't have access to her account. Hope it comes soon...)
2nd order is shipped. I'm waiting on three RoD dvds for the first. Nothing wrong with waiting, when I'm short about $70 in my account right now anyway.
Well, it took quite a while for them to get the items in stock (and they actually shipped my second order first), but once they shipped them (Friday) I got it pretty quick (today). No complaints. My Heat Guy J box even came with an extra supplementals disk I didn't expect.
It was like Christmas again today. =E

The Armitage figure and the R.O.D. vol. 7 figure are pretty cool. Only complaint is that so many of the items in the this order held it up so long that my Star Ocean EX box was replaced with another regular volume 1. =/ Oh, and my Stellvia tin has sticky crap all over the top from the stupid sticker. Oh, and my lunchbox has a dent in it...Oh, and...OK that's enough complaining. :)

Can't wait to get my last box! I hope they do this again soon! Please Shawne get Bandai or Funimation on board. Surely, they are trying to clearance too (i.e. Big Lots! and f.y.e. sales).

Worst case...go, go Christmas sale!
Finally got another order in (one to go). They cancelled my Paranoia Agent VOl.4 but were happy to switch it out for another Geneon DVD. Overall, they have been very helpful and I look forward to another sale :).
I got tired of waiting and called them up. I'm told that my order finally shipped today. Fighting Spirit, here I come!

Don't think anyone got the Artbox for Star Ocean. It was the only thing holding my order for about 2 weeks before they said they are replacing it with just vol 1.

Weee 4th and Final Order shipped.
Well, my Stellvia tin was missing Disc 1. It had all the thin dvd cases in there, but the one that was supposed to hold Disc 1 was empty. It says on the tin that it's supposed to come with Volume 1. I emailed rightstuf and I'll follow-up with a call tomorrow to see what's up. Did this happen to anyone else? I'm guessing it's just a random miss in the packaging.
[quote name='moiety']Well, my Stellvia tin was missing Disc 1. It had all the thin dvd cases in there, but the one that was supposed to hold Disc 1 was empty. It says on the tin that it's supposed to come with Volume 1. I emailed rightstuf and I'll follow-up with a call tomorrow to see what's up. Did this happen to anyone else? I'm guessing it's just a random miss in the packaging.[/QUOTE]
Wow, no I got my disc one in the tin. That sucks.
And Fighting Spirit is getting a box release. My awesome order of three DVDs from the show officially sucks. Shit.....
[quote name='furyk']And Fighting Spirit is getting a box release. My awesome order of three DVDs from the show officially sucks. Shit.....[/QUOTE]
I just saw that today too. I still spent less money than buying both boxsets, so it doesn't bother me.
[quote name='Sofa King Kool']*Edit* ^ Nice avy, I just started watching that.

I'm assuming this deal isn't still in play...[/QUOTE]

lol. You have assumed right. Ended like a month and a half ago.

My order finally shipped today, which included Akira Deluxe Special Edition that been holding my order for like forever. But at least it finally shipped! :cool:
Well I spoke with a rep and he said that (luckily) they have another tin in stock, so I just have to return the one I got and they will send out another one. Fine with me, just want to have the disc! I was worried that they wouldn't have any more of the Tin + Vol 1.

Edit: A scratch that. Just got a call back, they are going to send the single disc instead of doing a swap, which is what I was hoping for.
Finally got my R.O.D. the TV 2-7 and Haibane Renmei 1-4 Saturday. Haven't watched any of them, but they are all opened and ready to go.
Finally! All six orders accounted for!

The sad thing is they were holding up my last order forever, just because one DVD was holding it up...the ironic thing is they just sent me a "replacement" for Star Ocean EX 1...and they sent it in a different package (although they both arrived yesterday). Meh. I'm happy. Couldn't be happier with the condition/price/service.
If anyone missed out on any of the Fighting Spirit DVDs, they are now in the bargain bin for $6.99 (after the sale they were ~$26). I snagged #9, which was the only one that I missed.
bread's done